[patch] 2 cell character that is output to the screen does not flash by a space character

2014-05-13 Fir de Conversatie Nobuhiro Takasaki
Hi. What physical condition are you? A result of discussions at the Issue of vim-jp. This is a common problem in a multi-byte countries. In the terminal, if the last character in the string is a multi-byte character, and by outputting the space character, and keep the integrity of the display.

Re: [patch] 2 cell character that is output to the screen does not flash by a space character

2014-05-13 Fir de Conversatie h_east
Hi, Bram and Nobuhiro 2014/5/13(Tus) 23:17:39 UTC+9 Nobuhiro Takasaki: Hi. What physical condition are you? A result of discussions at the Issue of vim-jp. This is a common problem in a multi-byte countries. In the terminal, if the last character in the string is a multi-byte character,

Re: [patch] 2 cell character that is output to the screen does not flash by a space character

2014-05-13 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar
Nobuhiro Takasaki wrote: Hi. What physical condition are you? A result of discussions at the Issue of vim-jp. This is a common problem in a multi-byte countries. In the terminal, if the last character in the string is a multi-byte character, and by outputting the space character, and

Re: [patch] 2 cell character that is output to the screen does not flash by a space character

2014-05-13 Fir de Conversatie Nobuhiro Takasaki
My example is simple: Please execute and paste it into the command line of Vim this string. echo 0123456789 It is displayed in this part of the 64bit environment, including me: 012 3456789 is missing. This problem function screen_puts_len() of. This function sets a new pointer to a string in