Can I make AjaxFormSubmitBehavior submit raw form data but not validate it?

2009-06-02 Thread Daniel Fernández
Hello, I have a form with a DropDownChoice, on which onchange event I want to update some form components. But I need to read data from other fields of the form for doing so, and so I added an AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to the DropDownChoice. My intention is to read the data from the drop down and

Jasypt + ICrypt + ICryptFactory

2007-11-22 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
Hello everyone, I am about to release a new version (1.4) of Jasypt [], and I am considering the addition of some wicket integration features for improving wicket's encryption capabilities. But I would first need to ask a couple of things :-)... First, what I will do (have

Jasypt 1.4 released including Wicket integration for URL encryption

2007-11-23 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
Hello, I have just released Jasypt (Java Simplified Encryption) version 1.4 [], which includes Wicket integration features for more powerful and robust URL encryption in secure applications where URL encryption may a requirement. You can read more about Jasypt + Wicket

Re: Jasypt + ICrypt + ICryptFactory

2007-11-25 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
Thank you for your answers. As you can see, I have already done the release. Let's hope this is useful for someone :-) Regards, Daniel. Eelco Hillenius wrote: But the question here is... what is the real use of the ICryptFactory today (1.3.0-rc1) in wicket? Is it only encrypting URLs? (I

Trouble with HybridUrlCodingStrategy and PageParameters

2008-01-03 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
Hello everyone, I have the following scenario: * I have a page PageA with lots of Ajax-driven state, with a link to PageB * PageB needs a parameter (an object id, to be specific), which it can receive with a PageParameters constructor argument. * PageB needs a reference to the

Re: Trouble with HybridUrlCodingStrategy and PageParameters

2008-01-05 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
is private (HybridUrlCodingStaretegy#PAGE_PARAMETERS_META_DATA_KEY). So while I could make the key public, but you'd have to use snapshot releases until 1.3.1 is out. -Matej On Jan 3, 2008 3:09 PM, Daniel Fernández Garrido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello everyone, I have the following scenario

Re: Spring 2.5 and Wicket, our vision about integration

2008-04-28 Thread Daniel Fernández Garrido
colleague Daniel Fernández and me have about how should be the integration between Wicket and Spring, using the new annotation functionalities provided by Spring 2.5. The @SpringBean approach is very useful, but its magic about a transient attribute that is not transient make us fell