Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-17 Thread Ian Anderson

Richard Czeiger wrote:

Can I get a consensus that this is actually the right way to do it?
It feels right, but I'd like the opinion of my venerable peers  :o)

Looks right to me. Note that in a large site with a lot of form pages 
(online banking, for example) putting meaningful IDs for all the inputs 
is wasted effort. They just need to be unique and to correlate with the 
appropriate label.

For speed, I use sequentially numbered IDs for radios or checkboxes; r1, 
r2, r3. I find it makes the process much faster on autopilot, as it 
were. Otherwise you spend at least half your time thinking up names that 
don't suck...

If the other inputs already have meaningful ids (Dreamweaver can insert 
then automatically when you name them, for instance) I'd use the default 
ones, otherwise I'd use something like t1, t2, t3 and so on for those too.



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Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-16 Thread Ian Anderson

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Of course not in IE, but IE is broken and I consider that acceptable 
graceful degradation.

Since 90% of web users are using this "broken" industry standard
browser, I don't think I would share your acceptance of this, especially 
when it is so easy to make it work.

All users benefit from the enhanced clickable area, especially if using
laptop trackpads as I do a lot of the time. It's very important that
labels are clickable with radios and checkboxes for mobility impaired
users, so to intentionally omit this on the grounds of browser
"brokenness" is startlingly unhelpful.

I wonder how much people's commercial experience and background
influences their opinions on issues like this. It would be interesting
to take a survey of how many work in web shops, public sector
organisations and so on and see if there's a correlation of any sort
with how people approach or prioritise issues.

Looks like it's required to me and it's the same in both Strict and 
Transitional DTDs.

A fieldset with no legend passes validation for both XHTML 1.0
transitional and XHTML 1.0 strict. Which DTDs are you thinking of? Did 
you do your own test case?



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Re: [WSG] Absolute Positioning-A Naive Question (Maybe)

2006-03-14 Thread Ian Anderson

Felix Miata wrote:

The author here is the lead layout developer in the Mozilla project:

Well, I don't read anything in the author's cited reference for CSS floats - - to imply that floats
were intended solely for floating small bits of content in a paragraph.
The source quoted specifically refers to block-level boxes as well as
line boxes. Floating DIVs that create new positioning contexts is
perfectly within the intent of CSS as I read it.

The reliance on "extremely obscure details" the author refers to is 
justified by nothing more than a post
by himself over "what happens to the flow around floats when floats have 
negative margin-box dimensions". I am sure this _is_ tricky, and the 
intended behaviour in CSS may well be unclear. But this
would apply to someone applying negative margin to floats in a small 
local setting just as much as

in the major layout containers that we also float today.

I don't think the Baron reference is sufficient evidence for the 
assertion that using floats for layout is an abuse of them. On the 
contrary, I have seen several references in the last few years that 
stated floats *were* the preferred layout method by the W3C CSS working 
group. Who's right? Without detailed research into the mailing list 
archives of the working group, there's not much point arguing about 
things like this.

The point is, floats observe the letter of web standards as we have them 
today, and provide a robust method of achieving layouts that don't work 
as well or are harder to achieve using other positioning methods.



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Re: [WSG] Validation problem

2006-03-01 Thread Ian Anderson

Kim Kruse wrote:
When I run this site through Cynthia 
validator (level 1,2,3)  it fails Priority 2 - forms 12.4.3 and I just 
can't figure out why. Could someone please explain it to me? Thanks a lot

You don't have a label for the select menu on the left hand side. You 
need to have a text label for every form element and ideally associate 
it with the relevant form control using an ID in the form control and 
for="theID" in the label tag around the label text.




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Re: [WSG] Screen reader recommendations???

2006-02-28 Thread Ian Anderson

Michael Yeaney wrote:
Are there any recommendations for screen readers to test with  I'd 
like to at least 'preview' what our site(s) sound like to such a user.

I don't know what country you're in, but in the UK, "HAL" from Dolphin 
is very popular. It's very similar to JAWS but a lot, lot cheaper.

JAWS and Window-Eyes are the world leaders, though WE is probably the 
third most-used screen reader in the UK, behind HAL and JAWS.

IBM Home Page Reader is actually the easiest for doing testing in, but 
it isn't a true screen reader and there are sometimes important 
differences in the way things are read. Very few people use this in real 
life compared to the others.

JAWS is by far the most common one - the IE of the screen reader world




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Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson

Curby wrote:

Lachlan is right, I use image replacement to reposition and stick an 
image in the upper-lefthand corner of the viewport instead of the 
normal H1 text.  It stays visible in the corner for compatible 
browsers.  Example:


Sorry to disagree but looking at your code, you should be using #content
as the "back to top" anchor destination. Your use of a decorative
graphic element on the left edge is irrelevant to the issue.

Hope this helps



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Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

It depends where the H1 is positioned.  If it's not at the top, the page 
won't be scrolled to the top.

If the H1 isn't at the top of the content, then I'd say there's a pretty 
good case for saying that the H1 is in the wrong place. The top of the 
content is where it should go, not the top of all the nav and other guff 
that may be on the page as well, in my opinion.



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Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson

Curby wrote:

What is the recommended way for linking back to the top of the page? I
can't link to the id of my H1 because of my CSS. The name attribute of
the A tag is deprecated/removed[1].  And while some people might say
"use the scrollbar or press Home" I'm wondering if anyone has
experimented with these:

Why not use ? (You say because of your CSS, but what does 
this mean?)

Then link to mypage.htm#foo - all legit and above board

Seems to work for most people :)



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Re: [WSG] Do you still support 4.0 browsers?

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson


But in all seriousness, if you were setting up a website for a client
 who has never been on the web before (no server logs to analyse) and
is marketing their gates/fencing business, would you try and support
4.0 browsers? Has the time come to just have a disclaimer on the site
 stating support for 5.0 browsers or above?

In my opinion, the word "support" is not a useful one to use here, 
because it means different things to different people. To a 
standard-based developer, it would probably mean "can access content and 
functionality". To a graphic designer or marketing manager, it is more 
likely to be interpreted as "show pixel-perfect design"

You have different layers to a web site:

* content
* functionality (meaning server side, usually)
* design and layout
* interaction enhancements (AJAX-driven UI and all that malarkey)

I would personally interpret "support" as meaning "can access content 
and functionality". Version 4.x browsers would not be expected to 
display any design/layout or interaction enhancements by most web 
developers, I suspect. Whether this view is shared by most marketing 
managers could be another matter :)

Version 5.x browsers would be expected to display design/layout and as 
much interaction enhancements as they can, though the scripting should 
be unobtrusive so that if something isn't going to work, there should be 
no evidence that the user is missing out on something.

IE 6 and better browsers should get the whole works, IMO.

Having said all that, it is a relatively easy matter to supply some 
basic or even relatively sophisticated visual formatting to the version 
4.0 browsers, though the main CSS should be hidden from them as the 
faults in these older browsers may make the site unusable if they can 
see the proper CSS or even crash the browser.

These days, if the need arose, I would write a style sheet for Win IE 4, 
another for NN4, and deliver them using conditional comments for IE and 
using JavaScript for NN4 (test on document.layers). NN4 cannot display 
CSS if JS is off, so it all hangs together quite well.




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Re: [WSG] Should logo not link to the homepage?

2006-02-24 Thread Ian Anderson

Patrick Lauke wrote:

How about a dual approach of using ALT that describes the image (MSNBC)
and a title on the link to provide additional advisory information of
where the link is going to ('MSNBC home page'), i.e.

Great minds and all that? If you reread the previous bit of my post 
you'll see:

'So, the logo should say something like "MSNBC home page"'

We seem to be in agreement :)

Sorry my post was a bit disordered

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Re: [WSG] Should logo not link to the homepage?

2006-02-24 Thread Ian Anderson

Justin Owens wrote:

* the img alt text read 'logo' but the link went to home

Your alt attribute should be modified to correctly represent the
actual image. IMHO, 'logo' is not descriptive enough to be used as
alternative text for a linked image. 

In my opinion, it is important for linked images to have alt text that 
explains the function of the link - the alt text should be more or less 
the same as the link text ought to be if the link was on text instead of 
an image. The alt should not be a literal description of the image in 
this case.

So, the logo should say something like "MSNBC home page" so that it 
includes functional branding but clearly conveys the destination of the 

To consider two extreme examples if the MSNBC logo was linked to the 
home page, alt text of "MSNBC" would be the least helpful, and alt text 
of "Home" would be the most correct.

I think the best course of action is a compromise incorporating both 
ideas like that above.

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Re: [WSG] Breadcrumb as Section Heading H1

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson

Ian Anderson wrote:


Anyway, for the benefit of others interested in this thread/topic,
the upshot from the above link seems to be that the pipe character
(|) is the best compromise currently available as a screen
reader-friendly element separator.

The vertical bar is the worst thing you can use in a breadcrumb trail

Just realised that the article quoted by Patrick is in fact related to 
separators in the document title. In that case, I agree that the 
vertical bar is an appropriate separator. For example, quite often it is 
desirable to put the site name and the specific document title in the 
title element, and the order may be either way round:

Adobe Systems | Buying software online

Here, I don't think directional separators have value, unlike in a 
breadcrumb trail. It's also common to omit intermediate levels of the 
hierarchy in a page title.



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Re: [WSG] Breadcrumb as Section Heading H1

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson

Kevin Futter wrote:

Anyway, for the benefit of others interested in this thread/topic, the
upshot from the above link seems to be that the pipe character (|) is the
best compromise currently available as a screen reader-friendly element

I profoundly disagree with that. The vertical bar is the worst thing you 
can use in a breadcrumb trail, regardless of how it reads in a screen 
reader. This is conventionally used on the web as a separator for 
sibling links, and it really doesn't work as a breadcrumb separator for 
sighted users.

I don't think a list is appropriate markup for breadcrumbs and prefer 
the conventional "You are in: home > products > foo"

Screen reader users in our user testing on sites with this construct had 
no problems with it reading "home  greater than products greater than 
foo", and reported that it was a very useful aid.

You should not overlook the vital importance of the visual direction 
implied by the > character. This is a crucial means of showing that it 
is a hierarchical relationship. Not all accessibility is about screen 
reader users after all. The conventional breadcrumb with ">" is a 
working compromise which has proven to be a good tool in usable sites.



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Re: [WSG] Google pages and the XHTML doctype

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Neither Google, nor most of those who might use that or similar
services, care all that much about XHTML - or any other standard.

Now, which Task Force over at  should take
on the task of "fixing" this Google service? Should keep any Task Force
busy for a long - long - time. Outcome? ...? Doesn't hurt trying though.

I think this is a little harsh.

I have just done a quick test on the service, and I see no font tags. 
What I do see is a thoughtful, earnest attempt to deliver content 
managed publishing for ordinary people in a way that tries to comply 
with current web standards.

No font tags, no tables or spacer gifs; it even has nice touches like an 
empty script element to avoid FOUC since they are going for an all-out 
CSS layout.

The OP could just as well have published a positive note that Google 
have introduced a really nice Web 2.0 app in its early stages. Yes it 
has some validation issues that will be easy for them to iron out, but 
they are giving web standards a serious go.

Kudos to Google, on this occasion. I think they have made a good start 
on the service. They tell you it's a work in progress when you sign up, 
so you can expect it to look a bit rough.



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Re: [WSG] Quick Site Check - CSS Problem?

2006-02-20 Thread Ian Anderson

David Nicol wrote:

I would appreciate it very much if you could look at this site:

This person was using IE6, on a brand new laptop.

Site looks fine on Windows XP SP2, IE6

Could it be that one of the CSS files failed to load properly for this 
user - perhaps the main one  - and what is left is what you get from the 
normal unstyled rendering plus a couple of things in the IEMac or IE5 
style sheets? Some network caching or proxy server in their Internet 
access may conceivably have made the problem persist beyond a simple 
refresh, I suppose.

You could try disabling your main CSS and see if the view resembles that 




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Re: [WSG] TARGET in 4.01 Strict

2006-02-15 Thread Ian Anderson

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Many users hate popup windows.  There are no valid use-cases or reasons 
for opening a popup window, don't do it.

I disagree with this statement. In my opinion, there are several very 
good use cases.

The primary one is help windows, where instructions can be compared with 
the items in the main window. A variant of this is T&Cs in forms, where 
there are serious consequences for the user if they move off the page 
while in the middle of completing a form - they may lose some or all data.

I think generalisations like "users hate popup windows" are perhaps a 
little unhelpful. I am sure a lot of people dislike popup adverts, but 
to dismiss all use of popups on this basis is clearly to throw the baby 
out with the bath water.

That is absolutely no better than using the target attribute.  In fact, 
for accessibility reasons, it is worse.

This is not true, in my experience. Popup windows with JavaScript are 
more usable than with target, because they are usually sized smaller 
than the main window (so not causing confusion), and caused users with 
disabilities no problems at all in any of the user testing we've done 
where popups were encountered in tasks.

Also, because the button UI is usually turned off, there are fewer 
issues with users starting to surf in the new window and losing their 
window history, which is a problem using target _blank.

In fact, screen reader users may well perform tasks faster in popup 
windows because there is a lot less clutter around the content. Provided 
they are used appropriately, and the user is informed of their use in 
situations where they are not normally found, in my view there is no 
huge problem with them.



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Re: [WSG] accessible drill-down into a nested list

2006-02-13 Thread Ian Anderson

Paul Novitski wrote:

Tell me if this would be a better scenario:  When you select a menu 
item, the page reloads with a set of breadcrumbs that spells out the 
history of selected menu items, such as:

I think you are correct to be concerned about the issue, but this may
not be the optimal solution. If you consider the requirements of a
screen reader user, their task is one of wading through immense amounts
of irrelevant stuff trying to find the thing of interest at that moment.

What's of most interest at the moment you're describing is hearing the
*new* options that are now available.

The breadcrumb (hierarchical location) is also hugely appreciated as a
means of keeping track of where they are in the site.

From user testing we've done with screen reader users, the most
important thing is that the page title and main heading on the page are
descriptive. The page title is read first as the page loads, and then
the behaviour depends on the screen reader in use. JAWS will typically
skip over stuff that has been seen before, and try to jump to the first
new content on the page. If the page title and heading don't change, 
this can be very destructive for these users, as they start trying to 
backtrack or reload the page to see what has gone wrong.

In the scenario you describe, is the page more or less identical except
that a new submenu has appeared in the navigation area? I think this
would be very harmful UI for screen reader users. The chances of them
locating the submenu are remote, and the chances of them realising that
it represents hierarchically subordinate options are too.

The best solution for these users may be to create menu pages that
contain the submenu links as primary content.

Ensuring that navigation links come after content links in the source 
order may also be very beneficial, as these "downward" or "onward" links 
are much more likely to be what the user is looking for.

Somewhere else on the page, perhaps last in the markup, would be the 
full menu including all menu items at each selected level.  A "jump

to navigation" link early on the page could get you there quickly.

I think this would be immensely bad design for screen reader users. This 
is a site map. What you may be missing is that too many links are the 
bane of a screen reader user's life. They rely on using links as a kind 
of binary tree to navigate the site - the last thing they benefit from 
is hearing links again that they have already discarded as not of 
interest. They go back much more than sighted users in order to find a 
link they heard before.

The other interesting thing is that screen reader users build a mental 
map of a site that is nothing like the real architecture, based on the 
links they hear. If every link is on every page, all pages sound the 
same to them, because about half of a user's time on each page is spent 
listing the links. When the links on each page are mostly unique, screen 
reader users perform better in tasks.

So, have a site map linked off each page, but don't include extra links 
on every page - these are bad for screen reader users, not helpful, in 
my opinion

Hope this helps



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Re: [WSG] IE7 Compatibility Team

2006-02-10 Thread Ian Anderson

Thierry Koblentz wrote:

"height:1%" or "height:0" or whatever "height" you set gives layout to an
element, which is not the case with "display:inline".
Making sure an element "hasLayout" is a big tool in the box when it comes to
fix IE bugs.

Just FYI, over on CSS-D there was a thread today about a web chat with 
the MS IE7 developers, in which hasLayout was mentioned and I thought 
this specific point was quite important:

IE7 will respect height: 1%, which if not filtered away from it could 
break many layouts. They are retaining hasLayout as an internal property 
and recommend using zoom: 100% for inducing hasLayout as a replacement 
technique for height: 1%.

More here



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Re: [WSG] Target sued over non-accessible site

2006-02-10 Thread Ian Anderson

Absalom Media wrote:

Amount of Javascript disabled based on various client profiles I've got:

My site: Less than 0.1%
Commercial music site: Less than 0.5%
Commercial / education health care site: Less than 0.7%

What methodology are you using to identify humans as opposed to search 
engines and other robots?

I am used to seeing figures of around 5% in global stats for 
non-JavaScript users, and assumed this is grossly distorted by something.

Very interested to find out more...



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Re: [WSG] DIV Target

2006-02-07 Thread Ian Anderson

Samuel Richardson wrote:

If you want to load entire web pages embedded into the current page you 
will have to use the iframe, if just want to change simple text/html 
within a div then you will have to use the innerhtml property (or use 
this method that came up on delicious this morning:

I agree that this would be better done using DOM scripting as a more 
standards-based approach, like it says in that article. I'm new to DOM 
scripting myself, but found this book by Jeremy Keith to be excellent;

DOM Scripting

It's suitable for those with very little scripting experience as well as 
those with intermediate or better JavaScript skills - I skipped the 
first 60 pages and then found the content and pacing to be exactly what 
I needed to understand DOM-based alternatives to things like innerHTML 
and old-fashioned image swapping techniques.

I think it would be a great addition to the shelf for those that want a 
good introduction to the area, considering degradable code and 
accessibility at every stage;  the book is well written and very easy to 
follow. What it's not is a recipe book of flashy effects.

Going back to the original request, my concern would be about how 
accessible the solution would be without JavaScript; you'd need to 
ensure that the content was either supplemental to the main purpose of 
the page, or that the page degraded well so that the content was still 
available without JavaScript.

Hope this helps



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Re: [WSG] Most semantic XHTML markup possible - your thoughts

2006-02-06 Thread Ian Anderson


However, in my case, I just felt that "100 223 578" does not define 
"Customer Identification Number (CID)". ...So am I wrong in my

thinking about definitions lists?? Can a random bunch of digits such
as "100 223 578" really be a definition that means Customer
Identification Number?? If someone can qualify these questions, then
I guess I will be convinced that this is the most semantic way to 
solve my problem.

Well, my understanding is that DL was not intended to be used solely as 
strictly as your interpretation suggests.

Again, what the HTML 4.01 spec says is:

"Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that 
list items consist of two parts: a term and a description...Another 
application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each 
DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words."

If you look at the latter example W3 give, this does not fit the strict 
interpretation of the DD being an *actual* definition of the term either.

Many people use DL for marking up list items and labels, where again 
there is a semantic association but not a classical "definition" as 
such. I feel this is perfectly appropriate.

Hope this helps



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Re: [WSG] Most semantic XHTML markup possible - your thoughts

2006-02-06 Thread Ian Anderson


But this definition list code I feel is not the most semantic way to 
solve the problem (not using the  as it was intended). However, I 
also feel that what I have currently is also not perfect (and if it is, 
is  better than ??).

Hi Nathan,

why don't you think a definition list is appropriate? Seems spot on, to 

"Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that 
list items consist of two parts: a term and a description...Another 
application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each 
DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words."[1]

  Welcome Frank
Customer Identification Number (CID):
100 223 578
Last accessed
Feb. 12, 2006 at 9:47pm

There is a clear relationship between the label and the content, so in 
my opinion this content would suit either a definition list or a table. 
A table would be overkill here, but still theoretically appropriate 
because the number for CID would have no independent meaning without the 
associated label.

I don't think there is any semantic or practical difference between  
and , personally. I would be guided by how appropriate the 
traditional visual rendering of these is to the content. e.g. the name 
of a sea-going vessel is traditionally italicised, so I would use  
in that case. (Not that it comes up a lot.)

Hope this helps



PS - Hello all on WSG - this is my first post :). Looks like a great list.


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