[OMPI users] MPI_REDUCE vs. MPI_IN_PLACE vs. F90 Interfaces

2006-10-25 Thread Michael Kluskens
Yet another forgotten issue regarding the f90 large interfaces  

(note that MPI_IN_PLACE is currently an integer, for a time it was a  
double complex but that has been fixed).

Problem I have now is that my patches which worked with 1.2 don't  
work with 1.3.  I've tried various fixes for my patches and I don't  
have a solution like I have for MPI_Gather.



(MPI_IN_PLACE,sumpfi,sumpfmi,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM, 0,allmpi,ier)

Error: Generic subroutine 'mpi_reduce' at (1) is not consistent with  
a specific subroutine interface

sumpfi is an integer array, sumpfmi is an integer.

The problem is that MPI_IN_PLACE is an integer, so you can only
compile with the large interface file when the second argument of
MPI_REDUCE is an integer, not an integer array, or a character, or a
logical, ...

So this doubles the number of f90 interfaces needed for MPI_REDUCE
(and anything else that uses MPI_IN_PLACE).

[OMPI users] MPI_REDUCE vs. MPI_IN_PLACE vs. F90 Interfaces

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Kluskens
Found serious issue for the f90 interfaces for  --with-mpi-f90- 



Error: Generic subroutine 'mpi_reduce' at (1) is not consistent with  
a specific subroutine interface

sumpfi is an integer array, sumpfmi is an integer.

The problem is that MPI_IN_PLACE is an integer, so you can only  
compile with the large interface file when the second argument of  
MPI_REDUCE is an integer, not an integer array, or a character, or a  
logical, ...

So this doubles the number of f90 interfaces needed for MPI_REDUCE  
(and anything else that uses MPI_IN_PLACE).

Configuration: OpenMPI 1.2a1r10111 (g95 on OS X 10.4.6), configured  
with "./configure F77=g95 FC=g95 LDFLAGS=-lSystemStubs --with-mpi-f90- 
size=large --enable-static --with-f90-max-array-dim=3"

I was using "--with-mpi-f90-size=large" to debug my code instead I'm  
into the OpenMPI scripts.

My solution to deal with this follows:

*** mpi-f90-interfaces.h.sh ***

output_183() {
if test "$output" = "0"; then
return 0

cat <