Re: mail act-on for yojimbo?

2007-11-27 Thread Jim DeVona

On Nov 27, 2007, at 7:12 PM, John Stephens wrote:

The one thing I'd like
is an easy way to customize hotkeys to quickly
move items to different collections. I'm really
happy with the hotkeys I use in Gmail, and I use
Mail Act-on to implement the same hotkeys in Is there any tool like this for

If the answer involves Applescript, I would need
a balbative step-by- step guide. If there is a
Quicksilver solution, I would be delighted.

Well, here is a script that moves the selected items to a collection  
called "Foo". You could save a copy of this script for each  
collection you want to be able to move items to (change the name of  
the target collection in each copy, of course). Then it's up to you  
how to assign keyboard shortcuts to each script. I'm sure you could  
do it with Quicksilver; I've tested it with FastScripts.

tell application "Yojimbo"
set _collection to folder collection "Foo"
set _items to selected items of browser window 1
if _items is missing value then return
repeat with _item in _items
remove _item from every folder collection
add _item to _collection
end repeat
end tell

As written above, the items are removed from any other folders before  
putting them in the target folder. If you just want to add them to  
target without removing them from other collections, you can delete  
the "remove" line.


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Re: mail act-on for yojimbo?

2007-11-27 Thread John Stephens
re: cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in
other apps

Bento looks interesting, but I'm not on Leopard
yet. I've recently begun using Yojimbo as a ZTD
planning tool, gleaning many helpful tips from
the archives of this list. The one thing I'd like
is an easy way to customize hotkeys to quickly
move items to different collections. I'm really
happy with the hotkeys I use in Gmail, and I use
Mail Act-on to implement the same hotkeys in Is there any tool like this for

If the answer involves Applescript, I would need
a balbative step-by- step guide. If there is a
Quicksilver solution, I would be delighted.

Kind regards, john

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Re: cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-27 Thread Christopher Porter

On 26-Nov-07, at 5:47 PM, David Duff wrote:

ideally, i'd like to be able to link from other objects in my  
toolset (omnifocus tasks [...] etc.) bidirectionally to yojimbo,  
such that i could be looking at an item (like a yojimbo note) and  
could jump to for example a contact or vice versa.

Regarding OmniFocus specifically, I find that the bidirectional links  
to Yojimbo work just fine.

i) Dragging and OmniFocus item to the drop dock creates a new note  
item containing a functional link to OmniFocus.
ii) 'Copy as link' from OmniFocus and 'Add Hyperlink...' in Yojimbo  
creates a functional link.
iii) 'Copy item link' from Yojimbo and pasting into OmniFocus creates  
a functional link.
iv) Dragging a Yojimbo note to OmniFocus creates a list of tasks with  
the text of the note - probably not the desired result (but possibly  


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