[WSG] Dropdown Menu disappears after 2nd or 3rd links down

2009-12-18 Thread Kristine Cummins
Hi all,

When hovering about the 2nd or 3rd links down in the dropdown, it disappears
instead of allowing the user to scroll the entire list of links. The issue
is in Safari and seems to work fine in IE and Firefox

Menu / Web page: http://www.artscouncilnapavalley.org/test/index.shtml

CSS: http://www.artscouncilnapavalley.org/test/menu.css

The dropdown css is towards the bottom of the file.

Any help greatly appreciated!


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[WSG] Extra space in menu in IE on hover

2009-10-20 Thread Kristine Cummins
Menu on left... on mouseover, the bg color should fill the entire height in
between top and bottom borders and doesn't. There is about a 5 pixel gap. In
FF, it looks fine.

Web: http://esw.sbw.org/
CSS: http://esw.sbw.org/wp-content/plugins/menubar-templates/esw/eswmenu.css

Thanks in advance.

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[WSG] Converting CSS / Design into Pre-Set HTML widget code

2009-10-11 Thread Kristine Cummins
I am unsuccessfully able to convert my CSS/design into *pre-set HTML widget
code* (see widget code below).
Current List design (see Events on right):

Events Calendar

text goes here


My original CSS to make my "un-widgetized" design work:
.iconlist {
background-color: inherit;
color: #000;
font: normal .7em/1.2em "Trebuchet MS", verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

li.bullet {
background: url(images/bullet.gif) no-repeat 0 8%;
padding: 3px 0 3px 20px;
margin: .7em 0;

.smtxt {
background-color: transparent;
color: #999;
font: 11px/13px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
text-align: center;


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[WSG] [Spam] :Menu stacking incorrectly in IE

2009-10-10 Thread Kristine Cummins
Please see:

Style sheet - styles at bottom for menu:

It's got a separate issue in Safari that I got to fix and looks fine in FF.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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[WSG] Multiple IE's for browser testing

2009-08-24 Thread Kristine Cummins
I've recently downloaded IE8 and now my standalone IE7 refuses to work.
Anyone else have this issue and have a better way to get IE to cooperate for
Webmasters??? I downloaded the standalone at

Thanks for your time,

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[WSG] CLARIFICATION: Print Preview Cut off after 1pg

2009-07-02 Thread Kristine Cummins
I implemented a style sheet and works fine, however all pages are being cut
off after one page. Any idears? It is doing it in Mozilla but IE is fine.


A page with more than 1 page content: http://wfdj.sbw.org/artists/
CSS: http://wfdj.sbw.org/m/styles-print.css


Thank you!


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[WSG] Print Preview Cut off after 1pg

2009-07-02 Thread Kristine Cummins
I implemented a style sheet and works fine, however all pages are being cut
off after one page. Any idears?


Site: http://wfdj.sbw.org/
CSS: http://wfdj.sbw.org/m/styles-print.css


Thank you!


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[WSG] Tiny Buggy IE thing

2009-03-23 Thread Kristine Cummins
I have an image on the left sidebar underneath the menu that is of an image
of a catalog and in IE, it only displays a sliver until you rollover, then
the entire img shows. In FF it works perfectly. Any ideas?





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[WSG] 3-Col Issue & Javascript Heavy site

2009-03-05 Thread Kristine Cummins
Hi All:


I am developing a community calendar that is ran by javascripts that pulls
from database. It has a 3-col layout. I'm aware that javascript-based site
is not the most "accessible" but was the economical option for our
non-profit. I have two questions:


1)In Safari, the center col is not filling the entire center like it
should on both PC and Mac but all other browsers OK. The floating left and
right sidebars have margins sent while the center col sits relative in the

2)Since this is a primarily javascript-ran website, can you give me
tips, on how to make it more accessible? I'm not going to do extreme
measures here, but maybe will implement some basics. 


Site: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/index.shtml

CSS: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/styles.css



Thanks for your time!

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2009-02-17 Thread Kristine Cummins
I've recently seen some arguments against the use of DHTML menus for
accessibility issues. How much is this an issue.. What is the percentage of
population that does not have javascript enabled? Any other thoughts on the


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RE: [WSG] IE Problems

2009-02-13 Thread Kristine Cummins
Update: I found the source of the issue. it's the WYSWYG WP blog edit
content interface that mucked up the HTML and inserted an enormous amount of
unnecessary formatting code in. Is there a way to keep this from happening?
This is probably more of a question for WP but thought I'd put it out there.


From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Kristine Cummins
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:19 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] IE Problems


I snagged a WP blog theme (for which I will also attempt to reach the
original designer) has an IE issue but OK in FF. It's a 3-col layout and the
center col content and the footer will not show up. I have done a few
troubleshooting things and nothing has worked so far. Any help appreciated.

Blog: http://allenmireles.com
Stylesheet: http://allenmireles.com/wp-content/themes/wp-andreas01/style.css


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[WSG] IE Problems

2009-02-13 Thread Kristine Cummins
I snagged a WP blog theme (for which I will also attempt to reach the
original designer) has an IE issue but OK in FF. It's a 3-col layout and the
center col content and the footer will not show up. I have done a few
troubleshooting things and nothing has worked so far. Any help appreciated.

Blog: http://allenmireles.com
Stylesheet: http://allenmireles.com/wp-content/themes/wp-andreas01/style.css


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RE: SOLVED [WSG] Link issue

2009-02-06 Thread Kristine Cummins
Chris - bingo - you got it it's the display:inline in the P tag. 

-Original Message-
From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Chris F.A. Johnson
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 4:30 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Link issue

On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Kristine Cummins wrote:

> Hi all:
> I'm having a strange link issue where three links in the content area are
> not linking and the code is valid. Each link is assigned with a class.
> Either I'm having a brain fart, or something strange is going on. It's
> probably a brain fart at this point. Any help appreciated.
> Page with link issue: http://www.richardvonsaal.com/about.html

 Remove "display: inline;" from:

/* off white */
p {
background-color: inherit;
color: #f9f5ec;
display: inline;
font: normal .9em/1.8em "century gothic", arial, verdana;
overflow: hidden;
padding-top: 33px;

Chris F.A. Johnson, webmaster <http://woodbine-gerrard.com>
= Do not reply to the From: address; use Reply-To: 
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)

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[WSG] Link issue

2009-02-06 Thread Kristine Cummins
Hi all:

I'm having a strange link issue where three links in the content area are
not linking and the code is valid. Each link is assigned with a class.
Either I'm having a brain fart, or something strange is going on. It's
probably a brain fart at this point. Any help appreciated.

Page with link issue: http://www.richardvonsaal.com/about.html



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RE: [WSG] The mystery gap issue

2008-11-11 Thread Kristine Cummins
Jeez – guess I was tired – little obvious. None the less, it’s really cool to 
post a question in the middle of the night and wake up to the answer. Thanks to 
ALL who worked on my issue – appreciate it greatly. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Bruniges
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:24 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] The mystery gap issue
#imagery has a height of 566px set in your CSS and your image container 
(#master0) has a height of 564px set in CSS (i'm guessing via JS)

2px gap problem found

From: Kristine Cummins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November, 2008 10:01:39
Subject: [WSG] The mystery gap issue
Please check www.richardvonsaal.com/test/index.html
The gap is about 2 pixels high directly beneath the big image, and on top of 
the footer div.

Stylesheet www.richardvonsaal.com/test/styles.html
I’m tearing hair at this point. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Another question: why is it that the .png file shows a white background in 
older versions of IE? Is it because it hadn’t adapted to this newer file type? 
Should I not use the .png file type yet?

Thanks in advance,

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[WSG] The mystery gap issue

2008-11-11 Thread Kristine Cummins
Please check www.richardvonsaal.com/test/index.html
The gap is about 2 pixels high directly beneath the big image, and on top of
the footer div.

Stylesheet www.richardvonsaal.com/test/styles.html
I'm tearing hair at this point. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Another question: why is it that the .png file shows a white background in
older versions of IE? Is it because it hadn't adapted to this newer file
type? Should I not use the .png file type yet?

Thanks in advance,

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[WSG] Big Browsing Issues on clients PC Laptop AOL

2008-10-18 Thread Kristine Cummins
I just launched a site, and it’s browsing fine on my PC & Mac laptop from IE5-8 
browsers to FF etc. However, when my client visits her site on her PC laptop 
using AOL, it is browsing (as if) the stylesheet is applying only half way.  
I’ve recommended her to download the latest IE or FF, but she hasn’t done it 
yet. When she goes to her place of work, it looks fine. How could there be this 
huge discrepancy on her PC Laptop using AOL?

Site is www.dianebrinker.com
Screenshots she sent me: http://www.dianebrinker.com/diane_screenshots.jpg
Thanks in advance for any help!

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[WSG] Browser loading images issue

2008-10-15 Thread Kristine Cummins
Hi all,

I'm still having this issue as the client is contacting about images simply
not showing up but on refresh, they do. Frustrating as I don't know how to
solve this issue. 

The page is http://www.cpwrehab.com/employee_listing.html
Stylesheet is: http://www.cpwrehab.com/styles.css


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kristine Cummins
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 11:28 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Browser loading images issue

I noticed that sometimes some images will not load upon visiting a page
while others on the page will, but when I hit the browser's refresh button,
the image will load. This was happening in IE, but no other browser. Anyone
have any ideas how to fix this issue?


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[WSG] Browser loading images issue

2008-10-10 Thread Kristine Cummins
I noticed that sometimes some images will not load upon visiting a page
while others on the page will, but when I hit the browser's refresh button,
the image will load. This was happening in IE, but no other browser. Anyone
have any ideas how to fix this issue?


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[WSG] RESOLVED: Background-Image not displaying in IE5 & IE6

2008-09-25 Thread Kristine Cummins
Thanks guys for the help - it worked.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kristine Cummins
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 6:10 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Background-Image not displaying in IE5 & IE6

I have a div container that has a background image (gradation) which is
displaying fine in IE7 & Mozilla, but it's not displaying in IE5 & IE6.
Within that containing div with the background-image is a "content" div
floating left with a "background-color: #fff", and a sidebar
"background-color:transparent" --- so that it displays the background image.
Anyone knows why or a better solution? If I put the background-image in the
sidebar of where I want it to display, it cuts off too short because there's
not enough content in the sidebar - thus put it in the containing div so
that there's no cut off issue.


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[WSG] Background-Image not displaying in IE5 & IE6

2008-09-25 Thread Kristine Cummins
I have a div container that has a background image (gradation) which is
displaying fine in IE7 & Mozilla, but it's not displaying in IE5 & IE6.
Within that containing div with the background-image is a "content" div
floating left with a "background-color: #fff", and a sidebar
"background-color:transparent" --- so that it displays the background image.
Anyone knows why or a better solution? If I put the background-image in the
sidebar of where I want it to display, it cuts off too short because there's
not enough content in the sidebar - thus put it in the containing div so
that there's no cut off issue.


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RE: [WSG] Img List Style: CASE CLOSED

2008-09-11 Thread Kristine Cummins
Will embed as opposed to background image.

Thanks guys for the help!
Behalf Of Kristine Cummins
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:29 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Img List Style not displaying for Print Preview
I created a print style sheet and for some reason, my image for the 
list style is not displaying. Got to have the checkbox image to show up so
that once page is printed, the user can check off the boxes. Any help
appreciated. I placed my list style at the top of the stylesheet so it's
easy to find.

Page: http://www.nvopenstudios.com/artist_info/studio_essentials.shtml
Print CSS: http://www.nvopenstudios.com/artist_info/printstyles.css

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[WSG] Img List Style not displaying for Print Preview

2008-09-11 Thread Kristine Cummins
I created a print style sheet and for some reason, my image for the 
list style is not displaying. Got to have the checkbox image to show up so
that once page is printed, the user can check off the boxes. Any help
appreciated. I placed my list style at the top of the stylesheet so it's
easy to find.

Page: http://www.nvopenstudios.com/artist_info/studio_essentials.shtml
Print CSS: http://www.nvopenstudios.com/artist_info/printstyles.css

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RE: [WSG] Character Encoding Mismatch

2008-04-04 Thread Kristine Cummins
FIXED. The URL below will not show any warnings now.
Thanks again.
Behalf Of Tim Offenstein
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 1:42 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Character Encoding Mismatch
At 1:16 PM -0700 4/4/08, Kristine Cummins wrote:
Can someone tell me how to fix this W3C warning - I'm new to understanding
this part.
In the header of your HTML should be a line like this - . Your server
is sending an HTTP header that tells browsers to use the ISO-8859-1
character set, hence the mismatch. You can fix it by changing the line in
your HTML to charset=iso-8859-1. However I always recommend instead using
utf-8 because it's broader. ISO-8859-1 is actually a subset of utf-8. You'll
have to talk to your server admin to change the HTTP header I believe.
   Tim Offenstein  ***  Campus Accessibility Liaison  ***  (217)
CITES Departmental Services  ***  www.uiuc.edu/goto/offenstein

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[WSG] Character Encoding Mismatch

2008-04-04 Thread Kristine Cummins
Can someone tell me how to fix this W3C warning - I'm new to understanding
this part.


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[WSG] Apply ALT tag to background image?

2008-03-24 Thread Kristine Cummins
I've got a background graphic designated in my style sheet - is there a way
to apply an alt and/or title tag to that or would I need to just not make it
a background image? My intuition is the latter - but just if there is a
slight chance..

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[WSG] META content-lang. declared but showing up different (for one person reporting)

2008-03-20 Thread Kristine Cummins
I launched a new site a few days ago and received a report that the site is
showing in another language and/or foreign characters even though "" is declared in the .
The person reporting is using Safari (v. unknown) and I think on a Mac (not
sure if this info is applicable). is an XHTML site and validated as such.

Example PDF printscreen of issue:

Website is:

Thoughts appreciated - Thank you,

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