Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-08-01 Thread Robert Cussons

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
> that they are build with different GUIs.
> Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?
> Yakov
> P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
> program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
> but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
> vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
> both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 31 2006 08:50:59)
Included patches: 1-42
Compiled by ...
Huge version with X11-Motif GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 (2004 June 7, compiled Jul 30 2005 12:36:01)
Included patches: 1-71, 81-82
Compiled by ...
Big version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

Seems you have hit the nail on the head Yakov, how would I rebuild Vim7
using your script but changing the GUI is it using the --configure 

a) install package 'openmotif-devel' or (motif-dev or what's called)
b) ./ enable-gui=motif

Caution: you must make sure motif-dev is instaleld, first.


Thanks very much to everyone who helped with this, I'm afraid I 
chickened out in the end and asked the network administrator, he 
backported a vim 7 compiled with GTK2 GUI onto my machine, which has 
solved the problem.

Many thanks again for all the help,

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/31/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
> > that they are build with different GUIs.
> > Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two 
vims  ?

> >
> > Yakov
> >
> > P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
> > program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
> > but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
> > vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
> > both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.
> >
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 31 2006 08:50:59)
> Included patches: 1-42
> Compiled by ...
> Huge version with X11-Motif GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
> VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 (2004 June 7, compiled Jul 30 2005 12:36:01)
> Included patches: 1-71, 81-82
> Compiled by ...
> Big version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
> Seems you have hit the nail on the head Yakov, how would I rebuild Vim7
> using your script but changing the GUI is it using the --configure 

a) install package 'openmotif-devel' or (motif-dev or what's called)
b) ./ enable-gui=motif

Oops, I misread the data. You'll want to rebuild vim with GTK2, not
with motif, right? Then:

   ./ enable-gui=gtk2

   and you'll need gtk2-devel package installed


See also my HowTo page which 
includes the following bash script

export CONF_OPT_GUI='--enable-gnome-check'
export CONF_OPT_PERL='--enable-perlinterp'
export CONF_OPT_PYTHON='--enable-pythoninterp'
export CONF_OPT_TCL='--enable-tclinterp --with-tcl=tclsh8.4'
export CONF_OPT_RUBY='--enable-rubyinterp'
export CONF_OPT_MZSCHEME='--enable-mzschemeinterp'
export CONF_OPT_CSCOPE='--enable-cscope'
export CONF_OPT_MULTIBYTE='--enable-multibyte'
export CONF_OPT_OUTPUT='--enable-fontset'
export CONF_OPT_FEAT='--with-features=huge'

which I source (in bash; "running" it in bash without "source" or "." 
doesn't work) to set configure options. IIUC, configure will pick GTK+2 
in preference to ther GUIs if it finds that the gtk2-devel package is 
installed. You may use that script, and you will want to modify one or 
more lines of it (including, at least, the --with-compiledby to put your 
name there instead of mine). The result I get is the following (with 
-python and -mzscheme even though I enabled them, because I haven't got 
the corresponding "development" packages"; pretty much everything else 
is included):

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 23 2006 22:50:51)
Included patches: 1-42
Huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd +balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset 
+cindent +clientserver
+clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments +cryptv 
+cscope +cursorshape
+dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs +dnd -ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra 
+extra_search +farsi
+file_in_path +find_in_path +folding -footer +fork() +gettext 
-hangul_input +iconv +insert_expand
+jumplist +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds 
+localmap +menu +mksession
+modify_fname +mouse +mouseshape +mouse_dec +mouse_gpm -mouse_jsbterm 
+mouse_netterm +mouse_xterm
+multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme +netbeans_intg -osfiletype +path_extra 
+perl +postscript
+printer +profile -python +quickfix +reltime +rightleft +ruby 
+scrollbind +signs +smartindent
-sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary +tag_old_static 
-tag_any_white +tcl +terminfo
 +termresponse +textobjects +title +toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit 
+virtualedit +visual
+visualextra +viminfo +vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows 
+writebackup +X11 -xfontset +xim

+xsmp_interact +xterm_clipboard -xterm_save
   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
 user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
  user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
  system gvimrc file: "$VIM/gvimrc"
user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/vim"
Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFEAT_GUI_GTK 
-DXTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -I/opt/gnome/include/gtk-2.0 
-I/opt/gnome/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I/opt/gnome/include/atk-1.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/pango-1.0 
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/freetype2/config 
-I/opt/gnome/include/glib-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/lib/glib-2.0/include 
-I/usr/include/libart-2.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2 
-I/opt/gnome/include/libgnomeui-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/libgnome-2.0 
-I/opt/gnome/include/libgnomecanvas-2.0 -I/opt/gnome/include/gtk-2.0 
-I/opt/gnome/include/gconf/2 -I/op

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Cussons wrote:
> Peter Hodge wrote:
>> Some GUIs will allow you to use the command
>>   set guifont=*
>> Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can
>> select a font
>> and then use
>>   set guifont
>> to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc
>> regards,
>> Peter
>> --- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
 debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things
 happening. It
 is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root 
 All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for 
 including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to 

 the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem
 to be
 anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the 

>>> :set guifont?
>>> Yakov
>> Send instant messages to your online friends

I found out by accident that the font is Monospace 10, so I put the
following line in my .vimrc

set guifont=Monospace\ 10

but I still get different fonts, I have attached a screenshot of two
gvim sessions, lhs is gvim7, rhs is gvim6.3, if you look at the bottom
of each window is sets the font as I have just executed :set guifont? in
each of the windows. They have both accessed and read the .vimrc it
would seem, so what is wrong?

Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
that they are build with different GUIs.
Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?


P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.

":set guifont=Monospace\ 10" is applicable only to GTK+2 (or GNOME 2). 
kvim would require ":set guifont=Monospace/10"; other X11 GUIs would 
require something like ":set 
guifont=*-monospace-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-*-*-m-*-*"; and non-X11 GUIs 
something like ":set guifont=Monospace:h10".

However, IIUC "Monospace" is a generic font name (like "Serif" or 
"Sans-serif"). I believe the mapping from such "generic" names to 
"actual" fonts (like Courier or Lucida for Monospace, Times or Century 
for Serif, Arial or Helvetica for Sans-serif, etc.) can be different 
from one system to another.

The OP might want to find one particular fixed-width font that suits him 
and try to set that on his several systems. If his version of gvim 
allows it, he can try ":set guifont=*" for a start; if it doesn't, he 
can paste into his vimrc the following snippet:

  if has("gui_running")
if has("gui_gtk2")
  set guifont=Courier\ 10
elseif has("gui_kde")
  set guifont=Courier/10
elseif has("x11")
  let &guifont = "*-courier-medium-r-normal"
\ . "-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-*"
  set guifont=Courier:h10

where I have intentionally cut the long Xft font name in two to avoid 
problems with "beautifying" mail clients. (This assumes 'nocompatible' 
is set.)

Then, once the 'guifont' looks "almost right", the value can be edited 
on the command-line by means of

:set guifont=

which will recall the current value with escaping slashes if and where 
required. Edit it on the command line, then hit Enter to accept the 
changes or Esc to cancel the changes. Once the value is "just right", 
copy it back to the vimrc.

Remember that changing the 'guifont' will usually change the pixel size 
of the character cell, which may in turn require setting 'lines' and 
'columns' again. If you want gvim to be maximized, use ":set lines=999 
columns=999" immediately after every change to 'guifont'.

Best regards,

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
> > that they are build with different GUIs.
> > Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?
> >
> > Yakov
> >
> > P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
> > program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
> > but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
> > vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
> > both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.
> >
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 31 2006 08:50:59)
> Included patches: 1-42
> Compiled by ...
> Huge version with X11-Motif GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
> VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 (2004 June 7, compiled Jul 30 2005 12:36:01)
> Included patches: 1-71, 81-82
> Compiled by ...
> Big version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
> Seems you have hit the nail on the head Yakov, how would I rebuild Vim7
> using your script but changing the GUI is it using the --configure options?

a) install package 'openmotif-devel' or (motif-dev or what's called)
b) ./ enable-gui=motif

Oops, I misread the data. You'll want to rebuild vim with GTK2, not
with motif, right? Then:

   ./ enable-gui=gtk2

   and you'll need gtk2-devel package installed


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
> that they are build with different GUIs.
> Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?
> Yakov
> P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
> program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
> but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
> vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
> both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 31 2006 08:50:59)
Included patches: 1-42
Compiled by ...
Huge version with X11-Motif GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 (2004 June 7, compiled Jul 30 2005 12:36:01)
Included patches: 1-71, 81-82
Compiled by ...
Big version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

Seems you have hit the nail on the head Yakov, how would I rebuild Vim7
using your script but changing the GUI is it using the --configure options?

a) install package 'openmotif-devel' or (motif-dev or what's called)
b) ./ enable-gui=motif

Caution: you must make sure motif-dev is instaleld, first.


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
that they are build with different GUIs.
Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?


P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jul 31 2006 08:50:59)
Included patches: 1-42
Compiled by ...
Huge version with X11-Motif GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 (2004 June 7, compiled Jul 30 2005 12:36:01)
Included patches: 1-71, 81-82
Compiled by ...
Big version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

Seems you have hit the nail on the head Yakov, how would I rebuild Vim7 
using your script but changing the GUI is it using the --configure options?

Many thanks for your help,

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Cussons wrote:
> Peter Hodge wrote:
>> Some GUIs will allow you to use the command
>>   set guifont=*
>> Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can
>> select a font
>> and then use
>>   set guifont
>> to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc
>> regards,
>> Peter
>> --- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
 debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things
 happening. It
 is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
 All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
 including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
 the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem
 to be
 anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same
>>> :set guifont?
>>> Yakov
>> Send instant messages to your online friends

I found out by accident that the font is Monospace 10, so I put the
following line in my .vimrc

set guifont=Monospace\ 10

but I still get different fonts, I have attached a screenshot of two
gvim sessions, lhs is gvim7, rhs is gvim6.3, if you look at the bottom
of each window is sets the font as I have just executed :set guifont? in
each of the windows. They have both accessed and read the .vimrc it
would seem, so what is wrong?

Are those two vims built with same GUI libraries ?  I suspect
that they are build with different GUIs.
Can you send first 4 lines out :version output from each of two vims  ?


P.S. I remember that I had similar issue between one Qt-based
program and similar Xt-based program. I set same font for them two,
but they showed it rather differently. Maybe you'll want to rebuild
vim7 to use same GUI as your vim6.3. If you send first 4 lines from
both vims :version, we'll know which GUI they are both built with.

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Robert Cussons wrote:

Robert Cussons wrote:

Peter Hodge wrote:

Some GUIs will allow you to use the command

  set guifont=*

Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can 
select a font

and then use

  set guifont

to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc


--- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things 
happening. It
is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root 

All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem 
to be

anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same

:set guifont?


Send instant messages to your online friends

I found out by accident that the font is Monospace 10, so I put the
following line in my .vimrc

set guifont=Monospace\ 10

but I still get different fonts, I have attached a screenshot of two
gvim sessions, lhs is gvim7, rhs is gvim6.3, if you look at the bottom
of each window is sets the font as I have just executed :set guifont? in
each of the windows. They have both accessed and read the .vimrc it
would seem, so what is wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is becoming mildly
frustrating :-)


I just got this e-mail bounced back, turns out I can't send a .png file 
to the group, don't have any ideas how else to show it to anyone that 
cares :-( and could help :-)

If you have a home site somewhere where you have upload permissions, 
load it there, then send the URI to the list in an email.

If you don'y yet have a home site, find out if you can get one (for free 
or for a nominal fee) from your ISP.

If you don't yet have an Internet account other than at your job, find 
out at which conditions you can get one at home. Try your phone company 
first, and also your cable-TV company if you have one.

Best regards,

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Robert Cussons wrote:

Peter Hodge wrote:

Some GUIs will allow you to use the command

  set guifont=*

Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can 
select a font

and then use

  set guifont

to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc


--- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things 
happening. It

is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem 
to be

anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same

:set guifont?


Send instant messages to your online friends

I found out by accident that the font is Monospace 10, so I put the
following line in my .vimrc

set guifont=Monospace\ 10

but I still get different fonts, I have attached a screenshot of two
gvim sessions, lhs is gvim7, rhs is gvim6.3, if you look at the bottom
of each window is sets the font as I have just executed :set guifont? in
each of the windows. They have both accessed and read the .vimrc it
would seem, so what is wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is becoming mildly
frustrating :-)


I just got this e-mail bounced back, turns out I can't send a .png file 
to the group, don't have any ideas how else to show it to anyone that 
cares :-( and could help :-)

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
> 1. In vim6.3 , try
>:set guifont?
> and select the font name with mouse
> 2. In vim7, try
> :set guifont=xxx
> where xxx if font name as you selected it from vim6.3
> If you get the right font, then put this :set guifont=xxx line into 

> Yakov

Hi Yakov,

:set guifont?

yields the same result in both cases:


with no font specified, but the fonts are not the same, hence I think
they must be looking at a different default font somewhere. If I knew
what the actual font it was using in vim6.3 was, then I would be able to
do something, but I can't see how to find out. Any ideas anyone?

I do not know of other way other than brute-froce searching in
'set guifont=*' for the right name/size. I have:
  :set guifont=Monospace\ 9
in my vimrc (this is GTK2 gvim) but font names are different depending
on gui flavor of gvim.

Take a look at Antonie's tip
   "Setting the font in the GUI"


Thanks Yakov, I will look over Antoine's tip in more detail tonight and 
see if I can't find a solution.

Many thanks,

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
> 1. In vim6.3 , try
>:set guifont?
> and select the font name with mouse
> 2. In vim7, try
> :set guifont=xxx
> where xxx if font name as you selected it from vim6.3
> If you get the right font, then put this :set guifont=xxx line into .vimrc
> Yakov

Hi Yakov,

:set guifont?

yields the same result in both cases:


with no font specified, but the fonts are not the same, hence I think
they must be looking at a different default font somewhere. If I knew
what the actual font it was using in vim6.3 was, then I would be able to
do something, but I can't see how to find out. Any ideas anyone?

I do not know of other way other than brute-froce searching in
'set guifont=*' for the right name/size. I have:
  :set guifont=Monospace\ 9
in my vimrc (this is GTK2 gvim) but font names are different depending
on gui flavor of gvim.

Take a look at Antonie's tip
   "Setting the font in the GUI"


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Yakov Lerner wrote:

1. In vim6.3 , try
   :set guifont?
and select the font name with mouse
2. In vim7, try
:set guifont=xxx
where xxx if font name as you selected it from vim6.3
If you get the right font, then put this :set guifont=xxx line into .vimrc


Hi Yakov,

:set guifont?

yields the same result in both cases:


with no font specified, but the fonts are not the same, hence I think 
they must be looking at a different default font somewhere. If I knew 
what the actual font it was using in vim6.3 was, then I would be able to 
do something, but I can't see how to find out. Any ideas anyone?


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Cussons wrote:
> Peter Hodge wrote:
>> Some GUIs will allow you to use the command
>>   set guifont=*
>> Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can
>> select a font
>> and then use
>>   set guifont
>> to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc
>> regards,
>> Peter
>> --- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
 debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things
 happening. It
 is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
 All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
 including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
 the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem
 to be
 anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same
>>> :set guifont?
>>> Yakov
>> Send instant messages to your online friends
> Thanks Yakov and Peter, it appears that the problem may be more with
> Vim7 finding the fonts on my system. I had Sans regular 12 on Vim6.3 and
> the list of fonts there is greater than that in Vim7, do I need to tell
> Vim where to look for fonts, if so how do I check where Vim 6.3 looks
> and tell Vim 7 to look there as well. I think this is because 6.3 is a
> network wide install and 7 is installed in my home directory.
> Thanks,
> Rob.

I just discovered that the font is not Sans regular 12 on Vim6.3 because
when I use :set guifont=* although that is the font that is highlighted,
if I actually apply it then the font changes (to Sans regular 12) and to
change it back I have to use :set guifont=
with no argument, so I guess I must be displaying the default font or

1. In vim6.3 , try
   :set guifont?
and select the font name with mouse
2. In vim7, try
:set guifont=xxx
where xxx if font name as you selected it from vim6.3
If you get the right font, then put this :set guifont=xxx line into .vimrc


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Robert Cussons wrote:

Peter Hodge wrote:

Some GUIs will allow you to use the command

  set guifont=*

Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can 
select a font

and then use

  set guifont

to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc


--- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things 
happening. It

is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem 
to be

anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same

:set guifont?


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Thanks Yakov and Peter, it appears that the problem may be more with 
Vim7 finding the fonts on my system. I had Sans regular 12 on Vim6.3 and 
the list of fonts there is greater than that in Vim7, do I need to tell 
Vim where to look for fonts, if so how do I check where Vim 6.3 looks 
and tell Vim 7 to look there as well. I think this is because 6.3 is a 
network wide install and 7 is installed in my home directory.


I just discovered that the font is not Sans regular 12 on Vim6.3 because 
when I use :set guifont=* although that is the font that is highlighted, 
if I actually apply it then the font changes (to Sans regular 12) and to 
change it back I have to use :set guifont=
with no argument, so I guess I must be displaying the default font or 

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Cussons

Peter Hodge wrote:

Some GUIs will allow you to use the command

  set guifont=*

Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can select a font
and then use

  set guifont

to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc


--- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things happening. It
is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem to be
anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same

:set guifont?


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Thanks Yakov and Peter, it appears that the problem may be more with 
Vim7 finding the fonts on my system. I had Sans regular 12 on Vim6.3 and 
the list of fonts there is greater than that in Vim7, do I need to tell 
Vim where to look for fonts, if so how do I check where Vim 6.3 looks 
and tell Vim 7 to look there as well. I think this is because 6.3 is a 
network wide install and 7 is installed in my home directory.


Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Peter Hodge
Some GUIs will allow you to use the command

  set guifont=*

Which brings up a font selection window.  If that works, you can select a font
and then use

  set guifont

to find out exactly what to add to your .vimrc


--- Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
> > debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things happening. It
> > is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
> > All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
> > including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
> > the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem to be
> > anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same
> > problems?
> :set guifont?
> Yakov

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: Differences with vim 7

2006-07-31 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/31/06, Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just installed vim 7 on my linux system at work (more specifically
debian sarge running KDE 3.3) and I get a few funny things happening. It
is installed in my home/bin directory as I don't have root permissions.
All comments seem to come out underlined and the fonts for everything
including the menus are different to before, I don't know how to check
the current font setting, but when I type :set, there doesn't seem to be
anything that would have changed the font listed. Anyone had the same

:set guifont?
