Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-24 Thread Janice Schwarz
The other issue is that those top ranked sites have a lot of other sites linking to them. Relevant linking also drives Google's search engine rankings and a lot of other search engines have moved to that too. It isn't just about the content picked up by the search bots, but the massive number of

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread David Walsh
Hi Paul I recently read a interview with SEO expert Frank Paul. The gist of the interview was that description, title and keywords were just as important today as they have ever been. This lead me to go read his website and find out in more detail what the interview only skimmed the surface

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Nick Fitzsimons
2009/7/23 Paul Collins - Good search engine rankings - Best charset for English text (utf-8, right?) - Do we need robots - all anymore? - Any Accessibility issues? (Can't think of any) - Does anyone bother with descriptions, keywords anymore? - Dublin Core

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Gregorio Espadas
Btw, the minimal valid header for *HTML5*: !DOCTYPE html html head meta charset=utf-8 / title Your Title Goes Here /title /head I really love the simplicity of this. Cheers Gregorio Espadas On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Paul Collins

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Simon Pascal Klein
Good question—I’d like to see what some other responses are. Even with the advent of HTML5 I’m still firmly in the XHTML 1.0 Strict camp currently and typically add to the head you illustrated: • meta http-equiv=content-language content= / • link rel=license href= / …along with a few other

RE: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Chabot, Elliot
At the web shop for the U.S. House of Representatives, we recommend that our offices use Dublin Core and a number of other meta tags. The specific tags that we recommend are set out at Elliot

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Marie-Laure Bouchet
There's some interesting info and referenced articles on this Sitepoint blog concerning HTML5 Don't feel totally comfortable with Google setting standards 'by default' to suit their operational requirements...but maybe

Re: [WSG] The head of the document

2009-07-23 Thread Andrew Stewart
Do a search for something small to medium scale, for instance a doctor's surgery, a restaurant, a musician, a theatre etc. (I guess a large proportion of internet searches are for things like this). Now have a look at the number one entry returned in your search engine and examine the