RE: Amendment Questions

2003-03-03 Thread David Ermer
Matt -- Thanks for the update. I have a couple of suggestions. First, I
hope you understand that I participate in this list because, as an
attorney, I represent covered entities and business associates. As an
attorney and a business associate, I emphasize with the struggles that
covered entities and BAs face in implementing this complicated rule.

I suggest that covered entities in implementing the access and amendment
rights look for flexibility and reasonableness in the designated record
set definition. An individual has the right to request access to and
amend PHI maintained in designated record sets. The covered entity
defines its own designated record sets based on the Privacy Rule's
defintion and then documents its designation in its Ps and Ps.  At a
bare minimum, the designated record set concept structures the scope of
the access and amendment rights.

According to the Privacy Rule, designated record sets are paper or
electronic files that the covered entity uses, in whole or in part, to
make decisions about the individual. The Rule provides specific examples
of designated record sets. The Preamble notes that quality assurance and
peer review records typically are not designated records sets although
they include PHI. The Preamble further states that "information may be
retrieved or retrievable by name, but if it is never used to make
decisions about any individuals, the burdens of requiring a covered
entity to find it and to redact information about other individuals
outweigh any benefits to the individual of having access to the
information."  In the context of the access and amendment rights, I
think that HHS has expressed the reasonableness concept that you have
espoused in the designated record set concept.

Finally, I suggest that if a covered entity takes advantage of the BA
transition rule, it should send each "transitional" BA a letter before
April 14 explaining the situation and identifying the transitional
responsibilities that HHS described on page 39 of the 12/4/02 OCR
guidance. That guidance includes excellent information on the BA
requirement and the transition provision.

Thanks again for the dialogue. 

Best regards, Dave Ermer 

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)
>>> "Matthew Rosenblum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/02/03 23:24 PM >>>

It was an interesting day in Brooklyn yesterday at the HIPAA conference.
And three HHS or OCR attorneys did respond to some questions concerning
access, amendment, and accountings.

Clearly a CE MAY make the amendment if they are able.  And the attorneys
were mindful that, for many of us (in the audience yesterday) who are
struggling to implement a cost-effective process, there is more to this
issue than simply allowing access to the PHI: the ability to find and
together the various places were the PHI resides in order to amend all
of it
no matter where it resides will be very onerous, especially for PHI
prior to the compliance date.

It will be very helpful when to see a clearly written statement from

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
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-Original Message-
From: Matthew Rosenblum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:15 AM
To: 'David Ermer'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions


I must respectfully disagree with your application of the Q&A that you
(below).  Clearly that Q&A was intended to convey HHS' intent that on
after the compliance date the Privacy Rule will protect all PHI that a
creates or maintains about an individual, regardless of when that PHI
created.  No one would disagree with that intent.

However, the Privacy Rule is imbued with "reasonableness" that provides
with guidance against imple

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-03-02 Thread Matthew Rosenblum

It was an interesting day in Brooklyn yesterday at the HIPAA conference.
And three HHS or OCR attorneys did respond to some questions concerning
access, amendment, and accountings.

Clearly a CE MAY make the amendment if they are able.  And the attorneys
were mindful that, for many of us (in the audience yesterday) who are
struggling to implement a cost-effective process, there is more to this
issue than simply allowing access to the PHI: the ability to find and link
together the various places were the PHI resides in order to amend all of it
no matter where it resides will be very onerous, especially for PHI created
prior to the compliance date.

It will be very helpful when to see a clearly written statement from HHS.

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you have received this communication in error, please do not
distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address shown and
delete the original message. Thank you.
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individuo o la entidad a la cual se dirige y puede contener información
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Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
mensaje original. Gracias.

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Rosenblum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:15 AM
To: 'David Ermer'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions


I must respectfully disagree with your application of the Q&A that you cited
(below).  Clearly that Q&A was intended to convey HHS' intent that on and
after the compliance date the Privacy Rule will protect all PHI that a CE
creates or maintains about an individual, regardless of when that PHI was
created.  No one would disagree with that intent.

However, the Privacy Rule is imbued with "reasonableness" that provides us
with guidance against implementing onerous processes that would be untenable
and too costly.  (This concept has been greatly advanced and supported by
the recently published Security Rules.)  Consequently, and in a number of
instances, the Privacy Rule reflects this notion by NOT mandating that CE's
implement certain retrieval processes with regard to PHI created prior to
the compliance date, for example "accountings of disclosure".  Further, the
"transition" rule is relevant to this notion, because the CE is in some
instances NOT obligated to execute the BAC until one year after the
compliance date, and until that is done, what would be the BA's legal
obligation to assist in the amendment of the PHI unless specified in a

Please advise.

Your questions are always welcome. 

Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you have received this communication in error, please do not
distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address shown and
delete the original message. Thank you.
AVISO DEL CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este email es solamente para el uso del
individuo o la entidad a la cual se dirige y puede contener información
privilegiada, confidencial y exenta de acceso bajo la ley aplicable. Si
usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo distribuya.
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
mensaje original. Gracias.
-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- Here is an interesting excerpt from the 12/28/00 HHS Preamble
which clearly supports my position:

"Comment: Several comments raised questions about the application of the
rule to individually identifiable information created prior to (1) the
effective date of the rule, and (2) the compliance dates of the rule.
One commenter suggested that the rule should apply only to information
gathered after the effective date of the final rule. 

Response: We disagree with 

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-03-02 Thread Matthew Rosenblum

No one here is saying otherwise.  It is clear that the Privacy rule applies
to all PHI maintained by the Covered Entity.  And it is also clear that a CE
must only provide an accounting for PHI disclosed AFTER the compliance date
for those disclosures specified by HIPAA.

However, apparently there is some confusion about whether or not a CE is
responsible for acquiescing to all requests to amend PHI created prior to
the compliance date.  Clearly a CE MAY make the amendment if they are able.
But, for those of us who are struggling to implement a cost-effective
process, there is more to this issue than simply allowing access to the PHI:
the ability to find and link together the various places were the PHI
resides in order to amend all of it no matter where it resides will be very
onerous, especially for PHI created prior to the compliance date.

And in this light, it is very interesting to me that the HHS attorney that I
heard (speak) yesterday in Brooklyn was much less emphatic when considering
these issues than was the attorney in Chicago that you heard (speak).  And
it is for this reason that I would like to see a clearly written statement
from HHS.

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you have received this communication in error, please do not
distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address shown and
delete the original message. Thank you.
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individuo o la entidad a la cual se dirige y puede contener información
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usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo distribuya.
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
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-Original Message-
From: Rachel Foerster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 7:14 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

And just to reinforce Dave's comments at today's CMS/OCR Privacy meeting
in Chicago an OCR attorney explicitly stated that health information
held by a covered entity that was created or received prior to 4/14/03
IS subject to all of the privacy rule's requirements on and AFTER
4/14/03. In other words, the CE must account for all disclosures of
health information that occur after 4/14/03 to health information it had
in its possession prior to 4/14/03, and likewise, health information in
its possession prior to 4/14/03 is subject to a request for an amendment
by the individual on and after 4/14/03 as well as the individual having
the right of access to that health information.

The same OCR attorney also cautioned the audience that if the CE
modified its NPP subsequent to its original NPP that must be provided on
and after 4/14/03 it should take care to ensure that there is language
in the modified NPP to indicate that the NPP applies not only to health
information created or received after the new NPP but also to ALL health
held by the CE prior to the newly modified NPP.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Voice: 847-872-8070

This transmission may be confidential or protected from disclosure and
is only for review and use by the intended recipient.  Access by anyone
else is unauthorized. Any unauthorized reader is hereby notified that
any review, use, dissemination, disclosure or copying of this
information, or any act or omission taken in reliance on it, is
prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you received this transmission in
error, please notify the sender immediately.  Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 1:18 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- The Q&A demonstrates that HHS intends that the Privacy Rule
generally apply to all PHI that the CE maintains as of 4/14/03. If HHS
had intended to exempt from the access and amendment rights PHI created
before 4/14/03 it would have said so in the § 164.524 and § 164.526 of
the Rule. 

The Privacy Rule is a law.  Administrative rules are interpreted in
accordance with the standards of statutory construction. The U.S.
Supreme Court has ruled that "When Congress [or another law maker --
here HHS] includes particular language in one section of a statute [here
the pre-4/14/03 disclosure e

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-03-02 Thread Rachel Foerster
And just to reinforce Dave's comments at today's CMS/OCR Privacy meeting
in Chicago an OCR attorney explicitly stated that health information
held by a covered entity that was created or received prior to 4/14/03
IS subject to all of the privacy rule's requirements on and AFTER
4/14/03. In other words, the CE must account for all disclosures of
health information that occur after 4/14/03 to health information it had
in its possession prior to 4/14/03, and likewise, health information in
its possession prior to 4/14/03 is subject to a request for an amendment
by the individual on and after 4/14/03 as well as the individual having
the right of access to that health information.

The same OCR attorney also cautioned the audience that if the CE
modified its NPP subsequent to its original NPP that must be provided on
and after 4/14/03 it should take care to ensure that there is language
in the modified NPP to indicate that the NPP applies not only to health
information created or received after the new NPP but also to ALL health
held by the CE prior to the newly modified NPP.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Voice: 847-872-8070

This transmission may be confidential or protected from disclosure and
is only for review and use by the intended recipient.  Access by anyone
else is unauthorized. Any unauthorized reader is hereby notified that
any review, use, dissemination, disclosure or copying of this
information, or any act or omission taken in reliance on it, is
prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you received this transmission in
error, please notify the sender immediately.  Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 1:18 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- The Q&A demonstrates that HHS intends that the Privacy Rule
generally apply to all PHI that the CE maintains as of 4/14/03. If HHS
had intended to exempt from the access and amendment rights PHI created
before 4/14/03 it would have said so in the § 164.524 and § 164.526 of
the Rule. 

The Privacy Rule is a law.  Administrative rules are interpreted in
accordance with the standards of statutory construction. The U.S.
Supreme Court has ruled that "When Congress [or another law maker --
here HHS] includes particular language in one section of a statute [here
the pre-4/14/03 disclosure exception from the accounting for disclosures
section"] but omits it from another section of the same Act [or other
law -- here §§ 164.524 and 164.526], it is generally presumed that
Congress [or the pertinent law maker] acts intentionally and
purposefully in the disparate inclusion or exclusion." Bates v. United
States, 522 U.S. 23, 29-30 (1997). In my opinion, a CE cannot just
create additional exceptions to the amendment right because they might
make sense.

I personally don't think that access and amendment rights are
particularly onerous to implement as there are a number of fairly broad,
express exceptions to the amendment right. The amendment right, by the
way, was the subject of a Seinfeld episode in which Kramer
unsuccessfully tried to get Elaine's medical records from her doctor who
had noted that Elaine was a troublemaker.

As for the BA transition rule, if after 4/14/03 a CE receives an
amendment request, and the CE believes that the amendment request should
be granted, it must pass that information to the business associate. If
the contract provisions are not in place, I imagine that a BA could
refuse to process the amendment. I don't know why a BA would refuse to
do so, but in that case, the CE should hold onto the amendment request,
and once the BA contract provisions are in place, then it should require
the BA to process the amendment in accordance with the contract and the
Privacy Rule.

I agree with you that there are a lot of ambiguities in this complex
Rule, but I don't think that the amendment question falls into this
category.  Remember under the law, you don't get into a reasonableness
analysis when the language of the regulation is unambiguous. I do
appreciate all the prompt advice that you give CE's on this list serv
and this exchange in particular. if HHS provides more guidance, let us

Best regards, Dave Ermer

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/01/03 12:15AM >>>

I must respectfully disagree with your application of the Q&A that you
cited (below).  Clearly that Q&A was intended to convey HHS' intent that
on and after the compliance date the Privacy Rule will protect all PHI
that a CE creates or maintains about an individual, regardless of when

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-03-02 Thread David Ermer
 mostrada y
elimine el
mensaje original. Gracias.
-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- Here is an interesting excerpt from the 12/28/00 HHS Preamble
which clearly supports my position:

"Comment: Several comments raised questions about the application of
rule to individually identifiable information created prior to (1) the
effective date of the rule, and (2) the compliance dates of the rule.
One commenter suggested that the rule should apply only to information
gathered after the effective date of the final rule. 

Response: We disagree with the commenter's suggestion. The
of this regulation apply to all protected health information held by a
covered entity, regardless of when or how the covered entity obtained
the information. Congress required us to adopted privacy standards
apply to individually identifiable health information. While it
the compliance date for health plans, covered health care providers,
healthcare clearinghouses, it did not provide similar limiting
with regard to individually identifiable health information.
uses and disclosures of protected health information made by a covered
entity after the compliance date of this regulation must meet the
requirements of these rules. Uses or disclosures of individually
identifiable health information made prior to the compliance date are
not affected; covered entities will not be sanctioned under this rule
based on past uses or disclosures that are inconsistent with this

I agree with you that CE's should clarify gray areas in their NPPs. I
not find this amendment question to be a gray area, however. I find
BA transition provision irrelevant to the resolution of this issue.
Please refer to the following excerpted BA guidance from the 12/4/02

"Q: What are a covered entity's obligations under the HIPAA Privacy
with respect to protected health information held by a business
associate during the contract transition period?
A: During the contract transition period, covered entities must
the following responsibilities with respect to protected health
information held by their business associates:

   * * *
Fulfill an individual's rights to access and amend his or her
health information contained in a designated record set, including
information held by a business associate, if appropriate, and receive
accounting of disclosures by a business associate."
I would be interested in any further clarification that HHS may
but written guidance already is out there.

Best regards, Dave Ermer

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax) 
>>> "Matthew Rosenblum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/28/03 21:03 PM >>>

In many instances the CE's DSR is maintained by a BA, and those CE-BA
relationships are subject to the "transition" requirements and the
timing of
the execution of the BAC.  Given this, and the explicit exemption
"accountings" for PHI created prior to the "compliance date", I would
that HHS's intention would be to allow the CE to start with the
date" and go forward from that day.

But I agree with you that this may be a "gray" area, and that is why I
suggested to Pat that the NPP would let the individual (patient) know
the CE may be "allowed" to do.

I would certainly like to hear from the folks at HHS and OCR about
I'll be at the HIPAA conference in Brooklyn tomorrow, and if I have an
opportunity to ask, I will.
I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under
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distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address
delete the original message. Thank you.
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usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y
elimine el
mensaje or

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-02-28 Thread Matthew Rosenblum

I must respectfully disagree with your application of the Q&A that you cited
(below).  Clearly that Q&A was intended to convey HHS' intent that on and
after the compliance date the Privacy Rule will protect all PHI that a CE
creates or maintains about an individual, regardless of when that PHI was
created.  No one would disagree with that intent.

However, the Privacy Rule is imbued with "reasonableness" that provides us
with guidance against implementing onerous processes that would be untenable
and too costly.  (This concept has been greatly advanced and supported by
the recently published Security Rules.)  Consequently, and in a number of
instances, the Privacy Rule reflects this notion by NOT mandating that CE's
implement certain retrieval processes with regard to PHI created prior to
the compliance date, for example "accountings of disclosure".  Further, the
"transition" rule is relevant to this notion, because the CE is in some
instances NOT obligated to execute the BAC until one year after the
compliance date, and until that is done, what would be the BA's legal
obligation to assist in the amendment of the PHI unless specified in a

Please advise.

Your questions are always welcome. 

Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you have received this communication in error, please do not
distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address shown and
delete the original message. Thank you.
AVISO DEL CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este email es solamente para el uso del
individuo o la entidad a la cual se dirige y puede contener información
privilegiada, confidencial y exenta de acceso bajo la ley aplicable. Si
usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo distribuya.
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
mensaje original. Gracias.
-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- Here is an interesting excerpt from the 12/28/00 HHS Preamble
which clearly supports my position:

"Comment: Several comments raised questions about the application of the
rule to individually identifiable information created prior to (1) the
effective date of the rule, and (2) the compliance dates of the rule.
One commenter suggested that the rule should apply only to information
gathered after the effective date of the final rule. 

Response: We disagree with the commenter's suggestion. The requirements
of this regulation apply to all protected health information held by a
covered entity, regardless of when or how the covered entity obtained
the information. Congress required us to adopted privacy standards that
apply to individually identifiable health information. While it limited
the compliance date for health plans, covered health care providers, and
healthcare clearinghouses, it did not provide similar limiting language
with regard to individually identifiable health information. Therefore,
uses and disclosures of protected health information made by a covered
entity after the compliance date of this regulation must meet the
requirements of these rules. Uses or disclosures of individually
identifiable health information made prior to the compliance date are
not affected; covered entities will not be sanctioned under this rule
based on past uses or disclosures that are inconsistent with this

I agree with you that CE's should clarify gray areas in their NPPs. I do
not find this amendment question to be a gray area, however. I find the
BA transition provision irrelevant to the resolution of this issue.
Please refer to the following excerpted BA guidance from the 12/4/02 OCR

"Q: What are a covered entity's obligations under the HIPAA Privacy Rule
with respect to protected health information held by a business
associate during the contract transition period?
A: During the contract transition period, covered entities must observe
the following responsibilities with respect to protected health
information held by their business associates:

   * * *
Fulfill an individual's rights to access and amend his or her protected
health information contained in a designated record set, including
information held by a business associate, if appropriate, and receive an
accounting of disclosures by a business associate."
I would be interested in any further clarification that HHS may pro

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-02-28 Thread David Ermer
Matt -- Here is an interesting excerpt from the 12/28/00 HHS Preamble
which clearly supports my position:

"Comment: Several comments raised questions about the application of the
rule to individually identifiable information created prior to (1) the
effective date of the rule, and (2) the compliance dates of the rule.
One commenter suggested that the rule should apply only to information
gathered after the effective date of the final rule. 

Response: We disagree with the commenter's suggestion. The requirements
of this regulation apply to all protected health information held by a
covered entity, regardless of when or how the covered entity obtained
the information. Congress required us to adopted privacy standards that
apply to individually identifiable health information. While it limited
the compliance date for health plans, covered health care providers, and
healthcare clearinghouses, it did not provide similar limiting language
with regard to individually identifiable health information. Therefore,
uses and disclosures of protected health information made by a covered
entity after the compliance date of this regulation must meet the
requirements of these rules. Uses or disclosures of individually
identifiable health information made prior to the compliance date are
not affected; covered entities will not be sanctioned under this rule
based on past uses or disclosures that are inconsistent with this

I agree with you that CE's should clarify gray areas in their NPPs. I do
not find this amendment question to be a gray area, however. I find the
BA transition provision irrelevant to the resolution of this issue.
Please refer to the following excerpted BA guidance from the 12/4/02 OCR

"Q: What are a covered entity's obligations under the HIPAA Privacy Rule
with respect to protected health information held by a business
associate during the contract transition period?
A: During the contract transition period, covered entities must observe
the following responsibilities with respect to protected health
information held by their business associates:

   * * *
Fulfill an individual's rights to access and amend his or her protected
health information contained in a designated record set, including
information held by a business associate, if appropriate, and receive an
accounting of disclosures by a business associate."
I would be interested in any further clarification that HHS may provide,
but written guidance already is out there.

Best regards, Dave Ermer

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)
>>> "Matthew Rosenblum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/28/03 21:03 PM >>>

In many instances the CE's DSR is maintained by a BA, and those CE-BA
relationships are subject to the "transition" requirements and the
timing of
the execution of the BAC.  Given this, and the explicit exemption given
"accountings" for PHI created prior to the "compliance date", I would
that HHS's intention would be to allow the CE to start with the
date" and go forward from that day.

But I agree with you that this may be a "gray" area, and that is why I
suggested to Pat that the NPP would let the individual (patient) know
the CE may be "allowed" to do.

I would certainly like to hear from the folks at HHS and OCR about this
I'll be at the HIPAA conference in Brooklyn tomorrow, and if I have an
opportunity to ask, I will.
I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
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-----Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:20 AM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- I respectfully quest

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-02-28 Thread Matthew Rosenblum

In many instances the CE's DSR is maintained by a BA, and those CE-BA
relationships are subject to the "transition" requirements and the timing of
the execution of the BAC.  Given this, and the explicit exemption given for
"accountings" for PHI created prior to the "compliance date", I would say
that HHS's intention would be to allow the CE to start with the "compliance
date" and go forward from that day.

But I agree with you that this may be a "gray" area, and that is why I
suggested to Pat that the NPP would let the individual (patient) know what
the CE may be "allowed" to do.

I would certainly like to hear from the folks at HHS and OCR about this one.
I'll be at the HIPAA conference in Brooklyn tomorrow, and if I have an
opportunity to ask, I will.
I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
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AVISO DEL CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este email es solamente para el uso del
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Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
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-Original Message-
From: David Ermer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:20 AM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Amendment Questions

Matt -- I respectfully question your response. The Privacy Rule, 45 CFR §
164.526(a), states that individuals have the right to request an
amendment as long as the CE holds the PHI in a designated record set. 
Neither § 164.526 or § 164.524 (the access right) create an exception
for PHI created or received before 4/14/03.  If such an exception were
implicit in the Privacy Rule then there would have been no need for the
express exception found in § 164.528 for otherwise accountable
disclosures occurring before 4/14/03. 

Obviously, the right to request an amendment is prospective. A CE is
not obligated to search its files for amendment requests that it may
have received and denied before April 14. But in my opinion, beginning
April 14, an individual is entitled to request PHI access or amendment
with respect to PHI created before that date found in the CE's
designated records sets.

Best regards, Dave Ermer

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)

>>> "Matthew Rosenblum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/27/03 08:22PM >>>

1) It depends what you say in your NPP, but HIPAA does not mandate that
a CE
include past information (i.e., PHI created prior to the compliance

2)  HIPAA does NOT require a "written" request from the individual

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs 
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of
individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under
law. If you have received this communication in error, please do not
distribute it.  Please notify the sender by E-Mail at the address shown
delete the original message. Thank you.
AVISO DEL CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este email es solamente para el uso del
individuo o la entidad a la cual se dirige y puede contener
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usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y
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mensaje original. Gracias.

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Conroe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:31 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: Amendment Questions

I have two questions regarding amendment of the medical/billing record.
Do we have to amend info kept prior to the deadline?  (The disclosure

RE: Amendment Questions

2003-02-28 Thread David Ermer
Matt -- I respectfully question your response. The Privacy Rule, 45 CFR §
164.526(a), states that individuals have the right to request an
amendment as long as the CE holds the PHI in a designated record set. 
Neither § 164.526 or § 164.524 (the access right) create an exception
for PHI created or received before 4/14/03.  If such an exception were
implicit in the Privacy Rule then there would have been no need for the
express exception found in § 164.528 for otherwise accountable
disclosures occurring before 4/14/03. 

Obviously, the right to request an amendment is prospective. A CE is
not obligated to search its files for amendment requests that it may
have received and denied before April 14. But in my opinion, beginning
April 14, an individual is entitled to request PHI access or amendment
with respect to PHI created before that date found in the CE's
designated records sets.

Best regards, Dave Ermer

Gordon & Barnett
Attorneys at Law
1133 21st St., NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
202-833-3400 ext 3009 (voice)
202-223-0120 (fax)

>>> "Matthew Rosenblum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/27/03 08:22PM >>>

1) It depends what you say in your NPP, but HIPAA does not mandate that
a CE
include past information (i.e., PHI created prior to the compliance

2)  HIPAA does NOT require a "written" request from the individual

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs 
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
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individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
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delete the original message. Thank you.
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usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor no lo
Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y
elimine el
mensaje original. Gracias.

-Original Message-
From: Patricia Conroe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:31 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: Amendment Questions

I have two questions regarding amendment of the medical/billing record.
Do we have to amend info kept prior to the deadline?  (The disclosure
specifically says you do not, but nothing on the amendment.  What about
those places that have info on microfilm?)  and 2.  When a patient
regarding charges on their bill and after investigation it's discovered
those charges are in fact wrong and shouldn't be there.  Do you go
the whole amendment process (we have 3 different forms right now for
amending info) or is this something we can just go ahead and do? 
Thanks for
your help!

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RE: Amendment Questions

2003-02-27 Thread Matthew Rosenblum

1) It depends what you say in your NPP, but HIPAA does not mandate that a CE
include past information (i.e., PHI created prior to the compliance date)

2)  HIPAA does NOT require a "written" request from the individual

I hope that this helps.
Your questions are always welcome.
Matthew Rosenblum
Chief Operations Officer
Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs
CPI Directions, Inc.
10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922
New York, NY 10011
(212) 675-6367
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the
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Favor notificar al remitente del E-Mail a la dirección mostrada y elimine el
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-Original Message-
From: Patricia Conroe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:31 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: Amendment Questions

I have two questions regarding amendment of the medical/billing record.  1.
Do we have to amend info kept prior to the deadline?  (The disclosure log
specifically says you do not, but nothing on the amendment.  What about all
those places that have info on microfilm?)  and 2.  When a patient calls
regarding charges on their bill and after investigation it's discovered that
those charges are in fact wrong and shouldn't be there.  Do you go through
the whole amendment process (we have 3 different forms right now for
amending info) or is this something we can just go ahead and do?  Thanks for
your help!

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