Re: [vos-d] [x3d-public] SMAM: request for avatar selection page developer

2007-05-15 Thread chris

On 16/05/07, S Mattison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Aw, and here I can code in PHP and MySQL and there's already a Flux
Server out there that does it? Hm. Oh well!

actually, that's the type of thing we need. The flux server will then get
the url etc from the



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It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.
vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] [x3d-public] SMAM: request for avatar selection page developer

2007-05-15 Thread S Mattison
Aw, and here I can code in PHP and MySQL and there's already a Flux
Server out there that does it? Hm. Oh well!

vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] [x3d-public] SMAM: request for avatar selection page developer

2007-05-14 Thread chris

On 15/05/07, Jay C. Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

chris wrote:
> Hi again, for the event we will need a page ppl can go to to select
> their av and enter the world. The avatars available will be the ones
> tested and proven for the event.
> The catch is that this page will have to have a back end part that
> communicates the use id and avatar id to a server. There are many ways
> we can do this, from writing to a file (which server code can read),
> database or sending over the network. I don't want to use a database
> just for the event so file or comms are the choices.
FWIW, the Flux server already has code to get the avatar url from a
mysql database, based on a user-id.  I think it should compile on most
Linux systems because these days they include the mysql C library as
well as mysql itself.

The user-id is sent to the server through the Connection node in the X3D
file.  I've used the SAI to set that field from an HTML wrapper, which
takes the value out of a browser cookie, which in turn is set by the
login page.

k, I'll try downloading and installing on a linux server,




It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.
vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] [x3d-public] Wanna help the Mass Avatar Mash?

2007-05-10 Thread chris

On 11/05/07, thyme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Chris can I donate any avatars made by seamless?

Yes please, I like the look of the  images I have seen.

You state here:

"creating avatars using all open source tools, starting with Avatar Studio

Avatar studio is free but to my understanding it is NOT open source
software (OSS).
If anyone knows of the source and the OSS license for it please point me
to it.

ok, my mistake, sorry. I'll fix that.

Some time in the future I will make a simplified specialised interface for

making avatars
utilising seamless functionality behind the scenes that will be as simple
as avatar studio
to make avatars (settings for proportions, mix and match, simple
specialised UI for
animation) and it will be free OSS but in the meantime seamless how it
currently is,  is about
the only free open source program I am ware of that has examples of vrml/x3d
avatars made by it
that has any chance of competing with the second life avatars.

great I'm gonna have a play with it, been meaning to for  a while

It also offers a lot more creative freedom than avatar studio of course.

If anyone knows of another OSS program that can show examples of avs made
for VRML/X3D please
show the url.
Perhaps Blender?

I think it can export to vrml, not sure about x3d. Also not sure if it would
export in terns of avatars,



best wishes


- Original Message -
*From:* chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To:* x3d-public <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; www-vrml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
*Sent:* Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:31 PM
*Subject:* [x3d-public] Wanna help the Mass Avatar Mash?

Siggraph Mass Avatar Mash (SMAM) 2Do
Updated 10 May 07

Here are the various task areas I would like help with, for the rest of
May at least. For more information pls look at the online "blat": Tasking 1. May 1.1Find/allocate 
servers for prototypingprovide
server resources
look for sponsors - I'm getting some ppl saying they might sponsor.
1.2 Collect together a set of public avatars to use and test them (we want
to ensure there are no scripts that would bog a client down and they all
basically work). collect and test avatars. We want good
looking/interesting ones but not too heavy on scripting/processor.
May want someone who can vet avatars during the event too, as some ppl may
want to use ones they created for the event at the last minute.
1.3 Work out a simple protocol for streaming avatar movements over tcp/ip
or udp (or both). analyse protocol proposals, test existing protocol code,
suggest what else  needs to be done.
1.4 Choose one or more server software components to test client-server
comms and server-server comms.looking for tcp/ip and udp software for
1.5 Choose some client software to run tests on. This may not be a big
issue as there should be multiple clients to choose from. But someone might
want to periodically run tests and let us know which ones work best, look
best etc.
1.6 Run server-server tests and client-server tests. do some server
1.7 Analysis, planning next month.1.8 Organise booth(s) at siggraph show
floor. My company (Systemic) is putting some money in, what about yours?
I'm doing this with Rita atm.
1.9 UI for login and avatar selection.Prepare simple online page for
logging in and selecting avatar then loading world.
The login part does not have to be secure and maybe we can even do without
It will have to communicate the entry of another avatar into the world to
a server program - it may not have to be on the same host
1.10 Client side designFor those who wan to help here, pls check out what
is on the blat then see what you can come up with.

It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.

It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.
vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] [x3d-public] Re: Wham! SMAM! Avatar Jam!

2007-05-09 Thread chris

On 06/05/07, Tommi Laukkanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Sounds like a good plan. Regarding the avatar movement streaming protocol
we could consider it to be part of the web3d analogy to HTTP (traditional
web). X3D documents i.e. the static scene can be transfered to client
browsers using HTTP but the three dimensional web raises intuitively new
requirements namely avatars and interaction.

Yes, that is a good analogy.

My personal opinion is that not many people are really interested in

interlinked 3d models without human interaction.

Very good point. A phd student I spoke to said: "It will be much better if
there is some form of conversation." He went on to outline a v simple form
of conversation where avatars tow around a thumbnail list of their favourite
pics. if u click on the thumbs u get the image. Avatars of attendees could
show their favourite SIGGRAPH pics. Those not attending may show their
pets/whatever. They would have a tab to click on to unroll the thumbs.

Avatar movements and object dynamics need to be synchronized between

browsers and servers to enable distributed interactive simulation. There was
some interesting work already done in the DIS-working group but the final
protocol could be slightly less application specific. SWaMP could also be
even perfect candidate for the standard but I have not been lucky enough to
get to see the specification yet.

yes I'm hoping to try out SWaMP. And there is XOM for the server comms to
look at.

The protocol  could be called something like scene synchronization protocol

(SSP) or X3D scene synchronization protocol XSSP. In addition to scene
synchronization protocol some message contracts for login/logout, avatar
selection and avatar control (in case the avatar scripting is run at server
side ) would be well worth the effort. I am eager to dedicate my time and
server resources to the work at hand.

That's great Tommi. I will be putting out a request for help in each area,
with  all the info I have gathered in  the online "blat" document.



best regards,

Tommi Laukkanen

On 5/5/07, chris < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For this event OTTOMH, here is a first cut at things that have to be
> accomplished:
> I will use the headings as an outline to this document:
> where I'll just start blatting information to as I find it.
> 1. May
> 1.1 Find/allocate some servers for prototyping.
> 1.2 Collect together a set of public avatars to use and test them (we
> want to ensure there are no scripts that would bog a client down and they
> all basically work).
> 1.3 Work out a simple protocol for streaming avatar movements over
> tcp/ip or udp (or both). Since MediaMachines have a demonstrated prototype
> protocol (SWaMP), implemented on Flux: , that would be a good place to
> start.
> 1.4 Choose one or more server software components to test client-server
> comms and server-server comms.
> 1.5 Choose some client software to run tests on.
> 1.6 Run server-server tests and client-server tests. This will be to
> shake out the various tools / technologies we have to choose from.
> 1.7 Analysis, planning next month.
> 1.8 Organise booth(s) at siggraph show floor. My company (Systemic) is
> putting some money in, what about yours?
> 1.9 UI for login and avatar selection.
> 2. June
> 2.1 First single server-client multiple avatar tests. There will
> probably be multiple isolated tests like this.
> 2.2 User interface tests.
> 2.3 Client interaction tests.
> 2.4 Second single server-client mass avatar tests. There will probably
> be multiple isolated tests like this.
> 2.5 Analysis.
> 2.6 Planning for July.
> 3. July
> 3.1 First serious test of mass avatar collaboration at a selected hour.
> 3.2 Second serious test of mass avatar collaboration at a selected hour.
> 3.3 Analysis.
> 3.4 Planning for the conference.
> 4. August
> 4.1 Conference demonstration 5th-8th.
> 4.2  MUVEW Networking BOF (Thursday 10:30-12:30).
> Anything else?,
> regards,
> chris
> --
> --
> It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.

It be a great secret: there be more truth at the centre.
vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] X3D

2007-03-16 Thread bruce

Reed Hedges wrote:

Len Bullard wrote:

I will move on to X3D because eventually I will need some
of the new features like Inlines with interfaces and bits like the Keyboard
Sensor, the upcoming Network Sensor and the physics engine, or the
Nice-to-Haves like the Boolean Sequencer that I can replicate in script but
a node is easier.  For now, I am building in VRML97 where the weather suits
my clothes.

Fortunately, it sounds like some good GUI editors are coming out (like
Flux studio).I never did manage to find a really good GUI tool for
building VRML97 that was really focused on VRML and supported all of it,
though I was only looking at the free ones.

(Back when I was able to actually do 3D for a job I ended up exporting
VRML from a simple modeler called AC3D and then mucking about in it by
hand slightly.)


vos-d mailing list


I still use AC3D (Now in Version 6.1) and it is a great, low cost 
modeling tool. Also Flux Studio (Which is free and aimed right at VRML & 
X3d. I even still use Cosmo Worlds for Windows, aimed directly at VRML
vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] X3D

2007-03-16 Thread Len Bullard
V-Realm Builder was and still is excellent.  I won a copy in a contest over
a decade ago and that was my entry point. I still use it because it is all
VRML and has a great terrain editor and index face set utility, and easy
treeview interface, great support for sequencing and routing, etc.  Big
pieces of ROL were done there.  OTOH, I like Flux Studio.  It is powerful,
has fantastic advanced geometry editing with a drop dead easy interface, and
well... I still haven't gotten through the feature set although I blogged it
at  I have to admit that for scene
assembly, PFE is my work horse because I really don't mind native code.  At
some point, one really does have to learn the language and you learn to spot
bugs fast as well as how to make better protos once you see repeating
structures.  After awhile, VRML scene graphs just start to make enormous
sense from the author's perspective.  That is my only caution to the
object-oriented programmers:  it is too much code geekery for an author in
too many cases.  A professional game programmer, yes, but the average kid
getting started, no.  They need to learn a language in the sweet spot
between OpenGL and 3DML.  Go too high level, there isn't enough power.  Go
too low level, it takes to much work to do basic stuff.

I'm starting to post tutorials there regularly.  It is breezy but it is a
blog.  I am describing my processes for building with code samples as much
as anything to give the kids a free place to get the information and a ton
of philosophy about my own story telling processes.  

I call it "3D On The Web CHEAP!" because I'm not a believer in the 'ya gotta
buy a server spot at SL' or wherever or 'ya need a copy of Poser and 3D
Maya' whatever to get into 3D.  That wasn't the original promise of 3D on
The web before the new guys rebranded it as 'the metaverse', a term I
consider kind of dumb (More Meta Than Thou is the death spiral of design).
It was 'get an ASCII editor and a browser and if you got the moxie you can
go 3D'.  I realize the need for powerful tools because real-time 3D is a lot
harder than HTML, but I also know that the key to a real metaverse is
accessibility relative to costs for the new comers.  Otherwise, we might as
well all go back to writing records management systems.

I believe 3D and games are to this generation what rock n roll was to mine.
The best thing I can do for the kids is hold a door open for them as long as
I can, because this is their thing and they need to have their own thing,
not ours.

I really need to shut up. You guys have work to do and I have a blog for
pontificating.  Thanks for the space!


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Reed Hedges

Fortunately, it sounds like some good GUI editors are coming out (like
Flux studio).I never did manage to find a really good GUI tool for
building VRML97 that was really focused on VRML and supported all of it,
though I was only looking at the free ones.

(Back when I was able to actually do 3D for a job I ended up exporting
VRML from a simple modeler called AC3D and then mucking about in it by
hand slightly.)

vos-d mailing list

Re: [vos-d] X3D

2007-03-16 Thread Reed Hedges
Len Bullard wrote:
> I will move on to X3D because eventually I will need some
> of the new features like Inlines with interfaces and bits like the Keyboard
> Sensor, the upcoming Network Sensor and the physics engine, or the
> Nice-to-Haves like the Boolean Sequencer that I can replicate in script but
> a node is easier.  For now, I am building in VRML97 where the weather suits
> my clothes.

Fortunately, it sounds like some good GUI editors are coming out (like
Flux studio).I never did manage to find a really good GUI tool for
building VRML97 that was really focused on VRML and supported all of it,
though I was only looking at the free ones.

(Back when I was able to actually do 3D for a job I ended up exporting
VRML from a simple modeler called AC3D and then mucking about in it by
hand slightly.)


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