Re: hilight blocks

2007-04-12 Thread Ian Tegebo

On 4/12/07, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any simple way to have custom blocks of code highlighted and the
remaining code outside the blocks not highlighted?
For example:

# file.txt
some plain text
[my-custom-tag] some custom text [/my-custom-tag]
Some more plain text
# end of file

So the idea would be to open VIM using file.txt and the code inside the
custom tags would be highlighted.

I've been working something very similar for highlighting code
examples in vim helpfiles.  As an example:

= Begin Example 
Block: MyExample
   let s:myvar = testing
   call myfunc(an arg)

Text that shouldn't get highlighted.
= End Example =

--- Begin Code -
syn include @VimL syntax/vim.vim

syn match blocktestPrefix /^Block:/ contained nextgroup=blocktestDesc
syn match blocktestDesc /\(Block:\)\@=.*$/ contained
syn region blocktestText
start=/^Block:.*$\n^\s\+/me=s+1 end=/^\S/me=s-1

 Highlight Linking
hi def link blocktestPrefix Todo
hi def link blocktestDesc PreProc
hi def link blocktestBody Label
hi def link blocktestComment Comment
-- End Code -

I found |syntax.txt| and |usr_44.txt| to be helpful.

Ian Tegebo

Re: hilight blocks

2007-04-12 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-04-12, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any simple way to have custom blocks of code highlighted and the
 remaining code outside the blocks not highlighted?
 For example:
 # file.txt
 some plain text
 [my-custom-tag] some custom text [/my-custom-tag]
 Some more plain text
 # end of file
 So the idea would be to open VIM using file.txt and the code inside the
 custom tags would be highlighted.

How about this?

match Todo '\[my-custom-tag]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/my-custom-tag]'

where you can certainly choose some highlight group other than Todo.

You can put that line just as it is into your .vimrc, or put it in 
an after/ftplugin/txt.vim file, or create an autocommand to invoke 
it on just the files you want.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mobile Broadband Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

RE: hilight blocks

2007-04-12 Thread Kirk
I like this one, I put it in my local ~/.vimrc file and it works for VIM
(v6.1.3).  But when I load this on another machine running VIM (v6.3) I get
this error:

bash-2.05$ vi file
Error detected while processing /export/home/me/file:
E28: No such highlight group name: Comment '\[perl]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/perl]'
Hit ENTER or type command to continue 

What am I missing?

Contents of .vimrc:

:set number
:set hlsearch
:set incsearch
:set ignorecase
:set shiftwidth=3
match Comment '\[perl]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/perl]'


 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:05 PM
 Subject: Re: hilight blocks
 On 2007-04-12, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any simple way to have custom blocks of code highlighted and
  remaining code outside the blocks not highlighted?
  For example:
  # file.txt
  some plain text
  [my-custom-tag] some custom text [/my-custom-tag]
  Some more plain text
  # end of file
  So the idea would be to open VIM using file.txt and the code inside the
  custom tags would be highlighted.
 How about this?
 match Todo '\[my-custom-tag]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/my-custom-tag]'
 where you can certainly choose some highlight group other than Todo.
 You can put that line just as it is into your .vimrc, or put it in
 an after/ftplugin/txt.vim file, or create an autocommand to invoke
 it on just the files you want.
 Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mobile Broadband Division
  | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: hilight blocks

2007-04-12 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-04-12, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Gary Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:05 PM
  Subject: Re: hilight blocks
  On 2007-04-12, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Is there any simple way to have custom blocks of code highlighted and
   remaining code outside the blocks not highlighted?
   For example:
   # file.txt
   some plain text
   [my-custom-tag] some custom text [/my-custom-tag]
   Some more plain text
   # end of file
   So the idea would be to open VIM using file.txt and the code inside the
   custom tags would be highlighted.
  How about this?
  match Todo '\[my-custom-tag]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/my-custom-tag]'
  where you can certainly choose some highlight group other than Todo.
  You can put that line just as it is into your .vimrc, or put it in
  an after/ftplugin/txt.vim file, or create an autocommand to invoke
  it on just the files you want.

 I like this one, I put it in my local ~/.vimrc file and it works
 for VIM (v6.1.3).  But when I load this on another machine running
 VIM (v6.3) I get this error:
 bash-2.05$ vi file
 Error detected while processing /export/home/me/file:
 E28: No such highlight group name: Comment '\[perl]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/perl]'
 Hit ENTER or type command to continue 
 What am I missing?
 Contents of .vimrc:
 :set number
 :set hlsearch
 :set incsearch
 :set ignorecase
 :set shiftwidth=3
 match Comment '\[perl]\zs\_.\{-}\ze\[/perl]'

I don't know.  :help hicolors and :help group-name in vim 7.0
both include the Comment group.  The Comment group is used in so
many examples in the vim help files and comments are such common 
aspects of programming languages that I would think that that group
has existed since vim first had highlight groups.

I see that if I start vim as 'vim -u NONE' and execute

:verbose hi Comment

I get the error message

E411: highlight group not found: Comment

but if I then execute

:syn manual
:verbose hi Comment

I get the response

Commentxxx term=bold ctermfg=4 guifg=Blue
Last set from 

So from that I conclude that you have to execute a :syn command of
some sort in some initialization file before before referring to any
of the highlight groups in your .vimrc.  I'll bet the machine
running vim 6.1.3 has an initialization file that includes :syn on
and the machine running vim 6.3 does not.

This is probably discussed in the vim manual someplace, but I didn't
go looking for it.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mobile Broadband Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA