Re: [wicket-user] VOTE

2006-02-17 Thread Dan Gould
1. Give me the constructor change and the Java 5 functionality in one pass (Wicket 2.0) +1 --- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search engine that makes

Re: [Wicket-user] Getting WebResponse

2006-02-05 Thread Dan Gould
1.1 should already have getOriginalResponse() to solve the problem Juergen Thanks Juergen. Unfortunately, I don't really want to get the original response. I want to get the actual response (after the redirect), either as a WebResponse or something else where I could call

Re: [Wicket-user] Getting WebResponse

2006-02-05 Thread Dan Gould
Thank you both, Johan and Juergen. I haven't had a chance to try 1.2 yet, but I'm glad to hear that I can do what I want with it. I'll hopefully be able to try the snapshot soon. --- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you

[Wicket-user] Getting WebResponse

2006-02-04 Thread Dan Gould
I'm getting an exception in Wicket 1.1. I'd file a bug, but since so much of this has already been refactored, I'll just pass it along in case: During Page.configureResponse, I try to call RequestCycle.getWebResponse() and Wicket throws a ClassCastException. Apparently, it replaces the

[Wicket-user] Page reloads

2006-02-02 Thread Dan Gould
Hi, This may not be a wicket problem, but I tried it with regular HTML pages and it worked, but then tried with Wicket and it didn't so, I'll ask here: My users will often start on page A, then go to page B, then hit the back button to return to page A. However, by clicking from A to B, I

[Wicket-user] Wicket Hibernate session boundaries

2006-01-30 Thread Dan Gould
I use Spring's openSessionInViewInterceptor to handle opening and closing Hibernate sessions. It seems to work fine when I hit pages directly. However, when I have a wicket POST that then redirects to a response page, I get Unexpected RuntimeException ... Caused by:

[Wicket-user] Best way to deploy wicket app under root

2006-01-16 Thread Dan Gould
Hi all, First, thanks for all your help over time when writing my current Wicket app. We're getting ready to go live. Currently, I'm running it in Tomcat (while I don't know if there's a big advantage, I could put Apache in front of it). Right now, my app is running as

[Wicket-user] Re: Re: Best way to deploy wicket app under root

2006-01-16 Thread Dan Gould
I actually put Apache in front of Tomcat for serving the static content. It seems to be going well: Thank you. However, I was wondering if I can get rid of that redirect somehow. So, if there's no filename, it will serve the dynamic content (from wicket) while, if there is a filename, it

Re: [Wicket-user] There must be some docs somewhere?

2005-11-17 Thread Dan Gould
Sam Gendler wrote: ... The nice thing is that if examples use a fairly generic DAO abstraction, it should be possible to provide nice examples that aren't dependant upon any particular suite of technologies. Just describe the DAO interface and then use those them to access standard POJOs.

Re: [Wicket-user] simple bookmarkable url

2005-11-08 Thread Dan Gould
Jeff Miller wrote: I considered recommending page=. It would be better than bookmarkablePage=. Allowing page= in conjunction with alias would certainly allow simpler urls. +1 --- SF.Net email is sponsored by: Tame your development

[Wicket-user] Re: Allow forcing of PageMap where Page will be added on creation?

2005-11-07 Thread Dan Gould
Igor Vaynberg wrote: ahh yes, the web2.0 page as the application. ick. maybe we can add requestcycle.replaceAndRender(Component c) ? It seems to me that Janne's use-case would be better addressed by allowing Page.add(Component) and Page.remove(component) at runtime. So, using AJAX, you

[Wicket-user] Page Expiration

2005-11-01 Thread Dan Gould
If I load a wicket page that contains some PageLinks, then I walk away for awhile and then come back and click on one of the links, I get sent to the Page Expired page. (I haven't restarted the server or hit any other pages in the meantime). I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm

Re: [Wicket-user] Problem with multiple submit buttons in form

2005-10-30 Thread Dan Gould
Thanks Andrew (and everyone) -- my dumb mistake. [I'm in the cleanup phase of the beta for my new app; I'll send a link to wicket-user pretty soon to try out.] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by the JBoss Inc. Get Certified Today *

[Wicket-user] PageMaps and BookmarkablePageLinks

2005-10-28 Thread Dan Gould
This should (hopefully) be rather simple: for one particular page, I use frames. So, I have a link to the page with the frames. Then, the top and bottom frames have their own pagemap (example at But, when I leave the framed page, I

[Wicket-user] Re: PageMaps and BookmarkablePageLinks

2005-10-28 Thread Dan Gould
Johan Compagner wrote: jumping from one pagemap to another with a link is not really possible i think at the moment. I think for this we need a new kind of link.. Thanks Johan-- My recommendation would be to have another constructor for BookmarkablePageLink (and some other types of links)

[Wicket-user] Problem with multiple submit buttons in form

2005-10-28 Thread Dan Gould
I'm trying to create a form with multiple submit buttons follow the example on The buttons' onSubmit isn't getting called. [However, the Form's onSubit IS getting called.] My HTML looks like form id=backForm

Re: [Wicket-user] Typical use case problem

2005-10-02 Thread Dan Gould
On 9/30/05, Dorel Vaida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't know about dojo but some java ajax implementations (DWR) propagate the exceptions back to the client. Wouldn't be that acceptable for a validation error for example ? I know that that dojo.bind lets you bind an error handler

Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket, Tomcat, and file descriptors

2005-09-26 Thread Dan Gould
Thanks Francis, I'll give that a try. Is there any reason why getSettings.setResourcePollFrequency() should create tons of open references to wicket.jar? I don't know if it's an expected behavior or not, but if it's a fixable bug, it would probably be a smart idea to fix. Thaks, Dan

[Wicket-user] Wicket, Tomcat, and file descriptors

2005-09-25 Thread Dan Gould
I've just moved my wicket app over to a server with Tomcat for deployment. After leaving it up for a few days, I can no longer connect. The error logs say I'm out of file descriptors. When I got to /proc/[PID]/fd and ls -l, I see a whole bunch of lines like: lr-x-- 1 dlg dlg 64 Sep 25

Re: [Wicket-user] new autocomplete components

2005-09-05 Thread Dan Gould
Eelco Hillenius wrote: Smart! So you got around the problem of not being able yet to render just one component by just rendering a whole page. It is something Juergen is working on (he created a branch for it). When that works, we could just render components directly, switch it on/ off etc.

Re: [Wicket-user] Spring Integration

2005-08-22 Thread Dan Gould
Martin Fey's SpringAwareModel / SpringBeanModel seem to be a pretty good solution to the whole Spring integration issue. [There might be lots more that can be done, but I'm not enough of an expert at Spring or Wicket to think of anything better.] When I get a chance, I'll add some notes on

[Wicket-user] Multiple Sites with one wicket instance

2005-08-22 Thread Dan Gould
I've got a basic site working now. (Thank you for all your help; once it's a bit more stable, I'll send a link to the list). Next, I want to be able to build multiple versions of the same site. So, and will have different text in a few places, different

Re: [Wicket-user] JSR-168 Portlet support development started

2005-08-21 Thread Dan Gould
As you already can tell from my changes, this will require some big structural changes because currently Wicket is still very deeply entangled with the Servlet api. To be able to use Wicket in a Portlet context, *all* of that needs to be abstracted away to a generalized interface. And,

Re: [Wicket-user] JSR-168 Portlet support development started

2005-08-21 Thread Dan Gould
Dan, what is the reason that you manually set the cookies? Why don't you use FormComponent.setPersistence(true) which should be all you need for TextBoxes etc.. Wicket stores the cookies and reloads them into the model automatically. Juergen Juergen-- Yes, I use that in other places and

Re: [Wicket-user] serialization ids

2005-08-14 Thread Dan Gould
I've shown wicket to a few folks and they're all confused by this. I think people could get up to speed far faster if the error message included comments to the effect: ''This means that you declared wicket:id=foo in your markup but never bound foo to a model in your code.'' or ''This

[Wicket-user] Old versions, caches, and PageMaps

2005-08-12 Thread Dan Gould
I've got an unusual use-case for a page and I'm confused about how to accomplish this in Wicket. However, it seems to be that it should be completely doable, even if I need to hack some stuff a bit. I have a page, (say, Every time I come back to that page, it should

[Wicket-user] RadioChoice

2005-07-04 Thread Dan Gould
I'm having some issues getting RadioChoice to work. I can't find any examples, so if there is a good one, please let me know (wicket-library has examples of some of the other choices). First, it doesn't seem to be keeping track of which item in a group I have selected. (If I select a radio

[Wicket-user] Re: RadioChoice

2005-07-04 Thread Dan Gould
Thanks John, I'm starting to get it (but, to be honest, I'm still confused). Here's what I'm trying to do (code stripped down): private final class MyForm extends Form { private String radioVal = foo; //Also tried making this 1 and an //int; public

Re: [Wicket-user] Multiple submit buttons

2005-06-06 Thread Dan Gould
Thanks Eelco, that helped. [And, BTW, Phil's Spring idea looks like the start of something really good. Once it's worked out, it should probably go in wicket-contrib-spring] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games. How far

[Wicket-user] Multiple submit buttons

2005-06-05 Thread Dan Gould
If I have a form with multiple submit buttons, how do I find out which was pressed? Form.onSubmit doesn't take any parameters and there doesn't seem to be any appropriate method I can call from inside it to get that param. If, when building the form, I add something like: add(new Button(foo) {

[Wicket-user] Re: Preferred way of using Hibernate

2005-05-17 Thread Dan Gould
Thanks Martijn. [I actually am going to go the Spring route (since I set up it before getting your email). I've got Spring configured with wicket-contrib-spring and I can get the simple beans in the example. I just configured Hibernate, wrote my DAOs and Managers. Next I need to figure out