Re: [Web-SIG] URL quoting in WSGI (or the lack therof)

2008-01-21 Thread Luis Bruno
I'll top post my solution; scare quoted because I'm still not sure this is the smartest idea: environ['wsgiorg.path-segments'] = ['catalog', 'NEC', 'Computers', 'Laptop', 'LN500/9DW'] Robert Brewer wrote: All HTTP URI are /-delimited, and any '/' appearing in a single segment that is not

Re: [Web-SIG] URL quoting in WSGI (or the lack therof)

2008-01-21 Thread Ian Bicking
Luis Bruno wrote: Hello y'all, delurking, I'm using a /-delimited path, %-encoding each literal '/' appearing in the path segments. I was not amused to see egg:Paste#http urldecoding the whole PATH_INFO. Unfortunately this is in the WSGI spec, so it's not Paste#http so much as WSGI that

Re: [Web-SIG] URL quoting in WSGI (or the lack therof)

2008-01-21 Thread Robert Brewer
Luis Bruno wrote: Robert Brewer wrote: IMHO [changing CP's wsgiserver to do decoding] is the wrong answer Why? Because then I'm stuck monkey patching every WSGI server (and/or stuck using my own URL dispatcher) so that I don't lose the information that one of the forward slashes is NOT