Re: [webkit-dev] Adding element to WebCore

2012-11-28 Thread Brendan Eich

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
[*] If Mozilla on the whole is agains adding this feature, that is relevant new information. 

Mozilla as a whole does not often take definitive pro/con positions on 
things like . So I polled a few w3 Mozilla regulars, including 
dbaron, tantek, dbolter.

We should switch to another list and spare webkit-dev. I believe dbolter 
 interesting but had further thoughts not reflected in its spec.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Fwd: Adding element to WebCore

2012-11-27 Thread Brendan Eich

I'm stunned that people are arguing this on webkit-dev.

Just FYI, Mozillians with whom I have spoken generally agree that  
does not meet the high bar required to add a new element to HTML.

Shopping a patch to implementors, to get something into a standard spec 
by asserting de-facto status based on the patch(es) landing, is bad form.

Back to the whatwg list!


Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Ian Hickson > wrote:

The use case for  is accessibility navigation. If authors use it
incorrectly, the feature *doesn't work*. The element becomes

But it won't break accessibility. Worst case, it starts the screen 
reader user at an unusual point in the page. A single keystroke will 
bring the user back to the top of the page, so it's no big deal.

So I'm in favor of it, because it's easy for developers, there's a 
small positive accessibility benefit, and I don't see any harm if it's 
sometimes used incorrectly.

- Dominic

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Re: [webkit-dev] Feature Request: Dynamic Application Cache

2012-11-17 Thread Brendan Eich

Brady Eidson wrote:

On Nov 17, 2012, at 7:47 AM, sridharn  wrote:

Any updates / plans for this feature ??

What feature?

Sridharn did not cite context, but his message is in the thread whose 
head is this post:

where Stefan Wagner wrote:


Mozilla Firefox supports dynamic adding of resources into the
application cache for offline use with the function:
window.applicationCache.mozAdd(URI String)

This is great for persistent storage of assets via javascipt. Instead
of predefining those assets in the manifest file one can use
javascript to cache the needed assets. Is there something similar
planed? Like window.applicationCache.webkitAdd(URI String) ?



I do agree with  Stefan on this ..
I've been banging my head on how
to  cache video files using html 5 storage features and there just doesn't
seem to be a straightforward way
(they all are currently intended for small size text / mobile webkit doesn't
support file system and blah blah)
to do that and feel appcache is cleaner way going forward too for media
files ..

Where are you seeing this not work?

At least on the Apple port you should be able to stick audio/video in the app 
cache.  There are a handful of bugzillas that show this work being done a long 
time ago.

If it's not working for you, I look forward to reading the bug you file at

Also, mobile webkit (chrome/safari in ios4) don't seem to appcache mp3 files
(~5MB) .. Is this a known issue ?

iOS4 is ancient.  I forget when this first shipped but it should work in iOS6.

This should hopefully go away once the dynamic mechanism is added I hope ..

Again, not sure precisely which dynamic mechanism you're talking about since 
you included no context in your email, but I don't see how a dynamic app cache 
mechanism is related to the app cache supporting media, which it does.


webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] RenderArena: Teaching an old dog new tricks

2012-11-13 Thread Brendan Eich

Eric Seidel wrote:

However, like those bell-bottoms in your father's closet, RenderArena is back
in vogue and Chromium's security team very excited about
RenderArena's security benefits.

Disco, like the drive-in, will never die. 
discusses the frame-poisoning work in Gecko. It saved us from quite a 
number of potential 0days in the last two years, as far as I can tell.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] …Inlines.h vs …InlineMethods.h

2012-11-05 Thread Brendan Eich

Filip Pizlo wrote:

On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:

Implementation vs. interface distinctions can be fuzzy, but we've found it 
helpful to use this as a razor when shaving header files with inlines, before 
compile errors or compile time problems bite.

I think that the total time spent fixing dependencies due to inline methods 
being in the main header is going to be less than the total time spent having 
to search through multiple headers when doing normal work.

Oh, for sure -- it doesn't make sense to expend effort changing existing 
code just to match a vague rule about separating implementation from 
interface. Sorry if I seemed to suggest that. I started from a general 
"inline method implementations are not appropriate to put in interface 
definitions" assertion but allowed for "even with a few short inline 
methods defined within the class or right after it". I should have 
allowed for other reasons not to split out FooInline.h.

   As I've pointed out in past messages in this thread, we have classes where 
the best documentation of a method is the method's body - hence having the body 
inline is a big win for productivity.


This may have more to due with how JSC is laid out.  I think the last time I 
encountered a need to put a method body outside of the main header was over a 
month ago, if not more.

That's cool. If you end up needing all the relevant headers and the 
topological sort is straightforward, fewer files wins.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] …Inlines.h vs …InlineMethods.h

2012-11-05 Thread Brendan Eich

Geoffrey Garen wrote:

The proposed design requires adding a FooInlines.h include to source files that 
use that function, when any function moves into FooInlines.h. This can happen 
any time a function is made inline or when a short inline function gets longer.

You convinced me; I hadn't considered this burden.

Le me amend:

(2) Adopt the convention that any class using "*Inlines.h" defines all inline functions 
defined out-of-line in "*Inlines.h"


(2) Adopt the convention that nothing goes into "*Inlines.h" by default, and 
functions are added on demand as we discover functions that cause compile failures or 
long compile times.

Hi Geoff, sorry to stick my nose in it but Mozilla uses WebKit code 
(YARR, <3) so we care. The strong reason we've found beyond compile 
failures and long compile times (or really, this is the underlying cause 
of either compile failures or, alternatively, long compile times): 
inline method implementations are not appropriate to put in interface 

In other words, Foo.h declaring class Foo can focus on interface over 
implementation, even with a few short inline methods defined within the 
class or right after it -- but larger inlines may be required for 
performance, and their bodies can easily depend on headers not properly 
part of Foo.h-as-interface, which should therefore not "bootleg" along 
via nested #includes. Whereas FooInlines.h can nest its implementation 
dependencies freely.

Implementation vs. interface distinctions can be fuzzy, but we've found 
it helpful to use this as a razor when shaving header files with 
inlines, before compile errors or compile time problems bite.



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Re: [webkit-dev] Improving DOM Exception console messages.

2012-10-01 Thread Brendan Eich

Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Ojan Vafai > wrote:

This is an area where browsers are completely incompatible
already. I don't see much benefit from blocking on creating a
specification to make this situation better for web developers.
It's actually not that big of a deal if the error messages from
different browsers are different.

If Web developers wanted to know the details of failures on their 
websites as opposed to on Inspector, wouldn't it better to add some 
sort of API that could interoperate on all browsers?

Straw proposal for JS:

Discussion head:

Same concerns about information leaks.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Improving DOM Exception console messages.

2012-10-01 Thread Brendan Eich

Ojan Vafai wrote:
This isn't spec'ed anywhere. I agree it would be ideal to get a spec 
for this, but I don't think we need to block on that in this instance. 
This is an area where browsers are completely incompatible already. I 
don't see much benefit from blocking on creating a specification to 
make this situation better for web developers. It's actually not that 
big of a deal if the error messages from different browsers are different.

That error messages and details differ among browsers is not the issue. 
The cross-browser concern is the security model that distinguishes 
errors that can be presented fully to JS and the inspector or a console, 
and those than must be censored from JS.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Ojan Vafai > wrote:

This isn't spec'ed anywhere. I agree it would be ideal to get a
spec for this, but I don't think we need to block on that in this
instance. This is an area where browsers are completely
incompatible already. I don't see much benefit from blocking on
creating a specification to make this situation better for web
developers. It's actually not that big of a deal if the error
messages from different browsers are different.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Ryosuke Niwa>> wrote:

Where is this spec'ed? If we're exposing this to the Web, we
definitely a spec. for this BEFORE implementing it in WebKit.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 2:57 AM, Mike West>> wrote:

I had a brief conversation about this with Adam and Maciej
on IRC
about this, and Ojan chimed in on the bug[1]. Since I'm in
the wrong
time-zone for discussion (and I'd like a wider audience
anyway), I'm
pulling this back to the list.

1. Maciej raised the concern that we might be exposing
information to JavaScript by making the exception's
message more
detailed. For example, if if a resource allowed by CSP
redirects to a
resource disallowed by CSP, we shouldn't give JavaScript
access to the
latter URL.

2. Adam suggested storing the context on the exception
object, using
it for rendering in the console but not exposing it to
JavaScript. The
current patch does this for JSC[2].

3. On the bug, Ojan noted that many apps on the web send
stack traces
back to the server for analysis, and exposing context only
to the
Inspector would deprive these apps of context.

I'd like to ensure that we end up with a solution that WebKit
developers will actually use.

One solution would be to treat SECURITY_ERR differently
than other DOM
exceptions. For instance, SYNTAX_ERR is thrown in a variety of
contexts where security seems to be unaffected ([3] for
instance); for
that error, I don't think there's any concern with
providing the same
string to JavaScript and to the Inspector. For security errors
involving redirects and other information that JavaScript
have access to, we could go the more complicated route of
one string to JavaScript, and the other to the Inspector.

Concretely, this might involve adding two properties to
'context' and 'totallySektitContext' (or similar... :) ).
The first
would always be appended to the message generated in
constructor, the latter only when the error is reported to the
console. At each setDOMException callsite, we'd have to
provide some
mechanism for setting one or both strings. This might
involve turning
ExceptionCode enum into a struct containing the code and
slots for two

Does that seem like a tenable solution?




On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Mike West>> wrote:
> Hello, webkit-dev!
> TL;DR: I'd like to improve the console messages
displayed for DOM
> exceptions. I'm hoping that no one thinks this is a
> miserable idea.
> At the moment, th

Re: [webkit-dev] new -webkit-user-select value: atomic

2012-07-23 Thread Brendan Eich

Alice Cheng wrote:
Could you elaborate more on the difference? Maybe the difference is 
small enough that it makes sense to reuse "all". e.g. Mozilla might 
be willing to change their behavior for "all".

Mozilla is not selecting atomically using shift + right. It also does 
not select atomically upon dragging. These might just be bugs, but we 
do hope Mozilla will clarify their behavior via the www-style thread.

Here is a link:

Mozilla people will take this up on www-style and in the CSS WG. We 
would prefer if vendors not add more divergence to user-select or other 
prefixed properties. We'll try to work quickly to reach consensus in the WG.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding ENABLE_NAVIGATOR_BUILDTYPE to WebCore

2012-06-07 Thread Brendan Eich

Adam Barth wrote:

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

What is the rationale for adding this property on the navigator object
instead of the chrome object we also expose if your'e not expecting this
property to be ever standarized?

Generally, we avoid implementing web visible features via the "chrome"
object because that makes them Chrome-proprietary.  In this case, it
seems entirely reasonable for other browsers (e.g., Firefox) to want
to implement this feature.  By putting it on navigator, we invite them
to implement it as well.

No, that's not how you invite someone to do something, in conventional 
human-to-human interactions :-|. It's a bit aggro -- if it makes a 
de-facto standard, others will follow whether they like it or not. If it 
has undesirable unintended consequences, too bad. As Dean pointed out, 
it also contradicts the pitch in Annie's first message.

As Annie noted, we don't feel the need since our UA string has some [ab] 
cruft in it at the end, and a number after the letter that's important.

But UA groveling sucks. Could we instead discuss navigator.buildType in 
some appropriate W3C or WHATWG list?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] (no subject)

2012-04-29 Thread Brendan Eich

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

I'm actually curious as to how the session participants reached this consensus 
(probably on a separate thread). It seems like the bar shouldn't too high for 
removing prefixed APIs when they are unprefixed equivalents because I'm certain 
web developers want to use the ones that work on all browsers instead of just 
on WebKit.

Here's some evidence that Web developers do not always care about this, and 
that lack of support for webkit-prefixed properties can be detrimental to Web 

I agree with this, including the careful "do not always" and "can be 
detrimental" words ;-).

This message may not be interesting to webkit-dev. Skip if you are not 
interested in prefix usage studies, what Mozilla might do about 
prefixes, etc.

We have been studying prefix usage in:

The situation for Opera is much worse than for Mozilla for many 
properties, e.g. border-radius, where -moz- is often observed to be used 
alongside -webkit-.

See in particular:

The table's tabs don't lay out nicely in bugzilla. Here's my attempt at 
fixing the layout by hand:

base_property  num_domains  num_rules  

animation-count11  100.0
animation-delay5137 80.0
animation-direction810  62.5
animation-duration 73   324 87.9
animation-fill-mode23   50.0
animation-iteration-count  51   78  84.7
animation-name 72   756 87.6
animation-play-state   230.0
animation-timing-function  51   100 94.5
text-size-adjust   779  635299.5
transform-origin   68   196 56.9
transform-origin-y 230.0
transform-style35   50 100.0
transition-delay   19   53  63.2
transition-duration208  853 71.5
transition-property156  491 76.2
transition-timing  120.0
transition-timing-function 45   111 58.9

Clearly Mozilla feels Opera's pain for certain properties, e.g. 
text-size-adjust. Per the bug, 99.5% of 6352 found instances do not have 
unprefixed or -moz-prefixed equivalents of text-size-adjust.

Lack of -webkit- prefix support may not be detrimental to a particular 
browser's mobile web compatibility where that browser engine's prefix 
(or no prefix) is widely used. It depends on the browser and the 
particular style property.

So (just FYI) we at Mozilla are not contemplating emulating -webkit- 
quite so much as Opera may be. We do want to sort this all out in the 
CSS-WG and avoid unnecessary fragmentation.


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] JavaScriptCore and ES6

2011-12-16 Thread Brendan Eich
On Dec 16, 2011, at 1:24 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> In general I think versioning is a bad idea, but out-of-band is even
> worse. is going to have a

use version 6;

in-band pragma.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] JavaScriptCore and ES6

2011-12-15 Thread Brendan Eich
> As you probably know, the ECMA TC39 committee is slowly approaching consensus 
> on a new revision of the ECMAScript language.  The interim results of this 
> process have gone under various names: Harmony,, and ES6.  They are 
> the same thing.

Hi Andy, one nit to pick: Harmony is the full post-ES4 agenda, not just what 
fits in any one edition. So is a subset of Harmony, and we talk about 
proposals being "in Harmony" vs. "strawman". We consider strawman proposals 
that won't make, even as we work to finalize We may reorder 
proposals to correct mistaken priorities or stale decisions. We try to look at 
the big picture and follow the hermeneutic spiral.

Harmony is also an approach to evolving JS (a shared set of requirements, 
goals, technical values and aesthetics if you will), as well as a set of 
evolving proposals that span future editions. See for requirements and 
more links.

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