Re: [Wicket-user] AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy implementation

2006-08-14 Thread Frank Bille
Hey KarlI can show you one of my first attempts to use IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy. It's for a never-published weblog I wrote a while ago. It maps 
http://localhost/weblog/article/some_article_title_in_url_formtonew BlogItemPage(BlogItem blogItem)which means I do the resolving of the BlogItem object from a DAO in the IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy.
I think it somewhat covers your needs:BlogItemPageUrlCodingStrategy.javaimport java.util.regex.Matcher;import java.util.regex.Pattern;import 
dk.billen.weblog.dao.BlogItemDAO;import dk.billen.weblog.domain.BlogItem;import dk.billen.weblog.frontend.pages.BlogItemPage;import dk.billen.weblog.frontend.pages.FrontendFrontPage;import wicket.IRequestTarget
;import wicket.Page;import wicket.PageParameters;import wicket.request.RequestParameters;import;import
;import;/** *  */public class BlogItemPageUrlCodingStrategy implements IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy {    private BlogItemDAO blogItemDAO;
    /**     * @param blogItemDAO     */    public BlogItemPageUrlCodingStrategy(BlogItemDAO blogItemDAO) {        this.blogItemDAO = blogItemDAO;    }    public IRequestTarget decode(RequestParameters requestParameters) {
        IRequestTarget target = null;        String path = requestParameters.getPath();        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("^\\/article\\/([^\\/]+)$");        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(path);
        if (mat.matches()) {            String title =;            BlogItem blogItem = blogItemDAO.get(title);            Page page = null;            if (blogItem == null) {                page = new FrontendFrontPage();
            } else {                page = new BlogItemPage(blogItem);            }            target = new PageRequestTarget(page);        }        return target;    }    public CharSequence encode(IRequestTarget requestTarget) {
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();        if (requestTarget instanceof BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) {            BookmarkablePageRequestTarget target = (BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) requestTarget;
            PageParameters pageParameters = target.getPageParameters();            String title = pageParameters.getString("articleTitle");                        buffer.append("/article/");
            buffer.append(title);        }        return buffer.toString();    }    public boolean matches(IRequestTarget requestTarget) {        boolean matches = false;        if (requestTarget instanceof BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) {
            BookmarkablePageRequestTarget target = (BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) requestTarget;            if (BlogItemPage.class.equals(target.getPageClass())) {                matches = true;            }
        }        return matches;    }}BlogItemPage.javaimport wicket.PageParameters;import dk.billen.weblog.command.CommandInterface;
import dk.billen.weblog.command.CommandRequest;import dk.billen.weblog.domain.BlogItem;import dk.billen.weblog.frontend.components.BlogItemPanel;public class BlogItemPage extends FrontendBasePage {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;    public BlogItemPage(BlogItem blogItem) {        add(new BlogItemPanel("item", blogItem));    }    public static class ShowBlogItem implements CommandInterface {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;                private BlogItem blogItem;        public ShowBlogItem(BlogItem blogItem) {            super();            this.blogItem = blogItem;
        }        public BlogItem getBlogItem() {            return blogItem;        }        public void execute(CommandRequest request) {            PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters();
            pageParameters.add("articleId", "" + blogItem.getId());            request.setResponsePage(BlogItemPage.class, pageParameters);        }    }}
And then in * #init()...
mount("/article", new BlogItemPageUrlCodingStrategy(getBlogItemDAO()));...Hope it makes sense.
On 8/15/06, Karl M. Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What I would like to 
have is a site where user-specific feature pages map to hierarchical 
URLs.  For example: * /site/user/karl/blog/2006/08/14 maps to 
BlogViewer(bob, "2006", "08", "14") * 
/site/user/karl/content/BestEssayEver maps to ContentViewer(fred, 
"MyLifeStory") * /site/user/fred/content/BestEssayEver maps to 
ContentViewer(fred, "BestEssayEver")
I could "cheat" and 
use Bookmarkable pages but this would leave the users also being passed as 
strings-- I'd rather resolve them ahead of time and pass the pages the real 
Actor instances.
In order to do that, 
I think I'll have to write an implementation of 
AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy that encodes and decodes the pages.  
Also, I will have to have a "guarantee" that each of the mounted pages has a 
constructor in the form of Const

[Wicket-user] AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy implementation

2006-08-14 Thread Karl M. Davis

What I would like to 
have is a site where user-specific feature pages map to hierarchical 
URLs.  For example: * /site/user/karl/blog/2006/08/14 maps to 
BlogViewer(bob, "2006", "08", "14") * 
/site/user/karl/content/BestEssayEver maps to ContentViewer(fred, 
"MyLifeStory") * /site/user/fred/content/BestEssayEver maps to 
ContentViewer(fred, "BestEssayEver")
I could "cheat" and 
use Bookmarkable pages but this would leave the users also being passed as 
strings-- I'd rather resolve them ahead of time and pass the pages the real 
Actor instances.
In order to do that, 
I think I'll have to write an implementation of 
AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy that encodes and decodes the pages.  
Also, I will have to have a "guarantee" that each of the mounted pages has a 
constructor in the form of Constructor(user, string[] 
AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy shouldn't be all that hard to write, but 
I think the aforementioned "guarantee" will require an implementation of 
IRequestTarget similar to IBookmarkablePageRequestTarget that stores the 
request's parameters for the pages.  From what I can see, this would also 
be simple to write as it seems to be mostly a data-storage class.  However, 
I am unsure of how to "wire up" Wicket to use my new IRequestTarget 
implementation once I have completed it.
Can anyone 
help me with that?  I would also really appreciate any insight/links 
someone could provide on how Wicket's entire URLmapping scheme works-- I haven't 
been able to find any architecture documents or anything that explain this in a 
general sense.  I'm used to using IIS and writing URL filters so this is 
pretty new territory for me.
Thanks in 
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