Problems with continueToOriginalDestination?

2011-01-03 Thread Daniel Peters


i just wanted to ask if anybody else has problems with 
Component.continueToOriginalDestination() at the moment...
For me it only works as expected until 1.4.12 , but all later versions (.13 to .15) return false and the following code 
just sends the user to the application homepage:

if (!continueToOriginalDestination())

The only diffrence is the wicket-version and I can reproduce it in my app. But before I build a quickstart, i wanted to 
ask here if anybody else noticed it... I think it's weird that I can't find another bugreport about it... :/

Some basic infos: Browser=FF, Root-Context or not doesn't make a diffrence


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wicket 1.4.15 released

2011-01-03 Thread Daniel Peters

On 27.12.2010 19:15, Daan van Etten wrote:

One thing I noticed: the release tag is not (yet?) created in SVN.

I just noticed that too. does not exist.


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Job for Wicket Developer in Berlin/Germany

2010-10-15 Thread Daniel Peters


my employer is currently looking for one new fulltime Java/Wicket-Developer in 

For those who are interested, here is the link to the job description: (sorry, it's in german only)

Please don't reply to me directly, but instead to the address mentioned on the 
job page.

best regards,

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Re: String not serializable exception coming for interned strings from Model with JRockit/Weblogic

2010-08-02 Thread Daniel Peters

Hello Janos,

i have the excactlty the same problem with Wicket and JRockit R28.
The only way to fix it, was to go back to JRockit R27.

Hopefully they will fix it soon, the new R28.0.1 still has the problem.
A collegue of mine will do a post in the Oracle forums now.


On 08.07.2010 14:09, Janos Cserep wrote:

The following seems to be a bug with JRockit or Weblogic, but maybe
someone on this list has seen it before and has a better

We have been developing a Wicket application for a government agency
that is going to be used by 15k users. The application will be
deployed on a Weblogic cluster running on JRockit and Red Hat.

We have been experiencing strange "Model object not serializable"
exceptions coming from Model and traced it back to interned (by the
compiler) String  objects becoming not serializable after hitting the
server with a few hundred parallel users. Once the exception occurs
for a given String reference it keeps coming consistently for that

The current workaround is a custom Model class that has an overrided
setObject method which checks the object if it's instanceof
Serializable and if the check fails it sets new String(object) on the
Model. This eliminates the exceptions but would like a better solution
to the problem.

Has anyone seen anything like this?

Thanks and regards,


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Daniel Peters

Idealo Internet GmbH
Fon +49 30 40301033
Fax +49 30 28598351
Zionskirchstr. 73, 10119 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Martin Sinner, Dr. Albrecht v. Sonntag HRB 76749
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
USt.-ID: DE813070905 | | |

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Re: Does AjaxSelfUpdatingBehavior simulate user actions and prevent session from expiration?

2010-03-16 Thread Daniel Peters

Martin Asenov wrote:

In my webapp it looks like the session never expires, although I've set timeout 
of 30 seconds. But I have a digital
clock in my right lower corner of the screen, that has an 
AjaxSelfUpdatingBehavior activated on it. Does it simulate
user actions, that may cause session not to expiry?

As other people already wrote, this keeps your session alive.
I dont know what kind of "clock" you have on your page, but you should consider to update it with plain Javascript 

If you want it to show the server-time, initialize it one time and let JS 
increase it each second with a timer.


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Re: A massive flaw in my understanding of Wicket

2009-03-06 Thread Daniel Peters
Hi tristan,

try adding setRedirect(true) before calling setResponsePage. I think that 
should work:

public TestLogoutPage()
setRedirect(true); // <---


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Re: Change Year in DatePicker

2009-01-28 Thread Daniel Peters
Luca Provenzani wrote:

 > i use org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DateField as DatePicker.
> with wicket 1.3.0
> But when i open datePicker on my webpage i can't change year, i can only
> change the months.
> Does someone know how to configure DateField to do this?  is it possible?
extend DatePicker and override one method:

protected boolean enableMonthYearSelection() {
  return true;

(not sure about version 1.3.0, but it worked in 1.3.5 and 1.4)

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Re: Set width of auto complete text field?

2009-01-21 Thread Daniel Peters
Jeremy Thomerson wrote:
> Any one?
> Thank you,
You can use the CSS keyword "!important" to override the wicket definition.

Here is what I use in my app to format the autocomplete-fields:

div.wicket-aa-container {width:auto !important;}
div.wicket-aa {background-color: white;border:1px solid #ccc;padding: 
div.wicket-aa ul {list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0;}
div.wicket-aa ul li {padding:1px 5px 1px 5px;}
div.wicket-aa ul li.selected {background-color:#ff6600}


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Re: Adding jquery effects to paging navigator

2008-12-05 Thread Daniel Peters
Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:

> just noticed I forgot to add the behavior to the link, but still the
> javascript does not show up..
I know your mail was some time ago, but I just had the same problem and found a 
solution. Maybe it helps somebody else
in future... The problem is that the fadeOut() method doesnt "block". It 
executes and immediately afterwards the wicket
ajax-code is called. Which means you never see your wanted effects. Solution: 
use the jQuery callback-parameter.

let newValue return for example:
String.format("$('#%s').fadeOut('normal', function(){ %s });", 
topContainer.getMarkupId(), current);


> Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
>> How can I modify the onclick attribute of the links in the
>> AjaxPagingNavigator? I override newPagingNavigationLink in my ajax
>> paging navigator as shown below, but my javascript is not prepended. I
>> want to add JQuery fadeout code before wicketAjaxGet:
>> @Override
>>protected Link newPagingNavigationLink(String arg0, IPageable arg1,
>> int arg2) {
>>AjaxPagingNavigationLink l = (AjaxPagingNavigationLink)
>> super.newPagingNavigationLink(arg0, arg1, arg2);
>>String onClickJavascript =
>> "jQuery('#"+topContainer.getMarkupId()+"').fadeOut('slow');";
>>AttributeModifier am = new AttributeModifier("onclick", new
>> Model(onClickJavascript)) {
>>protected String newValue(String current, String
>> replacement) {
>>// prepend javascript before ajax call..
>>return replacement + current;
>>return l;
>> Serkan Camurcuoglu wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I want to add some decoration to AjaxPagingNavigator. I want the
>>> current page to fade out and the new page to fade in when the user
>>> clicks next. I'm thinking of using JQuery for effects. Can anybody
>>> show me some pointers to achieve this?

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AutoCompleteTextField in 1.4-SNAPSHOT

2008-05-21 Thread Daniel Peters


i'm trying to implement an AutoCompleteTextField that selects from a List of POJOs. In my example i want to select an 
Artist from a Database. (see code at end of the mail)

I ran into two problems there...

1.) generic implementation
all classes are generic and of type "Artist", but AutoCompleteTextField's getModelObject() returns String althought it 
should return Artist. (see comment in code below with "ClassCastException".
Maybe it is wanted that the autocompletetextfield only returns String as Object, but then the generic implementation has 

I really would like it to get a POJO back, so i wont have to retrieve it 
manually by the selected string again.

2.) the default selection is not put through the given IAutoCompleteRenderer.
When i load my form, the return value of my POJO's .toString() method is value 
of the textfield. (which can be alot of text)
It should use the renderer for the deault selection too.

best regards,

final IAutoCompleteRenderer cr = new 
AbstractAutoCompleteTextRenderer() {
protected String getTextValue(Artist object) {
return object.getName().getName();

final AutoCompleteTextField field =
new AutoCompleteTextField("ac", new 
Model(new SingleArtistBean()), cr) {
protected Iterator 
getChoices(String input) {
final List artists = new 
// stripped in this mail... 
getting artists in here from DAO
return artists.iterator();

field.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
log.debug("selection model: " + 

// java.lang.ClassCastException:
// java.lang.String cannot be cast to 
Artist a = field.getModelObject();  



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