Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-30 Hội thoại G TT

Tho^ng ca?m! Hy ba.n ru't nhie^`u kinh ngie^.m qua vie^.c na`y.
Kho^ng co' y' la`m ro^'i ba.n lu'c na`y khi cho ba.n bie^'t la` co' la^`n 
to^i va` install tha`nh co^ng cho

802.11g Airlink+ PCI AWLH3025 driver ta?i xuo^'ng tu+`
1. Driver du`ng firmware cua? Texas Instruments (Windows drivers xa`i chung 
firmware ddo').
2. DDa~ "ping"  ddu+o+.c dde^'n 802.11g node kha'c va` dde^'n wireless 
router Airlink+ AR315W.
3. Va^'n dde^` encryption cho Linux drivers chu+a ddu+o+.c hoa`n chi?nh 
la('m so vo+'i XP/Win2K drivers.
4. Internet connection vo+'i XP/Win2K cha.y ta.m ta.m ca'ch khoa?n 10 
thu+o+'c va` xuye^n qua 2 la^`n tu+o+`ng + WPA/PSK encryption (weak signal). 
Nghe no'i wireless router Airlink+ AR315W xa`i embedded Linux. Ne^'u 
ndiswrapper cu?a Linuxant cha.y ddu+o+.c trong Linux co' le? mi`nh cu~ng co' 
va`i features cu?a XP/Win2K drivers (encryptions, wireless lan utilities..).

Chu'c nhie^`u tha`nh co^ng! :-)

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Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-28 Hội thoại Tri H Trinh
On 7/27/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 4. Ta.i sao ba.n kho^ng ta?i xuo^'ng va` install Kernel 2.6.12-1.139x 16K
> stack cho FC4 dda~ ddu+o+.c (built) qua Linuxant (#rpm -ihv
> kernel-2.6.12-1.13-16K..rpm)? Ba.n co' the^? cho bie^'t^`n nu+~a,
> ba.n dda~ ga(.p va^'n dde^` gi` khi la`m nhu+ va^.y\?

To^i dda~ download va` du`ng go'i RPM tu+` linuxant. Ba^y gio+` thi`
cha.y modprobe ndiswrapper bi. lo^~i:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hypoj]# /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper
FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper
(/lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.stk16/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid
module format

To^i kie^?m tra tha^'y kernel ddu+o+c compile vo+'i gcc kha'c version
vo+'i ba?n gcc trong ma'y to^i:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hypoj]# cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.stk16 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc
version 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8)) #1 Fri Jul 22 13:55:37 EDT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hypoj]# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.0.1 20050727 (Red Hat 4.0.1-5)

Ba^y gio+` pha?i download src tu+` linuxant ve^` tu+. compile va^.y.
Ddu'ng la` "cha.y tro+`i kho^ng kho?i na('ng" :(

Tri H. Trinh

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-26 Hội thoại G TT

Sorry about that!

1. Ky` na^`y dde^` nghi. ba.n backup data tru+o+'c khi thu+? nha^n mo+'i\.

2. Cu~ng dde^` nghi. ba.n ra ca'ch kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i nha^n cu~ khi 
nha^n mo+'i bi. va^'n dde^`, hay ba.n muo^'n so sa'nh ta'c ddo^.ng kha'c 
nhau cu?a ca'c nha^n.
Vi' du. to^i du`ng FC4 vo+'i nha^n 2.6.12-1.1398, tho+`i trong /boot chi? 
co' set 1: ( nha^n 
2.6.12-1.1398 na^`y /boot/grub/grub.conf se~ co' nhu+~ng ha`ng:

title FC4 - kernel-2.6.12-1.1398
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1398 ro root=LABEL=/ hdc=ide-scsi
va`kernel modules na(`m trong /lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1398.
Khi to^i (build va`) install nha^n thu+' nhi` (vi' du. nha^n 2.6.12-1.1390 
qua lo^'i #rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.12-1.1390.rpm, hay qua lo^'i #cd 
/usr/src/linux; make oldconfig; make; make modules; make odules_install; 
make install), tho+`i trong /boot se~ co' the^m set 2: 
(vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1390 + Cho nha^n 2.6.12-1.1390 
na^`y to^i edit /boot/grub/grub.conf dde^? co' the^m 2 ha`ng:

title 1 - FC4 - kernel-2.6.12-1.1398 (nha^n cu~).
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1398 ro root=LABEL=/ hdc=ide-scsi
title 2 - FC4 - kernel-2.6.12-1.1390 (nha^n mo+'i).
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-1.1390 ro root=LABEL=/ hdc=ide-scsi
va`kernel modules 2.6.12-1.1390 dda~ na(`m trong /lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1390.
Khi kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i ma'y, boot loader se~ cho to^i cho.n mo^.t trong hai 
items (va` ne^'u to^i u` li`qua' 10 secs, item thu+' nha^'t se~ tu+. ddo^.ng 
ddu+o+.c cho.n):

1 - FC4 - kernel-2.6.12-1.1398 (nha^n cu~).
2 - FC4 - kernel-2.6.12-1.1390 (nha^n mo+'i).
Nhu+ va^.y khi ga(.p va^'n dde^` khi kho+?i ddo^.ng nha^n mo+'i to^i chi? 
ca^`n reboot va` cho.n nha^n cu~\.
Ne^'u ba.n du`ng lilo-boot loader, tho+`i ba.n pha?i edit "/etc/lilo.conf" 
thay vi` "/boot/grub/grub.conf" va` ra le^.nh #/sbin/lilo sau ddo'\.

3. Ba.n cu~ng ne^n bie^'t ca'ch kho+?i ddo^.ng "linux rescuer" qua 
installation (FC4) CD-ROM trong tru+o+`ng ho+p. ma'y chi? co' mo^.t nha^n 
(nha^n mo+'i: ddang bi. va^'n dde^`) vi` nha^n cu~ dda~ bi. overwritten qua 
#rpm -Uvh kernel-2.6.12-1.1390.rpm:
Khi kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i ma'y vo+'i installation (FC4) (bootable) CD-ROM in 
drive ba.n cho va`o:

linux rescue
ta.i "boot:" prompt. "Linux rescuer" se~ "mount" root partition cu?a nha^n 
cu~ ta.i mount point "/mnt/sysimage". Sau dda^'y ba.n co' the^? ho^`i phu.c 
la.i nha^n cu~ ba(`ng ca'ch edit "/mnt/sysimage/boot/grub/grub.conf" tu+o+ng 
tu+. nhu+ tre^n va` restore (copy) nha^n cu~ tu+`installation (FC4) CD-ROM 
va`o "/mnt/sysimage/boot". Reboot ba(`ng le^.nh "exit" dde^? thoa't kho?i 
"Linux rescuer" shell.

4. Ta.i sao ba.n kho^ng ta?i xuo^'ng va` install Kernel 2.6.12-1.139x 16K 
stack cho FC4 dda~ ddu+o+.c (built) qua Linuxant (#rpm -ihv 
kernel-2.6.12-1.13-16K..rpm)? Ba.n co' the^? cho bie^'t^`n nu+~a, 
ba.n dda~ ga(.p va^'n dde^` gi` khi la`m nhu+ va^.y\?

Chu'c tha`nh co^ng! :-)

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-25 Hội thoại Tri H Trinh
On 7/26/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Linuxant dda~ ra patch cho nha^n 2.6.12 + 16k stack:
> "";.
Oops! Ho+i muo^.n dde^? cu+'u ca'i laptop cu?a to^i !! 

To^i dda~ thu+? bie^n la.i nha^n vo+'i ha`ng CONFIG_4KSTACKS
comment out, mo.i thu+' co' ve? OK, nghi~a la` kho^ng tha^'y ba'o
lo^~i khi bie^n, nhu+ng khi boot  la.i thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i loa.n
xa., va` startx chi? tha^'y mo^.t ma`u ne^`n xanh xanh ro^`i ma'y
nghi? cho+i luo^n :-P

To^i vu+`a ca`i la.i ca'i laptop tu+` CDs mo+'i reply ddu+o+.c dda^y.

> Kernel configuration file "kernel-2.6.12-i686.config" trong src.rpm o+?
> Linuxant co' nhu+~ng han`ng:
> ..
> CONFIG_M686=y
> ..
> Ly' do la` ndiswrapper cu?a Linuxant crash nha^n 2.6.12 vo+'i default 4K
> stacksize, nhu+ ba.n Tri dda~ ddoa'n ddu'ng\.
> Nhu+ Larry dda~ dde^`nghi. va`i ngay` tru+o+'c dda^y la` ne^n rebuild
> nha^n\. Nhu+ng kho^ng ne^n _chi?_ ddo^?i  "CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y" tha`nh
> "CONFIG_16KSTACKS=y" ma` ne^n import toa`n the^? "kernel-2.6.12-i686.config"
> trong src.rpm o+? Linuxant vao` nguo^`n ma~ cu?a mi`nh\.
Dde^? to^i thu+? la.i coi sao, nhu+ng chuye^'n na`y kho^ng lu+o+`i
ddo.c ta`i lie^.u ddu+o+.c nu+~a ro^`i.

Tri H. Trinh

Microsoft will soon release their newest product: a vacuum cleaner. 
It will be their only product which doesn't suck.

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-25 Hội thoại G TT
...Nhu+ng "co' le~" (sau khi xem la.i patch code cua? Linuxant :-) ) pha?i 
ddo^?i va`i cho^? trong

ngu^`n ma~ va` header files:
thi` ne^n apply toa`n the^? patch vao` nguo^`n ma~ cu?a mi`nh\.

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Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-25 Hội thoại G TT

Linuxant dda~ ra patch cho nha^n 2.6.12 + 16k stack:

Kernel configuration file "kernel-2.6.12-i686.config" trong src.rpm o+? 
Linuxant co' nhu+~ng han`ng:

Ly' do la` ndiswrapper cu?a Linuxant crash nha^n 2.6.12 vo+'i default 4K 
stacksize, nhu+ ba.n Tri dda~ ddoa'n ddu'ng\.

Nhu+ Larry dda~ dde^`nghi. va`i ngay` tru+o+'c dda^y la` ne^n rebuild 
nha^n\. Nhu+ng kho^ng ne^n _chi?_ ddo^?i  "CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y" tha`nh 
"CONFIG_16KSTACKS=y" ma` ne^n import toa`n the^? "kernel-2.6.12-i686.config" 
trong src.rpm o+? Linuxant vao` nguo^`n ma~ cu?a mi`nh\.

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-24 Hội thoại NAHieu
On 7/23/05, Larry Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7:22:07 am 07/23/05 "Larry Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3:59:57 am 07/23/05 NAHieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >  Ai ba?o build kernel vo+'i stack 16K thi` gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c
> > >  kho' kha(n hie^.n ta.i\??
> >
> > Mo+'i ngu? da^.y ddo.c mail cu?a ba.c tha^'y vui trong lo`ng :) Ne^'u
> > ba.n bie^'t ca'ch ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` ne^n ddo.c la.i ca'i post
> > dda^`u tie^n THTri post le^n list. Tru+o+`ng ho+.p ba.n dda~ xo'a
> > ma^'t ro^`i thi` no' o+? dda^y
> > er-groups.linux.vietlug/5195
> >
> > Va` o+? dda^y
> > tlug/5196 mi`nh cu~ng dda~ ca'i cho^~ no' chu+'a ca'i ha`ng 4K stack ddo
> > '.
> >
> >
> > DDo.c ky~ nhu+~ng gi` trong post THTri vie^'t. Ne^'u ba.n kho^ng
> > hie^?u tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` o+? *list ha`i* na`y co' the^? ra
> > tie^'ng Anh, Pha'p, DDu+'c, Nha^.t, Nga cho ba.n ddo.c. Lemme know if
> > you need help :)
> > Trong ca'i post ddo' co' no'i dde^'n Linuxant, la` nha` vie^'t
> > commercial driver cho wireless/modem ma` Linux chu+a ho^~ tro+. 100%
> > (hoa(.c sau na`y dda~ ho^~ tro+. cho mo^.t va`i cards). Linuxant
> > dde^` nghi. la` kho^ng ne^n du`ng nha^n khi compile 4K stacks thi`
> > no' hay bi. crash. Va` ho. co' dde^` nghi. ca'ch du`ng nha^n 0 bi.
> > ha.n che^' na`y.
> Vui qua' ne^n que^n paste ca'i link cu?a Linuxant :) 

Interesting project. Probably this is the only reason to use 16K kernel stack.

So just get the patch (BTW I couldnt find the patch on that site),
patch it to the approriate kernel, then compile it to see if the
problem goes away.

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại G TT

Ba.n thu+?:
#make modules
#make modules_install
tru+o+'c  khi du`ng le^.nh (#make install)
DDe^? tie^.n vie^.c tra cu+u' cho ba.n:
sections: Kernel Flavors Preparing for Kernel Development Building Only Kernel Modules.  (To^i chu+a thu+? ca'ch build only a 
kernel module ba(`ng ca'ch edit "Makefile" nhu+ section, ne^n kho^ng 
da'm khuye^n ba.n phu+o+ng pha'p na^`y. #make modules;  make modules_install 
build va` install nhu+~ng modules ma` ba.n dde^` ca^.p trong 
/usr/src/.config ta.i /lib/modules/-prep tuy ho+i la^u 
nhu+ng cha('c a(n nha^'t cho ba.n)

Chu'c tha`nh co^ng!

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 3:55:02 am 07/23/05 NAHieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Ba.n!
> >  1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i
> >  "bzImake"). Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory
> >  /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c na^`y ky~ ho+n.
> Ha`i tha^.t, README hu+o+'ng da^~n la` "make bzImage" dde^? compile
> kernel 2.6 tu+` khi na`o va^.y\???

Co' le~ G TT que^n vo+'i compile nha^n tu+` *tho+`i xa xu+a* ne^n 0 dde^?
y' Change tre^n 2.6. Good catch but worse attitude.


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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 7:22:07 am 07/23/05 "Larry Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3:59:57 am 07/23/05 NAHieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  Ai ba?o build kernel vo+'i stack 16K thi` gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c
> >  kho' kha(n hie^.n ta.i\??
> Mo+'i ngu? da^.y ddo.c mail cu?a ba.c tha^'y vui trong lo`ng :) Ne^'u
> ba.n bie^'t ca'ch ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` ne^n ddo.c la.i ca'i post
> dda^`u tie^n THTri post le^n list. Tru+o+`ng ho+.p ba.n dda~ xo'a
> ma^'t ro^`i thi` no' o+? dda^y
> er-groups.linux.vietlug/5195
> Va` o+? dda^y
> tlug/5196 mi`nh cu~ng dda~ ca'i cho^~ no' chu+'a ca'i ha`ng 4K stack ddo
> '.
> DDo.c ky~ nhu+~ng gi` trong post THTri vie^'t. Ne^'u ba.n kho^ng
> hie^?u tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` o+? *list ha`i* na`y co' the^? ra
> tie^'ng Anh, Pha'p, DDu+'c, Nha^.t, Nga cho ba.n ddo.c. Lemme know if
> you need help :)
> Trong ca'i post ddo' co' no'i dde^'n Linuxant, la` nha` vie^'t
> commercial driver cho wireless/modem ma` Linux chu+a ho^~ tro+. 100%
> (hoa(.c sau na`y dda~ ho^~ tro+. cho mo^.t va`i cards). Linuxant
> dde^` nghi. la` kho^ng ne^n du`ng nha^n khi compile 4K stacks thi`
> no' hay bi. crash. Va` ho. co' dde^` nghi. ca'ch du`ng nha^n 0 bi.
> ha.n che^' na`y.

Vui qua' ne^n que^n paste ca'i link cu?a Linuxant :)

Xin lo^~i vi` qua' hu+'ng :)


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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 3:59:57 am 07/23/05 NAHieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ai ba?o build kernel vo+'i stack 16K thi` gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c kho'
> kha(n hie^.n ta.i\??

Mo+'i ngu? da^.y ddo.c mail cu?a ba.c tha^'y vui trong lo`ng :) Ne^'u 
ba.n bie^'t ca'ch ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` ne^n ddo.c la.i ca'i post
dda^`u tie^n THTri post le^n list. Tru+o+`ng ho+.p ba.n dda~ xo'a ma^'t
ro^`i thi` no' o+? dda^y

Va` o+? dda^y 
mi`nh cu~ng dda~ ca'i cho^~ no' chu+'a ca'i ha`ng 4K stack ddo'.

DDo.c ky~ nhu+~ng gi` trong post THTri vie^'t. Ne^'u ba.n kho^ng hie^?u
tie^'ng Vie^.t thi` o+? *list ha`i* na`y co' the^? ra tie^'ng Anh,
Pha'p, DDu+'c, Nha^.t, Nga cho ba.n ddo.c. Lemme know if you need help :)

Trong ca'i post ddo' co' no'i dde^'n Linuxant, la` nha` vie^'t commercial
driver cho wireless/modem ma` Linux chu+a ho^~ tro+. 100% (hoa(.c sau na`y
dda~ ho^~ tro+. cho mo^.t va`i cards). Linuxant dde^` nghi. la` kho^ng ne^n
du`ng nha^n khi compile 4K stacks thi` no' hay bi. crash. Va` ho. co' dde^`
nghi. ca'ch du`ng nha^n 0 bi. ha.n che^' na`y.

Ne^'u ba.n bie^'t ca'ch kha('c phu.c ma` se~ cha.y to^'t cho ba.n THTri
ngoa`i vie^.c bie^n nha^n la.i thi` cho ba.n a^'y bie^'t. Chu+'
hie^.n ta.i ba^y gio+` ddo' chi? la` bie^.n pha'p dda^`u tie^n tre^n danh
sa'ch cu+'u kho?i bi. crash. 


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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại maikhai
On Saturday 23 July 2005 03:59 pm, NAHieu wrote:
> On 7/23/05, Tri H Trinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Ba.n!
> > > 1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_
> > > pha?i "bzImake"). Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory
> > > /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c na^`y ky~ ho+n.
> > > 2. Ba.n tha^.t nha^.y! To^i nghi~ ba.n dda~ tu+. ti`m cho^? cho
> > > tho^ng so^' "stacksize". The^m la`: Cho kernel configuation
> > > file (.config) tra? lo+`i: "y" ne^'u ba.n muo^'n kernel feature
> > > ddu+o.+c "built-in" hay "is not set" + comment sign "#" o+?
> > > dda^`u ha`ng ne^'u ba.n kho^ng muo^'n. Ngoa`i ra tra? lo+`i "m"
> > > ("module") cho ca'c loadable driver modules ma` ba.n kho^ng
> > > muo^'n "compile into" nha^n (nha^n se~ be' ho+n). Ca'c loadable
> > > driver modules na^`y se~ ddo+u+.c na.p (load) sau khi nha^n
> > > dda~ kho+?i ddo^.ng (qua #modprobe  )
> > > va` theo nhu ca^`u
> >
> > Thx ba'c, to^i dda~ comment out do`ng CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y. Nhu+ng
> > va^~n co`n the'c me'c la` nhu+ the^' thi` 4KStacks se~ kho^ng set
> > nu+~a, nhu+ng va^.y thi` stacksize se~ la` bao nhie^u? Nhu+ ba'c
> > NAHieu no'i thi` se~ la` 8K, nhu+ng ne^'u to^i ca^`n set la` 16K
> > thi` pha?i la`m sao? co' the^? bi.a ra do`ng tu+o+ng tu+. nhu+
> > thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng?
> > > 3. Vie^.c thi' nghie^.m wireless lan cua? ba.n dde^'n dda^u
> > > ro^`i?
> >
> > Ca'i na`y co`n pha?i cho+` build ca'i kernel 16K stacksize mo+'i
> > tie^'p ddu+o+.c ba'c a.
> Ai ba?o build kernel vo+'i stack 16K thi` gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c
> kho' kha(n hie^.n ta.i\??
> Du`ng kernel bi`nh thu+o+`ng tho^i, co' tru.c tra(.c thi` ti`m
> cho^~ kha'c dde^? kha('c phu.c, chu+' kho^ng pha?i ta(ng ki'ch
> thu+o+'c stack le^n.
> List na`y la('m ba'c ha`i va~i la'i nhi?

Nho+' khi xu+a co`n be'
Ta ho?i tha^`y ngo^ nghe^
Gio+` ra^u ta dda~ ba.c
Lo+`i tha^'y ta co`n nghe . . .

Mo^~i nga`y dde^`u pha?i va~i la'i i't la^`n dde^? kho^ng vo+~ bo'ng 
dde`n chu+'. Ha`i,  nhu+ng ha`i vo+'i  mo^.t nu. cu+o+`i mi?m tho^i 
thi` mo+'i la` dda'ng qu'i :)

m k h _ s g n
m k h _ s g n
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại NAHieu
On 7/23/05, Tri H Trinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ba.n!
> > 1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake").
> > Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c
> > na^`y ky~ ho+n.
> > 2. Ba.n tha^.t nha^.y! To^i nghi~ ba.n dda~ tu+. ti`m cho^? cho tho^ng so^'
> > "stacksize". The^m la`: Cho kernel configuation file (.config) tra? lo+`i:
> > "y" ne^'u ba.n muo^'n kernel feature ddu+o.+c "built-in" hay "is not set" +
> > comment sign "#" o+? dda^`u ha`ng ne^'u ba.n kho^ng muo^'n. Ngoa`i ra tra?
> > lo+`i "m" ("module") cho ca'c loadable driver modules ma` ba.n kho^ng muo^'n
> > "compile into" nha^n (nha^n se~ be' ho+n). Ca'c loadable driver modules
> > na^`y se~ ddo+u+.c na.p (load) sau khi nha^n dda~ kho+?i ddo^.ng (qua
> > #modprobe  ) va` theo nhu ca^`u
> Thx ba'c, to^i dda~ comment out do`ng CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y. Nhu+ng va^~n
> co`n the'c me'c la` nhu+ the^' thi` 4KStacks se~ kho^ng set nu+~a,
> nhu+ng va^.y thi` stacksize se~ la` bao nhie^u? Nhu+ ba'c NAHieu no'i
> thi` se~ la` 8K, nhu+ng ne^'u to^i ca^`n set la` 16K thi` pha?i la`m
> sao? co' the^? bi.a ra do`ng tu+o+ng tu+. nhu+
> thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng?


> > 3. Vie^.c thi' nghie^.m wireless lan cua? ba.n dde^'n dda^u ro^`i?
> Ca'i na`y co`n pha?i cho+` build ca'i kernel 16K stacksize mo+'i
> tie^'p ddu+o+.c ba'c a.

Ai ba?o build kernel vo+'i stack 16K thi` gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c kho'
kha(n hie^.n ta.i\??

Du`ng kernel bi`nh thu+o+`ng tho^i, co' tru.c tra(.c thi` ti`m cho^~
kha'c dde^? kha('c phu.c, chu+' kho^ng pha?i ta(ng ki'ch thu+o+'c
stack le^n.

List na`y la('m ba'c ha`i va~i la'i nhi?

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-23 Hội thoại NAHieu
On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ba.n!
> 1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake").
> Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c
> na^`y ky~ ho+n.

Ha`i tha^.t, README hu+o+'ng da^~n la` "make bzImage" dde^? compile
kernel 2.6 tu+` khi na`o va^.y\???

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-22 Hội thoại Tri H Trinh
On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ba.n!
> 1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake").
> Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c
> na^`y ky~ ho+n.

To^i dda~ cha.y 
#make bzImage
ok (nghia la khong thay bao loi gi). Nhu+ng khi cha.y make install
thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i thie^'u directory /lib/modules/2.6.12-prep

[EMAIL PROTECTED] linux]# make install
  CHK include/linux/version.h
make[1]: `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s' is up to date.
  CHK include/linux/compile.h
  CHK usr/initramfs_list
Kernel: arch/i386/boot/bzImage is ready
sh /usr/src/linux-2.6.12/arch/i386/boot/ 2.6.12-prep
arch/i386/boot/bzImage "/boot"
WARNING: Couldn't open directory /lib/modules/2.6.12-prep: No such
file or directory
FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.12-prep/modules.dep.temp for
writing: No such file or directory
/lib/modules/2.6.12-prep is not a directory.
mkinitrd failed
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 2

Xin ca'c ba'c cu+'u giu'p

Tri H. Trinh

Microsoft will soon release their newest product: a vacuum cleaner. 
It will be their only product which doesn't suck.

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-22 Hội thoại Tri H Trinh
On 7/23/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ba.n!
> 1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake").
> Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c
> na^`y ky~ ho+n.
> 2. Ba.n tha^.t nha^.y! To^i nghi~ ba.n dda~ tu+. ti`m cho^? cho tho^ng so^'
> "stacksize". The^m la`: Cho kernel configuation file (.config) tra? lo+`i:
> "y" ne^'u ba.n muo^'n kernel feature ddu+o.+c "built-in" hay "is not set" +
> comment sign "#" o+? dda^`u ha`ng ne^'u ba.n kho^ng muo^'n. Ngoa`i ra tra?
> lo+`i "m" ("module") cho ca'c loadable driver modules ma` ba.n kho^ng muo^'n
> "compile into" nha^n (nha^n se~ be' ho+n). Ca'c loadable driver modules
> na^`y se~ ddo+u+.c na.p (load) sau khi nha^n dda~ kho+?i ddo^.ng (qua
> #modprobe  ) va` theo nhu ca^`u

Thx ba'c, to^i dda~ comment out do`ng CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y. Nhu+ng va^~n
co`n the'c me'c la` nhu+ the^' thi` 4KStacks se~ kho^ng set nu+~a,
nhu+ng va^.y thi` stacksize se~ la` bao nhie^u? Nhu+ ba'c NAHieu no'i
thi` se~ la` 8K, nhu+ng ne^'u to^i ca^`n set la` 16K thi` pha?i la`m
sao? co' the^? bi.a ra do`ng tu+o+ng tu+. nhu+
thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng?

> 3. Vie^.c thi' nghie^.m wireless lan cua? ba.n dde^'n dda^u ro^`i?

Ca'i na`y co`n pha?i cho+` build ca'i kernel 16K stacksize mo+'i
tie^'p ddu+o+.c ba'c a.

> Chu'c nhie^`u tha`nh co^ng!

Tri H. Trinh

Microsoft will soon release their newest product: a vacuum cleaner. 
It will be their only product which doesn't suck.

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-22 Hội thoại G TT

1. Xin thu+' lo^~i cho: ... make bzImage.. (chu+' _kho^ng_ pha?i "bzImake"). 
Ba.n xem la.i "README" trong subdirectory /usr/src/linux cho nhu+~ng bu+o+'c 
na^`y ky~ ho+n.
2. Ba.n tha^.t nha^.y! To^i nghi~ ba.n dda~ tu+. ti`m cho^? cho tho^ng so^' 
"stacksize". The^m la`: Cho kernel configuation file (.config) tra? lo+`i: 
"y" ne^'u ba.n muo^'n kernel feature ddu+o.+c "built-in" hay "is not set" + 
comment sign "#" o+? dda^`u ha`ng ne^'u ba.n kho^ng muo^'n. Ngoa`i ra tra? 
lo+`i "m" ("module") cho ca'c loadable driver modules ma` ba.n kho^ng muo^'n 
"compile into" nha^n (nha^n se~ be' ho+n). Ca'c loadable driver modules 
na^`y se~ ddo+u+.c na.p (load) sau khi nha^n dda~ kho+?i ddo^.ng (qua 
#modprobe  ) va` theo nhu ca^`u

3. Vie^.c thi' nghie^.m wireless lan cua? ba.n dde^'n dda^u ro^`i?
Chu'c nhie^`u tha`nh co^ng!

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-22 Hội thoại G TT
Ca?m o+n dda~ chi? giao'!  (Da^'u "?" dda~ la`m xong "pha^.n su+.!. Ne^'u 
kho^ng, URL cho compiled kernels - :

kernel-2.6.12-1.1390_FC4.i586..> 07-Jul-2005 21:47  15M
kernel-2.6.12-1.1390_FC4.i686..> 07-Jul-2005 21:47  14M).
DDo^`ng y' vo+i' ba.n la` phai? rebuild nha^n (cho^? na`o phai? chi?nh 
"stacksize" trong .config va^y.?)

Ca?m o+n!

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SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
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speed, fast.
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-22 Hội thoại NAHieu
On 7/21/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kernel-2.6.12-1.1390_FC4.src.rpm 07-Jul-2005 21:47  37M
> kernel-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.src.rpm 15-Jul-2005 12:37  37M
> Tu+. build la^'y qua nhu+~ng nguo^`n ma~ tre^n:
> #rpm -Uhv kernel-2.6.12-1.139x_FC4.src.rpm
> #cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
> #rpmbuild -bp --target  kernel-2.6.12-1.39x.spec  (vi' du. :
> i686)
> #cd ../BUILD/kernel-2.6.12...
> #mv linux-2.6.12 /usr/src
> #cd /usr/src
> #ln -s linux-2.6.12 linux
> #cd linux/configs   (cho.n mo^.t config file thi'ch ho+p. vi' du.:
> kernel-2.6.12-1.39x-i686.config)
> #cp kernel-2.6.12-1.39x-i686.config ../.config
> #cd ..; make oldconfig; make bzImake; make install
> #vi /etc/lilo.conf va` #lilo ne^'u ba.n du`ng lilo hay #vi
> /boot/grub/grub.conf ne^'u grub. Reboot.
> Co' the^? chuye^?n stacksize (4K,16K) khi pha't ddo^ng nha^n 2.6.12  khi
> boot loading?

Stock kernel kho^ng cho phe'p cho.n lu+.a ki'ch co+~ stacksize tu`y
y', gio+` o^ng ba.n no'i Redhat kernel cho du`ng stack 16K cho.n lu'c
kho+?i ddo^.ng, tha^.t hay ddu`a va^.y 

Nga`y xu+?a nga`y xu+a stack cu?a kernel co' ki'ch co+~ 8K. Ga^`n
dda^y co' nhie^`u y' kie^'n cho ra(`ng nhu+ va^.y la` qua' la~ng phi'
memory, ne^n mo+'i co' ca'i cho.n lu+.a chi? du`ng stack 4K tho^i\. Ai
muo^'n va^.y thi` build la.i kernel, co`n ma(.c ddi.nh 8K la` OK cho
ha^`u he^'t mo.i ngu+o+`i\.

(Thu+ na`y gu+?i lu'c 12.45am)

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-21 Hội thoại Tri H Trinh
On 7/21/05, G TT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> kernel-2.6.12-1.1390_FC4.src.rpm 07-Jul-2005 21:47  37M
> kernel-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.src.rpm 15-Jul-2005 12:37  37M
> Tu+. build la^'y qua nhu+~ng nguo^`n ma~ tre^n:
> #rpm -Uhv kernel-2.6.12-1.139x_FC4.src.rpm
> #cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
> #rpmbuild -bp --target  kernel-2.6.12-1.39x.spec  (vi' du. :
> i686)
> #cd ../BUILD/kernel-2.6.12...
> #mv linux-2.6.12 /usr/src
> #cd /usr/src
> #ln -s linux-2.6.12 linux
> #cd linux/configs   (cho.n mo^.t config file thi'ch ho+p. vi' du.:
> kernel-2.6.12-1.39x-i686.config)
> #cp kernel-2.6.12-1.39x-i686.config ../.config
> #cd ..; make oldconfig; make bzImake; make install

mo.i thu+' OK cho to+'i khi cha.y
#make bzlmake
make: *** No rule to make target `bzlmake'. Stop.

Xin ba'c vai` xu.

> #vi /etc/lilo.conf va` #lilo ne^'u ba.n du`ng lilo hay #vi
> /boot/grub/grub.conf ne^'u grub. Reboot.
> Co' the^? chuye^?n stacksize (4K,16K) khi pha't ddo^ng nha^n 2.6.12  khi
> boot loading?

Ba'c co' the^? no'i ro~ ho+n giai ddoa.n na`y kho^ng? Co' pha?i la`
khi boot nha^n mo+'i thi` he^. tho^'ng se~ cho mi`nh lu+.a stack size

To^i xem trong file kernel-2.6.12-i686.config co' ha`ng
kho^ng bie^'t co' ne^n comment out do`ng na`y hay chuye^?n no' tha`nh
kho^ng nhi?

> Chu'c tha`nh co^ng!
> _
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

Tri H. Trinh

Microsoft will soon release their newest product: a vacuum cleaner. 
It will be their only product which doesn't suck.

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
VietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-21 Hội thoại G TT

kernel-2.6.12-1.1390_FC4.src.rpm 07-Jul-2005 21:47  37M
kernel-2.6.12-1.1398_FC4.src.rpm 15-Jul-2005 12:37  37M

Tu+. build la^'y qua nhu+~ng nguo^`n ma~ tre^n:
#rpm -Uhv kernel-2.6.12-1.139x_FC4.src.rpm
#cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
#rpmbuild -bp --target  kernel-2.6.12-1.39x.spec  (vi' du. : 

#cd ../BUILD/kernel-2.6.12...
#mv linux-2.6.12 /usr/src
#cd /usr/src
#ln -s linux-2.6.12 linux
#cd linux/configs   (cho.n mo^.t config file thi'ch ho+p. vi' du.: 

#cp kernel-2.6.12-1.39x-i686.config ../.config
#cd ..; make oldconfig; make bzImake; make install
#vi /etc/lilo.conf va` #lilo ne^'u ba.n du`ng lilo hay #vi 
/boot/grub/grub.conf ne^'u grub. Reboot.
Co' the^? chuye^?n stacksize (4K,16K) khi pha't ddo^ng nha^n 2.6.12  khi 
boot loading?

Chu'c tha`nh co^ng!

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SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 16K stack cho FC4

2005-07-19 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 11:36:41 am 07/19/05 Tri H Trinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ca'c ba'c,
> Ba'c na`o bie^'t cho^~ na`o co' rpm cu?a kernel 2.6.12-1.1398 vo+'i
> 16K stack build sa(~n, du`ng cho FC4 thi` cho xin vo+'i. To^i google
> ca? nga`y ma` va^~n chu+a tha^'y cha^n ly' o+? dda^u ca?
> To^i ca`i ndiswrapper dde^? xa`i con AirLink+ AWLC3025 wireless card
> tre^n laptop FC4 nhu+ng bi. crash khi khai ba'o network ESSID:
> #iwconfig wlan0 essid mynet

Ti`m kho^ng tha^'y thi` tu+. compile kernel ba'c. Ngay ca'i pha^`n Kernel
Hacking (tuo^'t phi'a du+o+'i), ba.n chi? vie^.c comment out (hay la` 0
cho.n ne^'u ddang cha.y make menuconfig) ca'i ca^u ho?i Kernel hacking --->
Use 4Kb for kernel stacks...thi` no' se~ 0 gio+'i ha.n 4Kb.

> To^i ddoa'n nguye^n nha^n la` ca'i 4K stack kernel option ne^n ddi
> ti`m ca'i kernel co' build 16K stack. Xem ra chi? co' tha(`ng Linuxant
> la` co' la`m sa(~n ca'i na`y, nhu+ng no' chi? co' kernel 2.6.12-1.1390
> trong khi ma'y to^i ddang cha.y nha^n 2.6.12-1.1398.
> Kho^ng bie^'t mi`nh xa`i lu.i tha(`ng 1390 thay vi` 1398 thi` co' bi.
> gi` kho^ng nhi?

Ba'c cu+' thu+? xem sao? :)


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