On 11/05/07, thyme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Chris can I donate any avatars made by seamless?

Yes please, I like the look of the  images I have seen.

You state here:

"creating avatars using all open source tools, starting with Avatar Studio

Avatar studio is free but to my understanding it is NOT open source
software (OSS).
If anyone knows of the source and the OSS license for it please point me
to it.

ok, my mistake, sorry. I'll fix that.

Some time in the future I will make a simplified specialised interface for
making avatars
utilising seamless functionality behind the scenes that will be as simple
as avatar studio
to make avatars (settings for proportions, mix and match, simple
specialised UI for
animation) and it will be free OSS but in the meantime seamless how it
currently is,  is about
the only free open source program I am ware of that has examples of vrml/x3d
avatars made by it
that has any chance of competing with the second life avatars.

great I'm gonna have a play with it, been meaning to for  a while

It also offers a lot more creative freedom than avatar studio of course.
If anyone knows of another OSS program that can show examples of avs made
for VRML/X3D please
show the url.
Perhaps Blender?

I think it can export to vrml, not sure about x3d. Also not sure if it would
export in terns of avatars,



best wishes

----- Original Message -----
*From:* chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To:* x3d-public <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; www-vrml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; VOS Discussion<vos-d@interreality.org>
*Sent:* Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:31 PM
*Subject:* [x3d-public] Wanna help the Mass Avatar Mash?

Siggraph Mass Avatar Mash (SMAM) 2Do
Updated 10 May 07

Here are the various task areas I would like help with, for the rest of
May at least. For more information pls look at the online "blat":
http://www.planet-earth.org/sg07/SMAM07.html. Tasking 1. May 1.1Find/allocate 
servers for prototypingprovide
server resources
look for sponsors - I'm getting some ppl saying they might sponsor.
1.2 Collect together a set of public avatars to use and test them (we want
to ensure there are no scripts that would bog a client down and they all
basically work). collect and test avatars. We want good
looking/interesting ones but not too heavy on scripting/processor.
May want someone who can vet avatars during the event too, as some ppl may
want to use ones they created for the event at the last minute.
1.3 Work out a simple protocol for streaming avatar movements over tcp/ip
or udp (or both). analyse protocol proposals, test existing protocol code,
suggest what else  needs to be done.
1.4 Choose one or more server software components to test client-server
comms and server-server comms.looking for tcp/ip and udp software for
1.5 Choose some client software to run tests on. This may not be a big
issue as there should be multiple clients to choose from. But someone might
want to periodically run tests and let us know which ones work best, look
best etc.
1.6 Run server-server tests and client-server tests. do some server
1.7 Analysis, planning next month.1.8 Organise booth(s) at siggraph show
floor. My company (Systemic) is putting some money in, what about yours?
I'm doing this with Rita atm.
1.9 UI for login and avatar selection.Prepare simple online page for
logging in and selecting avatar then loading world.
The login part does not have to be secure and maybe we can even do without
It will have to communicate the entry of another avatar into the world to
a server program - it may not have to be on the same host
1.10 Client side designFor those who wan to help here, pls check out what
is on the blat then see what you can come up with.

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