[Wicket-user] wicket.markup.html.include.Include replace text

2007-01-22 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Hi, I'm using an Include component to include some 'static' html file. The problem is that the html file references path that depend on the context path of the application so I would like to dynamically replace some text in the html file with the context path. i.e.: a

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket.markup.html.include.Include replace text

2007-01-22 Thread Ivo van Dongen
Hi, I've used PackagedTextTemplatehttp://wicketframework.org/wicket-extensions/apidocs/wicket/extensions/util/resource/PackagedTextTemplate.htmla couple of times in the past to include some macro like replacements. You can use the string from the template in a label and use

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket.markup.html.include.Include replace text

2007-01-22 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Hi Ivo, Thanks! Lennaert had a similar problem and was able to solve it using TextTemplate. I solved my problem by creating an override of Include.onComponentTagBody : add(new Include(include, index.html) { @Override protected void