Re: splits count

2006-11-19 Thread chak

I solved "number" problem:

set nonu
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.*,* set nu

it's easy :)
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Re: splits count

2006-11-18 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

chak wrote:

:verbose set number?

vim's answer: nonumber o_O
and in RExplore.vim nu[mber] is not present :/

'number' is a window-local option. It matters which window is active when you 
ask that.

Unless you set 'nonumber' yourself from the keyboard, the reply to ":verbose 
set number?" should include a second line, e.g. as follows:

:verbose set number?
  Last set from /home/chak/.vimrc

If you set 'number' in your vimrc, and later find that some window doesn't 
have line numbers, then that option must have been cleared somewhere. This is 
how we find where.

If it doesn't say "Last set from..." then either it was never changed from the 
program default (which is 'nonumber'), or the last change was manual.

 goes back from Insert/Replace mode to Normal mode permanently. If
you hit Ctrl-O in Insert/Replace mode, it 
sets normal mode temporarily (for a single command only). For instance, if
Insert-mode you hit Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w Vim will go to the next window, and
in Insert-mode in the new window.

wow! :))) that is what i'm looking for

I don't understand your sentence "Switching 
in a mode of an insert should be carried out only on Insert!!!".

never mind :)

Или может быть вы пишете
эту фразу по-русски, и я попробую перевести на английский?

I'm trying to state my ideas in English :)

Good. "Learning by doing" is the way to go. I was just trying to help you.

ps: is bad :)))

All automated translation systems are bad; some are worse than others. I'm 
using none of them: if my Russian is bad, it's my fault and mine alone ;-).

Best regards,

Re: splits count

2006-11-18 Thread chak

> :verbose set number?
vim's answer: nonumber o_O
and in RExplore.vim nu[mber] is not present :/

>  goes back from Insert/Replace mode to Normal mode permanently. If
> you hit Ctrl-O in Insert/Replace mode, it 
> sets normal mode temporarily (for a single command only). For instance, if
> in 
> Insert-mode you hit Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w Vim will go to the next window, and
> remain 
> in Insert-mode in the new window.
wow! :))) that is what i'm looking for

> I don't understand your sentence "Switching 
> in a mode of an insert should be carried out only on Insert!!!".
never mind :)

> Или может быть вы пишете
> эту фразу по-русски, и я попробую перевести на английский?
I'm trying to state my ideas in English :)

ps: is bad :)))
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Re: splits count

2006-11-18 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

chak wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

How can i enable lines numeration by default?

:set number " in your vimrc

set nu is in gvimrc :(

here screenshot:

if vim is starting without RExplorer - all ok, rows numbers is enabled


:verbose set number?

(with question mark) Vim will tell you where the option was last set.

...possible, it's a bug of RExplorer, i'll try to fix it

may be last - how can i disable auto-editing mode?
- when vim started first time, two windows is opened - RExplorer and editing
window (empty)
- i can easy to switch between them without leaving command mode
- but, when i pushing "Insert", i'm switching vim into editing mode
! switching between splitted windows is left by the editor in a mode of an
! Ctrl-O - switch vim into command mode. Arrows - move cursor, and
Switching in a mode of an insert should be carried out only on Insert!!! :(

here is my config: _gvimrc 

Insert mode is global.  in Normal mode sets Insert mode; thereafter it 
toggles between Insert and Replace modes.  goes back from Insert/Replace 
mode to Normal mode permanently. If you hit Ctrl-O in Insert/Replace mode, it 
sets normal mode temporarily (for a single command only). For instance, if in 
Insert-mode you hit Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w Vim will go to the next window, and remain 
in Insert-mode in the new window. I don't understand your sentence "Switching 
in a mode of an insert should be carried out only on Insert!!!". Could you 
give some examples, saying which keys you hit (starting in which mode) what 
happens, and what you would have expected to happen? Или может быть вы пишете 
эту фразу по-русски, и я попробую перевести на английский? (i.e., for lurkers: 
Or maybe you write that sentence in Russian, and I'll try to translate into 

Best regards,

Re: splits count

2006-11-17 Thread chak

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
>> How can i enable lines numeration by default?
>   :set number " in your vimrc

set nu is in gvimrc :(

here screenshot:

if vim is starting without RExplorer - all ok, rows numbers is enabled

...possible, it's a bug of RExplorer, i'll try to fix it

may be last - how can i disable auto-editing mode?
- when vim started first time, two windows is opened - RExplorer and editing
window (empty)
- i can easy to switch between them without leaving command mode
- but, when i pushing "Insert", i'm switching vim into editing mode
! switching between splitted windows is left by the editor in a mode of an
! Ctrl-O - switch vim into command mode. Arrows - move cursor, and
Switching in a mode of an insert should be carried out only on Insert!!! :(

here is my config: _gvimrc 
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Re: splits count

2006-11-17 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

chak wrote:

How can i limit maximum splits number?

You can limit the minimum height of a window: a split will fail if it's not 
possible to keep all windows at least 'winminheight' lines tall not including 
the status line.

How can i enable lines numeration by default?

:set number " in your vimrc

i'm using RExplorer plugin, and each new file is opened in new window and
without lines numeration :(

ps: RExplorer is cool

:help 'winminheight'
:help 'number'

Best regards,