[weewx-development] request for update cmon extension for ubuntu 16.04

2016-10-18 Thread Eelco F
Actually this a question for Matthew Wall. I'm using the cmon extension for 
a while new, with success. Thank you for that.

However, recently I changed hardware for our weatherstation, which is now 
running ubuntu server 16.04.

Since then, CPU_temp is no longer read out, and also neteth0rbytes and 
tbytes are now longer written to the graphs. I think the latter must be due 
to ubuntu which calls eth0 enp0s25 now. This is due to systemd.

Is it possible to adapt the code from cmon, to sort this out? 
Or could I adapt the code in cmon.py myself? I don't know a lot about 
python, though. But i can see that eth0 is mentioned in cmon.py as network 

Many thanks in advance,


[weewx-development] Re: request for update cmon extension for ubuntu 16.04

2016-10-18 Thread Eelco F
Thank you for your quick reply. I understand your frustration on systemd, 
and was completely surprised myself to find out my network interface wasn't 
called eth0 anymore...

However I can try to rename it, but I control the server remotely over ssh, 
and don't want to break the connection off course, or I'll lock myself out.
For the moment, I'm not considering to travel with keyboard and monitor to 
our sailing pavillion to sort this all out, and leave that as it is, I'm 

I'll dive into option number 2, when I have time for that. I'll keep you 
updated on that.

But thank you for your effort, I anyway really appreciate your extensions 
to weewx!


Op dinsdag 18 oktober 2016 20:02:33 UTC+2 schreef mwall:
> On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 1:25:14 PM UTC-4, Eelco F wrote:
>> Since then, CPU_temp is no longer read out, and also neteth0rbytes and 
>> tbytes are now longer written to the graphs. I think the latter must be due 
>> to ubuntu which calls eth0 enp0s25 now. This is due to systemd.
> why must the little children at redhat break everything with their shiny 
> turd called systemd?  i have many systems whose network interface will only 
> every be eth0, so i have absolutely no need for 'predictable network 
> interface naming', and i definitely do not want my init system to choose 
> the name of my network interfaces, any more than i want my init system to 
> give me binary logs or doing my dns or dhcp or any of the other things that 
> systemd seems to be compelled to overrun.
> not only that, sometimes it is actually desirable to be able to refer to 
> the network interface generically.
> it is hard enough to write code that works across multiple operating 
> systems.  the last thing we need is clowns like the systemd developers 
> changing things arbitrarily, with no reliable backward compatibility.
> i understand what they are trying to do, but the way they do it is 
> disruptive in a very unhelpful way.
> sigh.
>> Is it possible to adapt the code from cmon, to sort this out? 
>> Or could I adapt the code in cmon.py myself? I don't know a lot about 
>> python, though. But i can see that eth0 is mentioned in cmon.py as network 
>> interface.
> cmon does need a proper update.  it has a lot of platform-specific code, 
> and there's nothing wrong with that.  but the implementation is a bit 
> brittle.  at the very least, i have to figure out how systemd does things 
> and deal with yet another special case for that.
> you might figure out how to get 'classic' interface naming from systemd.  
> according to this, it should be possible:
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/
> modifying cmon is a bit tricky.
> cmon gets the network interface names dynamically from the operating 
> system, including eth0.  if you look at the raw packets from cmon (run 
> weewxd directly), you should see net_xxx_* observation names.
> the problem with eth0 in particular is that the label 'eth0' is used in 
> the database schema for cmon.
> so you have at least two options:
> option 1: in the cmon code, map whatever name you get from systemd back to 
> eth0.
> option 2: rewrite your database schema, i.e., change the column names from 
> *_eth0_* to *_xxx_* where xxx is whatever name you're getting from systemd.
> option 2 will probably be much easier than option 1.
> m

[weewx-development] Re: request for update cmon extension for ubuntu 16.04

2016-10-23 Thread Eelco F
I tried to edit the column names in DB browser sqlite editor. I didn't really 
succeed in that
I was looking at cmon.py again. I noticed that in the first part you define the 
variabels used in cmon.sdb. I think I could edit that part, and just add new 
columns for the network interface or change for instantie the eth1 part. Then I 
will let it create a complete new database. I'll try that.
Is it possible to read out cpu_temp on a non raspberry device?

[weewx-development] Re: request for update cmon extension for ubuntu 16.04

2016-12-15 Thread Eelco F
Just an update. 

I replaced the references to eth0 in enp0s25 in cmon.py en let it rebuild 
an new database. That worked. Then I changed skin.conf to show 
net_enp0s25_rbytes (and _tbytes) instead of eth0. The graphs are showing 
the correct values now.

As for cpu_temp, I installed lm-senors, and then found temp2_input and 
temp3_input in /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon0

I edited the corresponding line in cmon.py, and the graphs now show two 
cpu_temps, for my dual core processor. However these readout seem to be 
fixed on 25 and 29 degrees C, somehow.

Op zondag 23 oktober 2016 17:50:24 UTC+2 schreef Eelco F:
> I tried to edit the column names in DB browser sqlite editor. I didn't 
> really succeed in that
> I was looking at cmon.py again. I noticed that in the first part you 
> define the variabels used in cmon.sdb. I think I could edit that part, and 
> just add new columns for the network interface or change for instantie the 
> eth1 part. Then I will let it create a complete new database. I'll try that.
> Is it possible to read out cpu_temp on a non raspberry device?

[weewx-development] Re: weewxd dies when weather station goes offline

2017-07-10 Thread Eelco F
It's the intercepror that gives a fault. Maybe you should contact matthew 
wall about this.

Op vrijdag 19 mei 2017 22:33:29 UTC+2 schreef Frits Schouten:
> Sorry, about forgetting the syslog output. I was distracted with another 
> computer fault.
> Please find attached a section of the syslog file involving the death of 
> weewx.
> Cheers,
> Frits.
> On Friday, 19 May 2017 18:59:43 UTC+12, Frits Schouten wrote:
>> I recently had an issue with my WeatherSleuth which required it to go off 
>> line (power down) for some time.
>> When put back on line I was not getting any recordings in the database.
>> Looking up my server I found weewxd was killed and Ubuntu reporting an 
>> error with weewxd.
>> Did anyone had any issues like this before?
>> Cheers,
>> Frits

[weewx-development] WOW metoffice (British Weather Observations Website) post_interval time period

2019-01-27 Thread Eelco F
I'm using weewx 3.8.2 for a while now.

I'm also using the WOW upload. In restx.py the post_interval is hardcoded 
to 900 seconds. However the fag at 
https://www.wow.metoffice.gov.uk/support/faq#6.6 recommend an upload 
interval of at least 5 minutes, which is at least 300 seconds.
The WOW website of the british metoffice and the dutch version at 
https://wow.knmi.nl by default show values of a time period of 10 minutes. 
This caused my stations to disappear from the sites every once and a while, 
since no report was made within the last 10 minutes (with 

I manually changed the value of 900 myself to 480 for now, so reporting 
will be done every 8 minutes.

I noticed version 3.9.0 is on the way, so I would like to ask the 
developers to either decrease the hardcoded post_interval for WOW, or make 
it available as an configurable option in weewx.conf.

Just my two cents, Keep up the good work!

[weewx-development] Re: WOW metoffice (British Weather Observations Website) post_interval time period

2019-01-29 Thread Eelco F
I'll give that a try, didn't come tot my mind to just try it.but it 
works...Thnax for that.

I did notice however 480 is not a very useful value, since restx.py runs 
every 5 minutes. I changed it to 600 now. However I get "too many 
observation " when it's set to 600. So the faq on wow.metoffice.gov.uk 
maybe isn't entrirley right.

So nevermind, since it is configurable in weewx.conf all is right.


Op zondag 27 januari 2019 22:21:43 UTC+1 schreef gjr80:
> Hi,
> So using post_interval = 480 under [[WOW]] in weewx.conf doesn't work?
> Gary