RE: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread bobcook39923

I think the reaction time for the mechanism you suggest if too long to explain 
the results  of the “run-away” phenomena.  It seems to me that an entire 
coherent system must change in a very short instant with the appearance of 
phonic energy (high orbital valence electron spin)  evenly spread through 
the entire coherent  system.

I would like to believe that angular momentum of the system is conserved.  It 
may be that a strong magnetic is the coupling force that assures that the 
angular momentum is conserved in the production of appropriate EM radiation 
carrying angular momentum away from the remaining coherent system before 
disintegration occurs.

Bob Cook

From: David Roberson
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway


The Manelas device is an interesting subject that I would like to explore 
further.  Do you know whether or not the project is actively being pursued at 
this time?  Of course I am skeptical of any free lunches, but open to 


-Original Message-
From: Brian Ahern 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 6:40 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway
David, I like your admission that we are brainstorming.  I had several mentors 
in the last 20 years. One of them was Henry Kolm, Wayland MA. He was a 
co-founder of the National Magnet Lab at MIT. He is deceased, but in 2009 he 
believed that at one time he was as knowledgerog
noable on magnetism as any person in the world.

He confided to me in 2010 that Magnetism was largely not understood. There was 
so very much unknown. He was in awe of the subject.

I had the good fortune to learn about the source of ferromagnetism in materials 
and how they are related to specific electron orbital topologies. This is not 
known or discussed anywhere.

I have found that these topologies are affected by phonons as well as photons.  
That is why I am fascinated by LENR. The Manelas energy output with 
ferromagnetic ferrite cores is also fascinating and not understood by anyone 

From: David Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway 

When you mention the attenuation coefficient for waves I think it should be 
pointed out that the original energy of the phonon is preserved.  By this I 
mean that the sonic energy is converted into some other form such as heat which 
I think of as just uncoordinated sound waves that are randomly distributed.  I 
also assume that the original sonic waveform translating throughout the 
material undergoes reflections at the edges, etc. until it becomes 
unrecognizable as anything other than overall random heating.

It seems logical that an individual sonic disturbance originating at some point 
within the NAE would propagate into three dimensions and its initial energy 
would spread out into an ever wider wave until reflections hide its identity.  
Of course some might argue that each phonon contains a fixed amount to energy 
that propagates away from its point of origin like a particle. If the particle 
model is used I believe that the attenuation coefficient would not fit. 
Otherwise a fractional phonon would exist instead of a fixed energy particle.

If we consider a coherent pulse of phonons propagating as a coordinated group 
along one axis like a plane wave then some interesting characteristics 
originate.  Perhaps the instantaneous peak pressure causes new LENR reactions 
to occur which then generate additional coherent phonons that add to the 
original traveling wave.  Think of how a laser pulse builds up in magnitude as 
it travels through the lasing material.

After enough LENR reactions add together we might have enough sonic energy to 
crater the edge of the reactive metal matrix.  I am thinking of how a shaped 
charge can penetrate a thick metal shield causing it to splinter on the far 

If behavior of the type I am suggesting actually happens then the bulk of the 
material as well as its physical shape and internal structure would be 
important considerations.  The bulk is important because the sonic wave gains 
energy as it passes through, similar to lasing.  The physical structure comes 
into play as the waves undergo multiple reflections at the edges.  This is 
related to the gross mechanical resonances of the material.  The internal 
structure such as dislocations would likely cause the traveling waveform to 
disperse to some degree leading to disruption of the pressure wave.

There is some support for a sonic related LENR effect as seen in one reportedly 
successful device that uses a large magnetic shock generated by a carefully 
shaped waveform.  Please realize that what I am discussing is more of a brain 
storming exercise intended to generate additional thoughts and comments from 
other vortex-l contributors.


RE: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread bobcook39923

A 20 nanometer particle would include a million or more atoms, plenty to create 
a lattice that could vibrate with addition of heat.  In other words the atoms 
do not stay in one position but move rhythmically about a point in the lattice. 
 The electronic bonding within the crystal lattice keeps the positive nuclei 
from separating to much, maintaining a solid phase.  With too much amplitude of 
the vibration the solid becomes a liquid  with  random motion of the positive 
nuclei and,  with significant position changes and a spectrum of kinetic 

If the initial energy conversion to phonic energy from the parent nuclear 
configurations is sufficient,  the solid may vaporize promptly with a very hot 
spectrum of kinetic energy positive particles –a hot gas--that result in the 
volcanic like eruptions seen in the Pd-D system LENR.   

The LENR that would cause such an eruption is not a low energy reaction because 
the electronic structure  making up the lattice bonds are broken on a large 
scale in a very short time frame.  I envision that the spin orbital energy of 
many of the bonding electrons is increased in the instant of the reaction, 
causing the lattice structure to come apart—vaporize—as indicated in the 
paragraph above.  

Bob Cook


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 1:35 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

LENR has been found to exist under laser irradiation of gold nanoparticles in a 
colloidal suspension of thorium salts.

The nanoparticles are far to small to support any lattice vibration, but they 
can support subwavelength EMF. 

Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in
the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev

"The resulting average size of Au NPs as determined by Transmission Electron 
Microscopy lies between 10 and 20 nm."

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 12:03 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is of 
course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in LENR from 
the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active particle or 
pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that propagates and continues 
the reaction (in a situation such as "heat-after-death" or the thermal runaway).

If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or meltdown 
reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we should be able to 
identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is not gamma radiation or 
neutrons, so we look for something completely new. Beta particles (fast 
electrons) and alpha particle can also be ruled out due to proportionate lack 
of secondary radiation (bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a tiny amount 
of all, or any, of the above in LENR at various times, but not coming close to 
accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This is gain far above 
chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large amount of stainless 
steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no residual radiation.

Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to the 
phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, or to EUV 
photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not had a runaway so 
we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. Obviously, one parameter 
which distinguishes the runaway reaction is strong Infrared light, also seen in 
Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.

This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity 
optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and mechanical 
movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with resonance and coherence, 
both the photon and phonon can be merged together into a hybrid or 
pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon polariton has been a candidate 
for LENR active modality - which has been talked about the most, but the SPP 
does NOT fit the circumstances precisely. Actually it is a poor fit.

The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the 
circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically no 
plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic waves with 
an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but "surface" does not 
model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of three accuracy.

Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more 
fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific 
pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined with 
the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.

Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton) instead 
of SPP?

As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been 

RE: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread bobcook39923
Jones –

Good questions and fair to midland conclusions.

What was the nature of the reactants in each of the run-away reactions?  
--Pd-D, Ni-H, Li involved, Ti   involved etc?

Was the size of the likely coherent system in the various cases limited?

Were sharply peaking resonance conditions likely?  If so, what type of 

Were significant applied  magnetic fields present?  If so, how big?  

Did the accidents initiate under some upper bound temperature or pressure 
associated with phonic resonances?  If so, what temperatures / pressures?  One 
of Peter H’s early LENR theories addresses the coupling associated with phonic 
resonances I believe-- ICCF-2or 3.

Your focus on phonons—lattice vibrations—may relate to a positive temperature 
coefficient reflecting an increased probability of a temperature induced 
resonant condition in an increasing population of coherent systems.  Thus, 
limiting the size of the possible coherent systems in the fuel of the reactor 
may limit the size of the creation of energetic phonons (heat) and the 
establishment of resonant conditions in nearby  coherent systems.  Small grains 
in metals would act to limit the size of adjacent coherent systems and the 
amount of energy transformed during any single reaction.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 9:06 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is 
of course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in 
LENR from the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active 
particle or pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that 
propagates and continues the reaction (in a situation such as 
"heat-after-death" or the thermal runaway).

If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or 
meltdown reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we 
should be able to identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is 
not gamma radiation or neutrons, so we look for something completely 
new. Beta particles (fast electrons) and alpha particle can also be 
ruled out due to proportionate lack of secondary radiation 
(bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a tiny amount of all, or any, 
of the above in LENR at various times, but not coming close to 
accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This is gain far 
above chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large amount of 
stainless steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no residual 

Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to 
the phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, 
or to EUV photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not 
had a runaway so we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. 
Obviously, one parameter which distinguishes the runaway reaction is 
strong Infrared light, also seen in Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.

This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity 
optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and 
mechanical movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with 
resonance and coherence, both the photon and phonon can be merged 
together into a hybrid or pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon 
polariton has been a candidate for LENR active modality - which has been 
talked about the most, but the SPP does NOT fit the circumstances 
precisely. Actually it is a poor fit.

The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the 
circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically 
no plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic 
waves with an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but 
"surface" does not model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of 
three accuracy.

Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more 
fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific 
pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined 
with the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.

Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton) 
instead of SPP?

As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been 
proposed, if not witnessed by generation of single phonons at gigahertz 
frequencies in optoelectronics, where the single phonon has been 
triggered by single photons in the near infrared. See:

It would be intriguing to imagine that a pseudo-particle found in an 
unrelated field has broader applicability and can function as the active 
mediator in LENR ... either real or as metaphor.

As a real particle, we can probably model "dense hydrogen" as having all 
the properties of a real PPP - functioning as a hybrid of all 

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread David Roberson

The Manelas device is an interesting subject that I would like to explore 
further.  Do you know whether or not the project is actively being pursued at 
this time?  Of course I am skeptical of any free lunches, but open to 





-Original Message-
From: Brian Ahern 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 6:40 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

David, I like your admission that we are brainstorming.  I had several mentors 
in the last 20 years. One of them was Henry Kolm, Wayland MA. He was a 
co-founder of the National Magnet Lab at MIT. He is deceased, but in 2009 he 
believed that at one time he was as knowledgerog
noable on magnetism as any person in the world.

He confided to me in 2010 that Magnetism was largely not understood. There was 
so very much unknown. He was in awe of the subject.

I had the good fortune to learn about the source of ferromagnetism in materials 
and how they are related to specific electron orbital topologies. This is not 
known or discussed anywhere.

I have found that these topologies are affected by phonons as well as photons.  
That is why I am fascinated by LENR. The Manelas energy output with 
ferromagnetic ferrite cores is also fascinating and not understood by anyone 

From: David Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway


When you mention the attenuation coefficient for waves I think it should be 
pointed out that the original energy of the phonon is preserved.  By this I 
mean that the sonic energy is converted into some other form such as heat which 
I think of as just uncoordinated sound waves that are randomly distributed.  I 
also assume that the original sonic waveform translating throughout the 
material undergoes reflections at the edges, etc. until it becomes 
unrecognizable as anything other than overall random heating.

It seems logical that an individual sonic disturbance originating at some point 
within the NAE would propagate into three dimensions and its initial energy 
would spread out into an ever wider wave until reflections hide its identity.  
Of course some might argue that each phonon contains a fixed amount to energy 
that propagates away from its point of origin like a particle. If the particle 
model is used I believe that the attenuation coefficient would not fit. 
Otherwise a fractional phonon would exist instead of a fixed energy particle.

If we consider a coherent pulse of phonons propagating as a coordinated group 
along one axis like a plane wave then some interesting characteristics 
originate.  Perhaps the instantaneous peak pressure causes new LENR reactions 
to occur which then generate additional coherent phonons that add to the 
original traveling wave.  Think of how a laser pulse builds up in magnitude as 
it travels through the lasing material.

After enough LENR reactions add together we might have enough sonic energy to 
crater the edge of the reactive metal matrix.  I am thinking of how a shaped 
charge can penetrate a thick metal shield causing it to splinter on the far 

If behavior of the type I am suggesting actually happens then the bulk of the 
material as well as its physical shape and internal structure would be 
important considerations.  The bulk is important because the sonic wave gains 
energy as it passes through, similar to lasing.  The physical structure comes 
into play as the waves undergo multiple reflections at the edges.  This is 
related to the gross mechanical resonances of the material.  The internal 
structure such as dislocations would likely cause the traveling waveform to 
disperse to some degree leading to disruption of the pressure wave.

There is some support for a sonic related LENR effect as seen in one reportedly 
successful device that uses a large magnetic shock generated by a carefully 
shaped waveform.  Please realize that what I am discussing is more of a brain 
storming exercise intended to generate additional thoughts and comments from 
other vortex-l contributors.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Higgins 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 3:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

The problem with the phonon is that its wavelength is extremely short.  The 
attenuation coefficient for waves, in general, is typically quoted in 
dB/wavelength; and nature abhors a too small value for such a number.  Hence 
you only have to propagate a limited number of wavelengths and the energy in 
the wave dissipates.  Also, the greatest amount of energy is deposited closest 
to where the wave originated.  If phonons were being generated as the LENR 
energy output, the energy would dissipate close to where the phonons were being 
created.  If the NAE was of limited size, how could the phonons provide any 
significant heat to the whole reactor witho

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread Axil Axil
Regarding: "The Manelas energy output with ferromagnetic ferrite cores is
also fascinating and not understood by anyone yet."

The Barium ferrite magnet is similar to the SmCo5 magnet in that it is
a hexaferrite
based crystal structure based on the hexagon. This type of magnet produces
 an anisotropic magnetic field or a monopole magnetic field.

The posit of this post is that anisotropic magnets produce the LENR
reaction because the unbalanced field lines being a monopole field produces
magnetic field lines that tend to be twisted thus producing excitation in
the nucleons via CP symmetry breaking and destruction of the
superconductivity in the nucleus. Their Color force having been excited by
twisting magnetic field lines, the proton  and neutron will decay under the
influence of the weak force. The final product of proton decay in a CP
symmetry breaking environment is electons.

These monopole field lines allow the magnetic field lines to be twisted
thus producing excitation in the nucleons. Magnetic dipole fields do not
make twisting field lines easy. Dipole magnetic field lines are continuous
and unbroken, forming closed loops. Magnetic field lines are defined to
begin on the north pole of a magnet and terminate on the south pole. Dipole
magnetic field lines don't have any open ends to twist but monopole flux
lines can twist and rotate.

As a set up for this post here is info About Neodymium Magnets(NIB)

Overview of the operating properties of Neodymium magnets.

Neodymium magnets (also known as rare earth, Neo, NIB or NdFeB magnets)
were invented in 1982 and are the strongest type of magnets.

There are two basic ways that NIB magnets are made: sintered and bonded.

Sintered NIB magnets have the highest strength but are limited to
relatively simple geometries and can be brittle. They are made by pressure
forming the raw materials into blocks, which then go through a complex
heating process. The block is then cut to shape and coated to prevent
corrosion. Sintered magnets are typically anisotropic, which means they
have a preference for the direction of their magnetic field. Rare earths
align the spin of the magnetic metal in a preferred direction or "grain"
Magnetizing a magnet against the “grain” will reduce the strength of the
magnet by up to 50%. So commercially available magnets are always
magnetized in the preferred direction of magnetization.

Bonded NIB magnets are typically about half as strong as sintered magnets
but are less expensive and can be made into almost any size and shape. Raw
materials are mixed with epoxy as a binder, pressed into a die cavity and
heat cured. Bonded magnets are isotropic, which means they don’t have a
“grain” or a natural preference for the direction of their magnetic field.

For example, Dennis Cravens Golden balls

"To assure a strong magnetic field in the active material the spheres
contain a ground samarium cobalt (Sm2Co7) magnet, which stays magnetized at
higher temperatures. This was powdered and the powder is mostly random but
it should provide a strong magnetic field within the sample. "The Sm2Co7
magnet produces the required anisotropic magnetic field lines(monopole like
magnetic field).

Deuterium is used as the gas envelope

Here is a visualization that demonstrates that rare earth magnets produce
vortex twisting of their magnetic field lines whereas dipole magnets do not
produce magnetic vortex spinning field lines.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 6:39 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:

> David, I like your admission that we are brainstorming.  I had several
> mentors in the last 20 years. One of them was Henry Kolm, Wayland MA. He
> was a co-founder of the National Magnet Lab at MIT. He is deceased, but in
> 2009 he believed that at one time he was as knowledgerog
> ross
> noable on magnetism as any person in the world.
> He confided to me in 2010 that Magnetism was largely not understood. There
> was so very much unknown. He was in awe of the subject.
> I had the good fortune to learn about the source of ferromagnetism in
> materials and how they are related to specific electron orbital topologies.
> This is not known or discussed anywhere.
> I have found that these topologies are affected by phonons as well as
> photons.  That is why I am fascinated by LENR. The Manelas energy output
> with ferromagnetic ferrite cores is also fascinating and not understood by
> anyone yet.
> --
> *From:* David Roberson 
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:12 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway
> Bob,
> When you mention the attenuation coefficient for waves I think it should
> be pointed out that the original energy of the phonon is preserved.  By
> this I mean that the sonic energy is converted into some other form such as
> heat which I think of as just uncoordinated

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread Brian Ahern
David, I like your admission that we are brainstorming.  I had several mentors 
in the last 20 years. One of them was Henry Kolm, Wayland MA. He was a 
co-founder of the National Magnet Lab at MIT. He is deceased, but in 2009 he 
believed that at one time he was as knowledgerog


noable on magnetism as any person in the world.

He confided to me in 2010 that Magnetism was largely not understood. There was 
so very much unknown. He was in awe of the subject.

I had the good fortune to learn about the source of ferromagnetism in materials 
and how they are related to specific electron orbital topologies. This is not 
known or discussed anywhere.

I have found that these topologies are affected by phonons as well as photons.  
That is why I am fascinated by LENR. The Manelas energy output with 
ferromagnetic ferrite cores is also fascinating and not understood by anyone 

From: David Roberson 
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway


When you mention the attenuation coefficient for waves I think it should be 
pointed out that the original energy of the phonon is preserved.  By this I 
mean that the sonic energy is converted into some other form such as heat which 
I think of as just uncoordinated sound waves that are randomly distributed.  I 
also assume that the original sonic waveform translating throughout the 
material undergoes reflections at the edges, etc. until it becomes 
unrecognizable as anything other than overall random heating.

It seems logical that an individual sonic disturbance originating at some point 
within the NAE would propagate into three dimensions and its initial energy 
would spread out into an ever wider wave until reflections hide its identity.  
Of course some might argue that each phonon contains a fixed amount to energy 
that propagates away from its point of origin like a particle. If the particle 
model is used I believe that the attenuation coefficient would not fit. 
Otherwise a fractional phonon would exist instead of a fixed energy particle.

If we consider a coherent pulse of phonons propagating as a coordinated group 
along one axis like a plane wave then some interesting characteristics 
originate.  Perhaps the instantaneous peak pressure causes new LENR reactions 
to occur which then generate additional coherent phonons that add to the 
original traveling wave.  Think of how a laser pulse builds up in magnitude as 
it travels through the lasing material.

After enough LENR reactions add together we might have enough sonic energy to 
crater the edge of the reactive metal matrix.  I am thinking of how a shaped 
charge can penetrate a thick metal shield causing it to splinter on the far 

If behavior of the type I am suggesting actually happens then the bulk of the 
material as well as its physical shape and internal structure would be 
important considerations.  The bulk is important because the sonic wave gains 
energy as it passes through, similar to lasing.  The physical structure comes 
into play as the waves undergo multiple reflections at the edges.  This is 
related to the gross mechanical resonances of the material.  The internal 
structure such as dislocations would likely cause the traveling waveform to 
disperse to some degree leading to disruption of the pressure wave.

There is some support for a sonic related LENR effect as seen in one reportedly 
successful device that uses a large magnetic shock generated by a carefully 
shaped waveform.  Please realize that what I am discussing is more of a brain 
storming exercise intended to generate additional thoughts and comments from 
other vortex-l contributors.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Higgins 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 3:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

The problem with the phonon is that its wavelength is extremely short.  The 
attenuation coefficient for waves, in general, is typically quoted in 
dB/wavelength; and nature abhors a too small value for such a number.  Hence 
you only have to propagate a limited number of wavelengths and the energy in 
the wave dissipates.  Also, the greatest amount of energy is deposited closest 
to where the wave originated.  If phonons were being generated as the LENR 
energy output, the energy would dissipate close to where the phonons were being 
created.  If the NAE was of limited size, how could the phonons provide any 
significant heat to the whole reactor without the NAE being so hot it would 
long before evaporate?  Peter Hagelstein's answer to this is that there is no 
NAE - the reaction is completely distributed to start with.  Because the 
hypothetical LENR phonons would be generated in a distributed fashion, the heat 
becomes distributed.  Thus, if you are presuming the heat carrier is phonon, 
then you are simultaneously rejecting the notion of 

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread David Roberson

When you mention the attenuation coefficient for waves I think it should be 
pointed out that the original energy of the phonon is preserved.  By this I 
mean that the sonic energy is converted into some other form such as heat which 
I think of as just uncoordinated sound waves that are randomly distributed.  I 
also assume that the original sonic waveform translating throughout the 
material undergoes reflections at the edges, etc. until it becomes 
unrecognizable as anything other than overall random heating.

It seems logical that an individual sonic disturbance originating at some point 
within the NAE would propagate into three dimensions and its initial energy 
would spread out into an ever wider wave until reflections hide its identity.  
Of course some might argue that each phonon contains a fixed amount to energy 
that propagates away from its point of origin like a particle. If the particle 
model is used I believe that the attenuation coefficient would not fit. 
Otherwise a fractional phonon would exist instead of a fixed energy particle.

If we consider a coherent pulse of phonons propagating as a coordinated group 
along one axis like a plane wave then some interesting characteristics 
originate.  Perhaps the instantaneous peak pressure causes new LENR reactions 
to occur which then generate additional coherent phonons that add to the 
original traveling wave.  Think of how a laser pulse builds up in magnitude as 
it travels through the lasing material.

After enough LENR reactions add together we might have enough sonic energy to 
crater the edge of the reactive metal matrix.  I am thinking of how a shaped 
charge can penetrate a thick metal shield causing it to splinter on the far 

If behavior of the type I am suggesting actually happens then the bulk of the 
material as well as its physical shape and internal structure would be 
important considerations.  The bulk is important because the sonic wave gains 
energy as it passes through, similar to lasing.  The physical structure comes 
into play as the waves undergo multiple reflections at the edges.  This is 
related to the gross mechanical resonances of the material.  The internal 
structure such as dislocations would likely cause the traveling waveform to 
disperse to some degree leading to disruption of the pressure wave.

There is some support for a sonic related LENR effect as seen in one reportedly 
successful device that uses a large magnetic shock generated by a carefully 
shaped waveform.  Please realize that what I am discussing is more of a brain 
storming exercise intended to generate additional thoughts and comments from 
other vortex-l contributors.





-Original Message-
From: Bob Higgins 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 3:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

The problem with the phonon is that its wavelength is extremely short.  The 
attenuation coefficient for waves, in general, is typically quoted in 
dB/wavelength; and nature abhors a too small value for such a number.  Hence 
you only have to propagate a limited number of wavelengths and the energy in 
the wave dissipates.  Also, the greatest amount of energy is deposited closest 
to where the wave originated.  If phonons were being generated as the LENR 
energy output, the energy would dissipate close to where the phonons were being 
created.  If the NAE was of limited size, how could the phonons provide any 
significant heat to the whole reactor without the NAE being so hot it would 
long before evaporate?  Peter Hagelstein's answer to this is that there is no 
NAE - the reaction is completely distributed to start with.  Because the 
hypothetical LENR phonons would be generated in a distributed fashion, the heat 
becomes distributed.  Thus, if you are presuming the heat carrier is phonon, 
then you are simultaneously rejecting the notion of the pointillistic NAEs.

Sometimes the tiny volcano eruption is seen in the surface of a LENR producing 
host metal, where it appears that evaporation has occurred.  Yet, the heat 
energy contribution from one such micro-eruption is small, and for the LENR 
energies being observed, the surface would have to be truly covered with these 
features afterwards - they would appear to be an obvious smoking gun (a pun).  
With the rarity of these observed micro-eruptions, one would have to believe 
that if LENR occurs in small point-like NAEs, the heat produced must be 
deferred to regions somewhat remote from the source.  The micro-eruptions tend 
to support the idea of a small NAE, but the fact that the surface doesn't 
become completely covered with micro-eruptions suggests a heat carrier capable 
of delivering the heat to the greater apparatus.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is of 
course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in LENR from 
the sta

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread Axil Axil
LENR has been found to exist under laser irradiation of gold nanoparticles
in a colloidal suspension of thorium salts.

The nanoparticles are far to small to support any lattice vibration, but
they can support subwavelength EMF.

Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles
the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev

"The resulting average size of Au NPs as determined by Transmission
Electron Microscopy lies between 10 and 20 nm."

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 12:03 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is
> of course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in LENR
> from the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active
> particle or pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that propagates
> and continues the reaction (in a situation such as "heat-after-death" or
> the thermal runaway).
> If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or meltdown
> reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we should be able
> to identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is not gamma radiation
> or neutrons, so we look for something completely new. Beta particles (fast
> electrons) and alpha particle can also be ruled out due to proportionate
> lack of secondary radiation (bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a
> tiny amount of all, or any, of the above in LENR at various times, but not
> coming close to accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This
> is gain far above chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large
> amount of stainless steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no
> residual radiation.
> Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to
> the phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, or
> to EUV photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not had a
> runaway so we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. Obviously,
> one parameter which distinguishes the runaway reaction is strong Infrared
> light, also seen in Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.
> This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity
> optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and mechanical
> movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with resonance and
> coherence, both the photon and phonon can be merged together into a hybrid
> or pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon polariton has been a
> candidate for LENR active modality - which has been talked about the most,
> but the SPP does NOT fit the circumstances precisely. Actually it is a poor
> fit.
> The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the
> circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically no
> plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic waves
> with an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but "surface"
> does not model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of three accuracy.
> Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more
> fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific
> pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined
> with the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.
> Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton)
> instead of SPP?
> As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been
> proposed, if not witnessed by generation of single phonons at gigahertz
> frequencies in optoelectronics, where the single phonon has been triggered
> by single photons in the near infrared. See:
> It would be intriguing to imagine that a pseudo-particle found in an
> unrelated field has broader applicability and can function as the active
> mediator in LENR ... either real or as metaphor.
> As a real particle, we can probably model "dense hydrogen" as having all
> the properties of a real PPP - functioning as a hybrid of all three
> constituents: phonon, plasmon and polariton, reduced to the quantized state.

Re: [Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread Bob Higgins
The problem with the phonon is that its wavelength is extremely short.  The
attenuation coefficient for waves, in general, is typically quoted in
dB/wavelength; and nature abhors a too small value for such a number.
Hence you only have to propagate a limited number of wavelengths and the
energy in the wave dissipates.  Also, the greatest amount of energy is
deposited closest to where the wave originated.  If phonons were being
generated as the LENR energy output, the energy would dissipate close to
where the phonons were being created.  If the NAE was of limited size, how
could the phonons provide any significant heat to the whole reactor without
the NAE being so hot it would long before evaporate?  Peter Hagelstein's
answer to this is that there is no NAE - the reaction is completely
distributed to start with.  Because the hypothetical LENR phonons would be
generated in a distributed fashion, the heat becomes distributed.  Thus, if
you are presuming the heat carrier is phonon, then you are simultaneously
rejecting the notion of the pointillistic NAEs.

Sometimes the tiny volcano eruption is seen in the surface of a LENR
producing host metal, where it appears that evaporation has occurred.  Yet,
the heat energy contribution from one such micro-eruption is small, and for
the LENR energies being observed, the surface would have to be truly
covered with these features afterwards - they would appear to be an obvious
smoking gun (a pun).  With the rarity of these observed micro-eruptions,
one would have to believe that if LENR occurs in small point-like NAEs, the
heat produced must be deferred to regions somewhat remote from the source.
The micro-eruptions tend to support the idea of a small NAE, but the fact
that the surface doesn't become completely covered with micro-eruptions
suggests a heat carrier capable of delivering the heat to the greater

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is
> of course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in LENR
> from the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active
> particle or pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that propagates
> and continues the reaction (in a situation such as "heat-after-death" or
> the thermal runaway).
> If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or meltdown
> reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we should be able
> to identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is not gamma radiation
> or neutrons, so we look for something completely new. Beta particles (fast
> electrons) and alpha particle can also be ruled out due to proportionate
> lack of secondary radiation (bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a
> tiny amount of all, or any, of the above in LENR at various times, but not
> coming close to accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This
> is gain far above chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large
> amount of stainless steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no
> residual radiation.
> Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to
> the phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, or
> to EUV photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not had a
> runaway so we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. Obviously,
> one parameter which distinguishes the runaway reaction is strong Infrared
> light, also seen in Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.
> This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity
> optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and mechanical
> movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with resonance and
> coherence, both the photon and phonon can be merged together into a hybrid
> or pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon polariton has been a
> candidate for LENR active modality - which has been talked about the most,
> but the SPP does NOT fit the circumstances precisely. Actually it is a poor
> fit.
> The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the
> circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically no
> plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic waves
> with an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but "surface"
> does not model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of three accuracy.
> Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more
> fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific
> pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined
> with the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.
> Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton)
> instead of SPP?
> As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been
> proposed, if not witnessed by generation of single phonon

[Vo]:LENR+ technology- anthropomorphized?

2017-02-09 Thread Peter Gluck

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

RE: [Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor.

2017-02-09 Thread bobcook39923
Funny—I thought Axil’s rating was i^2.

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2017 5:58 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor.

I cannot believe it. You are quoting Rossi and his fictional Quark X!

Your credibility rating must include i for an imaginary number.

Is this an early April Fools trick?

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 9:15 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor. 
In the light of the Chernobyl reactor disaster, and the insights that we can 
glean from it, the best LENR reactor design, IMHO, is a LENR molten salt LENR 
fission reactor.

In professional nuclear engineering, it is well understood that fission 
produces 100 times more energy per reaction mare or less than fusion, but 
fission produces relatively few neutrons to keep the reaction going. On the 
other hand, fusion is weak at producing energy but generates neutrons by the 

If an abundant source of muons is available, the lack of neutron production 
that drives the fission reaction is not a concern anymore. A single muon will 
produce 200 MeV per muon fission reaction vs. 3 MeV for fusion.

So a muon fission reactor is very rich and efficient in energy production and a 
muon fusion reactor is energy poor. So a muon fission reactor is the way to go 
because it is about 100 times more energetic than of fusion reactor at 
producing energy per muon.

For example, if the QuarkX produces as many muons as I think that it does, It 
will require only a few QaurkX reactors inside the core of a molten fluoride 
salt based thorium reactor to produce a ton of high quality heat energy.

Rossi said that 20 watts of electric power is produced by his old 100 watt 
QUARK reactors

Assuming a low voltage of 1 volt, 20 watts means 20 coulombs of electrons are 
produced a second. If one muon decays to one electron not counting muon escape 
from the QuarkX, then (20) (6.25 x 10^18 electrons) or about 10^20 of muons per 
second is produced by 100 watts of QuarkX power production. This assumes that 
most of the atoms in the molten salt blanket are thorium atoms.

That much neutron flux would support a 100 megawatt nuclear reactor on a single 
reaction per muon basis. But Muons might generate 150 fission and/or fusion 
reactions per muon. Just a few QuarkX reactors can push out a lot of power and 
also confine muons inside the reactor thereby utilizing muon production at high 

[Vo]:Defining the active particle of an LENR runaway

2017-02-09 Thread Jones Beene
In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is 
of course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in 
LENR from the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active 
particle or pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that 
propagates and continues the reaction (in a situation such as 
"heat-after-death" or the thermal runaway).

If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or 
meltdown reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we 
should be able to identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is 
not gamma radiation or neutrons, so we look for something completely 
new. Beta particles (fast electrons) and alpha particle can also be 
ruled out due to proportionate lack of secondary radiation 
(bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a tiny amount of all, or any, 
of the above in LENR at various times, but not coming close to 
accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This is gain far 
above chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large amount of 
stainless steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no residual 

Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to 
the phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, 
or to EUV photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not 
had a runaway so we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. 
Obviously, one parameter which distinguishes the runaway reaction is 
strong Infrared light, also seen in Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.

This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity 
optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and 
mechanical movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with 
resonance and coherence, both the photon and phonon can be merged 
together into a hybrid or pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon 
polariton has been a candidate for LENR active modality - which has been 
talked about the most, but the SPP does NOT fit the circumstances 
precisely. Actually it is a poor fit.

The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the 
circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically 
no plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic 
waves with an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but 
"surface" does not model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of 
three accuracy.

Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more 
fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific 
pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined 
with the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.

Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton) 
instead of SPP?

As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been 
proposed, if not witnessed by generation of single phonons at gigahertz 
frequencies in optoelectronics, where the single phonon has been 
triggered by single photons in the near infrared. See:

It would be intriguing to imagine that a pseudo-particle found in an 
unrelated field has broader applicability and can function as the active 
mediator in LENR ... either real or as metaphor.

As a real particle, we can probably model "dense hydrogen" as having all 
the properties of a real PPP - functioning as a hybrid of all three 
constituents: phonon, plasmon and polariton, reduced to the quantized state.

Re: [Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor.

2017-02-09 Thread Brian Ahern
I cannot believe it. You are quoting Rossi and his fictional Quark X!

Your credibility rating must include i for an imaginary number.

Is this an early April Fools trick?

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 9:15 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor.

In the light of the Chernobyl reactor disaster, and the insights that we can 
glean from it, the best LENR reactor design, IMHO, is a LENR molten salt LENR 
fission reactor.

In professional nuclear engineering, it is well understood that fission 
produces 100 times more energy per reaction mare or less than fusion, but 
fission produces relatively few neutrons to keep the reaction going. On the 
other hand, fusion is weak at producing energy but generates neutrons by the 

If an abundant source of muons is available, the lack of neutron production 
that drives the fission reaction is not a concern anymore. A single muon will 
produce 200 MeV per muon fission reaction vs. 3 MeV for fusion.

So a muon fission reactor is very rich and efficient in energy production and a 
muon fusion reactor is energy poor. So a muon fission reactor is the way to go 
because it is about 100 times more energetic than of fusion reactor at 
producing energy per muon.

For example, if the QuarkX produces as many muons as I think that it does, It 
will require only a few QaurkX reactors inside the core of a molten fluoride 
salt based thorium reactor to produce a ton of high quality heat energy.

Rossi said that 20 watts of electric power is produced by his old 100 watt 
QUARK reactors

Assuming a low voltage of 1 volt, 20 watts means 20 coulombs of electrons are 
produced a second. If one muon decays to one electron not counting muon escape 
from the QuarkX, then (20) (6.25 x 10^18 electrons) or about 10^20 of muons per 
second is produced by 100 watts of QuarkX power production. This assumes that 
most of the atoms in the molten salt blanket are thorium atoms.

That much neutron flux would support a 100 megawatt nuclear reactor on a single 
reaction per muon basis. But Muons might generate 150 fission and/or fusion 
reactions per muon. Just a few QuarkX reactors can push out a lot of power and 
also confine muons inside the reactor thereby utilizing muon production at high 