Visit with "Barn"

2010-04-24 Thread Brearry
Today at the Mayberry Cafe in Danville, IN, my hubby and I got to visit with 
our own Barney!

The wonderfully talented and all-around great guy, David Browning was there.  
"Barn" wrote up 
some tickets, showed his bullet and told several of us to 'nip it in the bud'! 

What a fun time was had...  Thank you David for keeping Barney alive in our 

Brenda Jo 

"The humdrum appearance of Christian lives conceals the fact that something 
great is going on!"  -  Anonymous 
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re: coloring pages

2010-04-24 Thread Lisa Jackson

I actually have some coloring pages related to TAGS on a flashdrive somewhere.  
I downloaded them from a website but I don't know which one and I don't even 
know who did them.  If anyone knows where, the person requesting them could 
maybe find them.  If I knew for sure that it was ok to send them by email (w/o 
breaking any rules or laws) I would be willing to do that.  If anyone can tell 
me, let me know and we could work out something...


The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
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2010-04-24 Thread Ctmidway57
Larry in Lincolntonif you're from NC you should know when you see the  
governor you can not shake his hand. Him is a  her..didja forget  
Beverly Perdue?
We went to Mt. Airy Thursday...took a couple from our church who had  never 
been. He is 81 and has health issues, but did pretty good most of the way.  
The famous pork chop sandwich helped him a lot!
Weather cooperated, not too hot, not too cold, just right. Only thing we  
wanted to do but couldn'tPilot Mountain road was closed so no trip to the 
Have a great day and don't forget to laugh a lot!!
Welford theCameraNut in Raleigh...
WBMUTBB mailing list

smoking in Mayberry

2010-04-24 Thread info
Andy lights the cigarette for the founder's day thief.  Thomas A. Moody.  "Oh, 
what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Two More Smokers

2010-04-24 Thread Ken Anderson

One of the deputies in Citizen of the Day smoked in the courthouse.
Mayor Stoner was smoking a cigar when Barney used the fire extinguisher on 

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2010-04-24 Thread bmendel0613
 The only one who comes to mind was Otis

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-04-24 Thread Ken Anderson
I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about this as we discussed it in the 
past, but these are the ones that

came to mind right away.  I am sure there must be more.

Prisoner of Love smoked and blew the smoke right in Barney's face.
Barney smoked while in jail and also smoked a cigar when he was feeling 
sport like.

Freddie Fleet smoked when he was talking to Andy in the courthouse.
Mr. McBeevey smoked and made smoke come out of his ears.
Colonel Harvey smoked a cigar and made smoke signals.
Fred Goss smoked and dropped ashes all over Otis's clean suit.
Andy smoked numerous times, even in bed.  ( Don't think he smoked in color 

Citizen of the Day Mr. Mooney smoked at the end of the episode.
One of the Darlings always had a pipe going.
Otis Campbell smoked when he told Andy about Aunt Bee and Fred Goss
Gentleman Dan smoked cigars from Tampa
Roger Hanover borrowed money from Andy so he could go get cigars though I 
don't think we saw him smoke.

Several members of the Esquire club smoked.
Several men at Opie's Saturday gathering at Oakwood Hills smoked.
Escaped prisoner's girlfriend smoked as she went back into the trailer to 
get her cigarettes.
Daphne's boyfriend who punched Andy was smoking when he came into the truck 
One of the crooks who held Andy and Howard hostage smoked while keeping 
watch at the window.

The courthouse furnace really smoked when Newton Monroe tried to clean it.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Smoke Signals and out the ears

2010-04-24 Thread Mike
Hi Gang,

Asking about smoking on the show brings to mind, Colonel Harvey smoked a
cigar (or is that SEE GAR), and made smoke signals for Opiealso, Mr.
McBeevie could make smoke come out of his ears.  Mayor Stoner has a cigar
when he walks into the courthouse on THE LOADED GOAT episode, and I remember
Otis puffing away in one episode.  Ron Bailey was smoking on the pier as
Andy and Opie were fishing, and Malcom Tucker had a cigar on the front porch
while pacing up and down as well.

Oh, I just remembered the guys were smoking at the fancy club Andy and
Barney were invited to, and in the color episode when Andy went to the ritzi
Hollander house when all the dads got together.   I'm sure there are more if
I was to put my mind to it :)

Mike Peacock
Connersville In

WBMUTBB mailing list

coloring books

2010-04-24 Thread Paul Mulik
I've enjoyed the humorous comments about the coloring books, now for a real 
answer: there were two different Andy Griffith Show coloring books produced, 
both by Whitman, around 1961. One was about a centimeter thick, bore a cover 
price of 50 cents, and had a blue cover with Opie holding baseball equipment. 
The other was much thinner, like a typical comic book, with a 10 cent price and 
a yellow cover which showed Opie sitting on a barstool with an ice cream soda 
in front of him. I have heard that the one with the blue cover exists in a 
"thin" version but I've never seen one.
The thin book contained only Mayberry pictures, and the thick version had all 
of the same pages, plus many more generic coloring book pages. Both are quite 
rare today; if you can find one that hasn't been colored in, expect to pay $150 
or more, possibly much more. I personally have one of the yellow ones that is 
in absolutely perfect mint condition, I've had it professionally framed and it 
is sitting on top of my old piano. Should you search eBay or the Internet for 
these books, BEWARE, there are reprints out there of the yellow one, and it's 
hard to tell them from the originals. I think I might have an extra blue one 
around here someplace, if someone is interested send me an email.
As far as coloring pages go, you should be able to find some online by doing a 
Google search for "Andy Griffith coloring pages." Any that you find will be 
scans from these 1961 books.
--Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

eating in the big city

2010-04-24 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. We're going with our grandaughter on a field trip to 
Raleigh (the Big City) next week. A brown paper sack full of sandwiches will 
taste mighty good on the bus.
 Larry in Lincolnton

"They's worse things than being a plain being a hungry one."
.Andy Taylor

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-04-24 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey Mayberry friends. My grandaughter's class has a field trip to the state 
capitol (Raleigh,NC) next week and her grandmother and I will be tagging along. 
We've been discussing where we might eat. I'll have to brush up on my French so 
I don't order snails and brains. On second thought, a brown paper sack full 
o'sandwiches ain't too bad.

  Larry in Lincolnton

"Comin' over here without my gun and belt, I felt absolutely naked."  
Barney Fife

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