Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-07 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Jed wrote..

Cold fusion is no better off today than it was in 2004, or 1995 for

that matter. It is moribund. I think there is no chance it will
survive as things now stand. The only hope is for a breakthrough that
can be widely reproduced. I have heard about 1 or 2 such
breakthroughs, but unfortunately the authors are not yet ready to go public.

Howdy Jed,

All battles are won and lost in the mind and later results show up as 
wreckage on the battlefields where great dramas are acted out from 
pre-arranged scripts.
There are battles being waged over energy across the world. Some even 
believe they have all the answers. As the Brits abandon Basra in southern 
Iraq, a new scenario unfolds for future Iraqi oil production. There are 
countless numbers of these "events" being played out from Siberia to 
Venezuela to Nigeria. Wheels within wheels with wheeler -dealers shuffling 
the deck.
An interesting   link on coal  the testimony
reads like a word battle between supposed gentlemen but the vehemence can 
be felt as if the coal industry is saying,, this means war and we will take 
no prisoners.Reading between the lines of reports on the Utah coal mine 
collapse one gets the sense that it's really all about money
LENR is small potatos in war between titans.. not to wonder why CF research 
is almost nill.


Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
On 8/6/07, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> >Just curious:  did you type this reply or did your voice recog s/w
> >make up 'ememies'?
> I managed to type that. Voice input seldom makes that kind of error.

I wondered if the s/w used a dictionary or simply phonemes (not simple)?

(Looking toward a multi-lingual s/w package.)


Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-06 Thread Jed Rothwell

Terry Blanton wrote:

Just curious:  did you type this reply or did your voice recog s/w
make up 'ememies'?

I managed to type that. Voice input seldom makes that kind of error.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
On 8/6/07, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess it did. But mainly I think it served as an opportunity for
> the ememies of cold fusion at the DoE to attack the research.

Just curious:  did you type this reply or did your voice recog s/w
make up 'ememies'?



Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-06 Thread Jed Rothwell

Michel Jullian wrote:

Hasn't the last review boosted the "trendiness" of CF?

I guess it did. But mainly I think it served as an opportunity for 
the ememies of cold fusion at the DoE to attack the research. They 
set up a biased panel and an absurd review method. I expect they were 
surprised when half the panel members agreed cold fusion does exist, 
but that was a minor setback. They pushed through a review summary 
and recommendations giving themselves complete victory, and as soon 
as a qualified researcher (Melvin Miles) asked for funding, they blew 
him off, as I knew they would. They have not given an inch.

Cold fusion is no better off today than it was in 2004, or 1995 for 
that matter. It is moribund. I think there is no chance it will 
survive as things now stand. The only hope is for a breakthrough that 
can be widely reproduced. I have heard about 1 or 2 such 
breakthroughs, but unfortunately the authors are not yet ready to go public.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Cold fusion trends

2007-08-06 Thread Jed Rothwell

Michel Jullian wrote:

Maybe we need another DOE review?

We need that like a hole in the head.

As I told Peter Hagelstein when the DoE review was underway, "be 
careful what you wish for."

- Jed