[web2py] web2py + gevent

2018-07-11 Thread Artem
Dear All ,
Anybody using gevent with web2py ?
I always getting error :
>> greenlet.error: cannot switch to a different thread

>>gevent.exceptions.LoopExit: This operation would block forever
>> Hub: >0x119e9ba20 
thread_ident=0x123145489817600>>> threadpool=> 
>> Handles: []

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[web2py] Web2py gevent-socketio

2014-04-27 Thread Jesse Ferguson
I'm trying to learn how to use websocket-io and the only thing I could find 
about using it with web2py is here 
: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!newtopic/web2py/web2py/nJmML_jeZfc

I can get the example working, however I dont really understand whats going 
on with run_iochat.py

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()

from socketio import socketio_manage
from socketio.server import SocketIOServer
from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace
from socketio.mixins import RoomsMixin, BroadcastMixin

from gluon.main import wsgibase

if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Listening on port 8080'
SocketIOServer(('', 8080), wsgibase,

Is this Just starting web2py but using socketio's server? 

also why cant i create an admin password?

I would really appreciate a quick overview of how to use sockets if anyone 
has time, I've searched and searched but not sure why I'm not getting it... 

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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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