Re: [WSG] Most semantic XHTML markup possible - your thoughts

2006-02-06 Thread Ian Anderson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But this definition list code I feel is not the most semantic way to solve the problem (not using the as it was intended). However, I also feel that what I have currently is also not perfect (and if it is, is better than ??). Hi Nathan, why don't you think a defin

Re: [WSG] Most semantic XHTML markup possible - your thoughts

2006-02-06 Thread Ian Anderson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: However, in my case, I just felt that "100 223 578" does not define "Customer Identification Number (CID)". ...So am I wrong in my thinking about definitions lists?? Can a random bunch of digits such as "100 223 578" really be a definition that means Customer Identifica

Re: [WSG] DIV Target

2006-02-07 Thread Ian Anderson
Samuel Richardson wrote: If you want to load entire web pages embedded into the current page you will have to use the iframe, if just want to change simple text/html within a div then you will have to use the innerhtml property (or use this method that came up on delicious this morning: http:

Re: [WSG] Target sued over non-accessible site

2006-02-10 Thread Ian Anderson
Absalom Media wrote: Amount of Javascript disabled based on various client profiles I've got: My site: Less than 0.1% Commercial music site: Less than 0.5% Commercial / education health care site: Less than 0.7% What methodology are you using to identify humans as opposed to search engines a

Re: [WSG] IE7 Compatibility Team

2006-02-10 Thread Ian Anderson
Thierry Koblentz wrote: "height:1%" or "height:0" or whatever "height" you set gives layout to an element, which is not the case with "display:inline". Making sure an element "hasLayout" is a big tool in the box when it comes to fix IE bugs. Just FYI, over on CSS-D there was a thread today abo

Re: [WSG] accessible drill-down into a nested list

2006-02-13 Thread Ian Anderson
Paul Novitski wrote: Tell me if this would be a better scenario: When you select a menu item, the page reloads with a set of breadcrumbs that spells out the history of selected menu items, such as: I think you are correct to be concerned about the issue, but this may not be the optimal solut

Re: [WSG] TARGET in 4.01 Strict

2006-02-15 Thread Ian Anderson
Lachlan Hunt wrote: Many users hate popup windows. There are no valid use-cases or reasons for opening a popup window, don't do it. I disagree with this statement. In my opinion, there are several very good use cases. The primary one is help windows, where instructions can be compared with

Re: [WSG] Quick Site Check - CSS Problem?

2006-02-20 Thread Ian Anderson
David Nicol wrote: I would appreciate it very much if you could look at this site: ... This person was using IE6, on a brand new laptop. Site looks fine on Windows XP SP2, IE6 Could it be that one of the CSS files failed to load properly for this user - perhaps

Re: [WSG] Google pages and the XHTML doctype

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote: Neither Google, nor most of those who might use that or similar services, care all that much about XHTML - or any other standard. Now, which Task Force over at should take on the task of "fixing" this Google service? Should keep any Task Forc

Re: [WSG] Breadcrumb as Section Heading H1

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson
Kevin Futter wrote: Anyway, for the benefit of others interested in this thread/topic, the upshot from the above link seems to be that the pipe character (|) is the best compromise currently available as a screen reader-friendly element separator. I profoundly disagree with that. The vertical

Re: [WSG] Breadcrumb as Section Heading H1

2006-02-23 Thread Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson wrote: < e-title-tag-separator> Anyway, for the benefit of others interested in this thread/topic, the upshot from the above link seems to be that the pipe character (|) is the best comp

Re: [WSG] Should logo not link to the homepage?

2006-02-24 Thread Ian Anderson
Justin Owens wrote: * the img alt text read 'logo' but the link went to home Your alt attribute should be modified to correctly represent the actual image. IMHO, 'logo' is not descriptive enough to be used as alternative text for a linked image. In my opinion, it is important for linked image

Re: [WSG] Should logo not link to the homepage?

2006-02-24 Thread Ian Anderson
Patrick Lauke wrote: How about a dual approach of using ALT that describes the image (MSNBC) and a title on the link to provide additional advisory information of where the link is going to ('MSNBC home page'), i.e. Great minds and all that? If you reread the previous bit of my post you'll se

Re: [WSG] Do you still support 4.0 browsers?

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But in all seriousness, if you were setting up a website for a client who has never been on the web before (no server logs to analyse) and is marketing their gates/fencing business, would you try and support 4.0 browsers? Has the time come to just have a disclaimer on t

Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson
Curby wrote: What is the recommended way for linking back to the top of the page? I can't link to the id of my H1 because of my CSS. The name attribute of the A tag is deprecated/removed[1]. And while some people might say "use the scrollbar or press Home" I'm wondering if anyone has experimente

Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson
Lachlan Hunt wrote: It depends where the H1 is positioned. If it's not at the top, the page won't be scrolled to the top. If the H1 isn't at the top of the content, then I'd say there's a pretty good case for saying that the H1 is in the wrong place. The top of the content is where it sho

Re: [WSG] Linking to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Ian Anderson
Curby wrote: Lachlan is right, I use image replacement to reposition and stick an image in the upper-lefthand corner of the viewport instead of the normal H1 text. It stays visible in the corner for compatible browsers. Example: > Sorry to disagre

Re: [WSG] Screen reader recommendations???

2006-02-28 Thread Ian Anderson
Michael Yeaney wrote: Are there any recommendations for screen readers to test with I'd like to at least 'preview' what our site(s) sound like to such a user. I don't know what country you're in, but in the UK, "HAL" from Dolphin is very popular. It's very similar to JAWS but a lot, lot c

Re: [WSG] Validation problem

2006-03-01 Thread Ian Anderson
Kim Kruse wrote: When I run this site through Cynthia validator (level 1,2,3) it fails Priority 2 - forms 12.4.3 and I just can't figure out why. Could someone please explain it to me? Thanks a lot You don't have a label for the select menu on the left hand sid

Re: [WSG] Absolute Positioning-A Naive Question (Maybe)

2006-03-14 Thread Ian Anderson
Felix Miata wrote: The author here is the lead layout developer in the Mozilla project: Well, I don't read anything in the author's cited reference for CSS floats - - to imply that floats were intended sol

Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-16 Thread Ian Anderson
Lachlan Hunt wrote: Of course not in IE, but IE is broken and I consider that acceptable graceful degradation. Since 90% of web users are using this "broken" industry standard browser, I don't think I would share your acceptance of this, especially when it is so easy to make it work. All us

Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-17 Thread Ian Anderson
Richard Czeiger wrote: Can I get a consensus that this is actually the right way to do it? It feels right, but I'd like the opinion of my venerable peers :o) Looks right to me. Note that in a large site with a lot of form pages (online banking, for example) putting meaningful IDs for all the