The problem is that we have a brand new Wicket app, but we have a bunch of
legacy urls that point to different sub domains that the business wants to
preserve. So when the web server sees one of those urls there is a
redirection to the app and that url is preserved, but in the app we have our
own mounts.

Some of those urls could look like:

Basically my links should point to the legacy urls and I can keep the way
the page parameters are added.

For the mean time I have created a factory that can return external and
bookmarkable links depending on the class name, but I cannot take advantage
of the url coding strategies already available for a specific page.

I would like to go something like:

BookmarkableMaskedPageLink link = new BookmarkableMaskedPageLink("link",
MyPage.class, params);

and I guess the url coding strategy could look like:

        MaskedUrlDecoratorStrategy mamboJamboCS = 
                new MaskedUrlDecoratorStrategy(
                        new String[]{"param1", "param2"}));

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