Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jonathan Berry  wrote:

> Why are they pushing an experimental that contains the harmful spike
> protein that has little beneficial effect and obvious harm?

COVID itself, and the common cold, both produce a million times more of
these spike proteins than the vaccine does. Yet the cold does not kill you.
Therefore, the protein is harmless.

It has to be the same spike protein. Otherwise it will not trigger the same
immune response.

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jonathan Berry  wrote:

> But effectiveness is absolutely conclusive

No. If that were true, it would show up in the double-blind tests. Many of
them have been done by proponents. None have shown more than a marginal
effect, and they were probably mistakes.

This is science. You have to use objective, scientific experiments.
Double-blind tests are the only way to be sure a drug is actually working.
The experiments show that ivermectin does not work. There is nothing more
to be said. There are no other standards of truth.


Re: [Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

2021-09-09 Thread Robin
In reply to  Ron Wormus's message of Thu, 9 Sep 2021 17:09:57 -0600:
>Winds are calm in the eye of a hurricane. Highest speeds are on the outside.

Note that I said "eye wall", not "eye".
It's in the "eye wall" that wind speeds are at a maximum.

>- Original Message -
>From: Robin 
>Sent: 9/9/2021 3:12:40 PM
>Subject: Re: [Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?
>In reply to  Michael Foster's message of Thu, 9 Sep 2021 18:23:00 + (UTC):
>I suspect he had it backwards. The high wind speeds in the eye wall create 
>friction between particles which gives rise
>to charge separation. Falling raindrops carry charge to the ground creating 
>the potential difference that gives rise to
>Thunder produces shock waves in the air that drive smaller droplets together 
>creating larger droplets that fall more
>>Decades ago, Alfred Baez (physicist and father of Joan) proposed that 
>>hurricanes and/or tornadoes might be electrostatically driven. The idea being 
>>that the charge imbalance between the periphery and the center might drive 
>>the vortex. Yes folks, I'm posting something about vortices here on Vortex. 
>>When you observe all the lightning at the center of hurricanes and tornadoes, 
>>it sort of makes sense.
>>Recently, the UAE has been using electrostatic drones as a method of seeding 
>>clouds, significantly increasing the rainfall in that desert area. So if AB 
>>was correct, might it be possible to weaken or completely eliminate these 
>>storms by flying a fleet of these electrostatic drones around the edge of the 
>>hurricane/tornado and slowly work toward the center?
>>I mean, if you're going to throw a lot of gubmint money at something, this 
>>has the potential to save a lot of lives, property, and tax dollars.
>Robin van Spaandonk 

Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jonathan Berry
Oh Jed you really do just love the Pharma lies don't you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

First off there have been no deaths ever from overdosing with it, a woman
who took x100 times the recommended dosage was fine after 4 days in

The negative effects from it are rare, mild and mostly related either to
insane dosing (which is a result of it not being prescribed by doctors) and
it killing parasites that release toxins.

But effectiveness is absolutely conclusive but to do it justice I'll do
that in another post, but the fact remains if there is no harm (except to
parasites and apparently Cancer) then why oppose people trying it?

Why are they making up lies about it flooding emergency rooms when the
hospital has never treated anyone for it ever?

Why are they making up fake studies that don't exist?

Why are they pushing an experimental that contains the harmful spike
protein that has little beneficial effect and obvious harm?

Why are trying to make it harder to enter accounts of Vaccine harm in the
VARS database?  They have been caught making it intentionally hard with
slow loading and timeouts in the Canadian system.

All for a Virus that finally it has been admitted Faucci lied about, & was
involved with making, the evidence for it being gain of function research.

On Fri, 10 Sept 2021 at 09:14, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
>> We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data from
>> 1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.
> Leading Indian epidemiologists say there is no evidence that ivermectin
> had an effect in India. They were interviewed in the New York Times and
> elsewhere. Epidemiologists are better at judging these things than doctors
> in the field. Doctors have often been mistaken about the efficacy of a
> drug. The epidemiologists say the curves of the recent outbreaks indicate
> the epidemic abated because of natural herd immunity in the hard hit
> districts. The doctors took antibody tests from a sample of the population.
> They found that the infection rate was far higher than official statistics
> showed. It was high enough to achieve local herd immunity. Local herd
> immunity is why there are multiple waves of an epidemic in different cities
> over time.
> Double-blind tests of ivermectin show either a very small effect, or none
> at all, so it is not possible it has had a giant effect on the Indian
> population. The doctors in the field are not more skilled in
> administering the drug than the doctors doing the double-blind tests. The
> doctors in the field have described their methods, dosage and so on.
> Clinical double-blind tests did not replicate their claims. When a drug has
> a small effect at best, the way ivermectin does, the only way to confirm
> that effect is with a double blind test.

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Terry Blanton
 You could have simply said, "No."

Then I would have asked, "Why not?"

Fact is, the mRNA vaccines have created a huge number of asymptomatic
carriers of the virus.  The vaccines do NOT prevent infection in most

These vaccinated people with a Covid-19 infection are creating mutations.
These vaccines have generated a false sense of security for humanity and
will possibly result in a Great Filter.  Already, 49 states have found the
mu variant in infected people.

You might want to reconsider using the ivermectin as a prophylactic.


Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach
Ivermectin gives a 100% protection from a COV-19 infection. Start dose 
is 2 days normal dose then weekly once for 100% protection for 90% 
protetion every 2 weeks.

I would recommend it - as a prevention - only  for people with 
comorbidity or for a high risk like flight travel.

It is totally OK to take it on 1st CoV-19 symptoms if you before 
regularly did take zinc and V-D3. > 99% of all cases disappear after 1-2 
days. If symptoms gets stronger you have to adjust the dose. Start with 
2x normal dose daily and add 5000-1 IU's VD-3, zinc, V-C and a 
tablet of aspirin cardio - also adding Quercetin helps to increase zinc 
intake into cells.

And have a look at the world wide used protocol of FLCCC::


On 10.09.2021 01:21, Terry Blanton wrote:

Do you take it as a preventative?

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Terry Blanton
Do you take it as a preventative?


Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers

2021-09-09 Thread Terry Blanton
You didn't miss much.  It currently reads:

Ivermectin infertility story correction: FDA rejects 2011 Nigeria study
by: Erin Coulehan

Posted: Sep 8, 2021 / 08:23 PM EDT / Updated: Sep 9, 2021 / 12:43 PM EDT

Editor’s note: Following audience concerns over the efficacy and accuracy
of the scientific methods used in the ivermectin study performed in Nigeria
in 2011, the original publishing station, KTSM, issued the following

FOR THE RECORD: A national story regarding Ivermectin and a study regarding
its effect on men’s reproductive health that KTSM published, has been
removed from our website.

Concerns over the scientific research methods, the veracity of the
original, peer-reviewed report and public statements by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) saying that infertility is not a known side effect of
Ivermectin all led to our editorial decision to remove the story.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 12:25 PM ROGER ANDERTON 

> the message I get is -> no access to that site from Europe due to EU
> (European Union) Laws
> -- Original Message --
> From: "Terry Blanton" 
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 9 Sep, 21 At 16:19
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers
> Unintended consequences
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
>> The biggest crime is still ongoing.
>> Companies like Merck (+ vaccine makers) actively bribe CDD/FDA/WHO to not
>> allow *IVERMECTIN *for CoV-19 treatment. Now the USA state mafia tops
>> this and donates 1.2 billion to Merck for an already failed drug.
>> See statement of Dr. Kory:
>> With IVERMECTIN we would have only a few 1000 victims from CoV-19.
>> India currently only uses *IVERMECTIN.* India cases overall did go down
>> 7x. Delhi that started early has now - after 7 weeks - about 131 cases/day
>> far below USA level.
>> So you have to learn: Big Pharma does not hesitate to kill you with bad
>> drugs if they want to make money.
>> J.W.
>> On 16.06.2021 00:07, Michael Foster wrote:
>> I read a lot of scientific papers covering a broad variety of subjects. It's 
>> how I amuse myself, even though I am not a scientist. Some people play golf, 
>> I read scientific papers.  I'm sure many of you on this list have noticed 
>> that papers on research payed for with your tax dollars are not available to 
>> the the public except through for-profit companies who will charge you an 
>> arm and a leg for them. The companies that do this are literally making 
>> billions doing this. Nice, huh?
>> I can often dodge the pay wall by searching for one of the authors who may 
>> have published a paper on the same subject somewhere else. Why should I or 
>> anyone else have to pay to read about research that I and other taxpayers 
>> have already bought?
>> Given the state of the world today, I was reading a lot of papers on PubMed, 
>> the NIH website, where you could read literally thousands of papers covering 
>> medical research. Only about a week ago, I read one that was the most 
>> horrifying evidence of collusion between our benevolent government and Big 
>> Pharma. I was going to post the conclusion and summary of this research here 
>> for all of you to read and a link to the paper. Guess what? That paper has 
>> vanished and you can now only read abstracts of the papers on PubMed. You 
>> now must go the usual private company and pay to read research available for 
>> free only days ago.  I unfortunately didn't save the link or the whole PDF 
>> because I thought I could find it again with a few key words as I had 
>> before. All gone.
>> I will give you what I remember to the best of my ability the summary and 
>> conclusion of the research in question. It stated flatly through two double 
>> blind clinical trials that those suffering from HIV/AIDS could have their 
>> immune function restored by taking n-acetyl cysteine, an inexpensive and 
>> easily obtained supplement. The effect was raising the glutathione levels in 
>> the body. Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the human body. You 
>> could say that glutathione IS the immune system.
>> What I'm saying is that this sort of information while formerly available to 
>> anyone looking for it and the ability to understand it, was not likely to 
>> attract attention, given the type of specialist study that it was. So, for 
>> lack of informing the general public of this research, HIV sufferers are 
>> paying nearly $120 per day for medication from Big Pharma versus a few cents 
>> per day for the n-acetyl cysteine.
>> I don't know about you guys, but I would call that a crime.
>> --
>> Jürg Wyttenbach
>> Bifangstr. 22
>> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
>> +41 44 760 14 18
>> +41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

2021-09-09 Thread Ron Wormus
Winds are calm in the eye of a hurricane. Highest speeds are on the outside.

- Original Message -
From: Robin 
Sent: 9/9/2021 3:12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

In reply to  Michael Foster's message of Thu, 9 Sep 2021 18:23:00 + (UTC):

I suspect he had it backwards. The high wind speeds in the eye wall create 
friction between particles which gives rise
to charge separation. Falling raindrops carry charge to the ground creating the 
potential difference that gives rise to
Thunder produces shock waves in the air that drive smaller droplets together 
creating larger droplets that fall more

>Decades ago, Alfred Baez (physicist and father of Joan) proposed that 
>hurricanes and/or tornadoes might be electrostatically driven. The idea being 
>that the charge imbalance between the periphery and the center might drive the 
>vortex. Yes folks, I'm posting something about vortices here on Vortex. When 
>you observe all the lightning at the center of hurricanes and tornadoes, it 
>sort of makes sense.
>Recently, the UAE has been using electrostatic drones as a method of seeding 
>clouds, significantly increasing the rainfall in that desert area. So if AB 
>was correct, might it be possible to weaken or completely eliminate these 
>storms by flying a fleet of these electrostatic drones around the edge of the 
>hurricane/tornado and slowly work toward the center?
>I mean, if you're going to throw a lot of gubmint money at something, this has 
>the potential to save a lot of lives, property, and tax dollars.

Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach
Jed as usual spreads the official big pharma mafia meme of NYT, 

Nobody in India made a serious investigation that underlines this -his - 
cheating claims. The highest sera positive rate found in India was 77%, 
what is miles away from herd immunity. UK now has a 98% sera positive 
rate and still sees tons of infections/deaths because no 
treatment/prevention is done.

In Uttar Pradesh, start of May 2021 every household got a number of 
Ivermectin kits (IVR, Zink, V-D3, Doxycycline, and V-C). 2 weeks later 
CoV-19 was gone. Ivermectin does 100% prevent an infection with CoV-19. 
If a case did reoccur it was treated with the same kit and all contacts 
had to restart the Ivermectin procedure.


Since 2 months Uttar Pradesh, has less than 50 cases among 205 mio 
people the last month less than 20 cases.All this with no vaccination!

This medication works 1000x better than any vaccination with a fraction 
of costs and no social restrictions are needed.

So basically we are all fools as we agree to be ruled by criminal mafia 
people, that just want to make tons of money...


On 09.09.2021 23:14, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Jürg Wyttenbach>> wrote:

We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data from
1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.

Leading Indian epidemiologists say there is no evidence that 
ivermectin had an effect in India. They were interviewed in the New 
York Times and elsewhere. Epidemiologists are better at judging these 
things than doctors in the field. Doctors have often been mistaken 
about the efficacy of a drug. The epidemiologists say the curves of 
the recent outbreaks indicate the epidemic abated because of natural 
herd immunity in the hard hit districts. The doctors took 
antibody tests from a sample of the population. They found that the 
infection rate was far higher than official statistics showed. It was 
high enough to achieve local herd immunity. Local herd immunity is why 
there are multiple waves of an epidemic in different cities over time.

Double-blind tests of ivermectin show either a very small effect, or 
none at all, so it is not possible it has had a giant effect on the 
Indian population. The doctors in the field are not more skilled in 
administering the drug than the doctors doing the double-blind tests. 
The doctors in the field have described their methods, dosage and so 
on. Clinical double-blind tests did not replicate their claims. When a 
drug has a small effect at best, the way ivermectin does, the only way 
to confirm that effect is with a double blind test.

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

[Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

2021-09-09 Thread Michael Foster
Decades ago, Alfred Baez (physicist and father of Joan) proposed that 
hurricanes and/or tornadoes might be electrostatically driven. The idea being 
that the charge imbalance between the periphery and the center might drive the 
vortex. Yes folks, I'm posting something about vortices here on Vortex. When 
you observe all the lightning at the center of hurricanes and tornadoes, it 
sort of makes sense.

Recently, the UAE has been using electrostatic drones as a method of seeding 
clouds, significantly increasing the rainfall in that desert area. So if AB was 
correct, might it be possible to weaken or completely eliminate these storms by 
flying a fleet of these electrostatic drones around the edge of the 
hurricane/tornado and slowly work toward the center?

I mean, if you're going to throw a lot of gubmint money at something, this has 
the potential to save a lot of lives, property, and tax dollars.

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data from
> 1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.
Leading Indian epidemiologists say there is no evidence that ivermectin had
an effect in India. They were interviewed in the New York Times and
elsewhere. Epidemiologists are better at judging these things than doctors
in the field. Doctors have often been mistaken about the efficacy of a
drug. The epidemiologists say the curves of the recent outbreaks indicate
the epidemic abated because of natural herd immunity in the hard hit
districts. The doctors took antibody tests from a sample of the population.
They found that the infection rate was far higher than official statistics
showed. It was high enough to achieve local herd immunity. Local herd
immunity is why there are multiple waves of an epidemic in different cities
over time.

Double-blind tests of ivermectin show either a very small effect, or none
at all, so it is not possible it has had a giant effect on the Indian
population. The doctors in the field are not more skilled in
administering the drug than the doctors doing the double-blind tests. The
doctors in the field have described their methods, dosage and so on.
Clinical double-blind tests did not replicate their claims. When a drug has
a small effect at best, the way ivermectin does, the only way to confirm
that effect is with a double blind test.

Re: [Vo]: Electrostatic Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

2021-09-09 Thread Robin
In reply to  Michael Foster's message of Thu, 9 Sep 2021 18:23:00 + (UTC):
I suspect he had it backwards. The high wind speeds in the eye wall create 
friction between particles which gives rise
to charge separation. Falling raindrops carry charge to the ground creating the 
potential difference that gives rise to
Thunder produces shock waves in the air that drive smaller droplets together 
creating larger droplets that fall more

>Decades ago, Alfred Baez (physicist and father of Joan) proposed that 
>hurricanes and/or tornadoes might be electrostatically driven. The idea being 
>that the charge imbalance between the periphery and the center might drive the 
>vortex. Yes folks, I'm posting something about vortices here on Vortex. When 
>you observe all the lightning at the center of hurricanes and tornadoes, it 
>sort of makes sense.
>Recently, the UAE has been using electrostatic drones as a method of seeding 
>clouds, significantly increasing the rainfall in that desert area. So if AB 
>was correct, might it be possible to weaken or completely eliminate these 
>storms by flying a fleet of these electrostatic drones around the edge of the 
>hurricane/tornado and slowly work toward the center?
>I mean, if you're going to throw a lot of gubmint money at something, this has 
>the potential to save a lot of lives, property, and tax dollars.

Robin van Spaandonk 

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers sign of desperation among Big pharma

2021-09-09 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach
Ivermectin has been given to at least 2 billion people now + 1 billion 
from India's recent CoV-19 campain.

So the following 
:ivermectin-causes-sterilization-in-85-percent-of-men-study-finds is the 
last sign of desperation among Big pharma facing a live existence risk.

Such a study does not exist just on the pharma PR's wish list...

All Ivermectin states of India are free (= < 50 cases in total or < 0.1 
cases /mio) of CoV-19 now.

The only India vaccine terror state of Kerala where the highest educated 
live, now delivers between 2/3 and 3/4 of all daily India CoV-19 cases 
and > 50% of India's death.

We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data from 
1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.

But if you are unlucky and live in a western vaccine terror state like 
USA,Germany,France, Italy,...and cannot get Ivermectin or have many 
comorbidity then you either wait for the first vaccine that will occur 
soon (NOVAVAX or CUBA's vaccine) or you risk one Gen therapy shot from 
Pfizer/Moderna/Astra and try to get CoV-19 ASAP = 4-8 weeks after the jab.

1 Jab and an infection is the best you can do as the CT load of after 1 
jab is lower than after two jabs (UK report 22) so overall your risk is 

In Europe you can order Ivermectin at :

It's 100mg in total what is enough for a normal treatment. It's liquid 
and allows for very fine dosing. It is for singing birds and 100% human 

(tested by friends many times!)


On 09.09.2021 17:19, Terry Blanton wrote:

Unintended consequences 

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jürg Wyttenbach > wrote:

The biggest crime is still ongoing.

Companies like Merck (+ vaccine makers) actively bribe CDD/FDA/WHO
to not allow *IVERMECTIN *for CoV-19 treatment. Now the USA state
mafia tops this and donates 1.2 billion to Merck for an already
failed drug.

See statement of Dr. Kory:

With IVERMECTIN we would have only a few 1000 victims from CoV-19.

India currently only uses *IVERMECTIN.* India cases overall did go
down 7x. Delhi that started early has now - after 7 weeks - about
131 cases/day far below USA level.

So you have to learn: Big Pharma does not hesitate to kill you
with bad drugs if they want to make money.


On 16.06.2021 00:07, Michael Foster wrote:

I read a lot of scientific papers covering a broad variety of subjects. 
It's how I amuse myself, even though I am not a scientist. Some people play 
golf, I read scientific papers.  I'm sure many of you on this list have noticed 
that papers on research payed for with your tax dollars are not available to 
the the public except through for-profit companies who will charge you an arm 
and a leg for them. The companies that do this are literally making billions 
doing this. Nice, huh?

I can often dodge the pay wall by searching for one of the authors who may 
have published a paper on the same subject somewhere else. Why should I or 
anyone else have to pay to read about research that I and other taxpayers have 
already bought?

Given the state of the world today, I was reading a lot of papers on 
PubMed, the NIH website, where you could read literally thousands of papers 
covering medical research. Only about a week ago, I read one that was the most 
horrifying evidence of collusion between our benevolent government and Big 
Pharma. I was going to post the conclusion and summary of this research here 
for all of you to read and a link to the paper. Guess what? That paper has 
vanished and you can now only read abstracts of the papers on PubMed. You now 
must go the usual private company and pay to read research available for free 
only days ago.  I unfortunately didn't save the link or the whole PDF because I 
thought I could find it again with a few key words as I had before. All gone.

I will give you what I remember to the best of my ability the summary and 
conclusion of the research in question. It stated flatly through two double 
blind clinical trials that those suffering from HIV/AIDS could have their 
immune function restored by taking n-acetyl cysteine, an inexpensive and easily 
obtained supplement. The effect was raising the glutathione levels in the body. 
Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the human body. You could say that 
glutathione IS the immune system.

What I'm saying is that this sort of information while formerly available 
to anyone looking for it and the ability to understand it, was not likely to 
attract attention, given

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers

2021-09-09 Thread ROGER ANDERTON

the message I get is -> no access to that site from Europe due to EU 
(European Union) Laws

-- Original Message --
From: "Terry Blanton" 
Sent: Thursday, 9 Sep, 21 At 16:19
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers

Unintended consequences 

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  > wrote:

The biggest crime is still ongoing.
Companies like Merck (+ vaccine makers) actively bribe   CDD/FDA/WHO 
to not allow IVERMECTIN for   CoV-19 treatment. Now the USA state 
mafia tops this and donates   1.2 billion to Merck for an already 
failed drug.
See statement of Dr. Kory: 

With IVERMECTIN we would have only a few 1000 victims from   CoV-19.

India currently only uses IVERMECTIN.   India cases overall did go 
down 7x. Delhi that started early has   now - after 7 weeks - about 
131 cases/day far below USA level.
 So you have to learn: Big Pharma does not hesitate to kill you 
with bad drugs if they want to make money.


On 16.06.2021 00:07, Michael Foster   wrote:

I read a lot of scientific papers covering a broad variety 
of subjects. It's how I amuse myself, even though I am not a scientist. 
Some people play golf, I read scientific papers.  I'm sure many of you 
on this list have noticed that papers on research payed for with your 
tax dollars are not available to the the public except through 
for-profit companies who will charge you an arm and a leg for them. The 
companies that do this are literally making billions doing this. Nice, 
huh?I can often dodge the pay wall by searching for one of the authors 
who may have published a paper on the same subject somewhere else. Why 
should I or anyone else have to pay to read about research that I and 
other taxpayers have already bought?Given the state of the world today, 
I was reading a lot of papers on PubMed, the NIH website, where you 
could read literally thousands of papers covering medical research. Only 
about a week ago, I read one that was the most horrifying evidence of 
collusion between our benevolent government and Big Pharma. I was going 
to post the conclusion and summary of this research here for all of you 
to read and a link to the paper. Guess what? That paper has vanished and 
you can now only read abstracts of the papers on PubMed. You now must go 
the usual private company and pay to read research available for free 
only days ago.  I unfortunately didn't save the link or the whole PDF 
because I thought I could find it again with a few key words as I had 
before. All gone.I will give you what I remember to the best of my 
ability the summary and conclusion of the research in question. It 
stated flatly through two double blind clinical trials that those 
suffering from HIV/AIDS could have their immune function restored by 
taking n-acetyl cysteine, an inexpensive and easily obtained supplement. 
The effect was raising the glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione 
is the master anti-oxidant in the human body. You could say that 
glutathione IS the immune system.What I'm saying is that this sort of 
information while formerly available to anyone looking for it and the 
ability to understand it, was not likely to attract attention, given the 
type of specialist study that it was. So, for lack of informing the 
general public of this research, HIV sufferers are paying nearly $120 
per day for medication from Big Pharma versus a few cents per day for 
the n-acetyl cysteine.I don't know about you guys, but I would call that 
a crime.  -- Jürg WyttenbachBifangstr. 228910 Affoltern am 
Albis+41 44 760 14 18+41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Scientific Papers

2021-09-09 Thread Terry Blanton
Unintended consequences

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 6:21 PM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> The biggest crime is still ongoing.
> Companies like Merck (+ vaccine makers) actively bribe CDD/FDA/WHO to not
> allow *IVERMECTIN *for CoV-19 treatment. Now the USA state mafia tops
> this and donates 1.2 billion to Merck for an already failed drug.
> See statement of Dr. Kory:
> With IVERMECTIN we would have only a few 1000 victims from CoV-19.
> India currently only uses *IVERMECTIN.* India cases overall did go down
> 7x. Delhi that started early has now - after 7 weeks - about 131 cases/day
> far below USA level.
> So you have to learn: Big Pharma does not hesitate to kill you with bad
> drugs if they want to make money.
> J.W.
> On 16.06.2021 00:07, Michael Foster wrote:
> I read a lot of scientific papers covering a broad variety of subjects. It's 
> how I amuse myself, even though I am not a scientist. Some people play golf, 
> I read scientific papers.  I'm sure many of you on this list have noticed 
> that papers on research payed for with your tax dollars are not available to 
> the the public except through for-profit companies who will charge you an arm 
> and a leg for them. The companies that do this are literally making billions 
> doing this. Nice, huh?
> I can often dodge the pay wall by searching for one of the authors who may 
> have published a paper on the same subject somewhere else. Why should I or 
> anyone else have to pay to read about research that I and other taxpayers 
> have already bought?
> Given the state of the world today, I was reading a lot of papers on PubMed, 
> the NIH website, where you could read literally thousands of papers covering 
> medical research. Only about a week ago, I read one that was the most 
> horrifying evidence of collusion between our benevolent government and Big 
> Pharma. I was going to post the conclusion and summary of this research here 
> for all of you to read and a link to the paper. Guess what? That paper has 
> vanished and you can now only read abstracts of the papers on PubMed. You now 
> must go the usual private company and pay to read research available for free 
> only days ago.  I unfortunately didn't save the link or the whole PDF because 
> I thought I could find it again with a few key words as I had before. All 
> gone.
> I will give you what I remember to the best of my ability the summary and 
> conclusion of the research in question. It stated flatly through two double 
> blind clinical trials that those suffering from HIV/AIDS could have their 
> immune function restored by taking n-acetyl cysteine, an inexpensive and 
> easily obtained supplement. The effect was raising the glutathione levels in 
> the body. Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the human body. You could 
> say that glutathione IS the immune system.
> What I'm saying is that this sort of information while formerly available to 
> anyone looking for it and the ability to understand it, was not likely to 
> attract attention, given the type of specialist study that it was. So, for 
> lack of informing the general public of this research, HIV sufferers are 
> paying nearly $120 per day for medication from Big Pharma versus a few cents 
> per day for the n-acetyl cysteine.
> I don't know about you guys, but I would call that a crime.
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06