RE: creativity and the well

2003-02-22 Thread Julie Diamond
Hi everyone
thanks for all the responses & posts concerning the format for the Well.
I am sorry I don't get to post more often -- I often need time to digest all
that's come in, and to reply to it takes time, which I don't have a lot of
these days. It seems though, that might be the case for quite a few of us.

Midi, you bring up a point about the politieness here at the Well, and the
effect that has. I can see how the focus on once-a month topics could have a
limiting effect, and perhaps that's part of the lower volume of postings
than, say, other community strings. That's one of the reasons I'm interested
in loosening up the format a bit, to let it be a resource for research,
creativity, etc., and for multileveleved discussions happening, even as we
treat a topic a month. Another thought about that effect follows on from Pam
& Andrea's comments about their experiences posting on creativity, which has
to do with the sometimes unnerving experiencing of posting, or discussing a
topic with others, and wondering what the invisible others in cyberspace
think/feel, etc. I still feel like I'm developing my "cyber chops" getting
comfortable with the various components of this project, of which there are
many levels
1) email as a medium
2) speaking in groups -- the fear that what we have to say is not important
3) speaking into cyber groups -- the facelessness &  namelessness and
possibility of no response amplifying fear #2 to monumental proportions!
4) the topic of research, ideas, creativity provokes lots of edges, fears,
or judgements
5) the dynamic of a non-facilitated discussion group -- everyone posting
only when they feel like it - creates a new and perhaps awkward style of
group conversation
6) ??? - how is it for others?

On another note, we're working on getting rid of the spam by getting rid of
this mail list -- moving over to Yahoo groups. More on the technical details
of this in a couple of days.


-Original Message-
From: Franc Chamberlain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:13 AM
To: villagewell
Subject: Re: creativity and the well

Hi - just to add that I was happy being a silent participant in the
creativity discussion - I made a choice to only contribute if I felt the
impulse to write a poem or story... that didn't happen, I wondered about
sharing something I'd written before but decided against that... I didn't
metacommunicate any of that because I didn't want to disrupt the flow of
what was happening!



Re: creativity and the well

2003-02-18 Thread Franc Chamberlain
Hi - just to add that I was happy being a silent participant in the
creativity discussion - I made a choice to only contribute if I felt the
impulse to write a poem or story... that didn't happen, I wondered about
sharing something I'd written before but decided against that... I didn't
metacommunicate any of that because I didn't want to disrupt the flow of
what was happening!



creativity and the well

2003-02-17 Thread Andrea Courvoisier
Title: creativity and the well

Hi everyone,
just wanted to say thank you Susan for appreciating the dialogue between pam and me, ... I just felt embarassed about it all, but I had fun. - but yes, silence doesnt have to be interpreted in only one way, that's what I learned now, thank you.

I think it is great to have a monthly topic and at the same time the possibility to post anything, I think it is so nice to be more open and see what happens, how it will work out, as a creative experiment. - Thank you Julie for creating the well and offering this openness.

much love

Von: "Susan Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: "'Village Well'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: creativity & The Well 
Datum: Sam, 15. Feb 2003 1:51 Uhr

Dear everyone 
A quick postcript to my last email
Just wanted to say that i'm thinking about the recent creativity topic and how delighted i was to be able to read the interaction between Pam and Andrea and being content as a silent participant and loving having the emails land in my postbox - having a giggle, smiling and reflective all reactions emerging from the postings. 
so thinking about all the ways in which participation happens, including silent participation, and regretting that i didn't send in a posting saying something like - go for it Pam and Andrea - this is wonderful - i love having this space enabling two creative people to spark off each other what joy
it is a teaching