Re: Vim Job board?

2006-04-09 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! my boss says that his editor is as least as good as mine and he wants me to give up using Vim. Which editor does he use? Emacs? Sorry, I'm really bored of working together with developpers who don't even know about regular expressions. Oh, at least developers should know about regular

Re: vim/win32 built with mingw/cygwin ?

2006-04-18 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I wonder if anybody tried to build win32 native gvim with mingw or/and cygwin (the native win32 gui vim). Before I switched to the free MS compiler (I follow George Reilly's instructions) I had built gVim and Vim with native MinGW. I have never had any problems. IMHO building Vim with

Re: numbers

2006-04-22 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! if columns=128 set number endif if columns=128 set number endif should work And else I want to map a key to switch this ooption manualy: What can I do to make it work? map F2 :set invnumberCR Best wishes, Georg

Re: some problem with vim7f Beta

2006-04-25 Thread Georg Dahn
This behavior of C-N and C-P is not new, it was the same befor, too, not only in Vim 7. It is not wise to change it and BTW, it is a good behavior for most people. My main point is: I don't want to select entry in the completion menu by pressing CTRL-N or CTRL-P, instead, I want to input

Re: Getting mappings working again on Linux machine

2006-05-04 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Eric Leenman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On my WinXP machine in gvim 6.3.0 my mapping works On my Linux machine it partly works. One of the things that doesn't work is the windows behaviour. Like CTRL-C, CTRL-V , CTRL-X, ect Just add source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim Best wishes, Georg

Re: autoformat behaves like textwidth were 80 while textwidth is 0

2006-05-05 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It's mentioned at gq. Any other place it should be mentioned? I would say, here: :h fo-table just scroll down to - With 't' and 'c' you can specify when Vim performs auto-wrapping: value action ~ no automatic formatting (you can

Re: Vim uninstaller missing some new directories

2006-05-08 Thread Georg Dahn
Bram Moolenaar wrote: David Fishburn wrote: When you run the Vim uninstaller the following directories are missed during the cleanup: vim70g\autoload vim70g\spell Well, that's one of the why didn't anybody notice this before the release problems... It's easy to fix. Well, this is also one

Re: QuickFix like line highlighting

2006-05-09 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Salman Khilji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How do I highlight the entire line without these two flaws? Basically I want, in a normal code-editing window, the kind of highlighting that is used in the quickfix mode. Just upgrade to Vim 7.0 and do the following in commandline: :set

Re: right-to-left text selection

2006-05-17 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! So, my question: is it somehow possible to be able to select the last character of a line when selecting from right-to-left while using selection=exclusive? This can be done by doing :set virtualedit=onemore which allows the cursor to move just past the end of the line. This makes

Re: Multiline file appearing in one line under Vim

2006-05-17 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! My guess is: notepad breaks at column 1024. In notepad the first two lines of your file have exact 1024 characters. This could be a notepad limitation. Best wishes, Georg Baha-Eddine MOKADEM wrote: Hi all, I have a file which behaves differently whether edited with win32 Notepad and

Re: put (paste) from windows clipboard into vim

2006-06-01 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! There is another possibility: Shift-Ins = paste Ctrl-Ins = copy Shift-Del = cut These shortcuts work even without sourcing mswin.vim (BTW, I don't recommend sourcing mswin.vim) and have the advantage that they work in all Windows applications. Best wishes, Georg Evan H. Carmi wrote:

Re: MatchParen unreadable on dark backgrounds

2006-06-02 Thread Georg Dahn
I use dark backgrounds (and therefore a light coloured foreground colour). As a consequence the new MatchParen highlight that is enabled by default in vim 7 is unreadable/annoying. I need to put the following in my ~/.vimrc to fix it: highlight MatchParen ctermbg=blue guibg=blue Shouldn't the

Re: MatchParen unreadable on dark backgrounds

2006-06-03 Thread Georg Dahn
I don't think any single colorscheme defines MatchParen. I haven't seen any single colorscheme that define MatchParen. Do they ? Of the color schemes, which are in the distribution, only koehler defines it. Of the others at, at least inkpot, xterm16, and my own color scheme (moria)

Re: How to distinguish [L]esen (Readonly) f rom (L)öschen (Delete) ?

2006-07-17 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Andre Massing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: probably a rather stupid question, but using german language makes it impossible for me to choose (L)öschen (Delete) instead of [L]esen (Readonly) by typing just l if there exists a swap-file from a chrashed session. This is an error of the

Re: Visible Spaces

2006-07-20 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Or you might want to use :1,$s/ /./ to replace all spaces by dots, then (immediately after) u for undo. To replace _all_ spaces by dots, you should better use :%s/ /./g because your command replaces the first space character of each line only. With 'g' at the end, all space

Re: Formatting a paragraph in insert mode

2006-08-02 Thread Georg Dahn
--- A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Formatting the paragraph without moving the cursor relative to the text is possible but trickier: mark your place, format, then go back: :imap F5 C-Om'C-OgqapC-O`` or :imap F5 Escm'gqap``a If one accepts, that 'formatprg' and

Re: Copy a line of text without the LF

2006-08-08 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! But why I do need a specialised command ? That's no specialised command, but the syntax of y. You type y and then a motion. $ moves to the end of the line. Why does y/$ y/[pattern] moves to the first occurance of the pattern. The cursor is positioned on the first character

Re: Strange behavior of d_

2006-09-15 Thread Georg Dahn
Stefan Karlsson wrote: I was expectig the normal mode command d_ (without count) to delete from the cursor position to the beginning of the line, but it seems to delete the entire line, i.e. even words /after/ the cursor. d0 in Normal mode does what you want to do. Is this really the

Re: Autmagically adding new lines when text gets too long

2006-09-29 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Jeremy Conlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have set textwidth=80 and would like Vim to automatically break a line (between words) when the line gets too big. However, this isn't working, Vim doesn't seem to be doing anything different. Is there some other option I need to set? Just

Re: Re: Autmagically adding new lines when text gets too long

2006-09-29 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Jeremy Conlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: No, linebreak just *displays* a broken line, I want a *real* broken line. I want Vim to insert EOLs for me. I thought that is what textwidth would do. Of course, you still have to set 'textwidth', too. :set textwidth=80 :set linebreak will

Re: Colorschemes Need Updating

2006-10-02 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Motivated by the stunningly poor readability of highlighting group Pmenu (white on magenta or light-magenta), You are right, the defaults of this is awful. The same holds for the highlights of Constant and Title. These color schemes nearly hurt

Re: Mapping j - gj in insert mode.

2006-11-03 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! To get a more intuitive behaviour of movement through wrapped lines, I added the following mapping: inoremap down c-ogj [...] The bar stays for the cursor here. Just try the following mappings: Make cursor keys ignore wrapping inoremap Down C-R=pumvisible() ? \ltDown : \ltC-OgjCR

Re: re-map up and down key behaviour

2007-02-10 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! There is a much easier way to to that: Just read :h v_b_I :h v_b_I_example Best regards, Georg Eric Leenman wrote: Hi, Is it possible to remap the up and down key to behave a bit different. For example I have text like below : b123 : d456 : g789 And then I want

Re: re-map up and down key behaviour

2007-02-10 Thread Georg Dahn
and using i instead of c didn't work. Maybe someone has a better solution. Just use I instead of i. Best wishes, Georg ___ All new Yahoo! Mail The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease of use. - PC

Re: Grab visual selection

2007-02-11 Thread Georg Dahn
Jonas Persson wrote: I'm lookning for the eqvivalent of C-RC-W (grab word under cursor) for grabbing the current visual selection into the command line. Any suggestions? Well, I would yank the current visual selection with y, and in the command line I would do C-R (where is the unnamed

Re: searching for a string that has many '/' characters

2007-02-11 Thread Georg Dahn
I have a string that has lots of forward slashes. I need to search it and delete it (e.g. unix path name). I could use a backslash for everything forward slash and find it in vim. Is there a way I need not do that? For now, I use 'grep -n' to get the line number and then delete it. I don't

Re: VimTips - Google Wiki Usefulness

2007-02-27 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Using sounds attractive, but I don't see any protection against spamming. And that is exactly what happens to the Vim tips. It's just a matter of time before this happens on too. WikiMedia, which is the software of

Re: Mapping to the numerical - and + and *

2007-02-28 Thread Georg Dahn
--- Jean-Rene David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In vim, delete always saves the deleted data somewhere. Don't forget the black hole register _ Thus, just do _x on the visual selection and the selected text is deleted to nirvana. Best wishes, Georg

Re: invoking yanked register into colon command

2007-03-31 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! For example, I do often want to replace a name in the text with another. What I used to do is selecting it with mouse and type :%s/ctrl-ins/newname/gc Is there a way to do this with the mouse (and without retyping the name) ? What I want is maybe something like 'invoking a yanked register

Re: invoking yanked register into colon command

2007-04-02 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! There is an error: The function function MakeSearchString(str) return substitute(escape(@, '\\/.*$^~[]'), '\n', '\\n', 'g') endfunction should be function MakeSearchString(str) return substitute(escape(a:str, '\\/.*$^~[]'), '\n', '\\n', 'g') endfunction I have not seen this

Re: search vs closed folds

2007-04-23 Thread Georg Dahn
When I search and I have closed folds, vim will automatically open the closed fold if next match is in the closed fold. Is there setting to disable this auto-opening ? Not to open the closed fold when searching ? You may want to add set foldopen-=search to your vimrc file. Just read :h

Re: How to wrap sentences?

2007-05-19 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I frequently copy and paste text from web pages and would like to break lines at (say) 72 without splitting words. It sounds strange, but I use to do the following: :set noai nosi tw=72 fo Then I copy the text of the web page to the clibboard, enter Insert mode, and do C-R* to paste the

Re: invisible bar in help tags

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! In vim 7.0d02 I'm unable to see the '|' which usually surround tag in vim's help file (e.g. around 'usr_01.txt' in the first help page opened by ':helpCR'). This is not a bug, but a feature. The name of the highlight is 'Ignore'. The foreground color highlight 'Ignore' is set to the

Re: invisible bar in help tags

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Dahn
Sorry, but to be totally lost is something completely different, the user just has to move the cursor. There are not many invisible characters anyway. Not that easy: if you are in the main help page you can have plenty of invisible characters on the same column and then only moving right will

default cursorline/cursorcolumn with dark background

2006-04-16 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Vim choses the default colors of the syntax highlighting for gVim depending of the value of background. If I add the lines set background=dark hi Normal guifg=#e0e0e0 guibg=#202020 I get the defaults for dark backgrounds. Unfortunately, the background colors of cursorline and

Re: Strange behavior with highlights defined in gvimrc

2006-04-16 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! What does :verbose hi Constant guifg=Maroon show? Nothing. But the Constants are Maroon afterwards. In addition to the above sort of debugging, you can add a line like let g:foo = 2006 April 16 background= . background to your color scheme file. The date stamp is to avoid

Re: default cursorline/cursorcolumn with dark background

2006-04-16 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! In the meantime I found another one: Could you please set MatchParen differently, because with a dark background a light foreground and Cyan don't fit. I suggest setting guifg to bg or Black. How about using guibg=DarkCyan? Looks OK to me, it is much better! Best wishes, Georg Send

Re: 7.0e: Problem with vertical splits on windows xp

2006-04-21 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Well, this problem is older, since Vim 6.4 behaved like that, too. If a vertical split is created and guioptions contain L, a scrollbar is added which makes the windows wider by the amount of the scrollbar. I have removed the L from the guioptions and don't miss it. Best wishes, Georg ---

Re: vim70e bug -- visual mode, pink on pink is not seen

2006-04-21 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! What's your operating system? Do you use GUI or console Vim? Which version of vim? Which color scheme? Best wishes, Georg --- Milan Berta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I want to report a behavior that is pretty strange for me. When there is a syntax highlighting on and VISUAL

Re: a[M:N]

2006-04-21 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I think trying to get items from an empty list should produce an error message. IMHO it would be a serious error if no error were produced in this case. Best wishes, Georg ___ 24 FIFA World Cup tickets to be

Re: a[M:N]

2006-04-21 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Handling N len(a) except when a happens to be 0 seems a bit counterintuitive. No: Let's assume, that you have an empty list a. Then M in a[M:N] is always out of bounds, which should produce an error. Analogously, if a is not empty, but M len(a), an error should be produced, too. (BTW,

Re: a[M:N]

2006-04-22 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! a[M:N] should _never_ produce errors because returning an empty (or truncated) list for a[M:N] unambiguously conveys to the programmer that M len(a) (or N len(a)). In my opinion one has done something wrong if one wants to get a sublist whith wrong bounds. That's why an error has to be

Guitab: font size

2006-04-23 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Since I am working on a laptop with a 1400x1050 display, the fonts I am using are rather large. That is, the menu font has a size of 11 pixel. The problem is, that on inactive Guitabs, which use the size of the menu as its text size, the text gets cut a little bit. The largest font size

Re: Guitab: font size

2006-04-23 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I am using Windows XP. I want to add, that this is more an esthetical Problem than a functional. It is still readable, but the lower parts of letters like g, p, j and braces are cut. Best wishes, Georg Bram Moolenaar schrieb: Georg Dahn wrote: Since I am working on a laptop

Re: Guitab: font size

2006-04-24 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! What system font size are you using? Right-click on a blank spot on your desktop, Properties, Appearance, Font size. Do you have similar problems with the tabbar on other Windows apps, such as the aforementioned Display Properties dialog? Because of the high resolution of my laptop

Re: Insert mode: C-R does not paste the whole register

2006-04-28 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Where do you find this vimtips.txt with 4 lines? I only found one with 3543 lines. It contains a lot of empty lines, has a sice of a little more then 1,2 MB, and has 40243 lines at the moment. I tried another file but it

Re: Bug: CursorLine highlighting is wrong after search

2006-05-04 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I tried, also on Windows XP, but I don't see the problem. I have no idea why it happens for you. Must be something obscure. What compiler did you use? Does it also show in the distributed Vim 7.0g? That's interesting. I use the same compiler as you (at least that's what I think),

Re: Bug: CursorLine highlighting is wrong after search

2006-05-05 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I tried several versions, starting with gvim -u NONE -N and still don't see the problem. I have no idea what could make it appear. It would be interesting, what is common between Mikolaj Machowski and me, since we both can see the problem. I am working on two computers and this problem

Re: Patching Vim 7

2006-05-10 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! --- Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Subversion is already working, Edward Fox takes care of that. Yes, of course, I am getting the sources from there and it works very fine. I might be wrong, but as I understood it, Subversion is just a mirror of CVS. That is, the developement of

Re: Cannot build vim with Perl support

2006-05-13 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I'm wondering if there were any error messages prior to the ones you included, especially ones complaining about not finding perl directories or .h files. It looks like it might be failing in the pass where it runs perl on if_perl.xs. It seems to be most concerned about finding ExtUtils

Re: Bug in insert mode completion when completeopts has 'menu,longest'

2006-08-09 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Sometimes the completed text gets erased after hitting enter. To reproduce: 1. vim -u NONE +'set nocp cot=menu,longest' 2. ifoobar;CRfoC-P; 3. the two lines should be the same now. press CR and the second line then becomes fo. I can reproduce this with gVim 7.0.50. Best wishes, Georg

Re: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hex!

2006-09-11 Thread Georg Dahn
list ( if they aren't much more suited for IRC anyway. Best wishes, Georg Dahn ___ Inbox full of spam? Get leading spam protection and 1GB storage with All New Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hex!

2006-09-11 Thread Georg Dahn
-, that most of your numerous mails, which look like IRC postings each having a return receipt request, seem to be only one thread or so. Best wishes, Georg Dahn ___ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed

Re: Cannot build console Vim on Windows XP (Vim 7.0.106)

2006-09-14 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! I forgot to mention, that my last build was version 7.0.101. It is probably patch 7.0.104 which introduced this problem. Best wishes, Georg Dahn Georg Dahn wrote: Hi! I have updated the sources of Vim from CVS (7.0.106) and tried to compile Vim. The GUI version can be built, but I get

Re: Searching for selected text

2006-09-30 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Bram Moolenaar wrote: / search for the Visually selected text forward ? same, backward Is there a good alternative? I think, this is ok. For the moment I have the following lines in my vimrc file (I found the original code in a vim tip): --- 8 --- Search in Visual and

Re: svn updates

2006-10-18 Thread Georg Dahn
Hi! Mark Guzman wrote: I hate to report problems w/o having solutions, but the svn repos is currently only up to patch 132. I'm wondering if whatever update script was maintaining it is broken... Hopefully someone with access can take a look at it. As far as I know, the SVN repository is kept