Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-12 Thread Randy Sprague

The suggestion of recreating the tables by DROPping them from vcl and then 
importing vcl.sql solved my problem;
at that point, I got my "authentication OK" msg. displayed and knew that I was 
on the right track, so went into authentication.php
and removed that line, restarted the service and now all is well for this stage 
of the configuration.  

I'm now logged in and configuring my management node and working through the 
rest of the vcl setup and configuration.

Without a working management node, nothing else is possible, so this is 
tangible progress!

Thanks so much for the guidance, without which I was struggling..


On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:16 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Randy,
> I'd say at the point it would be a good idea to create a new database in 
> mysql 
> using the vcl.sql file.  Then, modify secrets.php and vcld.conf to point to 
> the new database.  Also, make sure to grant the database account you've 
> created (vcluser) access to the new database.
> If that works to get you logged in, you can change the password for the admin 
> user under the User Preferences part of the site.
> Josh
> On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> I've inserted the print stmt. as suggested and it looped back to the login
>> screen without displaying the message. You mentioned that this behavior
>> would indicate a non-cookie problem?
>> Please advise on any next steps, if possible.
>> ** All help is appreciated as we work to get this project into a demo-ready
>> state.  Time is of the essence to us ** as our Deans want to see a
>> functional, working demo by the end of August!
>> vcld log follows..
>> ===
>> === unable to retrieve management node information from database
>> Time: 2010-08-11 14:29:01
>> PID: 28088
>> Caller: vcld:main(130)
>> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
>> 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1
>> for this process 2010-08-11
>> 14:29:01|28088||renamed process to 'vcld
>> vcld'
>> |28088|  WARNING 
>> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
>> | connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user
>> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
>> |, notify (line: 737)
>> |28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>> |28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
>> |28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |28088|  WARNING 
>> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
>> | connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user
>> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
>> |, notify (line: 737)
>> |28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>> |28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
>> |28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |28088|  WARNING 
>> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
>> | obtain database handle, Access denied for user
>> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
>> |, notify (line: 737)
>> |28088| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
>> |28088| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |28088| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |28088|  WARNING 
>> |28088| 2010-08-11
>> | 14:29:01|28088||zero rows were
>> | returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid:
>> | '' 28088| SELECT
>> |28088| managementnode.*,
>> |28088| AS resource_id,
>> |28088| AS predictive_name,
>> |28088| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
>> |28088| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
>> |28088| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
>> |28088| AS statename
>> |28088| FROM
>> |28088| managementnode,
>> |28088| module predictivemodule,
>> |28088| resource,
>> |28088| resourcetype,
>> |28088| state
>> |28088| WHERE
>> |28088| managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
>> |28088| AND managementnode.stateid =
>> |28088| AND resource.resourcetypeid =
>> |28088| AND resource.subid =
>> |28088| AND = 'managementnode'
>> |28088| AND managementnode.hostname like ''
>> |28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> |28088| (-1), get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
>> |28088| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> ===

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-12 Thread Randy Sprague

My existing datastore is on a different host:, it's an ESX 4.1 
host and the datastore I've created there is all
managed by vSphere 4.1 as well.  There's a resource pool called "vm-pool" and 
the datastore is in the default location.  I can
grant you off-campus remote access via ssh or http over the phone, if you wish 
to look at what we have there in preparation 
for next week's call.  

All of the images I have so far include (2) Windows 2003 R2 x64 servers which 
were created to demo VMWare View 4 primarily, 
(3) Windows XP SP3 desktop images called:  vlabxp1, vlabxp2, hssbpc-26 
( respectively and all these are currently 
up and mounted.  They're accessible via remote desktop from off-campus.  I have 
no security in place yet, but that is coming.  I 
wanted to get VLAB under vcl working first, then add the security after the 
fact so that no unnecessary tail-chasing would commence..

As regards the question:  can I create additonal datastores?  Well, yes and no 
- I don't have a SAN  as this project is in the
prototype stage -- if I can get it operational as-is, they'll likely fund my 
SAN purchase request.  However, I've used about 60% of 
a 1TB local RAID1+0 SAS storage array and have appx. 400GB remaining unused at 
this point, so we could create a temp. datastore
there if absolutely necessary, but that would make things pretty tight, 
space-wise.  I can also eliminate one of the two windows 
2003 R2 x64 servers and that'll free up 100GB.

On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Andy Kurth wrote:

> Once your VCL website is working you will need to load each image on a VM, 
> install and configure Cygwin sshd, then save each as a VCL image.  Rather 
> than taking weeks to get this working via the list I could help you through 
> this over phone then send a summary to the list.  I'd like to use the new 
> VMware code so it can be tested in another environment.  Send me a note 
> directly if you want to arrange a time next week.
> It will be helpful to know your existing datastore is structured.  Do you 
> have a directory for each set of vmdk files?  Do you have the ability to 
> create additional datastores?  It may be wise to use separate space while 
> you're getting things working to eliminate the possibility of affecting your 
> existing images.
> -Andy
> Randy Sprague wrote:
>> David,
>> No sir, I did not.   My boss has asked me to get a VCL prototype up and 
>> running and linked to our already created
>> vmware ESX 4.1 server's datastore of 'ready-to-roll'  Windows XP Desktop 
>> images that have all of UCSB's licensed
>> lab software pre-installed on them.  I've tested those images and they are 
>> fully accessible via RDP from off-campus,
>> so I was hoping this would be fairly straightforward, but it hasn't.
>> How realistic is it to expect that I'd have a working prototype by 8/31?
>> -Randy.
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:
>>> Hi Randy,
>>> After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
>>> "admin" account?
>>> David
>>> On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:
 Thanks for that quick reply!  
 I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
 unable to login via the management node.
 Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
 PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
 Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
 successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
 Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
 COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
 Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
 BASEURL correctly set to use https
 Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
 SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
 Testing for required php extensions ...
 All required modules are installed
 Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
 all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
 Testing mysql connection ...
 Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
 Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
 Testing mcrypt ...
 Successfully encrypted test string
 Successfully decrypted test string
 checking openssl encryption keys ...
 successfully created private key from private key file
 successfully created public key from public key file
 Testing openssl encryption ...
 successfully encrypted test string
 successfully decrypted test string
 Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
 dojoAjax directory exists
 dojoAjax directory is readable
 dojo directory exists
 dojo directory is readable
 Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
 .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-12 Thread Randy Sprague
HI Andy,

I'll definitely take you up on that offer!  We're running a gentoo 'dev' 
environment on top-line SUN x64 server hardware,
and I already have a vmware ESX 4.1 host with XP lab-ready vm's standing by 
that I prepared & tested a couple weeks ago.

Right now I'm having difficulty getting the web interface to let me login, so 
I'm following suggestions from Josh to redo the
database creation steps and proceed from there, which will hopefully get me to 
a working management node again.
I had the management node operational and then created an additional user, and 
since that time, it hasn't permitted
even regular admin logins under any circumstances, so it's back to the shed for 
more work.

Thank you so much for the offer, as I don't stand much of a chance of success 
without some assistance.  I've been told
that I have until Aug. 30th to complete this project and it's very high 
visibility, so there's a lot on the line here for me and
the university.

From what I've seen, you're a great group of guys and I look forward to success 
with your assistance!

Please advise as to your preferred times and availability and I'll work my 
schedule around that.  Thanks again for
reaching out.

All the best,
On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Andy Kurth wrote:

> Once your VCL website is working you will need to load each image on a VM, 
> install and configure Cygwin sshd, then save each as a VCL image.  Rather 
> than taking weeks to get this working via the list I could help you through 
> this over phone then send a summary to the list.  I'd like to use the new 
> VMware code so it can be tested in another environment.  Send me a note 
> directly if you want to arrange a time next week.
> It will be helpful to know your existing datastore is structured.  Do you 
> have a directory for each set of vmdk files?  Do you have the ability to 
> create additional datastores?  It may be wise to use separate space while 
> you're getting things working to eliminate the possibility of affecting your 
> existing images.
> -Andy
> Randy Sprague wrote:
>> David,
>> No sir, I did not.   My boss has asked me to get a VCL prototype up and 
>> running and linked to our already created
>> vmware ESX 4.1 server's datastore of 'ready-to-roll'  Windows XP Desktop 
>> images that have all of UCSB's licensed
>> lab software pre-installed on them.  I've tested those images and they are 
>> fully accessible via RDP from off-campus,
>> so I was hoping this would be fairly straightforward, but it hasn't.
>> How realistic is it to expect that I'd have a working prototype by 8/31?
>> -Randy.
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:
>>> Hi Randy,
>>> After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
>>> "admin" account?
>>> David
>>> On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:
 Thanks for that quick reply!  
 I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
 unable to login via the management node.
 Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
 PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
 Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
 successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
 Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
 COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
 Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
 BASEURL correctly set to use https
 Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
 SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
 Testing for required php extensions ...
 All required modules are installed
 Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
 all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
 Testing mysql connection ...
 Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
 Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
 Testing mcrypt ...
 Successfully encrypted test string
 Successfully decrypted test string
 checking openssl encryption keys ...
 successfully created private key from private key file
 successfully created public key from public key file
 Testing openssl encryption ...
 successfully encrypted test string
 successfully decrypted test string
 Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
 dojoAjax directory exists
 dojoAjax directory is readable
 dojo directory exists
 dojo directory is readable
 Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
 .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
 .ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
 Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
 display_errors: enabled
 NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
 while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
 a little easier. Edit your php.ini file t

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-12 Thread Andy Kurth
Once your VCL website is working you will need to load each image on a VM, 
install and configure Cygwin sshd, then save each as a VCL image.  Rather than 
taking weeks to get this working via the list I could help you through this over 
phone then send a summary to the list.  I'd like to use the new VMware code so 
it can be tested in another environment.  Send me a note directly if you want to 
arrange a time next week.

It will be helpful to know your existing datastore is structured.  Do you have a 
directory for each set of vmdk files?  Do you have the ability to create 
additional datastores?  It may be wise to use separate space while you're 
getting things working to eliminate the possibility of affecting your existing 


Randy Sprague wrote:


No sir, I did not.   My boss has asked me to get a VCL prototype up and running 
and linked to our already created
vmware ESX 4.1 server's datastore of 'ready-to-roll'  Windows XP Desktop images 
that have all of UCSB's licensed
lab software pre-installed on them.  I've tested those images and they are 
fully accessible via RDP from off-campus,
so I was hoping this would be fairly straightforward, but it hasn't.

How realistic is it to expect that I'd have a working prototype by 8/31?


On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:

Hi Randy,

After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
"admin" account?


On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:


Thanks for that quick reply!  

I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still unable 
to login via the management node.

Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo

Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly

Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
BASEURL correctly set to use https
Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
Testing for required php extensions ...
All required modules are installed
Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
Testing mysql connection ...
Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
Testing mcrypt ...
Successfully encrypted test string
Successfully decrypted test string
checking openssl encryption keys ...
successfully created private key from private key file
successfully created public key from public key file
Testing openssl encryption ...
successfully encrypted test string
successfully decrypted test string
Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
dojoAjax directory exists
dojoAjax directory is readable
dojo directory exists
dojo directory is readable
Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
.ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
.ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
display_errors: enabled
NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.

Randy Sprague,
Instructional SysAdmin
College of Letters & Sciences
UC Santa Barbara
(805) 722-4996

On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:

I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux host for 
UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only able 
to login one time successfully and
get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any attempt to login 
as "admin" with the proper
password, has been rejected.

vcld.log follows below:
unable to retrieve management node information from database

Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
PID: 24997
Caller: vcld:main(130)

( 0), notify (line: 737)
(-1) vcld, main (line: 130)

2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 for 
this process
2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed process to 
'vcld vcld'
|24997|  WARNING  
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)

|24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
|24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|24997|  WARNING  
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connec

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-12 Thread Josh Thompson
Hash: SHA1


I'd say at the point it would be a good idea to create a new database in mysql 
using the vcl.sql file.  Then, modify secrets.php and vcld.conf to point to 
the new database.  Also, make sure to grant the database account you've 
created (vcluser) access to the new database.

If that works to get you logged in, you can change the password for the admin 
user under the User Preferences part of the site.


On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> I've inserted the print stmt. as suggested and it looped back to the login
>  screen without displaying the message. You mentioned that this behavior
>  would indicate a non-cookie problem?
> Please advise on any next steps, if possible.
> ** All help is appreciated as we work to get this project into a demo-ready
>  state.  Time is of the essence to us ** as our Deans want to see a
>  functional, working demo by the end of August!
> vcld log follows..
> ===
> === unable to retrieve management node information from database
> Time: 2010-08-11 14:29:01
> PID: 28088
> Caller: vcld:main(130)
> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
> 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1
>  for this process 2010-08-11
>  14:29:01|28088||renamed process to 'vcld
>  vcld'
> |28088|  WARNING 
> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
> | connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user
> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
> |, notify (line: 737)
> |28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
> |28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
> |28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |28088|  WARNING 
> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
> | connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user
> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
> |, notify (line: 737)
> |28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
> |28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
> |28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |28088|  WARNING 
> |28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to
> | obtain database handle, Access denied for user
> | 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES) 28088| ( 0)
> |, notify (line: 737)
> |28088| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
> |28088| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |28088| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |28088|  WARNING 
> |28088| 2010-08-11
> | 14:29:01|28088||zero rows were
> | returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid:
> | '' 28088| SELECT
> |28088| managementnode.*,
> |28088| AS resource_id,
> |28088| AS predictive_name,
> |28088| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
> |28088| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
> |28088| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
> |28088| AS statename
> |28088| FROM
> |28088| managementnode,
> |28088| module predictivemodule,
> |28088| resource,
> |28088| resourcetype,
> |28088| state
> |28088| WHERE
> |28088| managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
> |28088| AND managementnode.stateid =
> |28088| AND resource.resourcetypeid =
> |28088| AND resource.subid =
> |28088| AND = 'managementnode'
> |28088| AND managementnode.hostname like ''
> |28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> |28088| (-1), get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
> |28088| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)
> ===
> ==
> -Randy.
> On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
> >> Josh,
> >>
> >> Thanks for that quick reply!
> >>
> >> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still
> >> unable to login via the management node.
> >>
> >> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
> >> 
> >>---
> >
> > 
> >
> >> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
> >> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
> >>
> >> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
> >
> > 
> >
> > Randy,
> >
> > In the quoted empty line above, right after the line that starts w

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Randy Sprague
Hi Josh,

I've inserted the print stmt. as suggested and it looped back to the login 
screen without displaying the message.
You mentioned that this behavior would indicate a non-cookie problem?

Please advise on any next steps, if possible.

** All help is appreciated as we work to get this project into a demo-ready 
state.  Time is of the essence to us
** as our Deans want to see a functional, working demo by the end of August!

vcld log follows..
unable to retrieve management node information from database

Time: 2010-08-11 14:29:01
PID: 28088
Caller: vcld:main(130)

( 0), notify (line: 737)
(-1) vcld, main (line: 130)

2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 for 
this process
2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||renamed process to 
'vcld vcld'
|28088|  WARNING  
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using 
password: YES)
|28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
|28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088|  WARNING  
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using 
password: YES)
|28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|28088| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
|28088| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088|  WARNING  
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||unable to 
obtain database handle, Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' 
(using password: YES)
|28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
|28088| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088|  WARNING  
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088||zero 
rows were returned from database select, management node identifier may be 
invalid: ''
|28088| SELECT
|28088| managementnode.*,
|28088| AS resource_id,
|28088| AS predictive_name,
|28088| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
|28088| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
|28088| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
|28088| AS statename
|28088| FROM
|28088| managementnode,
|28088| module predictivemodule,
|28088| resource,
|28088| resourcetype,
|28088| state
|28088| WHERE
|28088| managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
|28088| AND managementnode.stateid =
|28088| AND resource.resourcetypeid =
|28088| AND resource.subid =
|28088| AND = 'managementnode'
|28088| AND managementnode.hostname like ''
|28088| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1), get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
|28088| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)


On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> Josh,
>> Thanks for that quick reply!
>> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still
>> unable to login via the management node.
>> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
>> ---
>> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
>> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
> Randy,
> In the quoted empty line above, right after the line that starts with 
> 'COOKIEDOMAIN' there should be an iframe that attempts to set a cookie.  
> Either the copy/paste didn't include the content of the iframe, or it failed 
> to set the cookie.  When you log in, VCL sets a cookie named VCLAUTH.  If it 
> cannot set that, it will keep redirecting you to the login page.
> You can check that the actual authentication is working or not by modifying 
> .ht-inc/authentication.php.  Look for the localLogin function.  Just after 
> the 
> '//set cookie' comment add
> print 'authentication ok';
> and then comment out the line starting with 'header("Location:'.
> Next, try logging in.  If it prints "authentication ok", then it is a cookie 
> issue.  If you get the login page again, it is another issue.
> Jo

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Randy Sprague
Hi David,

After thinking about your question, I did follow the instructions in 
INSTALLATION, which said to change the admin password
from what had been set by default to one's own choice via: ' ** NOTE: Replace 
vcluserpassword with your own password!',
So, yes, I actually did change that password to one of our choosing, but not 
since then.  We were able to login using that changed 
password (after following the multi-step creation + hash procedure..) only one 
time and I used that opportunity to do some basic 
configuration.  But after logging out, I've been unable to log back in since.

A colleague suggested dropping the user table or localauth table and recreating 
them, following vcl's instructions for db installation,
but I haven't gone there yet.

Any and all suggestions or hints are welcome!

All the best,

On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
> "admin" account?
> David
> On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> Josh,
>> Thanks for that quick reply!  
>> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
>> unable to login via the management node.
>> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
>> -
>> PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
>> Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
>> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
>> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
>> BASEURL correctly set to use https
>> Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
>> SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
>> Testing for required php extensions ...
>> All required modules are installed
>> Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
>> all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
>> Testing mysql connection ...
>> Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
>> Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
>> Testing mcrypt ...
>> Successfully encrypted test string
>> Successfully decrypted test string
>> checking openssl encryption keys ...
>> successfully created private key from private key file
>> successfully created public key from public key file
>> Testing openssl encryption ...
>> successfully encrypted test string
>> successfully decrypted test string
>> Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
>> dojoAjax directory exists
>> dojoAjax directory is readable
>> dojo directory exists
>> dojo directory is readable
>> Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
>> .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
>> .ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
>> Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
>> display_errors: enabled
>> NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
>> while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
>> a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.
>> Done
>> -Randy
>> ==
>> Randy Sprague,
>> Instructional SysAdmin
>> College of Letters & Sciences
>> UC Santa Barbara
>> (805) 722-4996
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:
>>> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux 
>>> host for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
>>> Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only 
>>> able to login one time successfully and
>>> get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any 
>>> attempt to login as "admin" with the proper
>>> password, has been rejected.
>>> vcld.log follows below:
>>> unable to retrieve management node information from database
>>> Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
>>> PID: 24997
>>> Caller: vcld:main(130)
>>> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 
>>> for this process
>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed 
>>> process to 'vcld vcld'
>>> |24997|  WARNING  
>>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
>>> connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user 
>>> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)
>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
>>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>> |24997|  WARNING  
>>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
>>> connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user 
>>> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Josh Thompson
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
> Josh,
> Thanks for that quick reply!
> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still
>  unable to login via the management node.
> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
> ---

> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...


In the quoted empty line above, right after the line that starts with 
'COOKIEDOMAIN' there should be an iframe that attempts to set a cookie.  
Either the copy/paste didn't include the content of the iframe, or it failed 
to set the cookie.  When you log in, VCL sets a cookie named VCLAUTH.  If it 
cannot set that, it will keep redirecting you to the login page.

You can check that the actual authentication is working or not by modifying 
.ht-inc/authentication.php.  Look for the localLogin function.  Just after the 
'//set cookie' comment add

print 'authentication ok';

and then comment out the line starting with 'header("Location:'.

Next, try logging in.  If it prints "authentication ok", then it is a cookie 
issue.  If you get the login page again, it is another issue.


- -- 
- ---
Josh Thompson
Systems Programmer
Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

my GPG/PGP key can be found at
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)


Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Randy Sprague

No sir, I did not.   My boss has asked me to get a VCL prototype up and running 
and linked to our already created
vmware ESX 4.1 server's datastore of 'ready-to-roll'  Windows XP Desktop images 
that have all of UCSB's licensed
lab software pre-installed on them.  I've tested those images and they are 
fully accessible via RDP from off-campus,
so I was hoping this would be fairly straightforward, but it hasn't.

How realistic is it to expect that I'd have a working prototype by 8/31?


On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
> "admin" account?
> David
> On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> Josh,
>> Thanks for that quick reply!  
>> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
>> unable to login via the management node.
>> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
>> -
>> PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
>> Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
>> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
>> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
>> BASEURL correctly set to use https
>> Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
>> SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
>> Testing for required php extensions ...
>> All required modules are installed
>> Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
>> all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
>> Testing mysql connection ...
>> Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
>> Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
>> Testing mcrypt ...
>> Successfully encrypted test string
>> Successfully decrypted test string
>> checking openssl encryption keys ...
>> successfully created private key from private key file
>> successfully created public key from public key file
>> Testing openssl encryption ...
>> successfully encrypted test string
>> successfully decrypted test string
>> Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
>> dojoAjax directory exists
>> dojoAjax directory is readable
>> dojo directory exists
>> dojo directory is readable
>> Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
>> .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
>> .ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
>> Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
>> display_errors: enabled
>> NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
>> while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
>> a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.
>> Done
>> -Randy
>> ==
>> Randy Sprague,
>> Instructional SysAdmin
>> College of Letters & Sciences
>> UC Santa Barbara
>> (805) 722-4996
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:
>>> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux 
>>> host for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
>>> Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only 
>>> able to login one time successfully and
>>> get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any 
>>> attempt to login as "admin" with the proper
>>> password, has been rejected.
>>> vcld.log follows below:
>>> unable to retrieve management node information from database
>>> Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
>>> PID: 24997
>>> Caller: vcld:main(130)
>>> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 
>>> for this process
>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed 
>>> process to 'vcld vcld'
>>> |24997|  WARNING  
>>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
>>> connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user 
>>> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)
>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
>>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>> |24997|  WARNING  
>>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
>>> connect to database, (1045) Access denied for user 
>>> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)
>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
>>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>> |24997|  WARNING  
>>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|uti

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread David Abdurachmanov
Hi Randy,

After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
"admin" account?


On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:

> Josh,
> Thanks for that quick reply!  
> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
> unable to login via the management node.
> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
> -
> PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
> Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
> successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
> BASEURL correctly set to use https
> Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
> SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
> Testing for required php extensions ...
> All required modules are installed
> Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
> all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
> Testing mysql connection ...
> Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
> Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
> Testing mcrypt ...
> Successfully encrypted test string
> Successfully decrypted test string
> checking openssl encryption keys ...
> successfully created private key from private key file
> successfully created public key from public key file
> Testing openssl encryption ...
> successfully encrypted test string
> successfully decrypted test string
> Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
> dojoAjax directory exists
> dojoAjax directory is readable
> dojo directory exists
> dojo directory is readable
> Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
> .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
> .ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
> Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
> display_errors: enabled
> NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
> while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
> a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.
> Done
> -Randy
> ==
> Randy Sprague,
> Instructional SysAdmin
> College of Letters & Sciences
> UC Santa Barbara
> (805) 722-4996
> On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux host 
>> for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
>> Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only 
>> able to login one time successfully and
>> get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any 
>> attempt to login as "admin" with the proper
>> password, has been rejected.
>> vcld.log follows below:
>> unable to retrieve management node information from database
>> Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
>> PID: 24997
>> Caller: vcld:main(130)
>> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 
>> for this process
>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed process 
>> to 'vcld vcld'
>> |24997|  WARNING  
>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect 
>> to database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' 
>> (using password: YES)
>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |24997|  WARNING  
>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect 
>> to database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' 
>> (using password: YES)
>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |24997|  WARNING  
>> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
>> obtain database handle, Access denied for user 
>> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)
>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>> |24997| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
>> |24997| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>> |24997| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
>> |24997|  WARNING  
>> |24997| 2010-08-11 
>> 09:29:31|24997||zero rows were 
>> returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid: 
>> ''
>> |24997| SELECT
>> |24997| managementnode.*,
>> |24997| AS resource_id,
>> |24997| predictivemod

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Randy Sprague

Thanks for that quick reply!  

I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still unable 
to login via the management node.

Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo

Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly

Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
BASEURL correctly set to use https
Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
Testing for required php extensions ...
All required modules are installed
Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
Testing mysql connection ...
Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
Testing mcrypt ...
Successfully encrypted test string
Successfully decrypted test string
checking openssl encryption keys ...
successfully created private key from private key file
successfully created public key from public key file
Testing openssl encryption ...
successfully encrypted test string
successfully decrypted test string
Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
dojoAjax directory exists
dojoAjax directory is readable
dojo directory exists
dojo directory is readable
Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
.ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
.ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
display_errors: enabled
NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.

Randy Sprague,
Instructional SysAdmin
College of Letters & Sciences
UC Santa Barbara
(805) 722-4996

On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:

> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux host 
> for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
> Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only 
> able to login one time successfully and
> get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any 
> attempt to login as "admin" with the proper
> password, has been rejected.
> vcld.log follows below:
> unable to retrieve management node information from database
> Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
> PID: 24997
> Caller: vcld:main(130)
> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 
> for this process
> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed process 
> to 'vcld vcld'
> |24997|  WARNING  
> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect 
> to database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' 
> (using password: YES)
> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |24997|  WARNING  
> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect 
> to database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' 
> (using password: YES)
> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |24997|  WARNING  
> |24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||unable to 
> obtain database handle, Access denied for user 
> 'vcluser'@'' (using password: YES)
> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
> |24997| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
> |24997| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
> |24997| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
> |24997|  WARNING  
> |24997| 2010-08-11 
> 09:29:31|24997||zero rows were 
> returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid: 
> ''
> |24997| SELECT
> |24997| managementnode.*,
> |24997| AS resource_id,
> |24997| AS predictive_name,
> |24997| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
> |24997| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
> |24997| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
> |24997| AS statename
> |24997| FROM
> |24997| managementnode,
> |24997| module predictivemodule,
> |24

Re: unable to retrieve management node information from database -- please help

2010-08-11 Thread Josh Thompson
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux
>  host for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences. Every since completing the
>  installation of the management node, I was only able to login one time
>  successfully and get the program configured for basic operations.  Since
>  that time, any attempt to login as "admin" with the proper password, has
>  been rejected.
> vcld.log follows below:


Try loading the testsetup.php page.  It should be in the same directory as the 
index.php page.  Since you cannot log in and the management node cannot 
connect to the database, it sounds like you may have an issue with mysql.  The 
testsetup.php page will attempt to connect to mysql and report any errors if 
it cannot.

- -- 
- ---
Josh Thompson
Systems Programmer
Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

my GPG/PGP key can be found at
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
