RE: Wicket cannot find id in inner enclosure...but has no problem in outer one!!!

2012-04-16 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Hi, can anyone tell me any other alternative of enclosure if the above 
> problem cant be bugged out??

You can do explicitly what the enclosure does more conveniently, by using a 
WebMarkupContainer where isvisible() delegates to the child's isVisible().

- Tor Iver

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RE: How to embedded CheckBox in the DropDownChoice Options

2012-04-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I want to embedded CheckBox in the DropDownChoice Options so that I can 
> select multi options in the page.

Browsers render multiple-select controls differently, adding checkboxes to a 
DropDownChoice (single-select) makes no sense since the browser will be sending 
one value anyway.

Look into using ListMultipleChoice or CheckBoxMultipleChoice when you need more 
than onle select value.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Wicket 1.5 markup id for a reused TextField is the same

2012-04-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> In 1.4 version of wicket there was no impact, but in 1.5.5 the id is not 
> overwritten by wicket.

Presumably they changed it so that it would work as a markup equivalent to 
setMarkupId(), though I haven't checked the changes list to verify that. :)

- Tor Iver

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RE: Accessing .properties file

2012-03-30 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Coiuld u please give me a sample of the code for the pom.xml for accessing 
> .properties file

Not sure what you mean, you don't usually put code in pom.xml. Look into 
configuring the  elements to include the correct file types and 

- Tor Iver

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RE: Accessing .properties file

2012-03-30 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I am using netbeans for maven project(with added wicket framework) and i want 
> to access from a java class.

Are the properties files not being put into the output jar/war files?

Remember that Maven by default sets up a structure where *.java goes into 
src/main/java and everything else goes into src/main/resources. So the latter 
should have the file.

- Tor Iver

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2012-03-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Additionally you can put in its own jar and put it in 
> $tomcat/lib.

That's the default for Tomcat 6+, but formally the location for shared 
classpath entries is defined in the property common.loader in 
$tomcat/conf/ So e.g. to "re-establish" the older structure 
with common/classes etc. you would edit this entry accordingly.

- Tor Iver

RE: Creating a submit form which takes date and a string as input and displays the data from database(mysql) using simple jdbc

2012-03-27 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I want to know how to input date into database using form. I am using 
> Timestamp in mysql.

The Wicket-related psrt of that question is that you use a TextField with 
a model, and you then get the model object value in onSubmit() and use normal 
SQL to insert or update.

- Tor Iver

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RE: AjaxIndicatingDropDownChoice

2012-03-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> How do I change the cursor to Wait as long as the spinner is also spinning?

Use CSS (cursor: progress;) for the element used as the busy indicator, either 
on id or on class with or without the :hover pseudoclass.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Could not find child with id: cart:prezzo in the wicket:enclosure

2012-03-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Last cause: Could not find child with id: cart:prezzo in the wicket:enclosure

You are running into an issue with repeaters: Their subelements have the index 
as part of the path, so the relative element id for the first row element would 
be "cart:0:prezzo" - and with no rows there is no element for the enclosure to 
test anyway

My suggestion would be to replace the wicket:enclosure with a 
WebMarkupContainer where you test for the existence of any rows (e.g. 
cart.getModelObject().size() > 0) in isVisible().

- Tor Iver

RE: mouseover in wicket

2012-03-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> is possible to create mouseover and show tooltip (wicket panel with html) 
> when I move cursor over html element/text/link. Is there any way how to do it 
> in wicket?

I have used the wicketstuff Mootip extensions to do that earlier, worked fine. 
Only drawback was that the MootipBehaviour constructors took String instead of 
IModel so we needed to "localize" at the time of adding them (not a 
problem in our case though). Note: So far we use Wicket 1.4, not tested this 
with 1.5. 

- Tor Iver

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RE: Homepage runs 2 times if I mount it as /

2012-03-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> /;jsessionid=6730E8A6F6FED95C9AC24E7A37F3A35A?0

This is added by the web container in case the browser does not support 
cookies. It is added on the first response regardless, and also on subsequent 
ones if the browser does not accept cookies, or you turn it off (e.g. using 
cookies="false" in the context.xml for Tomcat)

- Tor Iver

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RE: Serialize exceptions

2012-03-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Hi I get a serialize exception in a panel of mine its correct that one of the 
> contained fields cannot be serialized, however this field are injected and 
> should not be touched by the checker, the field are marked with the @inject  
> annotation. I'm using guice for injection.. Any thing obvious wrong with this?

Java serialization does not care for that annotation, only whether it is 
declared transient or sports the Serializable marker interface. Frankly it 
baffles me that they didn't just default to letting everything be serializable 
and let the programmer deal with stuff that's not supposed to be, since it 
otherwise just causes endless exceptions and adding an otherwise pointless 
interface inheritance...

- Tor Iver

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RE: Control panels through Ajax

2012-03-14 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I´m really new to web programming, so how should that solve my Problem? If I 
> got it right the mediator does only know the colleagues which would be Panels 
> in my case. But the methods of these colleague Panels are hidden because of 
> inheritance (myPanel is child of Panel). Could you describe this solution a 
> bit deeper?

In general terms:

class A extends Panel {

private ABMediator mediator;

add(new AjaxLink("theLink") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

class B extends Panel {

// ...

public methodForTheMediator(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// Do something

class ABMediator {
private A a;
private B b;

// ...

public void callIntoB(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
b. methodForTheMediator(target);

You could also leave out passing around the target and instead get it using 
AjaxRequestTarget.get(). As you see, the method invoked on B is public in this 

- Tor Iver

RE: Control panels through Ajax

2012-03-14 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> My problem is how to redirect the ajax target from one Panel to the other.

If Panel A needs to invoke anything in Panel B then Panel A should have a 
reference to Panel B (or to a mediator object that knows about it), and send 
the AjaxRequestTarget (which applies to the entire Page's component structure) 
so that (the mediator or) Panel B can add the required component to it.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Tree onClick() question...

2012-03-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> My question is why is target always null in the onClick handler? 

Typically that happens for AjaxFallback* components when the click is not an 
Ajax request, e.g. the user has disabled Javascript. In those cases target is 
null and the whole page will be rendered in the (normal) response.

- Tor Iver

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2012-03-07 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
>   Now , i am changing browser language from IE. I am able to get 
> message from properties file for label and another things. But i am still 
> unable to show above alert message in  different languages. Can you solve 
> this problem. Please reply soon. 

Typically, you would do this by generating the Javascript in a model that can 
pick up resource strings e.g. 
String.format("alert('%s')",getString("session-timeout-message")) or using 
other string substitution mechanisms.

-  Tor Iver 

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RE: Customizing AjaxIndicatorAppender and indicator

2012-03-06 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> See org.apache.wicket.ajax.IAjaxIndicatorAware. With this you can provide 
> your own indicator which will be shown/hidden before/after the Ajax request

I think the poster wants to use "visibility: hidden" instead of "display: none" 
for when it is not shown (the "taking up space" requirement).

- Tor Iver

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RE: How to skip a page on back button

2012-03-01 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Is there any way to skip a page using back button. i.e.

> Forward sequence: HomePage->Page1->Page2

If the link from Page1 to Page2 is a Javascript link that does a 
location.replace('url for Page2') the browser should not remember Page1 in the 
history, if memory serves. Removing from the PageMap is probably something you 
need to handle as a consequence of the link though.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Component specific JavaScript

2012-02-19 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Thanks a lot. One last stupid question: is this supposed to work for Wicket 
> 1.4?

Doubful, the event system was added in 1.5

- Tor Iver

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RE: refresh and AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2012-02-14 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Thus the browser still shows the old version in the URL. But all future Ajax 
> requests are targetting a different page version than visible in the browser 
> URL :(.

Can't you fix that with a 


in the Ajax request handler?

- Tor Iver

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RE: Serving different content depending on User Agent

2012-02-13 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Could someone explain the meaning of the string argument to 
> Session.setStyle()? 

It's used in parsing resource names, and often in code as well, e.g. hiding 
detail views for mobile browsing.

If you have a Locale of "no_NO" and a style of "mobile" Wicket will look for 
e.g. MyPage_mobile_no_NO.html etc.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Get the Wicket Session from HttpServletSession

2012-02-13 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> What about the part that would solve my problem -- 
> wicket:wicket.wicketapp:session , do I just use that or there is some higher 
> order function available :)

WebApplication. getSessionAttributePrefix(WebRequest, String) seems to set it, 
but afterwards it's harder to get at: But once set you can get it using null 
values for the parameters.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Get the Wicket Session from HttpServletSession

2012-02-13 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I dont understand why "WebSession" is not a derivative of the native session 
> and while from Wicket, one can access the raw session or request, the other 
> way round doesn't seem part of officially charted waters.

Because a Wicket session can be stored elsewhere if you want. Storing it in the 
Http session is just the default.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Serving different content depending on User Agent

2012-02-13 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver

> I would like to know what is the best way to serve slightly different content 
> depending on the User Agent string coming from the browser.

You can pick it up in Application.newRequestCycle() or 
WebApplication.newWebRequest(), and use it to pick a value for 
Session.setStyle() and then use that style in your template- and resource 
names. For more advanced selection of content, use the selected value in a 
custom URL mapper.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Problem DatePicker, ModalWindow and IE8

2012-02-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> When i put my mouse over one of those buttons (close or change month), i 
> don't have the "pointer" cursor and when i click it does nothing.

Welcome to the wonderful world of IE compatibility mode.

You probably need to add a DOCTYPE declaration to the top of your HTML:";>"; 

- Tor Iver

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RE: Wicket in a Dot Net World

2012-02-08 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I don't suppose anyone has ported Wicket to .NET? 

What, and lose all the "non-designable" ASP.Net or Razor goodness? :)

- Tor Iver 

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RE: MulitFileUploadField looses state after validation error

2012-02-06 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
No, the only workaround is probably to do the FileUpload logic during 
validation, and "flag" the upload field as completed somehow (or just show that 
files have been uploaded)

- Tor Iver

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Meier [] 
Sent: 6. februar 2012 14:34
Subject: MulitFileUploadField looses state after validation error

Hi everyone

Little advice needed: I have a Form with several TextField's and a 
MultiFileUploadField. If you select some files to upload and enter some text in 
the TextFields - after the submit everything is fine.
Now if in case some TextField fire a validation error and the page is rendered 
again, you have to select the files to upload one more time. Is there any 
possibility to keep the state as long as validation errors occur?
Btw same problem wit FileUploadField.

Using wicket 1.5.3.


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RE: Populate DropDownChoice, set Object Model and still keep "Please Select" option

2012-01-30 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I tried using DropDownChoice.setNullValid(true); but that only works for the
> dropdown choices in which no model has been set.

Then you probably also need setRequired(false); Otherwise it will not show the 
null choice for non-null models.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Handling POST, PUT and DELETE from a resource

2012-01-05 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Look into

Reference implementation for JAX-RS (ignore that it sorts under the "Glassfish" 
section, it runs fine in other containers too):

An older REST implementation that started before the JAX-RS spec but has been 
modified to conform (AFAIK):

- Tor Iver

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RE: It is not a good idea to reference the Session instance in models directly as it may lead to serialization problems.

2012-01-04 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
// Indirection for PropertyModel object
public class MySessionModel extends AbstractReadOnlyModel {

public MySession getObject() {
return (MySession) Session.get();

- Tor Iver

-Original Message-
From: Rahman USTA [] 
Sent: 4. januar 2012 10:45
Subject: It is not a good idea to reference the Session instance in models 
directly as it may lead to serialization problems.

Hi, i have a MySession.

form.add(new TextField("name",new PropertyModel(((MySession)getSession()),"")));

I have a User user; in MySession, then initialized in constructor.

my Goal is to save name and surname user's own session. i did it above, but
warning ide me so that ;

*WARN  - AbstractPropertyModel  - It is not a good idea to reference
the Session instance in models directly as it may lead to serialization
problems. If you need to access a property of the session via the model use
the page instance as the model object and 'session.attribute' as the path.*

How can i handle this normally.

Rahman USTA
Computer & Control Education Technologist

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RE: Freemarker+ExtJS vs Wicket questions

2011-12-06 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Plus another problem I see is if I have to use separate
> templates for each 

RE: message internationalization

2011-12-05 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> The label components are not refreshed after changing locale. Do you know
> why.

My guess is that the labels are not using a Locale-aware model like 
ResourceModel, but instead have been set using construction-time getString() or 
the like.
> Another problem is that when I change the locale I refresh the whole page.
> (target.addComponent(instance);) where instance is my Page class.

Remember that you need to use the AjaxFormComponent* classes in order to get 
form input values submitted to you.

Also: try instead to repaint a subset of the page, e.g. wrap most stuff in a 

- Tor Iver

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RE: message internationalization

2011-12-02 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> When I enter first time on page I change my local to de-De.

A better place to do that is in Application.newSession(). Or you can tell your 
browser to prefer de_DE and let Wicket pick up using Accept-Language: header 
(IIRC it does that for you).

- Tor Iver

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RE: Regarding Reset

2011-11-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> do i use reset in java code.I have just declare a reset button in my
> html which is working as expected but wana know is there any other
> alternative of doin it.

A HTML input of type="reset" will by default do nothing server-side but just 
reset input fields of a form to the initial values. As an alternative you could 
have a Wicket Button which resets the form inputs (remember to turn off default 
form processing). Unless you have updated stuff with Ajax, just re-rendering 
the Form will be equivalent to the browser-side reset.

> 2.I am unable to use generics in my app,it shows error as this is supported
> in 1.5 version.What do i need to do for this...?

Do you mean Java 1.5 or Wicket 1.5? If you use Maven, ensure that the build 
section of the POM tells the compiler plugin to use 1.5 compatibility. If you 
use Eclipse, check the Java compiler compliance settings in the project 

> 3.In case i am using a markup which has a text field  inside  a form,Then
> the order of adding should it be like 
> wmc.add(textField);
> form.add(wmc);

The order does not matter, adding does not have any side-effects and the 
hierarchy matters when you get around to the lifecycle methods (processing, 
rendering etc.) later.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Handling ReplaceHandlerException on continueToOriginalDestination in wicket 1.5

2011-11-24 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> continueToOriginalDestination() does alway sthrow the replacehandler
> exception. this is how that method works...

In 1.5 perhaps, in 1.4 it returns false if it was not a redirect; that might be 
the cause of confusion.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Update Component on TextField Entry

2011-11-18 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> use the TextField component and add OnChangeAjaxBehavior to it, then
> from inside onEvent() you can repaint the list.

And remember to put a WebMarkupContainer around the repeater since repeaters 
cannot be addressed by Ajax (due to reused markup and resulting synthesized 

- Tor Iver

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RE: Apache Wicket is a Flawed Framework

2011-11-17 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
Ah, it's been a while since a JSF/JSP zealot bothered to annoy Wicket users. 

Now go away and cook up a tag library or five.

- Tor Iver

RE: EOFException( Connection reset by peer: socket write error)

2011-11-16 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> "*this.getRequestCycle().getOriginalResponse().setContentType("jpg");*"

Looks wrong, typically the content type is a MIME content type, which has two 
components, e.g. "image/jpeg"

- Tor Iver

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RE: Upgrading of Wicket application on server without losing state

2011-11-02 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Is there a convenient way to shut down a wicket application so that it saves
> its complete state to e.g. the filesystem and the next wicket app that boots
> up initially reads the state from those files? anyone else handling server
> upgrades differently and in a better way?

Well, if you put the Wicket session in the Http session (which is the default 
if I'm not mistaken) then e.g. Tomcat will serialize the sessions to disk on a 
controlled shutdown, and reread them on startup. Keep in mind serialVersionUID 
etc. Then the sessions becaome the responsibility of the container.

- Tor Iver

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RE: UTF-8 encoding RFE for warning?

2011-11-02 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> It's a known fact for me aswell now :)

Note that even though properties files need to be in the "default" encoding, 
you can use non-iso-latin characters by way of the \u syntax, though a bit 
more cumbersome than "raw" Unicode characters.

- Tor Iver

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RE: LDMs load too early - hold outdated application data.

2011-10-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> It seems to me that Wicket should detach its models again after events have 
> triggered, in addition to after rendering has completed.  That > would reset 
> the state of all models to what the developer expects it to be before 
> rendering begins.

That's nearly "always" - then you are just as well served with an 
AbstractReadOnlyModel that loads data on every call to getObject()... :)

- Tor Iver

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RE: CheckGroup losing state on invalid submission

2011-10-25 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Environment: Wicket 1.5.1

I have the same happen in 1.4.19. It's as if the Check's input state is reset 
(to the CheckGroup model state? I.e. it perhaps checks the model and cannot 
find the Check's equivalent value there?).

- Tor Iver

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RE: PageMap locking...

2011-10-24 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Once the user has clicked a link to another page (Or switched a tab if it is
> a tabed page), is there a way to terminate the request to prevent a load on
> the server for a page that will not be displayed?

Normally: no, because these are separate requests. The first request will 
cancel only when it tries to write to the (now closed, unless keepalive is 
used) stream to the browser.

> In a tabed page, is there a way to go to another tab without waiting for the
> first tab to rendered? (As the tab link is waiting to the page map to be
> relased...)

You can alleviate the problem by delegating the long rendering operation to the 
AjaxLazyLoadPanel mechanism. Then the page itself is rendered quickly but with 
an indicator for the Ajax-loaded real panel rendering.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Drilling Application.getHomePage()

2011-10-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Q / Problem) Since Application.getHomePage() returns Class
> and in my case Multiple pages are mounted to point to the same WebPage. How
> to I specify the Home Page.

getHomePage() returns what Page to use for a request when the URL does not 
refer to a mounted Page or other RequestTarget. A default, if you will. Your 
mount points with different URLs for the class should handle the others.

- Tor Iver

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RE: wicket + jasper reports

2011-10-18 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
>URL resource =

An aside: This is the equivalent to getClass().getResource("/DOCOferta.jrxml"); 
i.e. a resource on the classpath root.

Check your projects to see if the file is in the correct location to be 
included at runtime. If it works in tests but not otherwise, it can seem that 
the file is located in a project's src/test/resources (if you use Maven) 
instead of src/main/resources.

- Tor Iver

RE: Community tools

2011-10-07 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> So what is the best way (official? permanent?) to link to a previous
> response?

Link to a posting on Nabble or one of the other mailinglist-aggregators out 
there perhaps? :)

- Tor Iver

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RE: serialization question

2011-08-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Is there a hook point to serialization of components?  We would like to
> throw a WicketRuntimeException if we detect that we are about to attempt to
> serialize out an attached (in our case Hibernate) entity rather than using a
> LoadableDetachableModel and only serializing the id.

I usually solve that problem by having a "LDM-like" model that has a transient 
(thus not serialized) reference to the actual object, and a load()-method using 
the id to get the actual object if null. But: Since you are in control over 
what types of models are used in the code, how do you end up with models that 
reference Hibernate objects in a way that will try and serialize them?

- Tor Iver

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RE: rendering component

2011-08-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> setVisible(false) , actually renders component but disables it via style sheet

Isn't that the case only when you use setOutputPlaceholderTag(true)? For other 
cases, nothing is output AFAIK.

- Tor Iver

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RE: CheckGroup Model

2011-08-10 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> How can I do this in a elegant way? 

Are you sure your Campo class implements equals() properly? Also remember it is 
better to pass the IModel> (that you will be using later to pick up 
the values) to the CheckGroup, e.g. in your case a PropertyModel based on where 
you read out the values now.

- Tor Iver

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RE: session closed when adding CSSPackageResource

2011-08-05 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> When I do this :
>  new Model(q)
> it creates an IModel for Questionnaire, doesn't it?

I think he means to make a more dynamic model, e.g.

public class QuestionnaireModel extends LoadableDetachabeModel {

private String theKey;

public QuestionnaireModel(String key) { theKey = key; }

public Questionnaire load() { /* Get Hibernate session and load based 
on key */ }

This serializes the minimum amount of state to "recreate" the complex object.

- Tor Iver

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RE: getInput and getDefaultModelObject and validation

2011-07-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Is there a way to force a modelobject update on each individual field
> and then do my form validation.

It seems you want to use getConvertedInput(). Going via the model to get the 
converted value is just a detour when you are in a validator. If you push data 
to the model and then decide it is invalid, then your model will have invalid 
data, and if that is acceptable, what role does the validator fill then? You 
might as well do your checks in onSubmit() at that point...

>  if (textField1.getInput() == "creditCard") {

You should be aware that this code will most likely fail. Look into equals().

- Tor Iver

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RE: getInput and getDefaultModelObject and validation

2011-07-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> If I am using some form validator, I notice that getDefaultModelObject
> does not have the value from the getInput.  I am assume this
> intentional.  Is there a way to force wicket to update the modelObject?

Yes, form component models are not updated until they pass validation, that is 
very intentional. :)

(E.g. if you have a Date text field and someone types "beer", what would you 
expect to be written to the model?)

> How and when does the modelobject get updated.
When all validation succeeds and it progresses into a submit.

> But if I weren't using ajax, is there a way to force wicket to update
> the modelObject.

That will happen automatically after validation passes. Validation should 
ideally only check inputs and give any errors.

- Tor Iver

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RE: What does this syntax say?

2011-07-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> public  IWrapModel wrapOnInheritance(Component component,Class
> type)

The Class parameter is only needed if you intend to do "new W();" or the 
like in the method (the Class is then something the compiler can grab hold of 
for calling the constructor). For just passing the type parameter to other 
generic classes it is not needed. The compiler sees the context (i.e. the 
left-hand side of an assignment) and if it cannot determine the type it will 
say "needs a cast" as a warning, but the code will compile since it's all 
Object anyway. 

- Tor Iver

RE: Ten things every Wicket programmer must know?

2011-07-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver

* How to avoid excessive use of Labels and AttributeModifiers (with 
ResourceModels) just for l10n, by using wicket:message in the template instead
* "compressing" code by use of ids matching property names combined with 
CompoundPropertyModel and/or PropertyListView

- Tor Iver

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RE: Dialog Box is not replaced

2011-07-27 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> @Martin:  after calling D1.replaceWith(D2), D1=D2 is done as well.

Are you sure you call D2.setOutputMarkupId(true)? Otherwise the Wicket Ajax 
handler will not find the correct DOM element to replace.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Problem in ListView populateItem()

2011-07-26 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I have one comma. I followed the same example in the book, which is
> add(Label,IModel). But something's wrong.

Strange example if so: Try instead

add(new Label(id, model));

The Model is for the Label.

- Tor Iver

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RE: dynamic DataTable

2011-07-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Since TextArea can contain any SELECT statement, Column names, count can  
> change 
> every time. So I need a dynamic table that is compatible to view  any SELECT 
> Statement result.

Since you appear to have no need for performing updates or inserts, try 
ditching the DataTable in favour of using nested repeaters over the 
ResultSetMetaData column info and ResultSet rows instead.

- Tor Iver

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RE: How can i redirect to a wicket page after executing an url-request?

2011-07-18 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
>  throw new 
> RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(DashboardPage.class);

Will you ever be returning from that (via continueToOriginalDestination())? If 
not, setResponsePage(DashboardPage.class) is better.

- Tor Iver

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RE: How can i redirect to a wicket page after executing an url-request?

2011-07-18 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> HttpClient looks great. Do you know if i can execute the HttpMethod 
> without waiting for request to comeback?
> Maybe an asynchronous way?

There seems to be an async fork you can try:

- Tor Iver

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RE: How can i redirect to a wicket page after executing an url-request?

2011-07-18 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> *But* the link leads me to the solr response page. I know it's intended 
> by clicking a link to get directed to the called page, but i would like 
> to call the url and immediatly after that call i would like to redirect 
> to wicket page.

Sounds like what you really want to do is use Apache commons-httpclient or the 
like to make a server-side call Solr (to trigger what you want), then show a 
Wicket page as normal. You do not always need to use a browser to perform a 
HTTP request you know... :)

- Tor Iver

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RE: ModalWindow

2011-07-12 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I already used AjaxButton but it still show that popup. Do we have other 
> options?

Do you have an onbeforeunload event handler that returns a value? That will 
trigger such a message as well.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Application with name 'xxxx' already exists.

2011-07-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Hmm... there is just one, no more. :(

You have run into a known Glassfish bug where WicketFilter.init() is called 
twice. A solution is to add a boolean "guard" in a WicketFilter subclass that 
only calls super.init() once.

- Tor Iver

RE: WicketFilter.init() called twice with Glassfish

2011-07-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
The first workaround we ended up using was something like:

public class SafeWicketFilter extends WicketFilter {
private boolean 
initWasAlreadyCalledSoYouShouldNotDoThisYouStupidGlassfish = false;

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException
if ( ! 
initWasAlreadyCalledSoYouShouldNotDoThisYouStupidGlassfish) {

initWasAlreadyCalledSoYouShouldNotDoThisYouStupidGlassfish = true;


The second workaround was to stop using Glassfish. :)

- Tor Iver 

RE: Getting A Random Localized Resource (CSS Image) Instead Of Page

2011-07-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
From: Horacio Natyural [] 
> What are the implications of this error message?

Wicket will ignore any overriding (on the Page level) of the property, only the 
component's own (and the Application's?) properties files will be used.

E.g. if has
fie=Some default

and has
myfoocomponent.fie=Another value

then calling getString("fie") in the constructor will return "Some default" 
because there is no FooPage in the hierarchy yet.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Forms across multiple panels

2011-06-20 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> How can one perform form field validation if the form fields are inside the
> panels contained in the forms?

Extend FormComponentPanel instead of Panel. That deals with the nesting.

- Tor Iver

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RE: JavaScript enabled or disabled

2011-05-22 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
You could add a Javascript/Ajax callback to a Page that sets e.g. a Session 
flag that says that Javascript is enabled.

 for an example.

Or you could try to implement what you need Javascript for using the 
AjaxFallback* components.

- Tor Iver Wilhelmsen, Arrive AS

-Original Message-
From: meduolis [] 
Sent: 21. mai 2011 12:51
Subject: JavaScript enabled or disabled

Hi, is there any way to check if JS is enabled from wicket code? 

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RE: How to bind object in Hashset to CompoundPropertyModel expression

2011-05-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I haven't tried it and guaranteeing the ordering would need to be accounted
> for. But its a potential direction.

Another approach would be to change the Hibernate mapping from a  to a 
 since that will map to a List on the Java side.

- Tor Iver

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RE: updating a label's model with ajax

2011-05-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
My guess: You have forgotten to call myLabel.setOutputMarkupId(true) or 
myLabel.setOutputPlaceholderTag(true) so the Ajax framework cannot find the 
element in the DOM.

- Tor Iver Wilhelmsen, Arrive AS

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: 16. mai 2011 03:58
Subject: updating a label's model with ajax

Hi all,

I'm looking to change the model of a label when a button is clicked. As of
now, I'm using an ajax button and doing target.addComponent(myLabel) inside
that button's onclick method. However, the text on the page doesn't change
when the button is clicked. This label happens to be hidable, and when i
hide it, then reshow it, the label is redisplayed with the new model. I'm
doing something wrong. What is going on here?


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RE: building dynamic charts in wicket

2011-05-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
Sounds like a combo of a dynamic image resource component (using e.g. 
JFreeChart or the like) and an AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior is needed.

- Tor Iver Wilhelmsen, Arrive AS

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: 9. mai 2011 14:32
Subject: building dynamic charts in wicket


I would like add an extra page to my Web application which shows a graph
similar to jconsole or google charts (displaying time series analysis). It
is required to be dynamic in nature which means the graph should update
itself (using wicket ajax) as soon as the new new readings/metrics are
available. Are there any efforts have been made so far relevant to this


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RE: moving from development to deployment mode

2011-05-04 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
Clean the web container work area or the unpacked application folder? This 
sounds like a case of the web container keeping old code around.

- Tor Iver Wilhelmsen, Arrive AS

-Original Message-
From: henry [] 
Sent: 4. mai 2011 13:58
Subject: Re: moving from development to deployment mode

Hi Moez,

Am still getting the same message that my wicket is running in development
mode. I added the code snippet below in my Application class
public String getConfigurationType() { 
return Application.DEPLOYMENT; 
But still getting message  *** WARNING: Wicket is running in DEVELOPMENT
mode.  *** 
> ***   ^^^*** 
> *** Do NOT deploy to your live server(s) without changing this.  *** 
> *** See Application#getConfigurationType() for more information. *** 

what else can i do?


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RE: Serve Json in request and response

2011-05-03 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I can use dopost and doget but how to handle Json request?

JSON is just data representation, there are some Java libraries out there to 
deal with JSON formatted data (e.g. Jettison at 
or JSON.simple at ).

But if you want to use the Jersey libraries directly they of course deal with 
Java-JSON mapping out of the box. If you somehow need to share info between 
Wicket and the REST services you should be able to put that into the HTTP 
session which would be shared between them.

- Tor Iver

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RE: wicket tags

2011-04-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
1) Why do you use immediate-child selectors (involving > ) instead of just 
child selectors (without the >)? The selector ".custom-component-class header" 
will work.
2) wicket namespace tags are removed in deployment mode (or if you tell markup 
settings to strip them), so wicket:child will disappear the same way 
wicket:panel does.
3) Look into approaches that involve less subclassing, the real problem is that 
design-time you will not see the entire HTML template as long as fractions are 
spread around due to child class markup. Even using wicket:fragment elements 
within the replaced element will make it easier to see the design.

- Tor Iver Wilhelmsen, Arrive AS

-Original Message-
From: kamiseq [] 
Sent: 28. april 2011 11:14
Subject: wicket tags

this is more about how you guys working with wicket rather then a bug or
something. and as Im relativelly new to wicket maybe you can help me out.

I created panels that can be extended ie.

   my header

usually I style the component in "offline" mode (without running the server)
so I need to add some additional markup to mock it, plus I set wicket to
strip wicket tags and override onComponentTag to set name of the tag (let
say section) so it look like.

   my header

so now the problem is that

   1. I cannot use css selector like section.custom-component-class > header
   or I need to comment the wicket:panel tag on time I style component
   2. wicket:child is not recognized as valid html tag so I cannot add style
   to it ie. display:none
   3. surrounding wicket:child element with some html tag makes no sens

why wicket tags couldnt be attributes so any valid html could have attribute
like wicket:behavior="panel" or type="child" or something like that

I know that this is not a big issue. probably designer should create html +
css styles first and then developer turn it into the working code but with
time things like that are annoying,

so how do you work with such problems?

Paweł Kamiński

RE: Custom head title on subpage

2011-04-12 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I mean, how can i do in concrete class to provide a different title
> depending on language.

Your title model class could check Session.get().getLocale() to decide what 
text to return from getObject().

- Tor Iver

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RE: Form composed of Panel components

2011-04-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
Look into org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentPanel

- Tor Iver

-Original Message-
From: Chris Colman [] 
Sent: 11. april 2011 15:08
Subject: Form composed of Panel components

I have a complex form that I choose to break down into logical sub Panel
components and then add them as children to the Form.
The sub Panels themselves then have FormComponents like text fields and
DropDownChoice components added to them. Will the normal validate/update
mechanism simply work like that or do I need to override some methods in
my Panel classes or make the Panel classes implement certain interfaces
(eg., IFormVisitorParticipant etc.,)?
Chris Colman

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RE: AttibuteModifier question

2011-04-05 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> 1. get the existing class value, 

Only when parsing the markup in onComponentTag().

- Tor Iver

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RE: Can i catch all urls ending with .php?

2011-04-05 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> i have to build a redirect page for urls ending with .php.
> If i mount the page with "*.php" Path i get a 404.

Sounds like something that is better handled with a traditional ServletFilter 
than anything Wicket.

- Tor Iver

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RE: WicketRuntimeException

2011-03-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Can somebody help me with this exception? What can be wrong am
> desperate. What to look for?

Typically, the real error is further down in the text that what you included. 
Common causes are:
* Having a wicket:id the the HTML with no corresponding component
* Adding a component without adding the wicket:id (inverse of the above)
* Having both a component and a wicket:id but the nesting is wrong

- Tor Iver

RE: Apache Wicket Cookbook Published!

2011-03-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I have this book on order; I look forward to studying it.

"Order", is that what you have when you do not just buy the PDF edition and 
open it in iBooks on your iPad - like I did? :)

(Just for completeness I also clicked the "I want this for Kindle" link at 
Amazon to give a suggestion to aid those that prefer that channel for their 

- Tor Iver

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RE: issue with

2011-03-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> And idea how to avoid that behaviour?


- Tor Iver

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RE: make link invisible via onclick

2011-03-28 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> is there a possibility to make a link invisible itself via onClick?

> link.setVisible( false );

Sure: Just use "this" instead of "link", since "this" in the onClick() will be 
the anonymous object based on Link.

- Tor Iver

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RE: WicketStuff artifacts naming strategy

2011-03-25 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> - jasperreports-1.4.16.jar
> - jasperreports-3.7.2.jar

> The first one is from WicketStuff, but still, it is confusing to see this.

This one of my biggest peeves with Maven: It has this concept of a "groupId" to 
namespace artifacts in the repository, but this is of no consequence when the 
jar files appear in the classpath, since the groupId namespace is not part of 
the actual file name.

A workaround could be to prefix the jar file name with the groupId namespace 

- Tor Iver

RE: open link in new window => target is null

2011-03-22 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I have a similar issue.. can anyone please tell why the target parameter for
> onClick of AjaxfallbackLink comes as null?

It will be null for non-Ajax (i.e. the "fallback") requests when the user has 
Javascript disabled. In those cases the entire page will be redrawn anyway so 
there is no need to explicitly repaint subsets.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Drop Down Choice

2011-03-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> typing "T" would select "Two", but typing "Th" would select "Three".  Is
> this possible in Wicket?

This is the way well-behaved modern browsers already work :)

- Tor I.

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RE: Portlet Development with wicket

2011-03-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Does wicket support development of portlets ? I cant find much information
> by googling.

Wicket 1.4 does (and it works fine at least in our context of using Liferay as 
container), apparently in 1.5 they are moving that functionality out from the 
main library.

- Tor Iver

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RE: Call urlFor(Class, PageParams) outside of request cycle

2011-03-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> We have a Quartz thread which periodically sends emails with a link to
> a Wicket page. Calling RequestCycle.get().urlFor(Class,
> PageParameters) doesn't work because the thread is not a part of
> Wicket request cycle. Is there a way to ask Wicket to generate the URL
> in this case?

What you really want is to use a bookmarkable page mounted in the application, 
and create a URL string with the necessary parameters in the Quartz job.

Or create a simple Wicket servlet that generates it for you, which you then 
call from the job using e.g. a standard URLConnection.

- Tor Iver

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RE: [1.5.0-rc2] possible bug with danish characters

2011-03-02 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I just noticed that after upgrading to rc2, my some of my texts like
> "håndteret kald" when getting saved/posted becomes this: "hÃ¥ndteret kald"..

Charset issue, they get posted as UTF-8; you probably  either need to test for 
charset or assume UTF-8 across the board.

- Tor Iver

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RE: [1.5 MIGRATION] State handling / inter-page events / versioning

2011-02-11 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> setResponsePage(new SomePage() {
>  @Override protected void onPreviousButtonClicked() {
>  }

final PageReference pageRef = this.getPageReference();
setResponsePage(new SomePage() {
  @Override protected void onPreviousButtonClicked() {

But you still have a reference in the synthesized class.

So the best is to create a proper class that is nested but not a member class:

private static class BackSomePage {
  private PageReference pageRef;
  public BackSomePage(PageReference pageRef) {
  this. pageRef = pageRef;
  @Override protected void onPreviousButtonClicked() {

- Tor Iver

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RE: Wicket Philosophy/Best Practice

2011-02-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I tell people that I think you should let your Model and Model backing
> object control the look and feel/display/content of your components.
> Even visibility should be delegated to the model or model object and not
> set by the component.   Am I wrong here?  
Yes. :)

The model should NOT care about the view, or even know one is there; a 
"controller" is supposed to manipulate the model, any view (if any) should just 
get the value from there and do any necessary formatting (e.g. using a 
converter to/from textual representation).

For instance, why should a Model need to know the locale of a web user to 
produce a correct representation? Separation of concerns and all that.

- Tor Iver

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RE: isValid and getFeedbackMessage

2011-02-03 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Can i change TextField's (FormComponent) valid status and set a custom error
> message from outside ? Like :

Normally you write a validator that calls component.error() to set the error 
message, and add that validator to the FormComponent. As long as it has that 
error it will count as invalid.

- Tor Iver

RE: DatePickerBehavior lost when toggling visibility

2011-01-21 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> A drop down box fires an AJAX request and the text field  with the date 
> picker has an overridden isVisible() method.

You have used setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true) on the component that 
visibility is toggled for yes?

- Tor Iver

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RE: Should Logger classes be transient?

2011-01-17 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Just to know Why a static variable is not serializable?

Because objects (instances) are serialized and static data belongs to the class 
and not instances.

- Tor Iver

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SV: inter application communication in wicket

2011-01-10 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> Can anybody please throw some light on how two wicket applications, deployed
> into the same container can interact with each other?

The easiest is to just pass the parameters as normal path- or query parameters 
(strings) in the link. For more complex cases you can either try passing a JSON 
representation of an object, or use "cross-context" features in the container 
(e.g. in Tomcat you put a property in the context.xml file for the app to 
enable it) by getting the other application's ServletContext by path.

If they are just going to share information in a manner not limited to the 
request, try putting it into JNDI from application A then picking it up in 
application B.

Both the JNDI and cross-context approaches require the classes involved to be 
on a shared classpath, e.g. the container classpath.

- Tor Iver

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SV: Apache Wicket : Please Help.

2010-12-16 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> 12/2/10 15:54:28:415 ICT] 0023 WebAppE   [Servlet Error]-[Error
> while finishing the connection]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Increase heap using the -Xmx parameter, or if that does not help look for 
common causes for runaway page stores like having Page pointers in other Pages 
instead of PageReferences.

- Tor Iver

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SV: 1.5 integer textfield

2010-12-15 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> hmm that fixes it, it's because of generic limitations that we need to set
> the class explicitly, correct?

Yes, type information is only available at compile time, the compiler 
synthesizes generics use into explicit casting used at runtime.

- Tor Iver

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SV: SV: Multiple wicket applications in a single WAR

2010-12-09 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I don't think it is a good idea to have multiple applications in one
> war. Wicket stores static state in ThreadLocals (Application, Session,
> etc.).

The ThreadLocal objects are static, yes, but the actual objects stored there 
are per thread and thus not static. 

> All apps in the same war share the same ClassLoader and thus the
> same static ThreadLocal instances. There might be circumstances when the
> state somehow gets messed up.

If one thread can get at objects belonging to a different thread that would not 
be a "circumstance" but "a serious bug".

> I'm sure this is the source of your
> problems. So, either go for one app for all users or create two separate
> war files.

The Application instance is shared between all users, but in this case there is 
no user state in it, the difference is which Session class is used for 
factorizing the user Session, and which Pages are mounted (again, for factory 

- Tor Iver

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SV: Multiple wicket applications in a single WAR

2010-12-08 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> BUMP...
> Anyone?  we run wicket 1.4.9

Any reason you use WicketServlet instead of WicketFilter? We use multiple apps 
in a war and that works fine in the filter case. In fact it seems that 
WicketServlet delegates to an internal WicketFilter anyway...

- Tor Iver

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Re: How to enable/disable an hierarchy?

2010-12-01 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I could override onConfigure in every component, and read the field that
> controls the enabling/disabling, but that would create a lot of boilerplate
> code for the 80-90% of FormComponents/links that should be disabled. It
> would be a lot cleaner to disable the parent, and only handle the ones I
> want enabled.

Sounds like you want to use a Component.IVisitor on the parent, which deals 
with enanbling/disabling subcomponents based on some state.

- Tor Iver

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SV: PageableListView to work with Set

2010-11-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> I guess it expects only a List type object. I can work around this by
> converting the Set into a List and then provide it but felt somehow this is
> a limitation. How can I work with generic collections?
> Any thoughts much appreciated

No, because ordering requires the indexing a List has. In theory, you could 
make an IteratorView which uses the Iterator from a generic collection, but you 
would abandon things like paging, sorting etc. which rely on indexability.

- Tor Iver

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SV: Painting a ListView in Ajax via a transparent container fails

2010-11-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> So this special component is designed to be aware of children components
> only at the rendering time ( working with the markupStream ) and not at the
> pre-rendering. As the ListView depends on pre-rendering logic, add an
> transparent resolved component in ajax request target has no effect because
> no children pre-rendering method will be invoked.

Ah, that explains it! In this particular case the number of "real" top-level 
components is low enough that adding them explicitly is no big deal, so I now 
have an approach that seems to work.

- Tor Iver

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SV: Painting a ListView in Ajax via a transparent container fails

2010-11-29 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
> wicket:enclosure is not present if not visible (from browser
> perspective). So it cannot be repainted.

I think we are talking past each other: It was just an example of something 
that is a transparent container to a Wicket developer, though it is implemented 
using IComponentResolver instead of just a transparent markup container (as in 
my case in the quickstart where everything within the transparent container 
gets repainted except the ListView).

Anyway, my problem was solved by eliminating the transparent container and just 
paint the panel and feedback-panel.

- Tor Iver

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