Re: Wicket Security Question

2009-02-26 Thread Philippe Laflamme
FYI: it's not clear what will happen with the wicket-security package. The original maintainer sadly passed away last year and no-one has officially taken the torch. We've used both packages (auth-roles and swarm), but neither with spring-security. We'd like to move to using spring-security

Enconding a url returned by urlFor()

2008-10-21 Thread Philippe Laflamme
Hi all, We have a component that needs to create a dynamic resource (currently using a DynamicWebResource). The resource is tightly coupled with the component's model. Our component implements the IResourceListener interface so that we can generate a URL for the generated markup. The markup

Re: Wicket's @SpringBean and the autowire-candidate annotation

2009-07-09 Thread Philippe Laflamme
Using ConfigurableListableBeanFactory.getBeanDefinition(beanName).isAutowireCandidate(); Not sure if there's a proper way to obtain the ConfigurableListableBeanFactory from the ApplicationContext besides using instanceof tests. Philippe James Carman-3 wrote: How do you propose that we get

LinkTree with IndicatingAjaxLink leaks script tags

2008-05-12 Thread Philippe Laflamme
I'm using a customized LinkTree in one of my pages. The customisation to LinkTree was made to use an IndicatingAjaxLink instead of an AjaxLink: final LinkTree tree = new LinkTree(tree, createTreeModel()) { public MarkupContainer newLink(String id, final ILinkCallback callback) {