> I tried installing, which I had not done before.  I did not get any .al files
> either.  But I also don't get the error you speak of when running the tests
> that come with the package.  Do you have a small reproducer derived from the
> script that is giving you trouble?
> BTW, you can find out more about what the .al files are about by doing
> $ perldoc Autoloader
> However, I'm now thinking that is a red herring since I don't see anything in
> Net::DNS that looks like it is set up to be autoloaded.  There may be some
> other problem loading the function and then it falls back to the autoloader for
> some reason.  What do you get from a really simple use of the function, like
> this:
> $ perl -e "use Net::DNS; print Net::DNS::typesbyname('CERT');"
> 37

This is getting curiouser and curiouser.  I think I agree about the .al file
being a red herring.  I ran the package tests (after a substantial boost
of bytlm) without the .al error.  However, your "really simple" test fails
on both my v5.6.1 and v5.8.1 installations.  But a simple extract from my
program only fails on the v5.8.1 installation.

$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.1 built for VMS_AXP
$ perl -e "use Net::DNS; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; print 
Can't locate auto/Net/DNS/typesbyname.al in @INC (@INC contains:
/perl_root/lib/VMS_AXP/5_8_1 /perl_root/lib /perl_root/lib/site_per
l/VMS_AXP perl_root:[lib.site_perl] /perl_root/lib/site_perl .) at
/perl_root/lib/site_perl/VMS_AXP/Net/DNS/Question.pm line 174

$ perl -e "use Net::DNS; print Net::DNS::typesbyname('CERT');"
Can't locate auto/Net/DNS/typesbyname.al in @INC (@INC contains:
/perl_root/lib/VMS_AXP/5_8_1 /perl_root/lib /perl_root/lib/site_per
l/VMS_AXP perl_root:[lib.site_perl] /perl_root/lib/site_perl .) at -e line 1

$ setup perl
%DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of PERL_ROOT has been superseded
%DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of PERLSHR has been superseded
$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.6.1 built for VMS_AXP
$ perl -e "use Net::DNS; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; print 

$ perl -e "use Net::DNS; print Net::DNS::typesbyname('CERT');"
Can't locate auto/Net/DNS/typesbyname.al in @INC (@INC contains:
/perl_root/lib/VMS_AXP/5_6_1 /perl_root/lib /perl_root/lib/site_per
l/VMS_AXP /perl_root/lib/site_perl /perl_root/lib/site_perl .) at -e line 1
%RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error

Since 'typesbyname' is a trivial subroutine (just a simple lookup in a hash
table), I'm wondering if there's something screwy about my general perl

I note that the first error message above says the error is in
'/perl_root/lib/site_perl/VMS_AXP/Net/DNS/Question.pm'.  Question.pm
is actually in PERL_ROOT:[LIB.NET.DNS].  I wonder if that's a clue, or
another red herring?

Dave Greenwood                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oak Ridge National Lab        %STD-W-DISCLAIMER, I only speak for myself

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