Re: [web2py] How to use SQLFORM.factory to define a check box field with a list of values?

2011-12-01 Thread Constantine Vasil
How this solution handles error handling? For other fields there are messages in red below the fields.

Re: [web2py] How to use SQLFORM.factory to define a check box field with a list of values?

2011-12-01 Thread Constantine Vasil
My values are not in a database but in a list: [[u'John Doe', u''], [u'Mary Doe', u'']] how to get them from there? I want names to show up next to the check boxes, when selected to know which email address is corresponding in order to send a message to this

[web2py] How to use SQLFORM.factory to define a check box field with a list of values?

2011-12-01 Thread Constantine Vasil
I want to use SQLFORM.factory to define a check box field with a list of email addresses. When the user checks several, then to send an email to the selected. How to do that?

[web2py] JQuery Mobile + web2py - how to set data-url attribute dynamically?

2011-11-30 Thread Constantine Vasil
JQuery Mobile + web2py presents unique challenge because JQuery Mobile takes over control after server side. One issue I had was with redirections which does not work properly in this environment. JQuery Mobile recognized this and added an option how to make this working properly by returning y

[web2py] How to add a trailig slash? web2py + trailing slash needed from jQuery Mobile

2011-11-30 Thread Constantine Vasil
Are there a way to use trailing slash after page name like: /about/ This is because jQuery Mobile requires it to work properly. Otherwise it adds a hash '#' after redirection which prevents from form submitting. I had a lot of issues with the hash which is generated and initially disabled Ajax jQ

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I did it with: form.custom.submit['_data-ajax'] = 'false' but how to do it for: {{=form_auth}}

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Answering to myself jQuery mobile has this option which can be set for each link: data-ajax="false" So basically if I add: My Business Category the hash is not generated. How to set this for {{=form.custom.submit}}?

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I found the issue - I am using jQuery Mobile which adds a hash (#) to the link, when hash is present in the browser address bar hitting Submit does not work. Now the question is how to get rid from the hash?

[web2py] Re: How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
also after register I want a redirection to My Info too: I set this up auth.settings.register_next = URL('default', args='myinfo') but it does not redirects.

[web2py] Re: How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
OK here is my setup: === routers = dict( BASE = dict( default_application = 'myapp', default_controller='default' ), ) routes_in = ( ('/myinfo', '/default/myinfo'), ) routes_out = (

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Great! I have to move on with this Sign Up now ;) Need to work on ajax auto-complete - could you please see my new posting?

[web2py] Will jQuery Mobile keyup handler and Auto-completion work with web2py?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am using jQuery Mobile and here is a code for a keyup handler directly from the source. The question is would it work under web2py? What about IE? Show the event object for the keyup handler when a key is releas

[web2py] Re: autocomplete widget a disaster on Internet Explorer

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi guys I mentioned this post because I want to use autocomplete. How is the status of autocomplete with IE? Can I still implement my own and it to work in IE?

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
OK - if I simply comment out the username field it is OK now?

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
It seems that commenting out 'username' is the only option #Field('username', type='string', # label=T('Username')),

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
do I have to add: settings.login_userfield = 'email' or delete 'username' field?

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
In I have implemented it. Still when the Register form shows up there is a username present, note I added this: auth.define_tables(username=False) db.define_table('auth_user', Field('username', type='string', label=T('Username')), Field('first_name', type='string',

[web2py] Re: GAE and 'cannot set memcache' error

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
>a fall-back plan How you would do it in web2py?

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Yes, this was just brainstorming - the user usually have one or two email addresses and usually they remember them ;) Bottom line email address/password is the simpler and quicker way to Sign Up users - he need to enter just three lines. Could not be more simpler.

Re: [web2py] How to implement a function to choose from a really long list of categories?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I looked at it and it is .js code. I am developing for mobile with jQuery Mobile and am not sure it will play nicely with jQuery Mobile. I believe a pure Ajax is more appropriate but I have this rendering issue with injected HTML after the page is already build. jQuery Mobile does not fires at t

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Basically the solution is like this: from import Auth auth = Auth(db) auth.define_tables(username=False) db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.first_name.readable = False db.auth_user.last_name.writable = db.auth_user.last_name.readable =False This will leave only email addr

[web2py] Re: How to implement a function to choose from a really long list of categories?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
>I've had problems with the UI display in IE And yes IE is a big issue. I had issues witch clicking on Buttons and Submit - does web2py has these issues?

[web2py] Re: Create a simple drop down list

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
= Instead, though, you might want to explicitly link the two tables: db.define_table('t_ab_distribution', Field('f_distributionname'), format='%(f_distributionname)') db.define_table('t_ab_recipient', Field('f_distribution', db.t

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Massimo, >You are asking to make a guess about your code. It is a lot of code and the main point is I use GAE datatable. In order to use web2py I use SQLFORM.factory, then in form.process(formname='myinfo').accepted I get the values, assign to GAE table instance and use GAE .put() to store

[web2py] Re: GAE Caching and Views

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
>not picklable there is a way to serialize with protocol buffers. I am using it in my code but it better be implemented in the web2py core as a 'gae' dependency.

[web2py] Re: Create a simple drop down list

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am using SQLFORM.factory not a read database for different reasons. The question is can I link two SQLFORM.factory tables (virtual tables so to say) to achieve the same effect?

[web2py] Re: How to implement a function to choose from a really long list of categories?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Autocomplete is useful if the users know what they are looking for, usually they don't. So they have to browse. I am using jQuery Mobile and had an issues with Ajax solution before - when the list is fetched it is not displayed correctly - it does not renders in the same way as rest of the pag

[web2py] Re: How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Anthony, Thank you, absolute URLs explains how it will work. Regards, --Constantine

[web2py] Re: Create a simple drop down list

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Anthony, how can I link a virtual tables from a factory? Regards, --Constantine

[web2py] How to implement a function to choose from a really long list of categories?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
I have a long list of categories which the user has to add to his My Info. The issue is the list is very long - about 500 categories and counting. How it would be the best approach to make this list to load in the HTML really quick? Loading this long list takes considerable time especially on mo

[web2py] Re: some ideas on built-in emphasis on client-side processing for web2py

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
On mobile browser is slow. This is better to be made on the server which is fast.

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Here is a better description for what I want to accomplish. Basically the business logic is this: I need a quick registration and then redirection to a form with option to enter more information. 1) Register with the minimum requirements - email address/password 2) Redirect to My Info form at /m

[web2py] Re: How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
so URL() will work on generating the email link too?

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Massimo - that was a great recommendation, thank you!

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-29 Thread Constantine Vasil
How you would exclude First Name and Last Name?

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Massimo, The code is a lot and will take a while to extract it but basically the issue is - when I am using redirect the page is showing correct but in browser address bar I see the old link. basically the redirect link is set here: auth.settings.register_next = '/myapp/default/myinfo' and

[web2py] Re: How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
This stays in the address filed after resetting the password: /default/user/reset_password/1322549383-5e551ac2-7a60-4ab0-989f-143b350d8151 This auth.settings.reset_password_next = '/login' redi

[web2py] How to rewrite reset_password link in the Email send for password retrieval?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
The email I receive has this link: /**default/user/reset_password/**1322547476-0ee03b96-5410-4a61-** be1c-504d86bdc1ab I want the email to send the following link: /reset_password/**132254747

[web2py] Redirection does not sets the browser address bar

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I set a registration for in my front page and: auth.settings.register_next = '/myapp/default/myinfo' After Registration the browser was redirected to myinfo screen but at the browser address bar there is: /#/, I expect to be: '/myapp/default/myinfo' What is wrong?

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I set the auth.settings.register_next = '/myapp/default/myinfo' After Registration the browser was redirected to myinfo screen but at the browser address bar there is: /#/, I expect to be: '/myapp/default/myinfo' Now when I fill out the form and hit Submit the line: if form.process(formname='my

[web2py] Re: How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Anthony, Yes I don't want to mess it up - the most important - I don't want 'username'. I want the email to be the username. How to do that?

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I can add this as a configuration: auth.messages.register_button = 'Sign Up' Can I add a CSS style to this button as well?

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Anthony, How to change the background color of auth.messages.register_button? Regards, --Constantine

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
auth.settings.formstyle = 'divs' did it. Thank you!

[web2py] How to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system: email address/password?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
After implementing the full auth with web2py, now I would like to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system. I need the users to enter just email address (sued as a username) and a password, that is it. No explicit Username and no First Name, Last Name. I will ask them for this info later wh

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Than you, Anthony!

[web2py] Re: to remove "default" from url

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
but I am using the parameter system which don't has this option.

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
bugger projects = bigger projects ;) (there is a unintentional sublime message here)

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Anthony, Yes I learned the shell system and it is excellent. But when I added the GAE dependencies it broke up. There is no way to tell it where google.appengine.ext is located to use the GAE classes. I spend a lot of time to figure out but it is not worth partly because via the browser bigge

[web2py] Re: GAE and 'cannot set memcache' error

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
It is in GAE production. Things are always different on the cloud. Everything can go down. > (occasionally the memcache service does go down) This confirms it. The issue is big because it happens on Register or Login form and my users cannot do it. I use memcache a lot but if it is down there has

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
>make sure the function is called (and therefore the form displayed) only for non-logged in users. This I do but the message next to Verify Password: "please input your password again" is showing up when the form builds up. It does not have to show. It seems some code is executed when showing

[web2py] Re: How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank I did it but there is this issue: Got a message next to Verify Password: "please input your password again" How to prevent this and also how to place "please input your password again" under Verify Password input field?

[web2py] How place the standard Register form in my front page?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I want to place the standard Register form in my front page. the front page will have a text Join Us, below the standard Register form plus the links to Forgot your username? Forgot your password? : How to do that? front page: ===

Re: [web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
No It didn't work - got the same error.

Re: [web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Here is what I do have in ** already: mail=auth.settings.mailer mail.settings.server = settings.email_server are already set up from where I have: settings.email_server = 'gae' so they are already set up. Please not again that on GAE logs I have this information which is referring to *

Re: [web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
would this do it? def user(): from import Mail mail = Mail() mail.settings.server = "gae" return dict(form=auth(), auth=auth)

Re: [web2py] sub-domain in routers?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you Antony - parameter system is what a real world will use so definitely it needs more examples.

[web2py] Re: to remove "default" from url

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
>myapps = ['app'] # assuming your app is called "app" if my app name is "mycoolapp" it usually is the domain I host it: so I want to access it like: etc. How to do that efficiently? I am hard coding the link to redirect to "default" co

Re: [web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Probably the name was was changed in trunk, my code used to work in the stable version. If I add settings.server = 'gae' in the, would it be available globally to Mail()?

Re: [web2py] sub-domain in routers?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
and that is great! we need it in the book!

[web2py] sub-domain in routers?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Is it possible to have sub-domain in routers? webapp2 has this capability.

Re: [web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
if you look at the code at /gluon/", line 2235, in request_reset_password it is *settings.server*, not *mail.settings.server. *Also if set it up in it is available globally I suppose? * * The line 327-328: is looking for *settings.server.* if not isinstance(self.* settings.server*,

[web2py] Instructions: Setting up Eclipse+PyDev+GAE SDK, Windows

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I hope this will save time to others wich struggle with setting up Eclipse+PyDev+GAE SDK, Windows environment and ot be able to step up in ** with the PyDev debugger. Using GAE, setting up a development environment is very tricky but I managed to set it up. That is what I came out wit

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
It depends from the development environment. I am working with GAE and it is very tricky to debug when using GAE. Controller will be fine for me after I generate the HTML to see what it is doing. To understand it how it works we need more examples in the doc. Before that I need to work with the

[web2py] GAE: request_reset_password - Exception: Server address not specified

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I using the trunk version, GAE. In my models/ I have *settings. email_server = 'gae'.* When I try to use *request_reset_password * *on Email send I got: "*Exception: Server address not specified" The line 327-328: is looking for *settings.server.* if not isinstance(self.* settings.server*, str

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
> the default can be a lambda function if needed. That explains it - it would be evaluated dynamically. Yes, this is powerful. Now question remains about the design side, it seems directly in HTML is easier, you can see it visually how it would be rendered.

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.factory and custom HTML form radio boxes

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
Assuming [condition] is evaluated dynamically as the code runs through SQLFORM.factory definition, yes, this part will do it. Field('primary_email_choice', ..., default='Home' if [condition] else 'Work') But I need custom formatting. Formatting directly in HTML is easier.

[web2py] GAE and 'cannot set memcache' error

2011-11-28 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am getting this error:'cannot set memcache' when using in GAE, what is wrong? Traceback (most recent call last): File "/base/data/home/apps/s~*/*/gluon/", line 505, in wsgibase session._try_store_in_db(request, response) File "/base/data/home/apps/s~*/*/gluon/gl

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.factory and custom HTML form radio boxes

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
Basically I reverse engineered the HTML generated from web2py and came with the following solution: In SQLFORM.factory I have this definition: Field('*primary_email_choice*',, requires=IS_IN_SET({'Work' : 'Work', '*Home*' : 'Home'})), So in the HTML id="*primar

[web2py] Re: How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
HI Anthony, Thank you! This is useful information not available in the book. Now I would define the default in the form definition: form = SQLFORM.factory How to change it programmatically to other checked value before the form is submitted? This can be needed for a reason as I do - because

[web2py] How to preselect radio check box with checked="yes" using SQLFORM.factory?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
in SQLFORM.factory I have defined a radio check box. Field('primary_email_choice_new',, requires=IS_IN_SET({'Work' : 'Work', 'Home' : 'Home'})), It shows on the form but I need to set it checked="yes" one of the values. The ge

[web2py] SQLFORM.factory and custom HTML form radio boxes

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am using SQLFORM.factory to set several fields and a custom form setting a radio boxes like this: I want the code if form.process(formname='myinfo').accepted: to be able to check if "id_email_home_ch" is checked or not, but this id does not appear in form.vars How to do that?

[web2py] Re: how to update auth_user first_name last_name programmatically?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
Hi Massimo, It worked, the cache was the issue. Also is it possible to update both first and last name in batch? This is a general question how can the database fields can be updated in one operation? Thank you, the framework is excellent!

[web2py] how to update auth_user first_name last_name programmatically?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
I want to change auth_user first_name and last name progrmmaically having the user id: I tried this: db.auth_user[id] = dict(first_name=first_name) db.auth_user[id] = dict(last_name=last_name) but when reaching this statement in my file I don't see auth updated: db = D

[web2py] Re: how to change form.custom.submit background?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you, this was so simple!

[web2py] how to change form.custom.submit background?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am following the example to make my own custom form design: {{=form.custom.begin}} Image name: {{}} Image file: {{=form.custom.widget.file}} Click here to upload: {{=form.custom.submit}} {{=form.custom.end}} Generated HTML is

[web2py] Re: How to check a value in a dictionary entry in template?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you!

[web2py] How to check a value in a dictionary entry in template?

2011-11-27 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am passing a dictionary to template. Each dictionary value is True or False and I want to check it value in the template. {{=default_fields['job_title']}} renders to "True" but this construct is returning "SyntaxError: invalid syntax": {{ if {{=default_fields['job_title']}}: }} {{ pass }} H

[web2py] PicklingError: Can't pickle

2011-11-25 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am using GAE models directly: if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae: ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite') auth = Auth(db, hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_key()) crud, service, plugins = Crud(db), Service(), Plugin

[web2py] Appliance "Email Form" - unauthorized

2011-11-21 Thread Constantine Vasil
Tried to install appliance "Email Form" but "Unauthorized" message - what is wrong?

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-21 Thread Constantine Vasil
Exactly - I needed to go everywhere and change to lowercase. But it works now.

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-21 Thread Constantine Vasil
When using trunk and to work on GAE I needed to rename my app and all internal references to it to lowercase.

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-21 Thread Constantine Vasil
When is the pattern based system, it works locally, but uploading to the GAE cannot find the icons, stylesheets, etc. On the server I see the massage: select routing parameters: BASE

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
Nothing works as expected with the trunk version after upload to GAE. Be careful for production environment.

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
For My App added in routes_in = ( ('/admin/$anything', '/admin/$anything'), ('/static/$anything', '/MyApp/static/$anything'), ('/appadmin/$anything', '/MyApp/appadmin/$anything'), ('/favicon.ico', '/MyApp/static/favicon.ico'), ('/robot

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil is working with also: Here is a more complex example that exposes a single app "myapp" without unnecessary prefixes but also exposes *admin*, *appadmin* and static: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. routes_in = ( ('/admin/$anything', '/admin

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
OK I did it, it found "appname" but could not render it right - cannot find the stylesheets. routers = dict( BASE = dict( default_application = 'appname', default_controller='default' ), )

[web2py] Re: Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
I am just reporting you guys are awesome! Now will read it ;)

[web2py] Django urls to web2py

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
I have in Django urls these statements: (r'^faq/$', 'MyView.views.url_help_faq'), (r'^faq/(\S*)/(\S*)', 'MyView.views.url_help_faq'), Which is making possible *MyView.views.url_help_faq* to serve the following requests:

[web2py] Re: Modernizr 2

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
I checked how you do it: It is better to have a version number: *modernizr-1.7.min.j* * * The browser load the .js file in its cache. If you use always the same name modernizr.*custom*.js, then there is no way for the browser to know there is a new version and there is no way you visitors to kno

[web2py] we2py + GAE - how to get the table key?

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
>From the "book" if I use in web2py db.define_table('person', Field ('name'), Field ('image', 'upload')) it bets suited for "interactive" apps because it integrates well with the forms, templat

[web2py] Re: Eclipse+Pydev+GAE+Debugging

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
I spend a lot of time to figure out what is wrong. Part of the issue is Eclipse+Pydev cannot find the path to files. This happens because I have two separate web2y source projects under Eclipse - one with trunk, one with release. What I discovered: made a module, imported it from a controller, th

Re: [web2py] ImportError: No module named google.appengine.ext

2011-11-20 Thread Constantine Vasil
> Are you doing anything with sys.path? No - I do not. It seems to me it is a path issue in the Eclipse+PyDev debugging environment. Still it is not clear to me how web2py finds it in but not in my

[web2py] Re: Eclipse+Pydev+GAE+Debugging

2011-11-19 Thread Constantine Vasil
have you tried with GAE?

[web2py] Re: Eclipse+Pydev+GAE+Debugging

2011-11-19 Thread Constantine Vasil
>controllers never get imported What do you suggest to solve this? I mention when debugger comes to controllers it compiles them and also every time when a view is requested. That is not needed because GAE compiles them before uploading to Google anyway. Are there a way to switch of the compilat

[web2py] ImportError: No module named google.appengine.ext

2011-11-19 Thread Constantine Vasil
In my I am importing: from google.appengine.ext import db as google_db But got the following error: ImportError: No module named *google.appengine.ext* I see in there is *google.appengine.ext:* from *google.appengine.ext* import webapp from *google.appengine.ext*.webapp.uti

[web2py] Eclipse+Pydev+GAE+Debugging

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
there is a trouble setting the visual Eclipse+PyDev debugger to work with web2py. I got the Eclipse debugger to come to a breakpoint in *applications/welcome/models*/ but if I set up a breakpoint in *applications/welcome/controllers*/ at *index* the debugger does not stops at the

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
"if the web2py models and raw GAE models are all different models there should be no problem. " Actually the GAE models will stay the same because all the system is already tested and working. I decided to move to web2py when I saw it has auth and I implemented it for 30 minutes including jQuer

[web2py] Re: GAE (AppEngine) Datastore - web2py

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
Thank you! "nothing is preventing you from using memcache in this way in web2py. you could port the get_profile() method to web2py with no problem" This is a great relief. Actually what is the downside using pure GAE vs. web2py? What will be missing? And I suppose I have just to import the a

Re: [web2py] GAE (AppEngine) Datastore models under web2py - can they coexist?

2011-11-18 Thread Constantine Vasil
What is the status if current stable release regarding hybrid GAE + web2py usage? Is this documented somewhere?

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