[Xenomai-core] tsc part 3

2009-03-24 Thread Steven Seeger
Things seem to be working ok so far. The problem was we had left the  
kernel CONFIG_OPT_TIMING_PERIODIC on by mistake after doing a test.

Numbers are a little nicer but still higher than I'd like. The sound  
driver which has a single rtdm timer running and doing nothing brings  
irq0 handler up from 0.2% to 3.5%. That isn't too bad considering it's  
8000 Hz! With a few threads but with the system idle irq0 is up to  
8.4%. That's more than I'd like, though. :( It didn't get all the way  
to the motor test, so maybe there is another issue.


Xenomai-core mailing list

[Xenomai-core] more on tsc/ticks

2009-03-24 Thread Steven Seeger
It seems that the real problem is that something is wrong with the  
TSC. We disabled the watchdog code that removes the TSC as the  
clocksource. Again, the kernel says timerdev is pit (which is right  
because there is no apic) and clockdev is tsc. I go back to emails  
with Jan and Phlippe from Feb 2008 regarding the differences in  
timebases between PIT and TSC. It seems that TSC is stable but I don't  
know. If I had one of those boards I'd be much better off.


Xenomai-core mailing list

[Xenomai-core] tsc/ticks question

2009-03-24 Thread Steven Seeger
rt_task_set_periodic() says the period parameter is expressed in clock  

We have tsc being used as clockdev now, while pit is timerdev. We are  
getting -EINVAL from all these routines.

/proc/xenomai/latency is 4200

I notice that in module.c, nklatency is printed with  
xnarch_tsc_to_ns(nklatency) so it seems that nklatency is stored in  
tsc. However, because I'm using ns2ticks for my function call (which  
per the documention should be in clock ticks) it fails because our  
ticks are 320.

Just pointing this out.


Xenomai-core mailing list

Re: [Xenomai-core] irq0 usage

2009-03-24 Thread Philippe Gerum
On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 19:32 -0400, Steven Seeger wrote:
> > Ok, so we will agree that the 20%/60% ratios can't be compared, in  
> > fact.
> Do you mean that this is not a fair comparison or that I should not be  
> this slow compared to RTAI?

I mean that you were comparing apples to oranges. If you really want to
compare them in order to figure out if a significant loss of performance
happened, then run your application in an RTAI/LXRT context in userland.

> > The fact that the GX still has to use a crappy 8253 PIT for timing and
> > must emulate the TSC using one of the PIT channels is not helping at
> > all. Emulating the TSC costs 1 x time_of(outb) + 2 x time_of(inb),  
> > each
> > time a timestamp is read via the rdtsc emulation code. That is costly.
> Do you agree that if I build with TSC on and disable suspend on halt  
> (or use idle=poll) that xenomai will use rdtsc?

Xenomai will use rdtsc as soon as the kernel wants to use it. And the
kernel will do that as soon as the CPU model you picked in your setup
does exhibit TSC support. This is not a matter of Xenomai choosing to
ignore TSC support when available to the kernel, this never happens.
I seem to remember that your target has a bad TSC and loses time, unless
idle=poll is given; at the same time, we don't handle the SCx200 hires
timer that is Geode-specific, so there is likely no fallback option to
this issue but using idle=poll.

> > It switches to supervisor mode using an interrupt (0x80); that logic  
> > is
> > really costly compared to the SEP entry. I'd say ~800ns-1us vs 200ns  
> > on
> > average for your target.
> This is bad, but since our fastest userspace period is 500us it is not  
> a dealbreaker. Just rt_task_wait_next_period() and one mutex lock/ 
> unlock is too much for it.

2.4.x will issue 3 syscalls there, 2.5.x only 1 most of the time.
If you really want to understand what is going on your system, you
should definitely enable the I-pipe tracer, and have a look at the
processing that takes place.

In any case, 3 syscalls over a 2Khz loop are no big deal over a sane hw;
the problem I see is that your target is cumulating a lot of issues:
buggy TSC, no SEP, sluggish ISA bus, no local APIC, braindamage C3
state. It's a bit like that hw would want to prevent you from using it
in real-time mode, I mean.

Again, the best way to know what is going on is to get a trace snapshot
from the I-pipe tracer. You would get detailed timing information for
kernel space activity, on a per-routine basis.

> > Btw, did you fix your driver code regarding the unprotected usage of  
> > FPU
> > in pure Linux kernel context?
> Yes in fact the new driver does not use floats at all. It's purely  
> integer math.
> > Eh, no. TSC is always preferred when available.
> I was looking at rthal_timer_program_shot().

This is used to program the next aperiodic shot and this should not
happen more than once per sample. OTOH, getting the CPU time via the TSC
emulation occurs a few times per sample.

> > Frankly, those figures are really surprising. rdtsc() is about
> > 100-200ns, running rthal_get_8254_tsc() is a lot, lot more.
> I asked above if what we did would really use the TSC or not. What do  
> you think?

Do you have CONFIG_X86_TSC enabled in your kernel config? If so, then
you do use TSC with Xenomai as well.

> > No, when _your_ test runs.
> So we should run latency -p and then our test and look at the output?

Run latency -p 500 in the same load conditions than your app, and while
this is running:

- dump /proc/xenomai/timerstat; we will find out what timers are
- dump /proc/xenomai/stat a few times; we will find out the typical CPU
consumption of the timer tick.

Then, do the same with your application, and send the outputs.

> Thanks,
> Steven
> ___
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