[WSG] DocType Given is... Document Looks Like...

2008-09-03 Thread Cole Kuryakin
Hello all -

I've got the following doctype at the head of each of my pages:

http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

I take great pains to validate everything I do on every page, but, even if
the page shows as valid (using FF's HTML Validator extension - or Web
Developer extension. I can't remember which) when I view source on a "valid"
page, I always get an info box that states:

Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 Transitional

I don't think that this is - by any means - any reason for me to be worried
about my code/structure/et. al, but I've always wondered why, if I feed a
xhtml 1.0 STRICT doc type why the validator always says that my stuff looks

Am I doing something wrong? 

Any insight would be appreciated.


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Fwd: [WSG] Position and peace of mind

2008-09-03 Thread John Unsworth
-- Forwarded message --
From: John Unsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 4 Sep 2008 14:05
Subject: Re: [WSG] Position and peace of mind
To: Kepler Gelotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 04/09/2008, Kepler Gelotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > John,
 >  It would really help when you have a specific issue like this to post a url
 >  where people could see your site. Most hosting companies allow you to create
 >  subdomains so you could put the web site on your host as
 >  http://problemsite.mydomain.com/
 >  Best regards,
 >  Kepler Gelotte
 >  Neighbor Webmaster, Inc.
 >  156 Normandy Dr., Piscataway, NJ 08854
 >  www.neighborwebmaster.com
 >  phone/fax: (732) 302-0904

Thanks for replying Kepler,
 I've arranged to put the two versions up for viewing.
 The relatively positioned 's is at;
 and the absolutes are here;

 The issue with the "More Info" buttons in Opera disapears when I
 removed the absolute position call in the CSS...but so do the images.
 And I'd like to advise that the call in the head of the HTML for the
 CSS is taken from Jon Hicks' presentation "A Day in Deployment", I
 thought it was a good method although I am aware that the Yahoo front
 end optimisation people advise that the @import rule is not perfect.
 For anyone not aware of the Jon Hicks presentation, you'll find it

 Many thanks

John Unsworth

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Michael MD

Could someone tell me if it has Google Download Accelerator or other
Google Toolbar features built in? I'm just wondering how much is under
the hood...

not sure ... but poking around its directories I saw one for google gears...

btw I tried to save one of thumbnail images it generated on its "Most 
visited" page

- but ...  "save image as" doesn't work!
(and if I try to open it in another tab it dumps it out as if it were text 
... binary gibberish - wrong mime-type perhaps? ... and "save as" is 
disabled )

... it looks like they have a few bugs to fix...

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[WSG] Position and peace of mind

2008-09-03 Thread John Unsworth
Hello WSG'ers,
I'm experiencing some frustrations with a current project and could
use some experienced opinions. Warning though, I might get a bit wordy
as it's going to be a multi-part question, as I'd like feedback about
my chosen process. Also I would class myself advanced beginner, as I
only been in web dev for about a year.
OK, it's a new homepage for my employer. It's basically a series of
rectangular 's 980px wide (wrapper is 1000px with 10px padding
right and left) but varying heights, down the page, from top to bottom
appears as;
1. Header
2. Navigation
3. Banner Photo
4. Five even sized boxes with current product promotions floated in
their div left to appear horizontal across page
5. Two (2/3 page and 1/3 page) boxes for general introduction and
client login (again horizontal)
6. Three even boxes for everyday products and customer contact (ditto
the horizontal)
7. and final footer with copyright notice and repeated links

My problem has arisen because I decided that I should write the markup
so that steps 4 and 5 occur the other way around. So as a percieved
accessibility benefit (even though I've included a 'skip to content'
link at the top of the page) a screen reader would not have to skip
through the promotions first, but read the introduction content, then
the products. Concurrent to this I've attempted to write the CSS up as
an elastic layout in em's should a user need to resize the page. I've
also used the Eric Meyer reset, and set body font size to 1em (16px)
and line height to 1.3em. I broadly understand the in and out's of
em's, but am novice at implementing it.
The problem I initially encountered was that when I used relative
positioning for steps 4 and 5, to visually re-position them the
margins between 4,5 and 6 varied across browsers. I was able to live
with that, but the graphic designer of the site couldn't. This
variation in margins also occured when trying to evenly space the five
boxes of step 4 across the page and achieve alignment left and right.
I tried %'s instead of em's, and for testing purposes without changing
the rest of the layout, used pixels, but it never quite went flush to
the edges.
Then I tried absolute positioning with all the div's below the banner
photo, and at least on the mac, across Safari 2, FF3, Opera 9.5, and
Camino 1.6.3 (the five boxes were not entirely solved, but the layout
was evenly spaced) my problems appeared to be solved. But then I tried
it on a PC with IE7 and steps 4 and 5 were just plain gone???
I've also encountered another quirk that just appear in Opera when I
tried to use image replacement for some links as buttons, that's
causing the page to scroll horizontally, but given our likely audience
I think even the designer might be able to live with that.

So my questions to the group are;
Was the decision to write the markup in the order I did correct or
pedantic? Because if I didn't then I wouldn't have the layout issues
I'm having I'd guess.
Was it a mistake to try and create an elastic layout in em's and
expect the entire interface to expand? In this case might it be better
to use pixel for width's but em's for font and % for height and allow
the boxes to expand with the text? Or should I just stick to pixel's
all round.
Is there a 'golden rule' about repositioning sections of markup out of
the order they're written, and why was there variation with the
margins across apparently very well behaved browsers?
Finally why did the absolute position boxes just vanish in the IE7? I
realise this might be too vauge a question, but I'm not even quite
sure what my search terms might be trying to find the answer to this
via Google. Generally the whole IE thing I ignore until required.

Wow! I didn't intend to take so long, but would appreciate feedback
even if it's just on one point.
John Unsworth

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RE: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Levell Rampono
Hi Guys, 

I'm in desperate need of a senior front end developer within Sydney! Key
skills HTML, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript and a little PHP..

If anyone is interested, please email me [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Christian Montoya
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September 2008 10:26 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:24 AM, David Storey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Sep 2008, at 13:08, Todd Budnikas wrote:
>> On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:19 AM, David Storey wrote:
>>> On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:42, tee wrote:

 On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

> On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:
>> Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it there,
>> right? :)
>> Or is it...?
> No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a number
> of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow, @font-face
and a
> few others.
 Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?
>>> no browsers support border-radius.  It does support
>>> -webkit-border-radius, as far as I know (I'm running on Mac and
>>> doesn't work on my 64-bit Vista, and I can't be bothered to do the few
>>> re-install process of Vista)
>> -webkit-border-radius renders just fine. Running Chrome on XP on VMWare
>> Fusion. http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/
> Without WebKit's anti-aliasing as far as I can tell from Twitter posts.
> wondering if this is due to webkit using platform specific code for things
> like this and text-shadow, as being a reason why they are not in Chrome
> (Safari on Windows has a compatibility layer), or if it is a older branch.
>  I'm thinking more the former.

Could someone tell me if it has Google Download Accelerator or other
Google Toolbar features built in? I'm just wondering how much is under
the hood...

Christian Montoya

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

2008-09-03 Thread kevin erickson

Thank you for the report Steve. It was very helpful!!


On Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:23:15 -0400, Steve Green  

Yes, this is the case. There has been a lot of talk about this in GAWDS,  

Steve Faulkner has written about it at

Basically it looks like there's no MSAA support. If they don't address  

many large organisations (at least in the UK) will not use it. I imagine
that such organisations are exactly the people Google are expecting to  

applications using Chrome, so hopefully this will be addressed at some
point, ideally before it comes out of beta.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of kevin erickson
Sent: 03 September 2008 16:07
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

I have a huge concern about accessibility here. Apparently Jaws and other
screen readers don't work on Google Chrome at all. Can others please


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RE: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

2008-09-03 Thread Steve Green
Yes, this is the case. There has been a lot of talk about this in GAWDS, and
Steve Faulkner has written about it at

Basically it looks like there's no MSAA support. If they don't address this,
many large organisations (at least in the UK) will not use it. I imagine
that such organisations are exactly the people Google are expecting to build
applications using Chrome, so hopefully this will be addressed at some
point, ideally before it comes out of beta.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of kevin erickson
Sent: 03 September 2008 16:07
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

I have a huge concern about accessibility here. Apparently Jaws and other
screen readers don't work on Google Chrome at all. Can others please


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Re: [WSG] Google chrome...

2008-09-03 Thread Aldona


No it doesn't come with Google toolbar. I'm not sure if Google 
Accelerator is built in without the user knowing but it did load the 
Acid 2 test really fast (and passed it). I did a review if anyone wants 
to read it. I wondered the same thing about the Google toolbar and am 
hoping they provide the ability for addons like firefox. (eg the 
del.icio.us extension!).



PS- Thanks to those who replied for my image display float issue. 
Display block-inline worked great but not in IE (darn ie) so I'm still 
thinking. Inline worked if I didn't want a border around the image and 
caption so thanks to those who helped me out. :)

Christian Montoya wrote:

Could someone tell me if it has Google Download Accelerator or other
Google Toolbar features built in? I'm just wondering how much is under
the hood...


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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

2008-09-03 Thread Steven Faulkner
Hi Kevin
I have written about some of the accessibility issues with google chrome:



2008/9/3 kevin erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have a huge concern about accessibility here. Apparently Jaws and other
> screen readers don't work on Google Chrome at all. Can others please
> confirm?
> kevin
> ***
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with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium

www.paciellogroup.com | www.wat-c.org
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Accessibility coming very soon???

2008-09-03 Thread kevin erickson
I have a huge concern about accessibility here. Apparently Jaws and other  
screen readers don't work on Google Chrome at all. Can others please  


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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Dejan Kozina
I found out that the download server doesn't like download managers...
got the file twice - apparently intact and sane, but wouldn't run - with
Download Express. The same file downloaded the old and tested way (same
filesize and all) worked fine.
Hope this helps.


Paul Collins wrote:
> Anyone else getting an initialisation error when I try to run the
> browser?! I've tried to install twice. Maybe it's to do with the proxy,
> but the message says "The application failed to initialize properly,
> click OK to terminate" when I start it up.
Dejan Kozina Web design studio
Dolina 346 (TS) - I-34018 Italy
tel./fax: +39 040 228 436 - cell.: +39 348 7355 225 skype: dejankozina
http://www.kozina.com/  - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon... [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Horowitz
As we state in our terms of service, we don't claim ownership or control 
over your content in Google Docs & Spreadsheets, whether you're using it 
as an individual or through Google Apps. Read in its entirety, the 
sentence from our terms of service excerpted in the blog ensures that, 
for documents you expressly choose to share with others, we have the 
proper license to display those documents to the selected users and 
format documents properly for different displays. To be clear, Google 
will not use your documents beyond the scope that you and you alone 
control. Your fantasy football spreadsheets are not going to end up 
shared with the world unless you want them to be

Michael Horowitz
Your Computer Consultant

Rae Buerckner wrote:
If they don't have that functionality built in to chrome yet, they 
certainly have written themselves a license to built that in whenever 
they want to.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Question: does Chrome actually record your browsing and send that
information back to Google or are people just freaking over nothing?

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Andrew Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> Tee,
> my take on the legal stuff as it may apply to bloggers and other
web content
> providers:

> Cheers, Andrew

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Christian Montoya
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:24 AM, David Storey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Sep 2008, at 13:08, Todd Budnikas wrote:
>> On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:19 AM, David Storey wrote:
>>> On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:42, tee wrote:

 On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

> On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:
>> Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it there,
>> right? :)
>> Or is it...?
> No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a number
> of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow, @font-face 
> and a
> few others.
 Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?
>>> no browsers support border-radius.  It does support
>>> -webkit-border-radius, as far as I know (I'm running on Mac and parallels
>>> doesn't work on my 64-bit Vista, and I can't be bothered to do the few hours
>>> re-install process of Vista)
>> -webkit-border-radius renders just fine. Running Chrome on XP on VMWare
>> Fusion. http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/
> Without WebKit's anti-aliasing as far as I can tell from Twitter posts. I'm
> wondering if this is due to webkit using platform specific code for things
> like this and text-shadow, as being a reason why they are not in Chrome
> (Safari on Windows has a compatibility layer), or if it is a older branch.
>  I'm thinking more the former.

Could someone tell me if it has Google Download Accelerator or other
Google Toolbar features built in? I'm just wondering how much is under
the hood...

Christian Montoya

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread David Storey

On 3 Sep 2008, at 13:08, Todd Budnikas wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:19 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:42, tee wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:

Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it  
there, right? :)

Or is it...?

No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a  
number of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text- 
shadow, @font-face and a few others.

Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?

no browsers support border-radius.  It does support -webkit-border- 
radius, as far as I know (I'm running on Mac and parallels doesn't  
work on my 64-bit Vista, and I can't be bothered to do the few  
hours re-install process of Vista)

-webkit-border-radius renders just fine. Running Chrome on XP on  
VMWare Fusion. http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/

Without WebKit's anti-aliasing as far as I can tell from Twitter  
posts. I'm wondering if this is due to webkit using platform specific  
code for things like this and text-shadow, as being a reason why they  
are not in Chrome (Safari on Windows has a compatibility layer), or if  
it is a older branch.  I'm thinking more the former.


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David Storey

Chief Web Opener,
Product Manager Opera Dragonfly,
Consumer Product Manager Opera Core,
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group member

Consumer Product Management & Developer Relations
Opera Software ASA
Oslo, Norway

Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32
Blog: http://my.opera.com/dstorey

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David Storey

Chief Web Opener,
Product Manager Opera Dragonfly,
Consumer Product Manager Opera Core,
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group member

Consumer Product Management & Developer Relations
Opera Software ASA
Oslo, Norway

Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32
Blog: http://my.opera.com/dstorey

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Todd Budnikas

On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:19 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:42, tee wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:

Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it  
there, right? :)

Or is it...?

No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a  
number of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow,  
@font-face and a few others.

Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?

no browsers support border-radius.  It does support -webkit-border- 
radius, as far as I know (I'm running on Mac and parallels doesn't  
work on my 64-bit Vista, and I can't be bothered to do the few hours  
re-install process of Vista)

-webkit-border-radius renders just fine. Running Chrome on XP on  
VMWare Fusion. http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/


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David Storey

Chief Web Opener,
Product Manager Opera Dragonfly,
Consumer Product Manager Opera Core,
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group member

Consumer Product Management & Developer Relations
Opera Software ASA
Oslo, Norway

Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32
Blog: http://my.opera.com/dstorey

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread David Storey

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:42, tee wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:

Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it  
there, right? :)

Or is it...?

No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a  
number of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow,  
@font-face and a few others.

Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?

no browsers support border-radius.  It does support -webkit-border- 
radius, as far as I know (I'm running on Mac and parallels doesn't  
work on my 64-bit Vista, and I can't be bothered to do the few hours  
re-install process of Vista)


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David Storey

Chief Web Opener,
Product Manager Opera Dragonfly,
Consumer Product Manager Opera Core,
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group member

Consumer Product Management & Developer Relations
Opera Software ASA
Oslo, Norway

Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32
Blog: http://my.opera.com/dstorey

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RE: [WSG] Facebook downgrading support for IE6

2008-09-03 Thread michael.brockington
I would also like to point out that Facebook have a different business
model from the majority of web sites - they have little to loose by
excluding IE6 - they are not a shop, they are not trying to break into
an existing market, they have a greater bias towards the home user than
the corporate, etc etc.

I don't think very many other sites fit that profile, certainly nothing
that I am in involved with does.


Mike Brockington
Web Development Specialist


This message does not reflect the opinions of any entity other than the
author alone.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Anthony
Sent: 02 September 2008 22:34
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Facebook downgrading support for IE6

This may be acceptable for facebook if thier statistics indicate a low
amount of IE6 users, however I think this is hardly acceptable for a
majority of my audience, which includes many proffesionals who still run
IE6 so they can use company intranets, etc.

I would love nothing more than to not have to worry about IE6 however I
think that day will be a very long day coming.


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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread tee

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:36 AM, David Storey wrote:

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:

Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it  
there, right? :)

Or is it...?

No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a  
number of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow,  
@font-face and a few others.

Does it support border-radius or -webkit-radius?


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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread David Storey

On 3 Sep 2008, at 11:28, Regnard Raquedan wrote:

Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it there,  
right? :)

Or is it...?

No, it has a different JavaScript engine, and doesn't support a number  
of things the regular WebKit supports, such as text-shadow, @font-face  
and a few others.

I'm giving Chrome a test run right now and eerily, it's as if I'm  
using Firefox. But then again, I've only used it for less than a day.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Naveen Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in  
future...like other google products this is going to be the popular  

thanks and regards
Naveen Bhaskar

- Original Message 
From: kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 12:06:49 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

Works great for my needs,

I can use Google's Gmail to delete and send mail at home..I like it!
- Original Message -
From: Anton Babushkin
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

Google Chrome wasn't working for me in the office either, but I  
think its all due to the firewall and proxy that we have setup here.  
It couldn't seem to negotiate between the proxy and the installer. I  
just hooked it up to an outside ADSL connection (my work PC that  
is), and typing this Email through Chrome right now :)

Its a brilliant browser, a true innovation to the way we use the  
web. Too bad Java and Shockwave don't work on it yet.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Indeed. We have some very clunky sites and they loaded almost
instantly. I couldn't believe the rendering speed.

However Gmail won't load on any computers with Chrome on at work (in
fact, I can't sign in to any google services). Is this problem
affecting everyone or is it just our network? If it's affecting
everyone that's pretty massive fail for Google.

(e-mail sent from Gmail in Firefox!!)

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Jeffery Lowder
> I know, I tired it on a couple of the more intensive ajax  
dependent pages I've been working on and it puts FF to shame.
> If people realize how much faster they can surf the web - this  
thing is going to take off big time.

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- Anton Babushkin

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Regnard Kreisler C. Raquedan, MSc.

mobile: +63.919.2907711
web: http://www.raquedan.com
yahoo!/skype: rkraquedan

Building websites the Standards way:

Movie & TV Review Blog

The AIM Blogger

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David Storey

Chief Web Opener,
Product Manager Opera Dragonfly,
Consumer Product Manager Opera Core,
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group member

Consumer Product Management & Developer Relations
Opera Software ASA
Oslo, Norway

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Rae Buerckner
Yep... I got that... and I don't have any proxys set.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Paul Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  Anyone else getting an initialisation error when I try to run the
> browser?! I've tried to install twice. Maybe it's to do with the proxy, but
> the message says "The application failed to initialize properly, click OK to
> terminate" when I start it up.
>  --
> Behalf Of *Naveen Bhaskar
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:52 AM
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> *Subject:* Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...
>  so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in future...like
> other google products this is going to be the popular one.
> --
> thanks and regards
> Naveen Bhaskar
> Bangalore
> - Original Message 
> From: kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 12:06:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...
> Works great for my needs,
> I can use Google's Gmail to delete and send mail at home..I like it!
> Kate
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Anton Babushkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:50 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...
> Google Chrome wasn't working for me in the office either, but I think its
> all due to the firewall and proxy that we have setup here. It couldn't seem
> to negotiate between the proxy and the installer. I just hooked it up to an
> outside ADSL connection (my work PC that is), and typing this Email through
> Chrome right now :)
> Its a brilliant browser, a true innovation to the way we use the web. Too
> bad Java and Shockwave don't work on it yet.
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Indeed. We have some very clunky sites and they loaded almost
>> instantly. I couldn't believe the rendering speed.
>> However Gmail won't load on any computers with Chrome on at work (in
>> fact, I can't sign in to any google services). Is this problem
>> affecting everyone or is it just our network? If it's affecting
>> everyone that's pretty massive fail for Google.
>> (e-mail sent from Gmail in Firefox!!)
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Jeffery Lowder
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I know, I tired it on a couple of the more intensive ajax dependent
>> pages I've been working on and it puts FF to shame.
>> > If people realize how much faster they can surf the web - this thing is
>> going to take off big time.
>> ***
>> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
>> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
>> ***
> --
> - Anton Babushkin
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***
> --
> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click 
> here
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***

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Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Regnard Raquedan
Well, if it's akin to Safari, then it's as good as testing it there, right?
Or is it...?

I'm giving Chrome a test run right now and eerily, it's as if I'm using
Firefox. But then again, I've only used it for less than a day.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Naveen Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in future...like
> other google products this is going to be the popular one.
> --
> thanks and regards
> Naveen Bhaskar
> Bangalore
> - Original Message 
> From: kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 12:06:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...
> Works great for my needs,
> I can use Google's Gmail to delete and send mail at home..I like it!
> Kate
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Anton Babushkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:50 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...
> Google Chrome wasn't working for me in the office either, but I think its
> all due to the firewall and proxy that we have setup here. It couldn't seem
> to negotiate between the proxy and the installer. I just hooked it up to an
> outside ADSL connection (my work PC that is), and typing this Email through
> Chrome right now :)
> Its a brilliant browser, a true innovation to the way we use the web. Too
> bad Java and Shockwave don't work on it yet.
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Indeed. We have some very clunky sites and they loaded almost
>> instantly. I couldn't believe the rendering speed.
>> However Gmail won't load on any computers with Chrome on at work (in
>> fact, I can't sign in to any google services). Is this problem
>> affecting everyone or is it just our network? If it's affecting
>> everyone that's pretty massive fail for Google.
>> (e-mail sent from Gmail in Firefox!!)
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Jeffery Lowder
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I know, I tired it on a couple of the more intensive ajax dependent
>> pages I've been working on and it puts FF to shame.
>> > If people realize how much faster they can surf the web - this thing is
>> going to take off big time.
>> ***
>> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
>> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
>> ***
> --
> - Anton Babushkin
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***
> --
> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click 
> here
> ***
> List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
> ***

Regnard Kreisler C. Raquedan, MSc.

mobile: +63.919.2907711
web: http://www.raquedan.com
yahoo!/skype: rkraquedan

Building websites the Standards way:

Movie & TV Review Blog

The AIM Blogger

List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

RE: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Paul Collins
Anyone else getting an initialisation error when I try to run the browser?! 
I've tried to install twice. Maybe it's to do with the proxy, but the message 
says "The application failed to initialize properly, click OK to terminate" 
when I start it up.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Naveen Bhaskar
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:52 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in future...like other 
google products this is going to be the popular one.

thanks and regards
Naveen Bhaskar

- Original Message 
From: kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 12:06:49 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

Works great for my needs,

I can use Google's Gmail to delete and send mail at home..I like it!
- Original Message -
From: Anton Babushkin
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

Google Chrome wasn't working for me in the office either, but I think its all 
due to the firewall and proxy that we have setup here. It couldn't seem to 
negotiate between the proxy and the installer. I just hooked it up to an 
outside ADSL connection (my work PC that is), and typing this Email through 
Chrome right now :)

Its a brilliant browser, a true innovation to the way we use the web. Too bad 
Java and Shockwave don't work on it yet.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Indeed. We have some very clunky sites and they loaded almost
instantly. I couldn't believe the rendering speed.

However Gmail won't load on any computers with Chrome on at work (in
fact, I can't sign in to any google services). Is this problem
affecting everyone or is it just our network? If it's affecting
everyone that's pretty massive fail for Google.

(e-mail sent from Gmail in Firefox!!)

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Jeffery Lowder
> I know, I tired it on a couple of the more intensive ajax dependent pages 
> I've been working on and it puts FF to shame.
> If people realize how much faster they can surf the web - this thing is going 
> to take off big time.

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Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

- Anton Babushkin

List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

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Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click 
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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread David Dorward
Naveen Bhaskar wrote:
> so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in
> future...like other google products this is going to be the popular one.
It's Webkit, so rendering issues should be insignificant. Any
differences will likely only come out if you're doing complicated

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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread Naveen Bhaskar
so one more browser to check for browser compatibility  in future..like other 
google products this is going to be the popular one.


thanks and regards
Naveen Bhaskar

- Original Message 
From: kate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 12:06:49 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

Works great for my needs,
I can use Google's Gmail to delete and send mail at 
home..I like it!
- Original Message - 
From: Anton  Babushkin 
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:50  AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Google chrome...  Coming very soon...

Google Chrome wasn't working for me in the office either, but I  think its all 
due to the firewall and proxy that we have setup here. It  couldn't seem to 
negotiate between the proxy and the installer. I just hooked  it up to an 
outside ADSL connection (my work PC that is), and typing this  Email through 
Chrome right now :) 

Its a brilliant browser, a true innovation to the way we use the web. Too  bad 
Java and Shockwave don't work on it yet.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Indeed.  We have some very clunky sites and they loaded almost
instantly. I  couldn't believe the rendering speed.

However Gmail won't load on any  computers with Chrome on at work (in
fact, I can't sign in to any google  services). Is this problem
affecting everyone or is it just our network?  If it's affecting
everyone that's pretty massive fail for  Google.

(e-mail sent from Gmail in Firefox!!)

On Wed, Sep 3,  2008 at 10:15 AM, Jeffery Lowder
> I know, I tired it on a couple of the more intensive  ajax dependent pages 
> I've been working on and it puts FF to shame.
>  If people realize how much faster they can surf the web - this thing is  
> going to take off big  time.

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Unsubscribe: http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm

- Anton  Babushkin

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Unsubscribe:  http://webstandardsgroup.org/join/unsubscribe.cfm
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Re: [WSG] Google chrome... Coming very soon...

2008-09-03 Thread David Dorward
tee wrote:
> I really like to see that it magically repairs IE6 broken web, so that
> we can forever moving forward and it helps save IE team from
> implementing compatibility view in IE8. Hack!, they might just start
> thinking why do we wasting our time on IE8. Rumor has circling in
> Technorati, MSN, Diggit that the head of IE team was sending his
> resumé to google inc.
> As for google, it will win over all big corp that use IE6 for their
> intranets.
Not likely. A large numbers of them use IE6 because their Intranets were
designed for IE6 and not browsers. Since Chrome is WebKit based, it
isn't going to render the Intranet pages as desired.

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