Empower App

2022-06-12 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. I was recently told about an app called Empower, which decentralizes ridesharing and gives all money to the drivers. Fares are reportedly about 20 percent lower than Uber or Lyft. Signing up was no problem, but there are unlabeled buttons on the “Request Ride” screen, and I ca

Absolutely horrendous iPhone SE Second Generation Problem

2021-05-13 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day all: As the subject indicates, I have an iPHone SE Second Generation, running the latest software, that up until several hours ago, was absolutely fine. Suddenly, as I was changing my display name in my Zoom app, a bizarre chirping noise sounded, followed several seconds later by the sam

Trouble on Woot Ap

2019-01-01 Thread Christine Grassman
Happy New Year to all. I am valiantly attempting to purchase something on the iPhone Woot app, necessary because the deal is only available through the app. I am unable to locate any button, labeled or unlabeled, that will allow me to complete my purchase. All information is correct; the only un

What is with my Apple WAtch and message syncing?

2018-11-09 Thread Christine Grassman
I cannot figure out why “mirror my iPhone” is not working with mail and messages on my Apple Watch. If I delete on my MacBook, iPhone, or the watch, it does not seem to be taking. Everything is checked off in iCloud. Is there some preference or other I need to check? I’ve tried resetting everyth

Converting pdf files that are png images

2018-08-28 Thread Christine Grassman
Is this possible? I have tried everything I can think of, including sending the file (a shaker bottle manual) to robobraille for conversion. I tried saving the file to KNFB Reader and iBooks, Adobe, Preview, etc. Nothing doing. Is there any way to access this? Thanks. Christine -- The followi

Harassing Huboodle Hurdles

2018-02-15 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, fellow Huboodle addicts. I’m having issues with Huboodle, aside from the addiction, that is. I have gotten to level 90 in Trivia Traile, and no matter what I do, 91 is disabled and won’t let me play. I have had to play many T.T. levels over again, as my stats did not update, and levels I com

Anyone else experiencing issues with Amazon Alexa app?

2018-01-30 Thread Christine Grassman
A few friends have reported that they are having a lot of trouble with the Amazon Alexa app, particularly with regard to accessing information about skills and enabling them. They are reporting that it is hit or miss, usually miss, and say that they cannot add from the Amazon Skills store becaus

Braille Displays . . . Again!!!!

2017-10-22 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: At the risk of being another pain in the behind looking for the optimal Braille display for my needs, here are my needs: 1. It must be very portable; 2. It will be used for mostly a great deal of reading, and is needed for work and personal use; 3. It must work reliably with the iPh

Clarification re Can't Change iCloud Email Address

2017-10-05 Thread Christine Grassman
My husband and I both have gmail addresses, which we use for our Apple ID’s. I have an iCloud email address, which I set up several years ago. When I did so, I was able to choose “cfgrassman” rather than “cgrassman1009” which is what I use for gmail. My husband wants to have an iCloud email, an

Can't change icloud email address

2017-10-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: When I first set up my icloud email, I was able to use a different name than the one on my gmail account. My husband, however, is only receiving the option to use the same name followed by icloud.com The edit box is dimmed, and there is no way to edit the offered

Cross Posted: Orbit Reader 20 and Apple Devices?

2017-09-25 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: If anyone scored an Orbit Reader 20 at one of the blindness consumer organization conventions and is using it with a MacBook or iPhone, could you please comment, perhaps off-list if no one else is interested, on what you think? I have been awaiting its release for months now; APH has

TC Conference: Cannot Connect

2017-09-18 Thread Christine Grassman
Trying to connect to the iOS 11 webinar and cannot connect on either my iPhone or the Mac. On the Mac I keep getting a “connection list” — but I’ve never connected, and on the iPhone it just hangs, saying “Wait” for about a minute, then goes back to the original connect screen. Christine -- Th

Cross-Posted: Duolingo Accessibility

2017-09-15 Thread Christine Grassman
Dear ViPhone and Mac Visionaries Listers: I have submitted a report about Duolingo’s accessibility shortcomings, made worse by its most recent update, to an attorney who specializes in encouraging companies to make inclusion of people with disabilities in the provision of goods and services a pr

iPhone X Question

2017-09-13 Thread Christine Grassman
This is a “visual” question, in the sense that it is not possible for me to gauge by the information out there what the iPhone X “looks like” and will feel like in one’s hand. When the screen size is described, they say “on the diagonal,” and they discuss “rounded edges” — but I cannot get a sen

Clarification Re Duolingo Plus, Anyone?

2017-08-31 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello again all. In my earlier post, I indicated that I was having trouble with Duolingo Plus, which is a paid add-on to basic Duolingo. The free app is quite accessible on both the Mac and iPhone, with some minimal frustrating exceptions. (On the Mac, for example, I cannot for the life of me fi

Duolingo Plus, Anyone?

2017-08-30 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. I decided to take the plunge and pay for Duolingo Plus, but it does not appear to be accessible. I believe I have tried every unlabeled button I could find to determine whether I could get the “download skill” message, but no luck. Also, while I can practice skills on the app, I have

Duolingo Question

2017-08-05 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all. I would appreciate feedback from anyone who uses this app. I really enjoy it, despite my need to deal with some less than accessible aspects, but one thing is confusing me, and I am not sure whether I am mmissing something. I would like to practice repeating words and phrases beyoond

Sonos Tube, Anyone?

2017-01-14 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: This past holiday season, our family purchased three Sonos players. We are all quite pleased with them, except that my son loves to listen to videos on YouTube, and would like to hear them on his Sonos speaker. There is an app called Sonos Tube which purports to play YouTube videos on

Attention, Any Users of MTA ETix App in New York City, Please Help

2016-09-07 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day: If anyone in the New York City, Long Island, or surrounding areas is using this app, I would appreciate assistance. VoiceOver works fine for virtually everything; some things are a little confusing, but it is all workable . . . except for the most important part. After the tick

Absolutely Infuriating Issue With Sending Dictated Messages using Siri

2016-09-04 Thread Christine Grassman
The issue: I have always been able to use Siri to send messages, fully dictating the recipient’s name and the message. Suddenly, there is this bizarre issue: if I dictate both the name and the message, it is written and repeated back correctly, but when it is sent, it comes back

Frustration with Trying to Cancel Newsstand Subscription on iPhone Kindle App

2016-08-31 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day, all: I wish to unsubscribe from a magazine within my iPhone Kindle app. I tried to find the subscription itself on both the Kindle app and within my Amazon account on my iPhone. According to the information I found, I am supposed to be able to locate the subscription wi

Need opinions about waiting for iPhone 7 or getting SE

2016-08-26 Thread Christine Grassman
Is there any reason to wait a few weeks to use my upgrade toward an iPhone 7, based on what is known? My iPHone 6 was brutally victimized by a car backing up today, and I am now faced with using my upgrade for an SE, or using my daughter’s old 5C until the iPHone 7 comes out. I don’t wan

Urgent assistance needed: finding iPhone IMEI number in iTunes preferences

2016-08-26 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: My iPhone was run over and the glass is smashed; it is done for. I need to give Apple the ImEI number, but I am told that one has to hover the mouse over the devices in the iTunes back-up list to do this, and I have no clue how to do this. All I am getting is my iPhone’s name and the

Help with Updated HBOGo app Needed

2016-07-30 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day, all: I am rather frustrated with my inability to locate shows from the 2016 season on HBOGo. It was already frustrating not being able to hit play with VoiceOver on, but at least the app was somewhat accessible. Now when I search for a show, the title comes up but only the 2015 season

Apple Educational Software/Apps That ARe VoiceOver Accessible

2016-06-01 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all: My program, which serves at-risk youth between the ages of 17 and 21, many with learning disabilities and a wide range of literacy levels, is seeking educational programs and apps. We are particularly interested in writing tutorial software and/or apps, and programs that offe

Download Folder on iPhone? ??????

2016-02-24 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all: While I am sure the response to a question I asked earlier was well-intentioned, it left me more confused than ever. I was directed to access the files I downloaded in Mail from Mail Drop by going to my Download folder. I had indicated that the filenames disappeared from the email m

How to access files downloaded from Mail Drop onto my iPhone

2016-02-24 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all: I am exceedingly confused. Last week, I accessed a file sent via mail drop from within mail by simply tapping on the file. Yesterday, I downloaded four attachments from mail drop in Mail. It says iCloud download and attachments downloaded, but I cannot access the fil

Unacceptable Response from Issuu Support Team Regarding VoiceOver Accessibility

2016-02-19 Thread Christine Grassman
at the bottom. I think this is absolutely something which should be available to those who use screen readers. If others agree, I think we should bombard them with requests to make their platform accessible. Christine > Begin forwarded message: > > From: "Christine Grassman

At My Wit's End with Listening to Only Checked Music in iTunes

2015-12-02 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, I really do love Apple Music. But when I try to play *only* the music I have checked it does not comply; when I listen on my iPhone, it shuffles through everything I’ve got in in My Music, including unchecked items. If this no longer works if one subscribes to Apple Music, what is the point

Not able to find shuffle button any longer for My Music

2015-07-03 Thread Christine Grassman
I am only getting a list of artists and no ability to shuffle. Furthermore, I do not want every single one of the tracks in my library to be available all the time, just the ones I have checked via the “old way”. Is there a way to get this and where is that darned shuffle button and my “Songs” l

Apple music confusion: what am I doing wrong?

2015-07-01 Thread Christine Grassman
Okay, so multiple times, I have selected my most loved genres and have selected artists. At the end, it says got it. However, I am getting no recommendations, and each time I go back to it, it has not saved my options. There is no done button, which I see on other screens. What am I doing wrong?

Audio Description from Netflix largely an epic fail

2015-04-20 Thread Christine Grassman
I called Netflix Customer Service and the woman I spoke with was very friendly and sympathetic, and essentially said that the only instructions they had was the article I posted earlier. The audio description for Daredevil is completely unreliable on my end. I have it working on episodes 1 and

For what it's worth: Netflix help center article on accessing subtitles, captions, and alternative audio on various devices

2015-04-20 Thread Christine Grassman
> > https://help.netflix.com/support/372 -- The following information is important for all members of the viphone list. All new members to the this list are moderated by default. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if

Logging out of Netflix on iPhone and MacBook Air

2015-04-20 Thread Christine Grassman
I am trying to sign out of Netflicks on my iPhone and MacBook Air. I am double tapping Sign Out on my iPhone, but it is not working. (I had to get sighted assistance to do this last night.) On my macBook Air, I have tried various browsers, and cannot locate a sign out or a log out. There are a

Really frustrated trying to get Netflix audio description to work on either iPhone or Macbook Air with Silver Light

2015-04-19 Thread Christine Grassman
This morning I signed into Netflix on my iPhone and was able to start audio description after a second go at the language options menu. However, since then, I cannot get it to work. I have rebooted the phone, closed the app and gone back in, signed out and signed back in . . . the option simply

Netflix Language Menu in iOS

2015-04-18 Thread Christine Grassman
Some referred to the fact that turning on audio description for Neflix is in the language menu on iOS. I have explored the app for nearly half an hour, doing searches, pressing the unlabeled buttons, etc., and cannot get to settings or language menu. Choosing my name on the account often brings

Slacker Radio Plus Subscription not working on iPhone 6 with latest iOs Update

2015-04-18 Thread Christine Grassman
This seems to be a rather bad week for me and radio apps. First, Pandora is now useless and freezes if you do anything with it, and now, after upgrading, as per my iTunes account, to Slacker Plus, the app is still behaving as if I did not upgrade at all. i wrote to Slacker support, but would lik

Pandora Radio Issue since latest iOs update: anyone else?

2015-04-16 Thread Christine Grassman
I apologize if this has been discussed before. Since updating to the latest iOs on my iPhone 6, I have been having an issue with the Pandora radio app I have never experienced before: If I am listening to a station and hit back arrow, I used to get a list of my other stations and the option to c

Wordpress.com mystery

2015-03-10 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all: For the past hour or so, I have been attempting to get onto wordpress.com. I cannot load the main site, my blog, or any other blogs I read on the site. I have even tried searching through Google. The URL’s come up, but nothing on the site will load. I checked with a few people who s

Response from TD Bank Mobile App Developers Regarding Reported Bugs

2014-10-17 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all. A couple weeks ago, I reported here about issues with TD Bank's web site and recent issues with the mobile app, the latter which had up to that point been completely accessible. Thanks to outreach by Karen Lewellen, another list member, I received an email from an ap

How do I stop a download of an enhanced quality voice?

2014-09-19 Thread Christine Grassman
I chose Alex for download, and it says "preparing to download". Above this, it says that the enhanced voice for US English has downloaded 30 of 156 megabytes. But I do not want this. I tried selecting edit, and I see the list of languages in my rotor, but no delete or any way of stopping

Should iOS 8.0 take *this* long to download???

2014-09-17 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, I realize *everyone* is probably downloading now, but I have not seen any times longer than six hours with a slow connection for downloading iOS 8. Both my husband and I are getting "13 hours" as an estimate, one hour after seeing "8 hours". Our WiFi connection is fairly good most o

Netflix app frustrations

2014-06-30 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day/night all. I am attempting to watch the second season of a Netflix show, but it will only show me the episodes in the first season with an accompanying Play button. I have viewed the entire first season already. Any ideas on how to get to the second season? Thanks much. Christine --

What on earth is going on with my WiFi?

2014-06-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Yesterday, in an effort to conserve as much battery power as possible, I turned screen brightness down to zero and shut off WiFi for a couple hours. When I got home, I put WiFi back on. Three or four bars are showing. My WiFi is listed. However, everything I am doing is resulting in "loading" or

RE: Extreme iTunes Frustration Continued: Update

2014-06-02 Thread Christine Grassman
I guess I am not being clear. I have unchecked songs, artists, and albums that are being synced. This is in my device section, not in my iTunes library. I cannot access all album titles in that section, no matter how I manipulate the arrows. I do not have "sync entire library" checked. Music i

Extreme iTunes Frustration Continued: Update

2014-06-02 Thread Christine Grassman
I want to thank all of you who are trying to assist with your suggestions. However: 1. I did have music turned off in iTunes and app store. 2. I understand how to use the grid; before going into column browser, the album grid was not going past a certain point, no matter what I did. 3. I did

Extreme iTunes Frustration: Someone please Assist

2014-06-01 Thread Christine Grassman
I wrote about this several days ago, and either did not get, or missed, responses. I have been slogging through the heaps of iTunes issues posts and cannot find anything helpful either. I have a ton of songs that are syncing to my iPHone which I do not want. I have them all unchecked in artists

Oh, Dear, Slacker Problem Again . . .

2014-04-18 Thread Christine Grassman
Despite Slacker's fantastic job making its iPhone app accessible once again, I have run into a snag they clearly did not anticipate. I received an "unusual activity" message while listening; I had the audacity to spend some time exploring a bunch of different stations in a short period of time.

Really Flummoxed: Music Sycing Issue (cross-post)

2014-03-28 Thread Christine Grassman
Hi, all. I am cross-posting because I really am not sure if the problem is with my iPhone settings, my MacBook, or my iTunes account. 1. I did a restore iPHone because of trouble with the native messages app, which did resolve the issue. 2. I did a back-up both to iCloud and my computer prior to

Update on music not syncing after iPHone restore

2014-03-28 Thread Christine Grassman
After an hour of extreme frustration, I discovered that within iTunes and App store settings, Music was turned *off*, which I do not understand because in my back-up, this should not have been the case. So, if anyone restores and can't find their music, please save yourself the blood pressure p

*URGENT*: What happened to my music?

2014-03-28 Thread Christine Grassman
I just restored my iPhone, but my music is not syncing. Everything else is fine. When I check my iPHone, it says no content. My iTunes library is fine. I had originally had "only sync selected music and videos" but I shut this off, just to see if I could get the whole library synced. No music is

Where is repair iOs?

2014-03-28 Thread Christine Grassman
Because I am still having issues with the native Messages app on my iPhone, I want to repair iOs, and was directed to look for it in the Summary radio button of iTunes after connecting, syncing, and backing up my phone. I only see "restore iPhone" with no other apparent options. I suspect this

Sudden inexplicable problem with Native iPhone Messages app

2014-03-26 Thread Christine Grassman
I have searched the archive, but can't find anything on point, at least not with the search words I used. Has anyone experienced problems with the native Messages app recently? I have an iPHone 5, fully updated, with no other current issues. When I open the Messages app and hit Compose, it is e

Re: Apple could not even help with frustrating airdrop issue

2014-03-23 Thread Christine Grassman
working, which it should. > On Mar 22, 2014, at 9:32 PM, Christine Grassman > > > wrote: > > Neither of us has do not disturb enabled. Sending via message or email > works, but given the many pictures we wish to send, this is inconvenient . > . . and frankly, since we have

Re: Apple could not even help with frustrating airdrop issue

2014-03-22 Thread Christine Grassman
Neither of us has do not disturb enabled. Sending via message or email works, but given the many pictures we wish to send, this is inconvenient . . . and frankly, since we have the feature, we want to use it, and we are baffled as to why it will not work . . . and so were the two Apple techies

Apple could not even help with frustrating airdrop issue

2014-03-22 Thread Christine Grassman
Apple is currently researching the inexplicable inability of my husband and I to share photos via airdrop. We are using the same WiFi connection; Bluetooth is on, we tried rebooting; we are both signed into our iCloud accounts. Whenever we attempt to send a photo, instead of a list of availabl

Frustrations with airdrop sharing

2014-03-22 Thread Christine Grassman
All right, folks, I have spent about an hour of diligent effort trying to figure out what is wrong, but I am flummoxed. My husband is attempting to share photos with me, iPHone 5 to iPHone 5, latest versions of IOs 7, airdrop, bluetooth, and wifi are enabled. We are in close proximity to one a

Re: SiriusXM Radio online 30-day Free Trial as Of Today, 02/16/2014

2014-02-16 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. I would just like to report that I am using the trial, and did not have to input any credit card information. Also, the iPhone app is not completely accessible. There are several unlabeled buttons at the bottom. By playing around, however, I suspect it will be quite usable. Christine

Slacker Radio Has Fixed Accessibility!

2014-02-01 Thread Christine Grassman
At long last, Slacker Radio appears to be as blind user-friendly on the iPhone as it was about a year ago. If fellow Slacker users also find this to be true, please, please take the time to thank Slacker. Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google

Why isn't a movie downloaded onto my iPhone also on my authorized MacBook?

2014-01-24 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. Spent the past half hour trying to get a video on my iPhone, downloaded from the iTunes store, onto my computer. I have tried syncing several times. The video is fully downloaded on the iPhone; I have movies checked for syncing, but it is nowhere to be found. When I check the movie

Anyone experiencing these truly infuriating iPhone issues: dumped out of apps, inability to view videos or listen to podcasts in appps, etc., silence when trying to access articles linked in apps

2014-01-05 Thread Christine Grassman
For the past few weeks, whenever I link to an article on Facebook, Twitter, Search It, etc., VoiceOver starts reading, then goes completely silent and freezes. I am then forced to exit out and go back in to double-click on the desired link, which then acts the same way, or wait a moment or two f

Super frustrated with seemingly faulty iTunes syncing

2013-12-07 Thread Christine Grassman
All right, folks. I have no clue what I am doing wrong, but though my "songs" list says 491 on my iPhone, and my music library has over a thousand songs, my iPhone is playing songs when I listen to my music that should not be synced. I have "sync only checked songs". I have iTunes Match off. I

Voice to Voice by Sparkling Apps: Please Assist

2013-11-29 Thread Christine Grassman
Yesterday, someone posted about this app, stating that the developer seemed willing to work on making it more accessible, but that it was somewhat usable with VoiceOver. I downloaded the app, and all I am getting is a list of languages, which seem to repeat, and does not even display all sixtee

About to unsubscribe from Slacker Radio Out of Frustration . . .

2013-11-24 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all. Not all that long ago, Slacker was my hands down favorite radio app. However, for weeks now, it has been virtually unusable because of unlabeled buttons that I just cannot figure out. Has anyone figured out how to handle Slacker as we wait . . . again . . . for the app to be made a

In Case Anyone Was Caught Off Guard When Dictating . . . . . .

2013-10-23 Thread Christine Grassman
Until I updated to iOS 7.03 last night, I always said “period” when ending a sentence when dictating. Today, I noticed, (luckily before sending a message) that the word “period” was there instead of the symbol. This was rather annoying, until I surmised that perhaps I should say “full stop” —

Am I The Only One Having Trouble with the Latest Native Facebook App Update: Repeat Inquiry

2013-10-20 Thread Christine Grassman
I posted about this Thursday, but unless I missed the posts, there has been no response: There was a Facebook update on October 17. Since that time, whenever I try to use the app on my iPhone 5, it dumps me out after a few seconds. The app switcher says it is still running; I go back in, and the

Facebook update is throwing me out after a few seconds

2013-10-17 Thread Christine Grassman
Anyone else experiencing this Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. Post a new message to VIPhone by emailing viphone@googlegroups.com. Search and view the VIPhone archives by visiting http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@go

Warning about updated Facebook app

2013-09-21 Thread Christine Grassman
Notifications are not being read by VoiceOver; you tap on notifications and the screen is silent as you swipe up and down the list of notifications. At least this is what is happening to me. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. Post a new mess

Truly bizarre problem with Akinator Genie Game

2013-09-01 Thread Christine Grassman
Is anyone else experiencing their status information and keyboard keys being read in French while playing Akinator Genie? I've got English selected, and the app itself is speaking in only English with VoiceOver, but the status of WiFi, battery status, the time, etc., is being voiced in French wi

Would appreciate knowing if I can upload n audio file to Facebook

2013-08-03 Thread Christine Grassman
I played around with both the mobile site on my MacBook, and the iPHone app, and cannot figure out a way to do it. I can only upload photos. I sometimes can get a "choose file" to appear on the mobile site, but cannot find which button allows me to choose the file before hitting that button. T

Focus 14 help

2013-07-28 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, all: I am playing around with a Focus 14. I have managed to pair it, but am ow trying to read the text of a Bookshare book with it, which I have in a Voice Dream folder. It is reading things like "Bookmarks" and "pause" but not the text of the book when VoiceOver is focused on it. What am I

Update: Cannot Edit to Delete Facebook Posts

2013-07-19 Thread Christine Grassman
I am seeing "delete post" and "hide from timeline" at the bottom of the screen on my Macbook, but no way to do these on the iPhone. I still have no clue how to edit. Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. Post a new message to VIPhone

Repeated request for assistance: Cannot Delete or Edit Posts on Facebook Account or Page

2013-07-19 Thread Christine Grassman
When on my MacBook, the "more options" menu is not producing any options. I have tried VO space, hitting return, and interacting with it. No luck. On the iPhone, I see no "more options" menu at all, and when I check the FB Help Center, the suggestion to "press down on" what I wanted to delete or

Cannot edit posts on Facebook on phone or MacBook

2013-07-19 Thread Christine Grassman
Help with this please. Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. Post a new message to VIPhone by emailing viphone@googlegroups.com. Search and view the VIPhone archives by visiting http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegr

Facebook app frustrations

2013-06-16 Thread Christine Grassman
All righty, fellow Facebook folks: I am trying to figure out why, and more importantly, if there is a workaround for the following issues: 1. "Liking" something sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. (I find this is true both on the phone and on my Mac.) 2. When I want to see who "liked" a post,

Braille 40 Version 4 Braille Dislay (formerly Seika)

2013-06-13 Thread Christine Grassman
If anyone has used this with an iPhone, could you please contact me and give me your honest assessment of its ease of use, Braille cell quality, reliability, portability, etc.? I am considering it over the RefreshaBraille 18 because of the greater number of cells, and quite frankly, I don't know

Anyone else having trouble downloading Voice Dream Reader update?

2013-06-08 Thread Christine Grassman
I tried downloading it the other day, and received a message that it could not be downloaded at this time. I have tried multiple times since then, and receive the same message. When I go into the app store, it says "installing" but when I look at the Voice Dream icon on my screen, it says "5 p

Is there a way to have more than one Twitter account on Status report?

2013-06-02 Thread Christine Grassman
If so, I cannot figure it out. Status report shows my original Twitter account, but when I tap "add account" there does not appear to be a way to have more than one Twitter account. If anyone knows differently, I would appreciate hearing from you. The Twitter account itself is okay, but unwield

Where on earth is the refresh content option in Slacker now?

2013-04-24 Thread Christine Grassman
I have been up, down, in out and through this app. I have tapped on everything, looking for refresh content. I cannot locate it anywhere. Fellow Slackers, help please. Thank you. Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIP

Is $4.99 family feud game accessible

2013-03-31 Thread Christine Grassman
If anyone knows, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you. Christine Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, visit http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegroups.com/. To post to t

Hbo go problem: can't add all season episodes to watch list

2013-03-12 Thread Christine Grassman
I have tried multiple times to add certain episodes of a certain program to my watchlist on HBO go. however, it seems that I can only add odd-numbered episodes. I tried tapping on the title, and I tried tapping on the number, but nothing seems to work. I have to get sighted assistance to add

Facebook Frustration Revisited: Is It My Imagination, or . . .

2013-03-10 Thread Christine Grassman
Have both the iPhone FB app and the mobile site morphed yet again into something unnecessarily problematic for those of us who use VoiceOver? I know several here have said that with some patience, they are usable, but you know what? I should not require any more patience and time to figure out

Accessible App for Daily Congressional Activity?

2013-02-14 Thread Christine Grassman
Does anyone know of an app which tracks the passage of legislation and other Congressional activity on an as-it-happens basis? Thanks. Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, visit http://www.mail-a

Seven LIttle Words Driving Me Crazy: Help, Please!

2013-01-14 Thread Christine Grassman
Weeks ago, I made peace with this app's semi-accessibility, because I am so addicted to it. However, since last night it is driving me nuts. Each time I attempt to purchase one of the fifty-puzzle packs, since I have completed Sunrise and one that I purchased previously (with no problem), it of

Skype opinions: Mac or iPhone

2012-12-18 Thread Christine Grassman
I am finally going to dive in and give Skype a try. Is it easier for a novice on the Mac or on the iPhone? Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, visit http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegro

Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11

2012-12-08 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. I am really steamed with iTunes, like never before. Before 11 came out, as I have done since the beginning of time with iTunes and the iPhone (from my perspective, that is) I manually managed my material, and checked and unchecked for syncing at will. It worked fine, once I got the ha

Warning about Nook Book Orders (at least for last night and this morning)

2012-12-01 Thread Christine Grassman
I attempted placing an order for my first Nook Book to try out the iPhone app, but the two times (once last night, and once this morning) that I attempted to place an order, I received a message saying the servers were undergoing routine maintenance,, sorry for any inconvenience, and please try

Cannot choose gender on slacker account creation

2012-11-13 Thread Christine Grassman
I am trying to create a slacker account on my iPhone with the app. I cannot seem to select gender. Nothing I try is working, but the app says I must choose. Help is appreciated. Christine Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google G

Why does "unfriend" not show up as an option for every friend on Facebook app?

2012-11-07 Thread Christine Grassman
I am trimming down my FB friends, and I am noticing that for no discernible reason, the "unfriend" option is not available for some people. Rather than the usual options when I select "friends," I get "mutual friends" and "friends of . . . " insert name of selected friend. There does not seem to

Want to redownload HQ Voice, But can't remember how

2012-09-20 Thread Christine Grassman
Went into settings, general, and international. Australian English is selected, but the voice is compact, and I want HQ. How do I change this, and redownload? Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, vi

Braille displays comparison for IOS Devices, particularly iPhone

2012-09-20 Thread Christine Grassman
Could those of you who have strong opinions in favor or against particular Braille displays for the iPhone please send me emails privately? Also, if anyone has a link or two to a comprehensive review and comparison of Braille displays for the iPhone, could you please send this? I've been looking

Destino Games: Cannot Save Frozen Games

2012-09-14 Thread Christine Grassman
After one hits "f" to freeze a game, one is asked for a filename. I have tried all manner of iterations, but nothing I do is accepted, and I therefore am unable to save games, and must start over from scratch each time. Can anyone shed light on what needs to be done, please? TIA. Christine --

What the heck kind of filename do I use to save a frozen game in the Destino games app?

2012-09-13 Thread Christine Grassman
Just cannot figure this out. TIA. Christine Sent from my iPhone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, visit http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegroups.com/. To post to this group, send email to viphone

Anyone find out yet whether AT&T Is Going To Charge More for 4G?

2012-09-12 Thread Christine Grassman
Subject asks it all. If no one knows this yet, I will try to find out shortly. Christine -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" Google Group. To search the VIPhone public archive, visit http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegroups.com/. To post to this grou

Further information on Read2Go Mystery Message

2012-08-24 Thread Christine Grassman
I am not receiving the "request error" user account does not have permissions to perform this action" on the Mac, and on the main site. Downloaded without a hitch there, so it isn't a limits issue. It's strictly an app issue, it appears. I did close the app, then reopen and tried again, and also

Read2Go Mystery message: "Request error" User account does not have enough permissions to perform this action"

2012-08-24 Thread Christine Grassman
Has anyone ever gotten this? Wrote to bookshare.org, but figured I would check here to see if anyone has experienced this and what was done about it. My membership is active, and I have no notices about limits or anything similar. (Got it while trying to download a newspaper.) Christine -- Yo

Where Did the "My Groupons" Section Go On the Groupon App?

2012-07-12 Thread Christine Grassman
Hey, all. I am stymied. After the latest Groupon app download, the "My Groupons" feature seems no where to be found. This app used to be almost perfectly accessible, but losing this feature is a real pain, since it allows one to bring up Groupons at establishments without having to print them o