# in URL

2014-05-12 Thread infiniter
Wicket version: 6.7.0

I need to get the url parameters even if there is a #, because I have an
AngularJS app running inside my Wicket page, which requires it. E.g.:
mysite.com/myapp/#/john. "John" is shown by Wicket and AngularJS.
However if there is a # in the url, the PageParemeters object comes in null.

Is there a way to preprocess the url parameters before converting it to a
PageParemeters object? Or is there another way?


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Re: css and js files in subproject

2014-03-05 Thread infiniter
Sorry, I forgot to mention that there are no Java classes inside that
project, so is it even possible to reference those assets?

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css and js files in subproject

2014-03-04 Thread infiniter
I got a Wicket application set up with Maven. It has a sub project (jar
type) with all the assets. How can I load them in my application?

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client timezone and flickering

2013-09-10 Thread infiniter
has anyone been able to get around the flicker issue when getting the client
timezone from WebSession#getClientInfo in a painless way?

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How to preserve current url in error page

2013-05-06 Thread infiniter
I've got a listener that does the error handling in Wicket 6.6.0 and I want
to keep the current url instead of replacing it with the url of the error
page. Anyone
Help is appreciated.


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lost session and error modal

2013-03-18 Thread infiniter
I added an ajax behavior to maintain the session alive. However in certain
cases the page can still expire and the session can still be lost, so I'm
showing an error modal using #getFailureScript(). But I'm facing a problem,
which is, for example, when the user refreshes the page the failure script
error modal will show up a couple of secs, but of course that's not cool.
If you have dealt with this or have suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.

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Re: AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and setInterval and clearInterval

2013-03-15 Thread infiniter
ok, that was already implemented: 
  public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response){
WebRequest request = (WebRequest) 
if (!stopped && (!headRendered || !request.isAjax())) {
headRendered = true;


(btw, I tried with response.renderOnDomReady)
I also tried making the #respond method just do target.add(getComponent())
But my problem is that in each response the same script that was first
loaded is also returned back in the evaluate block, which rewrites the
interval variable and also makes the response much heavier (in my case the
requests are very frequent)

I traced my issue to #AjaxRequestTarget.respond and the following piece of
code makes sure that the js passed to response.renderOnDomReady in my
#renderHead will always be returned back in the response:
it = domReadyJavascripts.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
String js = it.next();
respondInvocation(response, js);

Any ideas are appreciated.

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AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and setInterval and clearInterval

2013-03-14 Thread infiniter
I created a very similar class to AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior, with the
difference that I'm using setInterval instead of setTimeOut in
#getJsTimeoutCall and I'm assigning a variable name to it, so that I can use
the clearInterval in #getFailureScript , the problem I got is that in the
response envelope I'm getting the script in #getJsTimeoutCall back, which is
inside the  block, and I don't want that because when the
setInterval is set again the value in the variable changes therefore I
cannot clear the interval and also it makes the response heavier.

So basically I just want the script in #getJsTimeoutCall executed only once
just to start the interval. I tried to make the response not return the
"evaluate" block,  but I was unsuccessful.

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load with AjaxLazyLoadPanel just once

2013-01-21 Thread infiniter
I have a panel that's too heavy so I'm using an an AjaxLazyLoadPanel to lazy
load it. That panel is being reloaded on every Ajax call that rerenders the
containing panel , but now I want to use lazy loading just once the page is
loaded, and when rerendering the containing panel I want to use a regular
panel. Any suggestion?

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Re: Wicket architecture diagram?

2012-05-13 Thread infiniter
So, we are in 2012 now. Anyone has any diagram accurate enough to show in a
meeting? I'm looking for Wicket 1.4, but any other version can be useful

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Re: BookmarkableLinks and masked urls

2012-05-04 Thread infiniter
I think I've done it.
I created a MaskedUrlCodingStrategyDecorator that extends from
BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy, placed it in the same
package, and overrode CharSequence encode(IRequestTarget requestTarget), and
used a regular BookmarkablePageLink

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BookmarkableLinks and masked urls

2012-05-04 Thread infiniter
The problem is that we have a brand new Wicket app, but we have a bunch of
legacy urls that point to different sub domains that the business wants to
preserve. So when the web server sees one of those urls there is a
redirection to the app and that url is preserved, but in the app we have our
own mounts.

Some of those urls could look like:

Basically my links should point to the legacy urls and I can keep the way
the page parameters are added.

For the mean time I have created a factory that can return external and
bookmarkable links depending on the class name, but I cannot take advantage
of the url coding strategies already available for a specific page.

I would like to go something like:

BookmarkableMaskedPageLink link = new BookmarkableMaskedPageLink("link",
MyPage.class, params);

and I guess the url coding strategy could look like:

MaskedUrlDecoratorStrategy mamboJamboCS = 
new MaskedUrlDecoratorStrategy(
new String[]{"param1", "param2"}));

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Re: getting client's TimeZone and performace

2012-04-26 Thread infiniter
So, no risk of a poor user experience?

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getting client's TimeZone and performace

2012-04-26 Thread infiniter
when setting getRequestCycleSettings().setGatherExtendedBrowserInfo(true), 
"it lets Wicket do a sneaky redirect to BrowserInfoPage (and back again)" to
get the extended browser info including the timezone from the client.

I wanted to know if that occurs on every request or just once per session
'cause I just need to get the client's timezone once for a particular


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Re: support for L10N in templates

2012-03-20 Thread infiniter
I can't use that TextTemplateResourceReference 'cause the style and locale
are set to null by default in the constructors and the filename passed to
PackagedTextTemplate is exactly the one passed in the constructor.
public TextTemplateResourceReference(final Class scope, final String
final String contentType, final String encoding, IModel> variablesModel) {
super(scope, fileName); //STYLE AND LOCALE ARE NULL

textTemplate = new PackagedTextTemplate(scope, fileName, contentType,
this.variablesModel = variablesModel;

i guess I'll have to implement that filename-solving part "manually" by
creating my own PackagedTextTemplate and changing the constructor where that
logic happens.

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Re: support for L10N in templates

2012-03-19 Thread infiniter
Hi Martin,
for more context what I need is "full" localization support for js
templates, similar to the support provided for components:
1- by allowing to have localized js template files per page. E.g.: my.js,
my_es.js, my_fr.js
2- by automatically solving messages in the template (without passing a
variables model with all the messages). E.g.: var x =

I already solved the 2nd one by overriding PackagedTextTemplate#asString()
and overriding MapVariableInterpolator#getValue(). but now I need to
localize the template file names themselves as mentioned in point 1.


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Re: support for L10N in templates

2012-03-18 Thread infiniter
Oh no. 
What I need is to be able to support something like the following, but for
TEMPLATES, 'cause I want to localize them:
 public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
response.renderJavascriptReference(new ResourceReference(
MyPage.class, "my.js", getLocale(), getStyle()));


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support for L10N in templates

2012-03-16 Thread infiniter
There is already localization and styles support for resource references, but
I haven't seen that type of support for in text templates. Any ideas on how
it can be implemented??

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javascript and properties

2012-03-15 Thread infiniter
I'm creating a js template for each page in my app and added some l18n
Here is an example:

var someData = {

I've considered localizing each template instead, but since the js changes
very often, I still want to have support for properties.
The problem is that for each JS template you have to create your variables
model with every single message. 
I don't like having to provide a variables model to get these messages,
cause its just too time-consuming, but instead I'd like to make the
message-resolving part automatic just like wicket:message in the markup
files. That would REALLY speed up the dev time.

Any ideas to do something like this?

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Re: how to do i18n of javascript file with Wicket?

2012-02-16 Thread infiniter
I have the exact same issue.. What did you decide for your problem?
I'm trying to decide now what the best approach is. Two of my options were
exactly the ones you describe to improve your design, but the one that I
currently have is a template, which looks like this:

var someData= {

The nasty part is that for each JS template you have to create your
variables model, which is just a hashmap. I have a simple function that
looks like:

addMessageToVariablesMap(variablesMap, "min");

I don't like having to provide a variables model to get the messages, but
instead I'd like to make the message-resolving part automatic just like
wicket:message in the markup files. I still haven't done that. 

Ideas are welcome.

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opening modal window after session has expired

2012-02-07 Thread infiniter
modal windows won't open when the session has expired. So if this occurs, I
was thinking of somehow refreshing the page and try opening the modal
I want to explore solutions before going stateless. Any idea how this can be

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Re: Absolute urls, bookmarkable links and web server proxy

2011-12-23 Thread infiniter
Actually the Apache rules are already set, but my issue is a bit different: I
need the bookmarkable links to show the required urls now.. These urls may
be even point to a different domain, but I don't want to be too invasive by
replacing my BookmarkablePageLinks with ExternalLinks.
I was thinking of overriding BookmarkablePageLink#getURL() or overriding

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Absolute urls, bookmarkable links and web server proxy

2011-12-23 Thread infiniter
After migrating part of a website, which is in multiple platforms, the
business requires the urls to be preserved, which are different from the new
New url: http:/www.example:8080/app/customer/john
Required url: http:/www.example/john

Basically the web server routes the urls to the new app, however I now need
to make all my bookmarkable links show those absolute urls.
Any recommendation?

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Re: PagingNavigator container instead of link for previous and next

2011-12-14 Thread infiniter
I decided to remove the link component from the Paginator and attach it to a
container and then add the container to the Paginator... Maybe the least
worst option.

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Re: PagingNavigator container instead of link for previous and next

2011-12-14 Thread infiniter
That won't work... That's why I took the time to explain that the class name
has to be applied to to "li" and not to the actual link.

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PagingNavigator container instead of link for previous and next

2011-12-13 Thread infiniter
I extended Pagingavigator and the markup for the previous (and next) button
looks like this:

Enabled state (current page > 0)

 # Prev 

Disabled state (current page == 0)

 # Prev 

PagingNavigator creates a link using newPagingNavigationLink and adds it on
onBeforeRender(). Since I need to vary the class name in the "li" element I
would have to place that link inside a container or a fragment; however I
cannot do that since the onBeforeRender() already adds the link to the
PagingNavigator panel, and trying to override onBeforeRender() to add the
link inside a container may not be a great idea because I still need to call
super.onBeforeRender(), and I know of no way to call
super.super.onBeforeRender()... To avoid calling super.OnBeforeRender() I
cannot just copy-paste the instructions in Component.onBeforeRender()
because onBeforeRenderChildren() is not accessible outside its package, so
there are some NASTY options: 
-create my PagingNavigator subclass under the same package of Component and
use the just-mentioned approach
-Overriding onBeforeRender() and remove the just added previous and next
-create a whole new navigator and forget extending from PagingNavigator

But, is there a nice solution? (Wicket version: 1.4.15)

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component path question

2011-12-12 Thread infiniter
What type of path expression can be used to get a component which is inside a
So is there an expression like "somPanel.listView[0].label" that can be
used? I mean, something like:
MarkupContainer.get("somPanel.listView[0].label") ?

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AjaxPagingNavigation not updating DataView

2011-12-06 Thread infiniter
I have created AjaxPagingNavigation which is supposed to update a
DataView The problem is that when clicking on a page number link to go
to another page, the data view does not get updated.

When the page is loaded for the first time there are no problems.. but when
clicking on the page number link, the onBeforeRender() of the dataview is
never called again, so it doesn't even call the populate method of the
dataview or the iterator method of the data provider. but I have noticed
that AjaxPagingNavigationLink.onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) is being

Any ideas?

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AjaxPagingNavigation.newPagingNavigationLink returning Link instead of AbstractLink?

2011-12-06 Thread infiniter
I've got staleless paging navigation that stores stuff in the page
parameters. Now I need to create its AJAX version...  
When creating the AjaxPagingNavigation.newPagingNavigationLink I realized it
returns a Link instance instead of an AjaxLink or AbstractLink
(PagingNavition returns an AbstractLink) ... As you know AjaxLink doesn't
extend from Link, so does anyone what the reason for this is? I need to
update the pageable component using Ajax, so how can that be accomplished

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Re: Models in a FormComponentPanel

2011-11-21 Thread infiniter
I cannot replace it at this point of the development... I just need to able
to get accurate date from its model object. Also I really want to learn how
to accomplish this.

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Models in a FormComponentPanel

2011-11-20 Thread infiniter
I've created a FormComponentPanel to represent the current time which
consists of 3 drop downs for hour and minute and meridiem.
The model object of the FormComponentPanel is a Date object and the model of
the drop down represents the selected option, but I need to change the model
object in my component according to the options chosen from the drop downs.
How can I do that?

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setting and reading a JS variable from Wicket?

2011-11-03 Thread infiniter
I've got simple wizard implemented as a JS slider. In some steps there is a
skip button and in the last step you can save the data. So this is actually
just a form with controls in every slide, and the data in the steps that
were skipped must not be saved when submitting the form.
What I wanna do is to set up a flag when the skip button is clicked and
check it when submitting the form. So how can I accomplish this without
using Ajax or workarounds like creating a hidden field and setting it a
value when the skip button is clicked?
So basically I want to avoid an unnecessary trips to server via Ajax or
extra fields in the form.

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value set in form control by Javascript to model object

2011-11-01 Thread infiniter
I have wicket TextField. The input is read only and its text is changed by a
Javascript component... 
So my question is: how can I set the model object to its new value set by

The problem as you know is that when trying to submit I get an error because
the object is null:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to set model object on null model
of component

Carlos P.

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