Re: [Wikimedia-l] what made me happy this week: the offline app

2017-10-06 Thread Legoktm
On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Nuria Ruiz  wrote:
> You have data about app pageviews in several places, the most popular tool
> to see that kind of data has numbers, for example app pageviews
> for en.wikipedia.
> The notion of what is an app pageview fluctuates more than what is a web
> pageview, but numbers are quite far away from being less than 1%

Using the tool you linked, I selected "All projects", and then divided
the number of mobile app views by the total views to get: around 1.5%.
Is that figure accurate for the amount of page views coming from
mobile apps?

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Discussion about proposed Technical Code of Conduct (TCC)

2016-11-21 Thread Legoktm

On 11/21/2016 01:36 AM, Adrian Raddatz wrote:
> So, are we unable to enforce these things currently? If someone comments on
> a Phabricator task that user X is a big meanyface, are we unable to act
> currently because there's no code of conduct so how could they have known
> otherwise?

The current guideline is
It only applies to Phabricator, not all technical spaces, like the
proposed COC.

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] The Case for Federation: Should Parts of WMF Be Spun Off?

2016-03-23 Thread Legoktm

On 03/17/2016 07:22 PM, Erik Moeller wrote:
> I can see three potential benefits from a more federated model:
> 1) Resilience. If any one organization experiences a crisis, other
> independent organizations suffer to a lesser degree than departments
> within that organization.
> 2) Focus. Wikimedia’s mission is very broad, and an organization with
> a clearly defined mandate is less likely to be pulled in many
> different directions -- at every level.
> 3) Accountability. Within a less centralized federation, it is easier
> to ensure that funding flows to those who do work the movement wants
> them to do.

I strongly agree with you.

> == Where to go from here? ==
> An important thing to remember here (a lesson I’ve had to learn
> painfully) is that big changes are best made in small steps, with room
> for trial and error.

I also agree with this too. :) In my candidate statement[1] for the
current board election, I outlined a vision where existing affiliates
would do some of the technical work that the WMF currently does (or
doesn't). Many of the existing affiliates already have legal
infrastructure and staff in place, and would require less bootstrapping
than an entirely new organization, which should make it easier to test
and demonstrate that a federated model will work, and be an advantage to
the movement. One downside would be that regional chapters may be less
focused (benefit #2) compared to say, an organization specifically
dedicated to non-WMF MediaWiki development (I don't like the term

> The fact that WMF has just experienced a major organizational crisis
> should not itself fill us with pessimism and despair. But we also
> shouldn’t ignore it. We must learn from it and do what reason tells us
> -- and in my view that is to build a more resilient _federation_ of
> organizations than what we have today.



-- Kunal Mehta / Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Affiliate-selected Board seats] Kunal Mehta (Legoktm) candidacy

2016-03-09 Thread Legoktm

On 03/09/2016 07:57 AM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> I'm interested in drilling down on these issues a bit.  As far as I can
> tell, there is nothing in the actual bylaws which forbids WMF employees
> from being board members, although "conventional wisdom" seems to agree
> there is a conflict of interest in doing so.

From the bylaws[1], Article IV, Section 3, part D: "Trustees selected by
Chapters and Thematic Organizations must resign from any board,
governance, or paid positions at the Foundation, Chapters, Thematic
Organizations, and User Groups for the duration of their terms as
Trustees, but may continue to serve Chapters, Thematic Organizations,
and User Groups in informal or advisory capacities."

The same applies to community-selected and board-appointed trustees
(part C and E respectively).

> (I'm not so sure I agree
> with that conventional wisdom, but let's treat it as given for now,
> since you've already pledge to give up your WMF position in your
> nomination statement.)   AFAIK "board member" is not a paid position --
> it seems wrong (albeit laudable!) for you to give up your income (by
> donating your good work to the project on a volunteer-only basis) in
> order to aid the organization.  The Board does not meet *that* frequently.
> And I have a personal interest in seeing your Shadow Namespaces work
> continue. ;)

Time permitting, I plan to continue my volunteer MediaWiki development
work, which includes shadow namespaces :)


-- Kunal Mehta / Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Affiliate-selected Board seats] Kunal Mehta (Legoktm) candidacy

2016-03-08 Thread Legoktm

On 03/08/2016 03:01 AM, David Cuenca Tudela wrote:
> "P.S. I plan to leave my job at the WMF if elected."
> Then I hope you don't get elected, because it would be sad to see yet
> another valuable staffer quit, regardless the noble reasons...

Thanks for your concern, a few other people also told me similar things
today. I'm running for the board because I believe I can make a bigger
(and better) impact while serving on the board than from my current
staff role.

And if elected, I will try my best to continue in my volunteer roles not
become a stranger. :-)

-- Kunal Mehta / Legoktm

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[Wikimedia-l] [Affiliate-selected Board seats] Kunal Mehta (Legoktm) candidacy

2016-03-08 Thread Legoktm

I have posted my nomination statement for the affiliate-selected board
seats on Meta-Wiki:

Please take a look, and let me know if you have any questions on the
talk page.

-- Kunal Mehta / Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] 2016 Strategic Approaches Report

2016-02-28 Thread Legoktm

On 02/26/2016 10:25 PM, Patrick Earley wrote:
> A summary report of the first stage of community consultation for the 2016
> Wikimedia Foundation strategy process has uploaded to Commons in PDF
> format.[1]

Two quick questions:
1. How was a user's "home wiki" determined?
2. Page 29 says that 17 users have 0 edits. AIUI you had to edit the
wiki to participate, so how do they have 0 edits?

> [1]

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Why we changed

2016-02-22 Thread Legoktm

On 02/21/2016 04:22 PM, Lila Tretikov wrote:
> The world is not standing still. It will not wait for us to finish our
> internal battles and struggles. Time is our most precious commodity.

No, it's not.

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Monetizing Wikimedia APIs

2016-01-17 Thread Legoktm

On 01/16/2016 06:11 PM, Denny Vrandecic wrote:
> To give a bit more thoughts: I am not terribly worried about current
> crawlers. But currently, and more in the future, I expect us to provide
> more complex and this expensive APIs: a SPARQL endpoint, parsing APIs, etc.
> These will be simply expensive to operate. Not for infrequent users - say,
> to the benefit of us 70,000 editors - but for use cases that involve tens
> or millions of requests per day. These have the potential of burning a lot
> of funds to basically support the operations of commercial companies whose
> mission might or might not be aligned with our.

Why do they need to use our APIs? As I understand it, the Wikidata
SPARQL service was designed so that someone could import a Wikidata
dump, and have their own endpoint to query. I'm sure that someone who
has the need to make millions of requests per day also has the technical
resources to set up their own local mirror. I don't think setting up a
MW mirror would be quite so simple, but it should be doable.

One problem with relying on dumps is that downloading them is often
slow, and there are rate limits[1]. If Google or other some other large
entity wanted to donate some hosting space and bandwidth by re-hosting
our dumps, I think that would be a win-win situation all around - they
get their dumps and can directly rsync from us, as well as taking
pressure off of our infrastructure and letting other people access our
content more easily.


-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Announcing new Wikimedia Foundation Trustees

2016-01-05 Thread Legoktm

On 01/05/2016 08:01 PM, Andreas Kolbe wrote:
> I note we now have on the board:
> * Jimmy Wales, who has served as a member of Google's "Advisory Council"
> * Denny Vrandecic, who is a Google employee
> * Guy Kawasaki, who has served as special advisor to the CEO of the
> Motorola business unit of Google
> * Kelly Battles of Bracket Computing, which partners with Google Cloud
> Platform
> * Arnnon Geshuri, who served as Senior Director of HR and Staffing at Google
> Did I miss anyone?

I think you missed all the board members who have Google set as their
browser's default search engine instead of using DuckDuckGo[1].

But really, I think you should be paying attention to Facebook. We are
reliant upon HHVM to run MediaWiki, which is developed by them, as well
as Phabricator for bug tracking, which was originally developed by them.
Furthermore, our current hardware officer[2] is a Facebook employee.


-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] CAPTCHA issues discouraging new editors

2015-06-18 Thread Legoktm
On 06/18/2015 10:48 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:
> On 18 June 2015 at 18:20, Legoktm  wrote:
>>> Switching it off would thus be an immediate improvement.
>> It's actually not useless:
>> <>
> And again, that refers to CAPTCHA used for creating new accounts, not
> the one under discussion.

Um, no it doesn't? It referred to *all* CAPTCHAs. I would recommend you
which has some more details.

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] CAPTCHA issues discouraging new editors

2015-06-18 Thread Legoktm
On 06/18/2015 09:03 AM, David Gerard wrote:
> That is, we already know for a fact that it's literally worse than useless.
> Switching it off would thus be an immediate improvement.

It's actually not useless:

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] SUL finalization update (no, for real this time)

2015-03-17 Thread Legoktm
On 03/17/2015 09:54 PM, John Mark Vandenberg wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 7:07 AM, Keegan Peterzell
>  wrote:
>> ...
>> All accounts that will be affected by this will be contacted on their talk
>> page within the next couple of days.[4] All local wikis also have a
>> publicly listed database of users who will be renamed, available at
>> Special:UsersWhoWillBeRenamed.[4]
> The message includes instructions to rename an account, but what
> happens if a user unifies all accounts having the same name now, after
> this announcement.  I've heard someone say that their account is still
> listed on 'Special:UsersWhoWillBeRenamed' after they unified their
> accounts.  Will their newly SUL'ed accounts be messed up in the April
> SUL finalisation?

If you are connected to an SUL account, you will not be renamed. I filed
<> for automatically updating
the special page once this happens.

-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] The Lighter Side of the Movement

2014-09-17 Thread Legoktm
On 9/17/14, 8:15 AM, Liam Wyatt wrote:
> As all these ideas seem to be specifically focused on the English
> Wikipedia...
> Can I suggest that wikien-l might be more appropriate:
> Or... the village dump on Uncyclopedia would work too

Actually Uncyclopedia left Wikia a while back[1], the real Village Dump
is at [2].


-- Legoktm

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikitech-ambassadors] Overloaded with CentralNotices

2013-10-29 Thread legoktm
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Tilman Bayer  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Konstantinos Stampoulis
>  wrote:
> > Echo can be a good alternative.
> > Imagine a new notification for every user, a "global notice" (not a talk
> > page message)
> > This can be sent to registered users, with its own icon, a notification
> > message with text simillar to what it would be included in a banner, and
> > linking to the relevant page (instead of own talk page etc).
> > So, every user will get it only once, but he can go back to it by clicking
> > the notifications icon.
> >
> > mockup:
> >
> Yes, that could be a great idea, in particular when combined with some
> kind of topic-specific opt-in and opt-out.
> There has been quite a bit of thinking about technical solutions to
> this kind of problem, including hope that Echo and/or Flow could play
> a role in them. See e.g. the material at
> , in particular
> the linked Wikimania presentations from this year (by Andrew Gray) and
> last year (by myself).

I like this idea too. I've filed as an enhancement
request for Echo to enable this kind of functionality.
-- Legoktm

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