Problems with w2k in wget-1.9

2003-10-16 Thread Bloodflowers [Tuth 10]
First: the stupid errors (Winsock's fault)

It is true that the winsock functions do not set errno, its actually pretty 
simple to grab  the error code

errno = WSAGetLastError();

this should suffice. Unfortunately, even if the error is set properly, 
strerror() will NOT give out the result. It'll just go back to the "Unknown 
error" wiich I must say is MUCH MUCH better than the stupid errors it has 
been giving me, like :"Bad file descriptor" or "No such file or directory".

But there are more problems with wget, and they're not recent. I've been 
tryin' with older versions of wget (1.8.2) and am having these very same 
problems on w2k machines. Whenever a transfer fails it will start giving 
10093 Errors and is never able to connect again.

according to MSDN, this is what it means:

Successful WSAStartup not yet performed.
Either the application has not called WSAStartup or WSAStartup failed. The 
application may be accessing a socket that the current active task does not 
own (that is, trying to share a socket between tasks), or WSACleanup has 
been called too many times.

I haven't checked the error code that is given when the connection dies( 
stupid me, forget to make wget spit the error code >.< with a bit of luck by 
tomorrow I'll know it).

I'm gonna go over the code later on, and see if I can track down the 
problem. I'll post something more if there's anything usefull to report.

Thanks for everything :)

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Problems ands suggestions

2003-10-06 Thread Bloodflowers [Tuth 10]
I'm a big fan of wget. I've been usnig it for quite a while now, and am now 
testing the 1.9beta3 on win2k.

First of all, I'd like to suggest a couple of things:
# it should be possible to tell wget to ignore a couple of errors:
  	FTPLOGINC // FTPs often give out this error when they're full. I want it 
to keep trying
   CONREFUSED // the FTP may be temporarily down
   FTPLOGREFUSED // the FTP may be full
   FTPSRVERR // freakish errors happen every once in a while

# if I tell to download files from a list, and it fails, it should still 
obey the waitretry timeout as was pointed out by someone else earlier (I 
don't have the time right now to go look for the post)

and now for the problem:

Apparently, when wget has a problem during a transfer in win32 and dies, it 
the starts saying:
"failed: No such file or directory"

this has hapened to me on HTTPs, I have to check to see what the real error 
is (I'm guessing CONREFUSED), but it shouldn't be givin this error anyway.

thanks for everything ;)

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