I've been trying knitr ultimately and the smart quotes make the use of
knitr impossible. In order to keep the functionality of the smart quotes
but being able to use knitr I propose to disable the smart quotes in
comments, just like it's done within math expressions.

The following is working perfectly on my machine:
in ftplugin/latex-suite/main.vim
in function! s:TexQuotes()
        " In math mode or when preceded by a \, just move the cursor past
  " already-inserted " character.
if (synIDattr(synID(l, c, 1), "name") =~ "^texMath")
\ || (c > 1 && (getline(l)[c-2] == '\'))

" In math mode, comments or when preceded by a \, just move the cursor past
" already-inserted " character.
  let colComment = match(getline(l),"%",0)
if (synIDattr(synID(l, c, 1), "name") =~ "^texMath")
\ || (c > 1 && (getline(l)[c-2] == '\'))
\ || ((colComment > -1) && (colComment < c))

Please tell me if I can do something else to get that into the code: any
git repository where I can make a pull request?


Corentin Barbu-Covantes
(484) 843-1580
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his
soul?" Mark 8:36
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