Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-14 Thread JaniceSturgill

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In a message dated 12/14/01 9:51:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why is this arguing only about social costs? Taxes are used to pay for a lot of other tings that the state and the communities are responsible to pay for and that need a lot bigger sums from the taxpayer and that you may not agree with either. Do you want to get all this reduced too? What will be left of the good society if all those things that is the buildingstones of a good society if they, as you wish, are reduced to a minimum and thereby works a lot worse? As someone else asked: Are we going back to the time of Dickens?
§( :8-)

I have no problem paying taxes for all those things. I think there should be help for anyone who is truly sick or injured from an illness or an accident. I give money to charities also. I give any things I no longer need to charities. I help children with no parents or with bad parents learn to read on the weekends. I help out at the Veterans home here reading to the men and writing letters for them and some sewing, but I am not to good at that. But I refuse to sit quietly by while my government encourages people to be lazy and take drugs. There is a whole industry building up around this problem. And if some people get good paying government jobs taking care of bums and drug addicts I can tell you now, that they will make sure there are MORE bums and drug addicts to keep those good jobs. Then they will want their daughter or son to get one of those good jobs and then you will need more bums. I would rather the government produce jobs in some less destructive way. It would be better for the country AND the bums. If no one says anything it will just get worse. Most people don't want to be bothered worrying about it. Then I WILL DO SOMETHING. Is this wrong to want what is best for the country? Everyone always thinks of the money. There are principles here.janice

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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-12 Thread JaniceSturgill

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In a message dated 12/12/01 7:45:04 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Capitalism is an important tool for development, trade and spread of wealth, but it can not be allowed to run heywild. Then the bad outways the good.
§( :8-)

You make some very valid points. But it is far better that the alternative No? janice

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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-12 Thread JaniceSturgill

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In a message dated 12/12/01 4:51:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Are everybody a bum? All the got layd off at Boing, for example? Some of them may be need help for some time. Of course, if nothing is done to help them over this harch happening they soon will be bums and, if get your way, will vanish. State save money, but loose people.
Then the next group gets laid off, and then the next. Then, in the end, there is only little janice left to pay for the whole government, except for all those bums that in large numbers succeded crossing the border from the south. Glorious future you have.

Claes, you kind hearted sweetie you. When Boeing lays off someone, not only do they get unemployment insurance. Their unions have made deals to where they ALMOST get as much as when they were working. There are jobs galore here. You may need two (such as I have at times). But if you are willing there is work. Most of the people on welfare are recent immigrants who should not be here and women who had children while not married and drug addicts and alcoholics. Now there are people who will say that most of the people on welfare are children. This is also true. They are the children of the bums I just mentioned. And while it is OK to feel sorry for them it is their BUM parents who have caused their plight not I. And as long as we keep paying them to have children while not married a drug addict or an alcoholic, they will never stop. The best thing to do is to FORCE them to get a job, which they would do if the government was not paying them NOT to work. Do you understand yet??janice

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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-12 Thread Ezeditor

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In a message dated 12/12/01 4:52:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Oh horse pucky!! I like what the Gov. of Arkansas did though. He's putting 
it to a vote. Those people like you who want to help the bums, can vote 
themselves higher taxes. Then they leave the rest of us alone. I hope it 
catches on. janice
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Are everybody a bum? All the got layd off at Boing, for example? Some of them 
may be need help for some time. Of course, if nothing is done to help them 
over this harch happening they soon will be bums and, if get your way, will 
vanish. State save money, but loose people. >>
[On a similiar note] -- Oh Road Apples! You know perfectly well that Janice 
is referring to the people who refuse to work, not the people that have been 
laid off ... Geesh!


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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-12 Thread Ezeditor

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In a message dated 12/11/01 4:04:47 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< You need at least 20 translating helpers with several differet languages 
each >>
We could send all the Spanish-speaking folks to Spain ... they're not taking 
part in this conversation, so they'll never know what hit 'em until it's to 
late . 


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Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

2001-12-11 Thread JaniceSturgill

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In a message dated 12/11/01 4:06:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, it's greed that is behind all this complaining that the society have to spend some money for the misfortuned? You want more personal freedom, right? It's the same all world over.
§( :8-)

Claes, you are a sweet man. How about we agree to disagree on this subject? I will never think it is greedy to want to keep my own money for things that I need instead of giving it to people that are too lazy to work. You think that  I am greedy. So we disagree. OK? janice

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