Re: [Wicket-user] creating a javascript prompt component

2006-08-23 Thread Hugo Visser
Okay, that could work, but in my case I'm not wrapping each led-sign element in a form. What I've come up with, after looking at the Link class, is registering a new IRequestListener, my PromptResultListener.Then, when rendering i get the url for the listener and append a parameter, like this:

Re: [Wicket-user] creating a javascript prompt component

2006-08-21 Thread Martijn Dashorst
Probably the simplest way to go is to create a panel with a hidden field, or a textfield with style='display:none', and a label. the rest is left your javascript guru-ness. wicket:panel span wicket:id=text onclick=document.getElementById('foo').value=prompt('foo', 'bar');text comes here/span