Re: [Wien] TELNES calculation procedure

2020-11-11 Thread Peter Blaha
If I remember correctly:   x lapw2 -qtl   gives only the diagonal qtls and thus telnes WITHOUT orientation dependency. x qtl -telnes gives also cross-terms for orientation dependent ELNES. PS: Yes, x qtl -tenes overwrites a previous case.qtl file from x lapw2 -qtl I'm not sure, but maybe you

Re: [Wien] TELNES calculation procedure

2020-11-11 Thread Gavin Abo
From looking at the post at it looks like the steps are: run_lapw x qtl -telnes (or x lapw2 -qtl) x telnes3 According to section "8.24.3 Practical considerations" in the WIEN2k 19.1/19.2 usersguide on page 201 [