Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Status/development of wxHaskell?

2013-01-27 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Atze Dijkstra wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Personally, I'm betting on browser-based GUIs, and in particular Chris 
>> Done's "ji" project
>> It's not on hackage and I get the impression that Chris has abandoned 
>> his little experiment, but he has still accepted a patch I've sent. A 
>> small experiment on my part
>> has actually convinced me that implementing GUIs in this way is both 
>> viable and useful. If someone else were to take an interest in Ji as 
>> well, I'd be very happy to contribute.
> Although I think many GUI's will (eventually) run via a browser,
> I also think there is a place for standalone (i.e. non client/server)
> apps  with a responsive interface with many bells & whistles.
> In other words, until the time browser based GUI's like ji
> are a reality wxHaskell (and/or gtk2hs) will have to do the job.

Oh, I agree completely that desktop applications are still relevant. 
What I mean to say is just that the Haskell ecosystem currently does not 
really offer a low-cost and portable way to make simple GUI applications 
and I think that the browser could fill that niche. In other words, I'm 
thinking about the "I just want a button" desire, I don't really care 
that it's in the browser.

Both WxHaskell and Gtk2Hs are barely maintained and hard to install. I 
have gotten so many emails from people that tried and failed to install 
wxHaskell in order to check out my reactive-banana-wx package. Another 
example is the  hp2any  suite for analyzing GHC performance profiles. 
Unfortunately, I can't use it, because I didn't manage to install Gtk2Hs 
on my OS X machine. Also, Conal Elliott once remarked that he has 
stopped working on his legendary graphical tool ideas because the GUI 
library situation was rather bleak.

I think there is a considerable market for a low effort GUI thing that 
works everywhere. It doesn't have to be great, but I think we're missing 
out on a lot of brilliant GUI ideas that can't come to fruition because 
Haskell doesn't have a very simple GUI framework.

> For some more ji like experiments see also:
> (using UHC)
> The idea in the latter was to offer a wxHaskell implementation
> minimally using code behind a FFI, therefore avoiding as much as
> possible maintenance of a non-Haskell codebase. If not done that (or
> similar) way we will still end up in a similar situation as is the case
> with wxHaskell, i.e. reliance on C++ (or Javascript) code.

Nice, these projects look promising and definitely more mature than Ji. 
What happened to Modular-Haskell-GUI? There's a paper draft in the 
repository, but I haven't seen it published anywhere.

Concerning the non-Haskell code base, Ji uses a quick and dirty 
interpreter that can execute arbitrary JavaScript commands, so not too 
much code is spent in JS. This way, the GUI programs can still be 
written with GHC.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Status/development of wxHaskell?

2013-01-25 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Atze Dijkstra wrote:
> Related to this, both archives
> are inactive anyway since summer 2012, both are also still mentioned
> on the wxHaskell wiki, activity on this mailinglist is low, so is any
> development/maintenance done at all?
> I am asking these questions as I am fixing a legacy wxHaskell app (7
> years old), and also trying to figure out whether wxHaskell is still
> a good way to go for future GUI development. For the record, I like
> wxHaskell, but I need to know (probably like others using wxHaskell)
> whether wxHaskell (or for that matter, any GUI programming in
> Haskell/GHC) is going to be used/maintained in the long run, and for
> that some basics (like which repo is used) need to be clear.

I can't speak for Jeremy, nor do I wish to step on anyone's toes, but 
looking at the current project status, I have to conclude that wxHaskell 
is not actively maintained anymore.

I'm interested in GUI programming and I have got some ideas on improving 
the wxHaskell APIs that are "backported" from FRP, but sadly no one to 
address them to. So, I'm interested in contributing, but I don't have 
the time or inclination to maintain a large GUI project myself.

Concerning future GUI development, there is GTK2Hs which works quite 
well on Linux, but is difficult to install on all other platforms.

Personally, I'm betting on browser-based GUIs, and in particular Chris 
Done's "ji" project

It's not on hackage and I get the impression that Chris has abandoned 
his little experiment, but he has still accepted a patch I've sent. A 
small experiment on my part

has actually convinced me that implementing GUIs in this way is both 
viable and useful. If someone else were to take an interest in Ji as 
well, I'd be very happy to contribute.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much more. Keep your skills current
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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Darcs gets too little files

2012-12-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Henk-Jan van Tuyl wrote:
> L.S.,
> I am trying to fetch the whole repository with the command:
>darcs get wxhaskell3 --complete
> The command prints the messages:
>Official wxHaskell darcs repository
> It downloads a few files, but none of the source files. Is there something  
> wrong with the repository?
> I used darcs version 2.8.1 and version 2.8.2 on a Windows XP system.

As far as I understand, the project has move to github.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Who is reviewing and committing patches

2012-12-16 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Mads Lindstrøm wrote:
> Who is committing and reviewing patches these days?
> I have made two fixes, which is attached to this email. One is for a fix 
> that both David Rogers and I experienced. See 
> and
> The other fix is to make wxHaskell compile on GHC 7.6.1.
> I made the patches using:
>> darcs send --output "patch_name" --author "Mads Lindstroem" --from 
>> "Mads Lindstroem" -i

If I am informed correctly, the code for wxHaskell lives on

though it appears to be a little dormant lately.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

[wxhaskell-devel] Design discussion - Composable Events

2012-04-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Dear list,

as you probably know, I'm the author of the reactive-banana package, 
which is a library for functional reactive programming (FRP) which can 
be used with wxHaskell. As such, I would like to propose a few changes 
to wxHaskell which are informed by FRP. Of course, while my primary aim 
is to gain better interoperability with my library, I think and hope 
that my proposed changes are of independent benefit.

Today, I would like discuss *composable events* and event handlers.

In wxHaskell, event handlers are currently set with the  on  combinator.

 set button [ on command := doSomething ]

Unfortunately, this approach has several problems that don't make it 
very composable:

1. Currently, setting an event handler will also *remove* any previous 
event handler.
2. The event handler may have have several curried parameters, or even none.

I have found that the most composable approach to events is the 
following type

 type Event a = AddHandler a
 newtype AddHandler a = AddHandler { addHandler :: (a -> IO ()) -> 
IO (IO ()) }

Example usage

 doSometing :: () -> IO ()
 removeSomething <- addHandler (on command button) doSomething

The idea is that  Event a  represents an event that carries data of type 
  a . If the event does not carry any data, then  a = () . The 
addHandler  function registers an additional event handler with the 
event, while keeping the old handlers intact. The return value of 
addHandler  can be used to remove the event handler again if desired. 
(This is how GTK does it, by the way.)

With this type, we can easily define new events from old ones, for instance

 instance Functor AddHandler where
 fmap f e = AddHandler $ \g -> addHandler e (g . f)

 filterJust :: AddHandler (Maybe a) -> AddHandler a
 filterJust e = AddHandler $ \g -> addHandler e (maybe (return ()) g)

 -- mouse click event
 click :: AddHandler Point
 click = filterJust . fmap matchClick $ mouse
 matchClick (MouseLeftDown pt _) = Just pt
 matchClick _= Nothing

Note that this only works well if the event data always given as a 
single type, not multiple curried arguments.

I think this is very pleasant. In particular, it cleans up the confusion 
about the current crop of write-only events like  click  and  motion . 
It also looks a bit like FRP, though it is not powerful emough to become 
"true" FRP for reasons I don't want to go into right now.

The main drawback of the  AddHandler  approach is that we cannot keep 
the current syntax

   set button [ on click := .. ]

since setting an event handler rightfully implies that the old event 
handlers are removed. I'm somewhat undecided about possible solutions, 
but we could introduce a new assignment symbol

   set button [ on click :+ .. ]

that only works on events.

What do you think?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] GitHub repo?

2012-04-18 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:
> Hi developers,
> I wanted to canvas opinion about moving wxHaskell development from darcs on
> to (git, obviously) on GitHub.
> Potential advantages:
>- Easier for new committers to commit code
>- GitHub provides some pretty decent tools (integrated issue tracker,
>- Easier handling of the wxWidgets 2.8/2.9 branches. I'm pretty
>impressed at the way git does this (and was not impressed by merging Dave
>Tapley's darcsden branch back into the mainline using
>darcs - this turned out to be a completely manual operation which was no
>fun at all).
> Downsides:
>- I personally find darcs easier than git, and as Haskellers we should
>promote darcs if possible
>- Possibly a new tool for old hands to learn
> I would say that a move is probably only worthwhile if we think that it
> would help to attract new developer to the project.
> I have put up an experimental project at
> which gives an idea how the two
> branches would look.
> One option might be to use wxHaskell as a test case for darcs-bridge, in
> which case we could allow commits to darcs or Github, but I'll leave it to
> Eric to decide whether darcs bridge is ready for such a use case.

I'm in favor of a move to GitHub. The barrier to entry is a lot lower. 
When creating issues, people will often include a "pull request" (i.e. 
patch) if they were able to solve it themselves.

I use Git it for all my projects, but that's mainly because I use a GUI 
environment ("SmartGit") so that I don't have to learn the command line. 
In other words: I never really learned how Git works and I can still use 
it without (major) problems.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Happy New Year, wxHaskellers

2012-01-02 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:
> Following shortly afterwards, the very exciting news is that a number of
> people (Dave Tapley in particular) have been putting a lot of work over the
> last few months towards support of the wxWidgets 2.9 releases. This does
> introduce a small number of breaking changes as the wxWidgets API has
> changed in places, but brings with it quite a number of improvements:
>- wxC is built as a shared library. This means that wxHaskell works in
>GHCi again, which has been one of the most requested bugfixes over the past
>18 months or so.

Hurray, that promises to be a really happy new year! The bananas will 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Patches to build wxHaskell with wxWidgets 2.9.2 GTK on Linux

2011-07-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Dave Tapley wrote:
> Hmm, further to this:
> $ darcs pull
> Pulling from "";...
> Official wxHaskell darcs repository
> **
> No remote changes to pull in!
> $ cd wx
> $ cabal configure
> Resolving dependencies...
> Configuring wx-0.13.1...
> Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same
> package. This is highly likely to cause a compile failure.
> package wxcore-0.13.1 requires containers-
> package wxdirect-0.13.1 requires containers-
> package wxcore-0.13.1 requires parsec-
> package wxdirect-0.13.1 requires parsec-3.1.1

You may need to bump dependency version. Are you using GHC 7.0? The 
easiest way to proceed is probably to copy the version constraints from 
the *latest* packages on hackage:

and then reconfigure, rebuild and reinstall these packages.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Bug report: wxWidgets crashes when trying to text entry dynamically

2011-07-14 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
> Dmitriy Nikitinskiy wrote:
>> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>>> Seems to be the same as this bug:
>>> Any workaround?
>> On my side this example works ok.
>> I have tested on openSuSe 11.4 and WinXp with ghc-7.0.2 and wxWidgets-2.8.11.
> Ah, I should have mentioned that I am on Mac OS X, version 10.6.8 .

Apparently, I'm not very good at reporting bugs. I had  wxWidgets-2.8.8 
  which came bundled with the OS. Installing a newer version (2.8.12) 
via MacPorts fixes the problem.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Bug report: wxWidgets crashes when trying to text entry dynamically

2011-07-12 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Dmitriy Nikitinskiy wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> I want to set the text of a text entry while the program is running, but
>> wxWidgets/wxHaskell crashes with the following assertion failure:
>> ../src/common/strinc.pp(410): assert "nStart<= length()" failed in erase()
>> Here a minimal program that crashes when you click the button:
>>   import Graphics.UI.WX
>>   main = start $ do
>>   f<- frame[ text := "Test" ]
>>   e<- entry f  [ text := "A" ]
>>   b<- button f [ text := "Button"
>> , on command := set e [ text := "B" ] ]
>>   set f [ layout := row 5 [ widget b, widget e]]
>> Seems to be the same as this bug:
>> Any workaround?
> On my side this example works ok.
> I have tested on openSuSe 11.4 and WinXp with ghc-7.0.2 and wxWidgets-2.8.11.

Ah, I should have mentioned that I am on Mac OS X, version 10.6.8 .

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on "Lean Startup 
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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

[wxhaskell-devel] Bug report: wxWidgets crashes when trying to text entry dynamically

2011-07-12 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

I want to set the text of a text entry while the program is running, but 
wxWidgets/wxHaskell crashes with the following assertion failure:

../src/common/strinc.pp(410): assert "nStart <= length()" failed in erase()

Here a minimal program that crashes when you click the button:

 import Graphics.UI.WX

 main = start $ do
 f <- frame[ text := "Test" ]
 e <- entry f  [ text := "A" ]
 b <- button f [ text := "Button"
   , on command := set e [ text := "B" ] ]
 set f [ layout := row 5 [ widget b, widget e]]

Seems to be the same as this bug:

Any workaround?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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wxhaskell-devel mailing list

Re: [wxhaskell-devel] Haskell Platform roadmap?

2011-06-16 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus
Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:
> - Extend Graphics.UI.WX so that more of the core functionality has 
> high-level wrappers, e.g. for Grid, List boxes etc. I would love to
> see an FRP wrapper around parts of wxHaskell, and think we could 
> reinstate one or more of the FRP libraries, for example. Making GUI
> programming less like C programming would do a lot to promote Haskell
> GUI development, but it requires much better Haskell-fu than I have
> to offer.

I'm currently working on the FRP part [1]. It turns out that FRP is 
completely orthogonal to wxHaskell; there is no need to add special 
support for FRP in the GUI library. A handful of convenience wrappers 
[2] are enough to transform wxHaskell into a fully featured FRP-GUI 
library. In other words, you can simply focus on the mid-level GUI 
bindings and get that into the platform.

If anything, it would be very useful to fix the GHCi issue. Developing 
an FRP library is still a very experimental activity and having GHCi 
support makes prototyping a lot faster. (Conal Elliott would agree with 


Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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