[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Wiktionary

2019-09-21 Thread Dominic Tweedie




03 Wiktionary.png







Every living, written language needs to have a dictionary, and it needs to
have a living literature in production, and readers of that literature.


The vital question of the literature, and the readership of the literature
in a given language, is one that we will return to, towards the end of this


The dictionary serves the literature. The dictionary we are referring to is
the kind that PanSALB calls a "monolingual explanatory dictionary", so as to
distinguish it from bilingual dictionaries, which serve the purpose of
translation from one language to another. Such dictionaries are invariably
in two halves, e.g. Khosa-English/English-Xhosa.


We will return to the important question of translation in the next part.
Let it suffice for now to note that the existence of translation
dictionaries is a double-edged sword. On the one side it brings a language
into cognisance by different language speakers, and so makes it accessible
to more readers and speakers. But on the other side, bilingual dictionaries
open the less advantaged language up to domination by the more powerful
language. The consequence can be that the intellectuals of an African
language-group, for example, can be drawn off into the pool of the other and
in particular colonial language, such as English, for example.


Further, the commonality of English (or Afrikaans) as the other language in
the bilingual dictionaries of the nine indigenous official languages keeps
the colonisers' languages in the position of mediating between the
indigenous languages. The publication of, say, a Zulu-Venda / Venda-Zulu
dictionary seems a long way away, but until such dictionaries are available,
the literary relationship between those two languages will continue to be
passed through the cultural filter of English, at least to some extent, to
the disadvantage of the two African languages. 


The safety of a language cannot be secured by the mere existence of
bilingual dictionaries. There has to be a dictionary of the language, in the
language itself - the kind that PanSALB calls a "monolingual explanatory
dictionary". And it has to be kept up to date with the development of the
language, so that it is a transmitter of that development to all the
language-speakers, writers and readers.


In a later part of this course we will look at the example of Kiswahili, at
its outstanding success as an international language, and at the history of
Kiswahili-Kiswahili dictionaries, which several generations ago superseded
the bilingual translation dictionaries that the Christian missionaries had
originally created.


PanSALB outsourced its central task


The case for the creation of a monolingual explanatory dictionary for each
of the nine indigenous official languages is incontrovertible. If these
languages are to survive, it must be done, and done quickly. Therefore it is
PanSALB's job. PanSALB has outsourced this job to nine "National
Lexicography Units" (NLUs) located in academic institutions. These are
"Section 29" not-for-profit companies, dispersed around the country, and
there is no trace of their names and contact details on the PanSALB web


More to the point, there are no (monolingual) dictionaries. None. There are
rumours of a Zulu one, and rumours of a Venda one, but so far, no reference,
name, publisher, vendor, price, or anything. All information to the contrary
will be gratefully received by the Communist University.


Why Wiktionary?


Dictionaries are registers of words in use. The only source of words in use
is the users, who are the speakers, writers and readers of the language.


It follows that the creation of a dictionary has to be a mass project, which
cannot in practice be effected by obscure and little-known initiatives such
as PanSALB's "NLUs". 


Wiktionary   is an existing Internet structure
that is available, free, to anyone wanting to enter a mass, collaborative
project to compile a dictionary in any language.


Wiktionary is a well-organised form of "crowdsourcing". The Wikipedia entry
on crowdsourcing   in fact
describes dictionary-compilation as a classical form of crowdsourcing. For
example, it says:


"The Oxford English Dictionary
  (OED) may provide
one of the earliest examples of crowdsourcing
 . An open call was made to the
community for contributions by volunteers to identify all words in the
English language and provide example quotations of their usages for each
one. They received over 6 million submissions over a period of 70 years."


Wiktionaries of South African languages already exist. They are listed in
this table:



Wiktionary URL





[YCLSA Discussion] CU in Telegram

2019-09-23 Thread Dominic Tweedie
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[YCLSA Discussion] YCLSA supports SASBO National Day of Action: Media Release

2019-09-23 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Sandile Dayi, Provincial Secretary, +27 72 667 0757
Wandile Dlamini, Provincial Spokesperson, +27 73 804 0644






YCLSA supports SASBO National Day of Action


The Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) in Moses Mabhida Province
supports the South African Society of Bank Officials (SASBO) National Strike
that will take place on the 27th September 2019.


The National Strike will send a message to the banks to halt retrenchments
that have become commonplace in the banking sector. Earlier this year
Standard Bank announced to reconfigure its branch infrastructure which
resulted in 1200 workers losing their jobs. The bank closed about 104
branches, 49 in Gauteng which further 11 and 10 in Western Cape and KwaZulu
Natal respectively. In March, ABSA Group announced it would restructure its
South African retail and business banking unit which will basically affect
about 870 jobs.


Furthermore, statistics South Africa's (StatsSA) quarterly labour force
survey for the second quarter of 2019 shows that 6.7-million people are
currently unemployed in South Africa, which is 29% of everybody who could be
working and by the expanded definition, more than 10 million people are
unemployed, or 38.5% of people who could be working, majority of whom are
young people.


While we are support digitalization and the adoption of automating
technologies in the sector, the banks, however, have to implement programs
that will prepare workers for this era and the future, to circumvent the
onslaught on unskilled and semiskilled workers. As majority of the workers
in this sector are young people and in line with our Jobs for Youth
Campaign, we will be in the forefront in mobilizing and coming with long
lasting permanent solutions in this sector.


We remain determined and resolute in building a Left Popular Front of the
working class against all austerity measures and to strengthen the driving
of the second and more radical phase of the National Democratic Resolution.



Issued on 23 September 2019 by the YCLSA Moses Mabhida Province



Sandile Dayi, Provincial Secretary, +27 72 667 0757

Wandile Dlamini, Provincial Spokesperson, +27 73 804 0644








































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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Kha Ri Gude

2019-09-27 Thread Dominic Tweedie




02a Kha Re Gude 850.png


Kha Ri Gude



>From the Kha Ri Gude web site   (which now
appears to have been hi-jacked):



What is the Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign?


The Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign was launched in February 2008, with
the intention of enabling 4,7 million adults above the age of 15 years to
become literate and numerate in one of the eleven official languages.
Achieving this goal will enable South Africa to reach its UN: Education For
All commitment made at Dakar in 2000 - that of halving the country's
illiteracy rates by [this year] 2015. Initiated and managed by the
Department of Education, Kha Ri Gude delivers across all nine provinces in a
massive logistical outreach. The Campaign enables adult learners to read,
write and calculate in their mother tongue in line with the Unit Standards
for ABET level 1, and also to learn spoken English. The specifically
designed Campaign materials teach reading, writing and numeracy and
integrates themes and lifeskills such as health, gender, the environment and
civic education. These materials have been adapted for use in Braille in
eleven languages, and for use by the deaf.




What is the role of the volunteers?


The volunteers are central to the Campaign and contribute not only to the
teaching and learning process but also to ensuring advocacy, recruitment,
monitoring, and ensuring that the Campaign is a vibrant part of communities.
Methods of communication differ from the usual methods and include: Word of
mouth through meetings with women's groups, the youth, taxi organisations,
trades unions, traditional leadership, traditional healers, door-to-door
visits. Announcements in church, at funerals, at Imbizos, taxi ranks,
society meetings. Interviews and announcements on local and community radio,
community newspapers. The display of posters, distribution of pamphlets,
adverts on notice boards and even loud hailing.


During the 2008/09 and 2009/20 financial years, the Campaign enabled close
on one million learners to become literate and has created approximately 75
000 short term facilitation jobs. By drawing on the participation of a range
of stakeholders, the Campaign is evidence that "together we can make a


The following chart illustrates the growth of the Campaign by province over
the 2008/09 and 2009/10 financial years.





CU Comment


This course is concerned with languages, and not primarily with literacy. 


Literacy is important for languages. Especially it is important that
literature of all kinds is produced in any language that expects to survive,
and that the literature is read.


But Kha Ri Gude is teaching English. It is not possible to see for sure that
this programme is going to strengthen the use of other languages, as it
claims, when it is at the same time promoting the use of English.


More likely would be the movement to English, and the sidelining of the
indigenous languages. That would appear to be the intention of Kha Ri Gude.


Kha Ri Gude was supposed to halve the South Africa's illiteracy rates by
2015. We are now in September, nearly to the end of the third quarter of
2015, and we are not hearing about it. The Kha Ri Gude web site is colonised
by parasites.


We have reported this programme in its own terms, with minimal comment. We
continue to await further reports, appraisals and criticism.


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Wiktionary

2019-09-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie




03 Wiktionary.png







Every living, written language needs to have a dictionary, and it needs to
have a living literature in production, and readers of that literature.


The vital question of the literature, and the readership of the literature
in a given language, is one that we will return to, towards the end of this


The dictionary serves the literature. The dictionary we are referring to is
the kind that PanSALB calls a "monolingual explanatory dictionary", so as to
distinguish it from bilingual dictionaries, which serve the purpose of
translation from one language to another. Such dictionaries are invariably
in two halves, e.g. Khosa-English/English-Xhosa.


We will return to the important question of translation in the next part.
Let it suffice for now to note that the existence of translation
dictionaries is a double-edged sword. On the one side it brings a language
into cognisance by different language speakers, and so makes it accessible
to more readers and speakers. But on the other side, bilingual dictionaries
open the less advantaged language up to domination by the more powerful
language. The consequence can be that the intellectuals of an African
language-group, for example, can be drawn off into the pool of the other and
in particular colonial language, such as English, for example.


Further, the commonality of English (or Afrikaans) as the other language in
the bilingual dictionaries of the nine indigenous official languages keeps
the colonisers' languages in the position of mediating between the
indigenous languages. The publication of, say, a Zulu-Venda / Venda-Zulu
dictionary seems a long way away, but until such dictionaries are available,
the literary relationship between those two languages will continue to be
passed through the cultural filter of English, at least to some extent, to
the disadvantage of the two African languages. 


The safety of a language cannot be secured by the mere existence of
bilingual dictionaries. There has to be a dictionary of the language, in the
language itself - the kind that PanSALB calls a "monolingual explanatory
dictionary". And it has to be kept up to date with the development of the
language, so that it is a transmitter of that development to all the
language-speakers, writers and readers.


In a later part of this course we will look at the example of Kiswahili, at
its outstanding success as an international language, and at the history of
Kiswahili-Kiswahili dictionaries, which several generations ago superseded
the bilingual translation dictionaries that the Christian missionaries had
originally created.


PanSALB outsourced its central task


The case for the creation of a monolingual explanatory dictionary for each
of the nine indigenous official languages is incontrovertible. If these
languages are to survive, it must be done, and done quickly. Therefore it is
PanSALB's job. PanSALB has outsourced this job to nine "National
Lexicography Units" (NLUs) located in academic institutions. These are
"Section 29" not-for-profit companies, dispersed around the country, and
there is no trace of their names and contact details on the PanSALB web


More to the point, there are no (monolingual) dictionaries. None. There are
rumours of a Zulu one, and rumours of a Venda one, but so far, no reference,
name, publisher, vendor, price, or anything. All information to the contrary
will be gratefully received by the Communist University.


Why Wiktionary?


Dictionaries are registers of words in use. The only source of words in use
is the users, who are the speakers, writers and readers of the language.


It follows that the creation of a dictionary has to be a mass project, which
cannot in practice be effected by obscure and little-known initiatives such
as PanSALB's "NLUs". 


Wiktionary   is an existing Internet structure
that is available, free, to anyone wanting to enter a mass, collaborative
project to compile a dictionary in any language.


Wiktionary is a well-organised form of "crowdsourcing". The Wikipedia entry
on crowdsourcing   in fact
describes dictionary-compilation as a classical form of crowdsourcing. For
example, it says:


"The Oxford English Dictionary
  (OED) may provide
one of the earliest examples of crowdsourcing
 . An open call was made to the
community for contributions by volunteers to identify all words in the
English language and provide example quotations of their usages for each
one. They received over 6 million submissions over a period of 70 years."


Wiktionaries of South African languages already exist. They are listed in
this table:



Wiktionary URL





[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Google Translate

2019-10-05 Thread Dominic Tweedie




04 Google Translate.png




Google Translate


In 2013, "Google Translate" would translate text from and to the following



These languages are 71 in number, and they include only one indigenous
African language: Swahili. 


By 2015 the total had increased to 90 languages, of which 9 are indigenous
African languages, namely Chichewa (Nyanja), Hausa, Igbo, Malagasy, Sesotho,
Somali, Swahili, Yoruba and Zulu.


Lingala is not there, Kinyarwanda is not there, Wolof is not there, Amharic
is not there, Gikuyu and Dholuo are not there. Hundreds of African languages
remain to be included.


The advent of free, online, automatic translation services is a great boon
and a help to people. In our continent, where so many languages are spoken,
it opens the prospect of people being able to communicate much better than
before across language barriers - if they have written text.


Printed text can be scanned and rendered into digital text using Optical
Character Recognition (OCR). Once in that form it can be translate by Google
Translate or by similar software.


Machine translation


Computer translation is a great assistance, but it is not perfect. Computer
translation has to be corrected, because it always contains errors, and
serious errors at that.


Computer translation assists because it quickly gives you a draft to work


To correct the draft, you must apply your own knowledge of the languages, or
use an old-fashioned dictionary, or else the computer-equivalent of an
old-fashioned dictionary. 


Translation is an art. Computer translation cannot complete the artistic
function of the translator. 


South Africans have not come to terms with translation, yet. This is so, not
only true in terms of the eleven official languages, and other languages
spoken in South Africa, but also in terms of international languages used in
other parts of Africa such as French, Portuguese, Arabic, and Swahili.


This becomes at some point a political problem, because politics relies on
communication. Anything that inhibits communication can have a political


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: MS-Office Translate

2019-10-06 Thread Dominic Tweedie




04a MS-Word Translate.png


MS-Office Translate


In MS-Office, in Word, under "Review", the above icon can be found with the
word "Translate" under it.


Clicking it leads you into a process of translation of your document. This
is done via the Internet, through the browser Internet Explorer, which must
be available on your computer. 


The controls appear in a panel on the right of your screen. You choose from
drop-down menus which language you want to translate from and to. When you
click "Translate the whole document", the browser opens and you will soon
have a translation.


The number of languages it offers is less than Google, and it does not
include any indigenous African languages at all.


It is an effective instrument for translating from French to English, and
vice-versa. As such, it is a help to Africans.


But this Internet translator is another example of the regrettable dominance
of the same dominant languages, even with this tool that is capable of
redressing the balance. 


It may be that government action would be required, say in the form of
subsidy to service providers or academics, so that automatic translation
services in and between all of our South African official languages is made


But the history of PanSALB does not encourage an expectation that this could
happen easily, or soon.


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: MIA Cross-Language

2019-10-07 Thread Dominic Tweedie







MIA Cross-Language


MIA is a large archive of literature in many languages. Its nature allows
the MIA operators to create an extra category called "Cross-Language"
(X-Lang) so that readers can easily move, for example, directly between a
work in one language, to the same work in another language.


What this points to is the possibility of, through the Internet, effectively
publishing one work in many languages.


Seeing the way that the requirement for publication in all official
languages is handled (e.g. by the SA National Planning Commission
 ) in South Africa, it is
clear that there is no standard. The way the NDP is published is in full in
English, with Mickey Mouse versions for everybody other than


Probably the best option is for each column in a South African "X-Lang"
table, representing one of the languages, to be edited by separate agencies
accountable to their language groups. 


So, for example, if the a document like the NDP is not published in any
given SA official language, then an agency responsible for that language
would have the resources to go ahead and make and publish a translation. 


X-Lang in Political Education


Language is an issue when it comes to political education. The above diagram
can show how it will be possible to compile parallel material for the
Communist University, for example, in all of the official languages, and to
run the Communist University as a simultaneous multi-lingual provider of
political-education reading material for discussion.


What a pleasure it will be to sit in a study circle, having a discussion in
Zulu, Pedi, Sotho or Xhosa, about Marx or Lenin or Agitprop, or about
African Revolutionary Writers


Language is a revolutionary issue.


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Salama

2019-10-08 Thread Dominic Tweedie



The Rosetta Stone  : One
text, three languages




An example


Hugh Tweedie has contributed the following link:


The linked web site appears to present an automatic generator of
dictionaries, which would in principle be a good thing, and a very good


But it is not very clear as to whether these are what it calls "monolingual"
dictionaries (i.e. proper dictionaries that define words in the language
itself), or whether they are dictionaries which are definitions of words in
English. If the latter is the case, then one would want to look elsewhere,
because the mediation of languages via English translation is not really
what we want in the post-colonial time.


This would seem to be confirmed on the Salama web site under "dictionary
compilation" where it says:


"Application to other languages


"The system can currently be applied to the compilation of dictionaries
between Swahili and any other language, provided that a conversion
dictionary between English and the target language is available.  Using an
electronic conversion dictionary, most of the English glosses can be
converted into the target language. Manual editing is needed for checking
and correcting the result, because only part of lexical data can be
converted in this way."


The English language therefore becomes the medium and the yardstick of the
other language. Which is not such a good thing, after all.


The Rosetta Stone


The rediscovery in 1799 of the "Rosetta Stone", by a soldier in Napoleon
Bonaparte's invading force in Egypt, with one text on it in three ancient
languages, led to the deciphering of two ancient Egyptian scripts, arranged
in a very early form of "Cross-Language".



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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Kiswahili

2019-10-12 Thread Dominic Tweedie




05 Kiswahili in at least 11 countries.GIF

Kiswahili in 11 countries




Why is Kiswahili special?


Kiswahili is unique. It deserves all of the attention that it gets. This
item in our series is to say why that is, and to say why South Africans
should take an interest in the Kiswahili language and its history. Kiswahili
can show South African languages the way forward. Kiswahili is a success.


Kiswahili is spoken in 11 countries and has official status in 5 of them:
Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Union
of the Comoros (where it is known as Comorian). The other countries with
first-language Swahili-speaking populations are: Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi,
Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. In most of these countries there are much
larger populations of second-language Kiswahili-speakers, who make use of
the special, useful and convenient characteristics of this great language.


As we will see in the next item, only four other languages have comparable
international reach in Africa, and they are all languages that originated
outside the continent. They are Arabic, Portuguese, French and English. 


Of the hundreds of indigenous African languages, only Kiswahili has been
able to grow in the modern period to compete with the former colonial
languages. This is why we can say it is unique and that it shows the way
forward for other African languages.


Kiswahili is a modern language


The rise of Kiswahili has taken place in modern times. Kiswahili is
contemporary in this respect to three other languages that have established
themselves in the modern world: Modern Hebrew, Standard Modern Greek and
Afrikaans. All of these four languages have ancient origins, but became what
they are today in a deliberate phase of modern development starting in the
19th Century, and consolidating in the 20th Century.


Kiswahili has many dictionaries 


As far as we can ascertain, Kiswahili first broke through the missionary
barrier in 1981 with the publication of the "Kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu"
(Standard Kiswahili Dictionary) in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. This dictionary
has been revised and re-published at least 43 times to date. It can also be
downloaded from the Internet.


The publication of "Kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu", known as KKS, was met with
great pride and joy by Kiswahili speakers everywhere. It has been followed
by many more monolingual Kiswahili dictionaries, some of them derived from
the KKS and others being substantially new projects. One publisher alone
offers five different monolingual Kiswahili dictionaries (see here


Kiswahili has literature


Kiswahili-language publications are abundant in all aspects of literature
from school and university books, to newspapers and magazines, to poetry and
novels and comics. Swahili language appears in drama and in song.


Kiswahili is still growing


Because Kiswahili is a living language, with speakers, writers, readers and
dictionaries, it is able to expand its vocabulary and its usages to
accommodate modern life as it develops.


Kiswahili by comparison


There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of indigenous languages spoken in
Africa. Many of them are well known. We can mention Ovambo, Luba and
Lingala, Yoruba, Wolof and Ashanti, Baganda, Luo, Masai and Kikuyu, and many
Central and Southern African Languages including the nine indigenous
official languages of South Africa.


In none of these cases does it appear, as it does with Kiswahili, that the
major problems have been solved. On the contrary, in all cases it appears
that the commanding heights of the literary and most conspicuously,
political world are generally occupied by the four principal former colonial
languages: Arabic, Portuguese, French and English.


Projecting forward, it is hard to see how the indigenous African languages
will avoid a decline, or find a turning-point in that decline. It is only
with Kiswahili that we can see anything like an international challenge to
the former colonial tongues. That challenge rests upon the vigour of
scholarship and on its products, the monolingual Kiswahili dictionaries, and
upon the literary culture that is in turn buttressed by the existence of
monolingual dictionaries. 


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Arabic, Portuguese, French, English

2019-10-13 Thread Dominic Tweedie



05a Spread of non-indigenous languages.png


Arabic, Portuguese, French, English


The map above, found via Google Images, was labelled "Business Languages in
Africa". There are no indigenous African languages mentioned. All are exotic
languages, except that Ethiopia's language is referred to as "Other".
Kiswahili is ignored.




What one can note is two things. The first is immediate and tactical,
pointing to practical necessity in politics, as much as in business.


This is the practical necessity for South Africa, if it is to have an
effective political relationship with the rest of the continent, to have
good translation into English from French, Arabic and Portuguese, and vice


This means a cadre force of translators who are not politically neutral, but
who are editors in their own right, and capable of discriminating and
selecting from the available material.


Similarly, these translators need to be at work translating South African
material into those other languages, and publishing it by all available


So that the net result is a continuous two-way flow of ideas and dialogue
between SA and the rest of the continent.




The second matter is to note the dominance of the languages of previous
colonists, and to put in place measures that will inexorably work to turn
this situation around. 


What are these measures?


As South Africans, we have to begin at home. We have to have dictionaries in
all of our languages. That is, monolingual dictionaries. The movement
towards an inter-lingual communication begins with the consolidation of the
individual languages. Otherwise, the colonisers' languages will continue to
dominate, as a strong mediator between weak indigenous languages.


With that groundwork of dictionaries in place, then a superstructure of
translation has to be created. Even if it is technically sophisticated, it
will still be labour-intensive. That is to say, output will be in direct
proportion to human effort applied. This is the paradox of IT. The more it
becomes frictionless by computerisation, the more direct is the relationship
between human input and practical output.


That means that there need to be plenty of linguists. Modern language
departments at universities need to grow enormously. The number of academics
needs to increase or even multiply, as well as the numbers of students.


Africans need to own the language business of Africa. The map has to look
different. The whole concept has to change. 


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[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Other languages in SA

2019-10-14 Thread Dominic Tweedie





AUM sign in Tamil script


Other languages in South Africa



In the Wikipedia (see extract below), we saw that there are many other
significant languages used in South Africa. 


We saw that the South African Constitution says that the Pan South African
Language Board must:


...promote and ensure respect for -

  (i) all languages commonly used by communities in South Africa, 

including German  , Greek
 , Hindi
 , Portuguese
 , Tamil
 , Telegu
  and Urdu
 ; and

  (ii) Arabic  , Hebrew
 , Sanskrit
  and other languages used
for religious purposes   in
South Africa.


This part of our course is a reminder of the importance of these languages.




Other significant languages spoken in South Africa (Wikipedia)


Other languages spoken in South Africa, though not mentioned in the
Constitution, include Fanagalo  ,
Lobedu (  Khilobedu), Northern
Ndebele ( 
Sindebele), Phuthi ( 
Siphuthi). Lobedu has been variously claimed to be a dialect of Northern
Sotho and an autonomous language. Fanagalo is a pidgin
  often used as a mining lingua franca


Significant numbers of immigrants from Europe
 , elsewhere in Africa
 , and the Indian subcontinent
  means that a wide
variety of other languages can also be found in parts of South Africa. In
the older immigrant communities there are: Greek
 , Gujarati
 , Hindi
 , Portuguese
 , Tamil
 , Urdu
 , Yiddish
 , and smaller numbers of
Dutch, French   and German


These non-official languages may be used in limited semi-official ways where
it has been determined that these languages are prevalent. More importantly,
these languages have significant local functions in specific communities
whose identity is tightly bound around the linguistic and cultural identity
that these non-official SA languages signal.


The fastest growing non-official language is Portuguese - first spoken by
white, black, and mulato   settlers and
refugees from Angola   and Mozambique
  after they won independence from
Portugal   and now by more recent
immigrants from those countries again - and increasingly French, spoken by
immigrants and refugees from Francophone
  Central Africa


More recently, speakers of North 
, Central and West African 
languages have arrived in South Africa, mostly in the major cities,
especially in Johannesburg   and
Pretoria  , but also Cape Town
  and Durban





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[YCLSA Discussion] RE: [CUAfrica] CU Telegram and Whatsapp Postings, 15 October 2019

2019-10-15 Thread Dominic Tweedie

Cde Nkala, thanks for a contribution.


I think it would have been better if you had put at the top that it was by 
Peter Fabricius, and that it was published in the Daily Maverick.

It would also have been good if you could have issued a health warning about 
the late Stephen Ellis.


It would have been best of all if you had gone direct to Jeremy Brickhill and 
got the story first-hand from him.


For the record, Stephen Ellis was the editor of “Africa Confidential”, a 
cold-war publication that was never a friend of any liberation movement.

Fabricius is a survivor of the old school of anti-communist writing in South 
African media.


The Daily Maverick is a counter-revolutionary, reactionary, Internet blog, 
based in Johannesburg.


By all means denounce anyone for getting into bed with the apartheid regime, if 
that was the case. 


But don’t then pull us into the same bed with the likes of Fabricius and the 
corpse of Stephen Ellis, please.


Or at least, not without warning.












From: coast...@googlegroups.com [mailto:coast...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
watson nkala
Sent: 15 October 2019 12:54
To: coast...@googlegroups.com
Cc: inland...@googlegroups.com; youth-and-unions@googlegroups.com; 
elimu-afr...@googlegroups.com; cu-n...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [CUAfrica] CU Telegram and Whatsapp Postings, 15 October 2019


Despite eulogies by Cyril Ramaphosa and Thabo Mbeki after his death, the 
historical records show Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF even collaborated with the 
old apartheid government to keep the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) 
out of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe’s Zanu-PF and South Africa’s old National Party government were 
publicly sworn enemies. Privately, their relationship was a bit more 

On 7 and 8 February, 1983, for instance, Emmerson Mnangagwa, then Zimbabwe’s 
minister of state security, and his intelligence officials met secretly with 
their counterparts in the South African Defence Force (SADF) in Harare. They 
wanted to discuss a common problem. 

Mnangagwa’s avowedly Marxist Zanu-PF under its leader, Robert Mugabe, had come 
to power three years earlier and proclaimed itself as being on the front line 
of the regional campaign to topple the apartheid government in Pretoria.

Behind closed doors, Harare evidently had a rather different agenda, one which 
dovetailed with Pretoria’s interest in thwarting the ANC’s armed struggle.

The SADF notes of that February 1983 meeting, still in the archives of what is 
now the Department of International Relations and Cooperation in Pretoria, 
record that the two governments agreed that, “Zimbabwe does not consider 
political support of the ANC in the same category as military support. For this 
reason, they provide office facilities to the ANC in Harare but do not allow 
them to infiltrate over the RSA/Zimbabwe border.”

According to the SADF report, Mnangagwa – now Zimbabwe’s president, having 
toppled Mugabe two years ago – took personal credit for obtaining permission 
from his then-boss, Prime Minister Mugabe, for the SADF visit to Harare and for 
similar future intelligence meetings. 

Mnangagwa also claimed at the meeting that he had initiated the similar 
clandestine dialogues which South Africa was having with the Angolan and 
Mozambique governments, also Marxist and publicly hostile to Pretoria.

Timothy Scarnecchia, history professor at Kent State University, recounts this 
meeting in his paper “Rationalizing Gukurahundi: Cold War and South African 
Foreign Relations with Zimbabwe, 1981-1983”, which describes the complex 
diplomatic relations between Zimbabwe, South Africa and major powers at the 
time of the Gukurahundi, the massacre of thousands of Zimbabweans in 
Matabeleland by the North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade of the Zimbabwe Defence 

Scarnecchia presents a very different picture of relations between Mugabe’s 
Zanu-PF and the ANC from the one projected by President Cyril Ramaphosa and 
former president Thabo Mbeki in their eulogies after Mugabe’s death in 

Ramaphosa told the crowd in the Harare stadium at Mugabe’s official memorial 
service, “Mugabe was a friend of the ANC, a friend of the people of South 
Africa, who stood by us during our darkest hour and was unwavering [in] support 
when our people were suffering under the yoke of apartheid.” 

And at a later memorial service for Mugabe in Pietermaritzburg he said Mugabe 
had been prepared to sacrifice much for the freedom of South Africa.

“He was prepared to risk the fortunes and infrastructure of their own country 
so we in South Africa could be free. He was prepared to give free passage to 
Umkhonto we Sizwe soldiers to come through Zimbabwe and launch operations in 
Zimbabwe knowing well he would risk reprisals from the apartheid government.

“Did he flinch or hesitate? Not Mugabe, he was prepared to support us to the 
end. He was an African patriot, [he] believed [i

[YCLSA Discussion] LANGUAGES: Alphabetisation

2019-11-02 Thread Dominic Tweedie




>From http://yosipuedo.com.ar/

Yo Si Puedo web site for Argentina




“Un Programa Cubano para poner Fin al Analfabetismo en el Mundo”


“Yo si puedo” (Yes, I can) is an international programme for the eradication
of illiteracy, dating from March, 2001.


It was quite difficult to find more the information given below, on the
Internet. What we can understand from it is that this is an extremely
successful programme, based on a standard methodology, of which we
unfortunately have no samples, as yet. We would like to have some pages from
the manuals of the “Yo si puedo” programme.


What we would like to know about this programme, for the purposes of our
course on languages, is first, how the vernacular languages (e.g. Aymara and
Quechua) are protected within this literacy programme, in relation to the
colonial language (e.g., in that case, Spanish).


Second, we would like to know how the question of cultural content of
languages is handled in the “Yo si puedo” method, and related to this,
whether there is any political content, whether intentional or de facto.


[This Cuban, communistic anti-illiteracy campaign’ slogan “Yo si puedo” is
what Barack Obama ripped off for his election campaign (“Yes, we can”).]





Cuban literacy method benefits almost six million people around the world



Almost six million people in 28 countries all over the world have learned to
read and write thanks to the Cuban literacy method ‘Yo si puedo’ (Yes, I


According to Enia Rosa Torres, an advisor to the Cuban Minister of
Education, 5.8 million people have already learned to read and write using
the ‘Yo si puedo’ method, while 723,900 others have benefited from a similar
Cuban methodology called ‘Yo si puedo seguir’ (Yes, I Can Continue), which
guarantees elementary instruction.


During a press conference in Havana on Wednesday, Torres said that there are
currently more than 2,200 Cuban education specialists making a contribution
in 28 countries, with priority given to the member nations of the Bolivarian
Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA).


The official noted that, thanks to the efforts of the Cuban professionals
and the methodology, Venezuela, in 2002; Bolivia, in 2009; and Nicaragua, in
2011, were declared territories free from illiteracy.


The Cuban ‘Yo si puedo’ method — which received two honorary mentions from
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) in 2002 and 2003 — has 14 versions, eight of them in Spanish, one
in English, another one in Portuguese, and one in Creole for Haiti. There
are also versions in Aymara and Quechua for Bolivia, and in Tetum, for East
Timor. – (ACN)







Yo Si Puedo Alphabetization program, Bolivia



Héctor Mediavilla


The Cuban literacy program “YO SI PUEDO” (Yes I can), approved by the
UNESCO, has been successfully implemented in 20 countries all over the
world. Bolivian Ministry of Education has the goal of eradicating
illiteracy, that affects around 20% of the population, in the next 4 years.
This innovative method consists on TV lessons for a group of around 20
people where a 25” TV set, a VHS video recorder and a pack of 65 VHS tape
lessons are required. The group is leaded by a competent member of the
community during 3 months to complete the Basic literacy course. YO SI PUEDO
program was officially opened in March 2006. There are around 12.000
literacy points spread all over the country. Courses have been recorded in
Spanish and in native languages such as Quechua and Aymara.






Yo sí Puedo, a Cuban literacy program


YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkmunaBibTA



In the process of researching the above, we discovered a Cuban
Spanish-Language equivalent of Wikipedia, at:






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[YCLSA Discussion] Request for feedback on continuation of the CU in Google Groups

2019-11-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Please respond to this message! 




Communist University


Request for feedback on continuation of the CU in Google Groups


>From this end, it is impossible to know if the CU in Google Groups is
appreciated or wanted, or even if it is reaching the listed subscribers at
all. E-mail is used very much less these days, if my inbox is anything to go
by. I used to receive dozens, if not hundreds of e-mails per day including
from the CU Google Groups. Now I hardly get any.


Frankly, and as you have repeatedly been advised, Telegram is a far better
service. As well as being a first-class smart-phone app, Telegram messages
arrive in your laptop just like e-mail. If the CU is providing that good
service with Telegram, then why do we need to duplicate the same work in
Google Groups?


Google is not a friendly organisation. This week they have cancelled our
ten-years-old "CU-News" group, which was not the first time we have had this
kind of harsh treatment. Google Groups are also not easy to manage, at the
best of times. 


If there is no demand, or very little demand, then I will prefer to drop the
CU Google Groups altogether, and instead use my daily time more profitably
with Telegram, and elsewhere.

This is your opportunity to reply and offer your opinion. Please feel free
to express yourself openly and frankly.


After a reasonable interval, I will respond to the replies.


With best wishes,


Dominic Tweedie, "VC" of the Communist University




























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[YCLSA Discussion] Please, after installing Telegram, join your CU group in Telegram.

2019-11-05 Thread Dominic Tweedie





Comrades appear to be subscribing to the Telegram app, thinking that they
will thereby automatically receive messages from the CU. This is not the


Not only are they in danger of losing contact with the CU, but their new
Telegram subscription may also lapse altogether if it is not used.


Therefore please be informed that from Telegram you will need to join a CU
group before you will be connected to the CU there. 


The invitation link for your CU group in Telegram is:







































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[YCLSA Discussion] Umsebenzi Online is now on a public Telegram Channel

2019-11-05 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Read and join at https://t.me/Umsebenzi 






Umsebenzi Online is now on a public Telegram Channel


All are free to join with this simple link:

















































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[YCLSA Discussion] Future of CU in Google Groups

2019-11-06 Thread Dominic Tweedie


Future of the CU in Google Groups (e-mail)


There have been a variety of different responses on the matter of closing
the four main CU Google Groups. The range is wide and there is no consensus,
so it looks like I will have to decide.


Just to clear something up: Google Groups are the means by which we send
bulk e-mail to CU subscribers. Therefore e-mail and Google Groups are not
alternatives, but essentially the same thing for these purposes.


What I propose to do is this:

Maintain the CU e-mail Google Groups until the end of the Communist
University year, when all the courses have been completed; and cease using
these Google Groups altogether by the end of 2019.


Sustain the CU Whatsapp Groups into 2020, and for as long as they are
viable. CU Whatsapp groups have been shrinking for a long time, but there
are still a lot of members there.


Continue to grow the CU in Telegram.


For those with Telegram problems: Comrades, it is an app like any other. It
works in a similar way to Whatsapp, though with important capacity
advantages. Chatting (dialogue) is just as easy in Telegram as it is in


Those who prefer to work in the laptop, can do so, because Telegram works
like e-mail in the laptop. 


I think after more than ten years I must be permitted to "hang up my
(Google) hat".

I know this will not please everybody. I am sorry for that. But everything
must have its end. 


With Best Wishes,

















































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[YCLSA Discussion] RE: Future of CU in Google Groups

2019-11-06 Thread Dominic Tweedie

Good morning, comrades.


I want to make an amendment to the below message, sent yesterday.


I propose to retain one Google Group (not four), and continue to post the
summary "CU Telegram/Whatsapp Postings" to that group.


In other words, discontinuing course postings means that four separate
Google Groups are not required for e-mail distribution.

Production of the summary of CU Telegram/Whatsapp postings is integral to
the CU process, and can't be reduced.


Therefore it may as well continue to be posted to one Google Group, for as
long as I am posting to Telegram and Whatsapp.


This means that those who still want CU e-mail, will still be able to have
it (minus the course postings, all of which you have probably seen at least
twice by now).


You will be further advised of the precise arrangements.








From: Dominic Tweedie [mailto:dominic.twee...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 06 November 2019 19:48
To: 'inland...@googlegroups.com'; 'coast...@googlegroups.com'
Cc: 'youth-and-unions@googlegroups.com'; 'elimu-afr...@googlegroups.com'
Subject: Future of CU in Google Groups




Future of the CU in Google Groups (e-mail)


There have been a variety of different responses on the matter of closing
the four main CU Google Groups. The range is wide and there is no consensus,
so it looks like I will have to decide.


Just to clear something up: Google Groups are the means by which we send
bulk e-mail to CU subscribers. Therefore e-mail and Google Groups are not
alternatives, but essentially the same thing for these purposes.


What I propose to do is this:

Maintain the CU e-mail Google Groups until the end of the Communist
University year, when all the courses have been completed; and cease using
these Google Groups altogether by the end of 2019.


Sustain the CU Whatsapp Groups into 2020, and for as long as they are
viable. CU Whatsapp groups have been shrinking for a long time, but there
are still a lot of members there.


Continue to grow the CU in Telegram.


For those with Telegram problems: Comrades, it is an app like any other. It
works in a similar way to Whatsapp, though with important capacity
advantages. Chatting (dialogue) is just as easy in Telegram as it is in


Those who prefer to work in the laptop, can do so, because Telegram works
like e-mail in the laptop. 


I think after more than ten years I must be permitted to "hang up my
(Google) hat".

I know this will not please everybody. I am sorry for that. But everything
must have its end. 


With Best Wishes,

















































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anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] CU Telegram and Whatsapp Postings, 9 November 2019.doc

2019-11-08 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Please scroll down for photos of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, released






CU Telegram/Whatsapp Postings, 9 November 2019


Click the links to connect to full text



Hiding the West's ongoing neo-colonialism in Lebanon via blaming Iran


Western headlines and reports all push the absurd claim that Iran has
somehow become the neo-colonial master in Lebanon, usurping a century of
French power via poor, marginalised sectors of Lebanese society.


Iranophobia allows the West to obscure places where their neo-colonial
machinations would otherwise be too obvious, such as in Lebanon. [This is a
good article (but Ramin Mazaheri writes too long) on how the
neo-colonialists hide their game by pointing fingers at others.]  -
https://tinyurl.com/yyvbww55  -  Saker



Commuters stranded after Eskom power cuts derail Gautrain service


Hundreds of passengers were stranded on Friday morning after commuter
service Gautrain failed to run trains along part of its route. "Due to a
power outage, there is no train service between Midrand and Park stations
and no trains from Sandton to OR Tambo," Gautrain said in a mobile text
message to customers.


Frustrated commuters blamed both Gautrain and state electricity utility
Eskom for their failure to get to work and school, while others missed
flights.  -  https://tinyurl.com/y23lb2vf  -  IOL



SA Not Out of the Dark as ESKOM Discusses Weekend Load-Shedding


Eskom said an emergency meeting this evening would determine whether the
power utility would have to implement rolling blackouts over the weekend.
"What I can say though is that there is a risk of there being load shedding
this evening," said spokesperson Dikatso Mothae.


"Unfortunately, I cannot give you a clear picture for the weekend or for
later this evening until we have our emergency response from this
afternoon."  -  https://tinyurl.com/y6xqbhaf  -  EWN



Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva Released From Prison Following
Judge's Order


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was released from
prison on Friday. Lula addressed supporters, calling for a rally to be held
in Sao Paolo today.


Lula was imprisoned to keep him out of the election that was won in his
absence by US puppet Bolsonaro, who threw the Cuban doctors out of Brazil,
and last week joined Israel and the USA to vote against the whole world for
the evil blockade of Cuba.  -  https://tinyurl.com/y26cyt3x  -  Sputnik



Jacob Zuma hospitalised for 'unknown ailment'


The Jacob Zuma Foundation on Friday confirmed that the former president had
been admitted at a Durban hospital for an unknown ailment and kept in
hospital for a week. The foundation said it does not know what Zuma was
suffering from.


This IOL story is incoherent. We await a better, proper report of Cde Zuma's
health.  -  https://tinyurl.com/y5sdkpce  -  IOL



Above are the latest CU Telegram and Whatsapp postings. For Telegram or
Whatsapp, send a request to 081 469 7758, specifying name / nickname,
location, and interest (i.e. youth, union, educators, or international).














































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[YCLSA Discussion] Telegram is now the Communist University's main communication medium

2019-11-19 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Please note transitional arrangements below.






Telegram is now the Communist University's main communication medium. 


Your 2020 courses will not be posted to Google groups. Please therefore make
sure to join your continuation group, Youth and Union CU, in Telegram, by
using the following link:




As of today, Youth and Union CU has 215 members in Telegram.



"CU Telegram Postings" will continue to be posted to this Google group until
further notice, but at least for the remainder of 2019. You may still
comment to this group, or raise questions, by e-mail reply.



If you need to download the Telegram app, please go to:








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To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Youth, Union Course Intro: Education

2020-01-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Youth and Union Groups



Course: Education (ten weeks)






Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/13 




Please use the above link to obtain the document from the CU 'A' resource































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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
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to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Youth and Unions, Week 01, Education

2020-01-11 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Please use the links to obtain the documents in PDF from the CU resource





Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/14 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/15



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1 Week 01a

2020-01-12 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/16


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/17



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1 Week 01b, Education, THE SUBJECT OF HISTORY

2020-01-13 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/18 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/19 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































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Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1 Week 01c, Education, USE YOUR HEAD

2020-01-14 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/20 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/21 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 02 ALL EDUCATION is POLITICAL

2020-01-18 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/22 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/23 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































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Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 02a THE SOCIALIST ALTERATION OF MAN

2020-01-19 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/24 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/25 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-01-20 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/26 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/27 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 02c MAN MADE by LABOUR

2020-01-22 Thread Dominic Tweedie
[image: MortarBoardCULong.jpg]

*Youth and Union Groups, 2020*

*Course: Education (ten weeks)*

*Week 2**: 02c MAN MADE by LABOUR*

*Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/28  *

*Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/29  *

*Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU ‘A’
resource archive.*

The Communist University (CU) is based in *Telegram*; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: *https://telegram.org/dl *.

Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:

*•CU Inland* (534 members, Capital V1):  *https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

*•Coast CU* (255 members, Induction): *https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

*•International Liberation Front* (227 members, Education):

*•Youth and Union CU* (221 members, African Revolutionary
Writers): *https://tinyurl.com/y2moy4rl

On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.

You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 03 HISTORY, CULTURE and SCHOOLING

2020-01-25 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/30 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/31 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 03a NEO-COLONIAL-STYLE Education

2020-01-26 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 3: 03a NEO-COLONIAL-STYLE Education


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/32 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/33 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 03a NEO-COLONIAL-STYLE Education

2020-01-27 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 3: 03a NEO-COLONIAL-STYLE Education


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/32 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/33 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 03b SCHOOLING NEVER NEUTRAL

2020-01-27 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/34 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/35 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-01-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/36 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/37 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 04 SCHOOL FOR LIFE

2020-02-01 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/38 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/39 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-02-02 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/40 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/41 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-02-03 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/42 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/43 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Re: [Sadtu Pol Ed Forum] 'D' Q1, African Revolutionary Writers, 04a AMILCAR CABRAL

2020-02-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Good morning comrade Tshidiso, and all comrades on our CU groups,

Comrades, the CU has to rationalise, or it will be impossible to keep it
going. Consequently we are now fully based in Telegram. This has been
explained since last year. Each e-mail message contains instructions as to
how you can get Telegram installed, first in a smart phone, and then in a
laptop, PC or tablet. When it is installed in your computer, it will be as
easy to open as an e-mail.

It is still possible to get into these files without Telegram installed,
but as you say, Cde Tshidiso, it is not so easy. So please try to get
Telegram installed.

With best wishes,

Dominic ("VC")

On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 09:53, Tshidiso Nkhahle  wrote:

> It is difficult to open these files, please help
> *From:* elimu-afr...@googlegroups.com  *On
> Behalf Of *Dominic Tweedie
> *Sent:* Monday, February 3, 2020 6:27 AM
> *To:* elimu-afr...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* [Sadtu Pol Ed Forum] 'D' Q1, African Revolutionary Writers,
> [image: MortarBoardCULong.jpg]
> *International Groups, 2020*
> *Course: African Revolutionary Writers (10 weeks)*
> *Week 4**: 04a AMILCAR CABRAL*
> *Intro**: https://t.me/CUlibraryD/35 <https://t.me/CUlibraryD/35> *
> *Document**: https://t.me/CUlibraryD/36 <https://t.me/CUlibraryD/36> *
> *Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU ‘A’
> resource archive.*
> The Communist University (CU) is based in *Telegram*; all CU services are
> available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
> down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
> this link: *https://telegram.org/dl <https://telegram.org/dl>*.
> Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following
> links:
> *•CU Inland* (534 members, Capital V1):  *https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc
> <https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc>*
> *•Coast CU* (255 members, Induction): *https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx
> <https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx>*
> *•International Liberation Front* (227 members, Education): 
> *https://tinyurl.com/y36fe6ur
> <https://tinyurl.com/y36fe6ur>*
> *•Youth and Union CU* (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers): 
> *https://tinyurl.com/y2moy4rl
> <https://tinyurl.com/y2moy4rl>*
> On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
> starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
> Telegram will be advertised.
> --
> --
> You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
> Please POST comments to sadtu-political-education-fo...@googlegroups.com
> or reply to this message.
> You can visit the group WEB SITE at
> http://groups.google.com/group/sadtu-political-education-forum.
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email
> sadtu-political-education-forum+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You don't
> have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put
> anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to
> this address (repeat):
> sadtu-political-education-forum+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "ELIMU Africa" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to elimu-africa+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web, visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/elimu-africa/5e37a126.1c69fb81.49d88.96d3%40mx.google.com
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/elimu-africa/5e37a126.1c69fb81.49d88.96d3%40mx.google.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
> .
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
> If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the
> individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
> immediately by e-mail if you have received thi

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 04c WE MUST NOT VOODOO THE PEOPLE

2020-02-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/44 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/45 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 05 ORGANIC INTELLECTUALS

2020-02-08 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/46 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/47 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 05a SOUTH AFRICAN EDUCATION CRISIS

2020-02-09 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/48 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/49 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q1, Education, 05b EDUCATE TO LIBERATE

2020-02-10 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/51 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/52 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-02-11 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/53 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/54 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 06 EVERYDAY LIFE and LEARNING, Jean Lave

2020-02-15 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 6: 06 EVERYDAY LIFE and LEARNING, Jean Lave


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/55 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/56 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 06a A DIFFERENT PREPARATION for WORK

2020-02-16 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/57 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/58 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 6b VYGOTSKY on PIAGET

2020-02-17 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/59 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/60 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 07 BLUNDEN on VYGOTSKY

2020-02-22 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/61 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/62 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 07a WOODEN PIAGET

2020-02-23 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/63 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/64 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 07b A MISUNDERSTANDING

2020-02-24 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/65 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/66 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 08 CONFLICT

2020-02-29 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 8: 08 CONFLICT


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/67 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/68 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/69 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/70 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 08a GOOD INTENTIONS

2020-03-01 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/71 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/72 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/73 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 09 LANGUAGES, POLITICS and EDUCATION

2020-03-07 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/74 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/75 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 09a TRANSLANGUAGING

2020-03-08 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/76 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/77 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 10 SACP On Education

2020-03-14 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 10: 10 SACP On Education


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/78 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/79 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Education, 10a SADTU's Quality Public Education Campaign

2020-03-15 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Education (ten weeks)


Week 10: 10a SADTU's Quality Public Education Campaign


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/80 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/81 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-03-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/84 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 01 URBAN COMES FROM RURAL

2020-04-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/85 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/86 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 01a PLANET of SLUMS

2020-04-07 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 1: 01a PLANET of SLUMS


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/87 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/88 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Communist University course postings.doc

2020-04-11 Thread Dominic Tweedie




Communist University course postings


The CU posting schedule is designed among other purposes, as a feeder for
live study circles, in 40 weeks of the year. Short weeks are usually skipped
because attendance can be poor in those weeks. 


Hence our pre-planned schedule resumes on 19 April, and there is no CU
course posting this week on Google.


Please feel free, in these circumstances of lockdown, to request any text to
be posted to your group for collective discussion.


Yours in struggle;


The free development of each will one day be the condition for the free
development of all;

































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q2, Development, 02 HOUSING QUESTION

2020-04-18 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/89 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/90 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-04-19 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/91 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/92 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 03 LOCAL CLASS ALLIANCE

2020-04-25 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/93 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/94 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 03a HOUSING by PEOPLE

2020-04-26 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 3: 03a HOUSING by PEOPLE


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/95 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/96 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 03b BARKING MAD

2020-04-27 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 3: 03b BARKING MAD


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/97 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/98 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 03c OUT of the MATCHBOX

2020-04-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 3: 03c OUT of the MATCHBOX


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/99 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/100 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 04 LA VIA CAMPESINA

2020-05-02 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/101 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/102 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 04a ABOLITION of LANDED PROPERTY

2020-05-03 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/103 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/104 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 04b LENIN to EDUCATIONALISTS

2020-05-04 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/105 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/106 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 04c CHINA 2013

2020-05-05 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 4: 04c CHINA 2013


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/107 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/310 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 05 CO-OPS, NOT PROTÉGÉS

2020-05-09 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/108 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/109 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU ‘A’ resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


•CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

•Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

•International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

•Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 05a UNDER DoP, CO-OPS THE ANSWER

2020-05-10 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/110 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/111 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 05b ENTREPRENEURSHIP

2020-05-11 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/112 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/113 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/115 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 06 NEW ECONOMIC POLICY

2020-05-16 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/116 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/117 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 06a NEP, a STEP to SOCIALISM

2020-05-17 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 6: 06a NEP, a STEP to SOCIALISM


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/118 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/119 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-05-24 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/122 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/123 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-05-24 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/124 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/125 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 07b RISE and FALL of NEO-COLONIALISM

2020-05-25 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/127 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/128 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 08 NATIONAL PLAN

2020-05-30 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/129 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/130 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 08a REVISED GREEN PAPER

2020-05-31 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/131 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/132 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 08b IPAP2

2020-06-01 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 8: 08b IPAP2


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/133 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/134 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 08c NEW GROWTH PATH

2020-06-02 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/135 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/136 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 09 MINERAL-ENERGY COMPLEX

2020-06-06 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/137 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/138 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-06-07 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/139 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/140 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 09b NDP on EDUCATION

2020-06-08 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week 9: 09b NDP on EDUCATION


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/141 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/142 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 09c NDP on HEALTH

2020-06-09 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)


Week : 09c NDP on HEALTH


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/144 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/145 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 10 THE PARTY GOES LOCAL

2020-06-13 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/146 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/147 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 10 THE PARTY GOES LOCAL

2020-06-14 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/146 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/147 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 10a IMVUSELELO CAMPAIGN

2020-06-14 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/148 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/149 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 10b BUILDING SADTU

2020-06-15 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/150 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/151 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/152 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] NDR, Course Introduction

2020-06-20 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)


Week 0: 00 NDR INTRO


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/155 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
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pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Development, 10b BUILDING SADTU

2020-06-21 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: Development (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/150 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/151 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/152 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] Re: Development, 10b BUILDING SADTU

2020-06-21 Thread Dominic Tweedie
Apologies for this mistaken repeat posting.


On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 at 07:08, Dominic Tweedie 

> [image: MortarBoardCULong.jpg]
> *Youth and Union Groups, 2020*
> *Course: Development (ten weeks)*
> *Week 10**: 10b BUILDING SADTU*
> *Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/150 <https://t.me/CUlibraryC/150> *
> *Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/151 <https://t.me/CUlibraryC/151> *
> *Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/152 <https://t.me/CUlibraryC/152> *
> *Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU ‘A’
> resource archive.*
> The Communist University (CU) is based in *Telegram*; all CU services are
> available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
> down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
> this link: *https://telegram.org/dl <https://telegram.org/dl>*.
> Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following
> links:
> *•CU Inland* (534 members, Capital V1):  *https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc
> <https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc>*
> *•Coast CU* (255 members, Induction): *https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx
> <https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx>*
> *•International Liberation Front* (227 members, Education): 
> *https://tinyurl.com/y36fe6ur
> <https://tinyurl.com/y36fe6ur>*
> *•Youth and Union CU* (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers): 
> *https://tinyurl.com/y2moy4rl
> <https://tinyurl.com/y2moy4rl>*
> On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
> starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
> Telegram will be advertised.

You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] CU Course Postings: Slight Change of Schedule

2020-06-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie


CU Course Postings:


CU course postings for the second quarter of 2020 are complete.


>From the beginning of the third quarter, weekly postings will commence on
Mondays, (and not Sundays).


Please reply to this message if you see any problems with this slight change
of schedule.






































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[YCLSA Discussion] CU in Telegram: all the links.

2020-06-28 Thread Dominic Tweedie


  CU in Telegram: 





Discussion Groups:


Coast Communist University


Inland Communist University


International Liberation Front


Youth and Union CU






Public Channels:



CU Iskra (New Writing)


Book Red for circle.png

VITABU (Revolutionary Books)


CU News.png

CU News (Press Releases)   


CU Jobs (Work Info. Share)






Specialised Discussion Groups:

Workers Advice Forum.jpg

CU Workers' Advice Forum 


Fight Back for SOEs!






Resource-Archive Channels:


CU 'A' Set


CU 'B' Set


CU 'C' Set


CU 'D' Set


CU Case Management Library.jpg

CU Case Handling Library






Links (Channels):
























































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

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[YCLSA Discussion] 'C' Q3, NDR, 01 ROOTS of the NDR

2020-06-29 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)


Week 1: 01 ROOTS of the NDR


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/156 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/157 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-06-30 Thread Dominic Tweedie
With apologies for posting late yesterday.




Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/158 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/159 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-06-30 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/160 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/161 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/162 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 


2020-07-01 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)




Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/163 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/164 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

[CU Youth and Unions] NDR, 02 GENESIS of the NDR

2020-07-05 Thread Dominic Tweedie



Youth and Union Groups, 2020


Course: NDR (ten weeks)


Week 2: 02 GENESIS of the NDR


Intro: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/165 


Document: https://t.me/CUlibraryC/166 



Please use the above links to obtain the documents from the CU 'A' resource



The Communist University (CU) is based in Telegram; all CU services are
available there (please note that Google and Whatsapp Groups are winding
down). Install Telegram first in your phone, then in your computer, using
this link: https://telegram.org/dl.


Finally, join your choice of CU Groups in Telegram with the following links:


.CU Inland (534 members, Capital V1):  https://tinyurl.com/y6974mlc

.Coast CU (255 members, Induction): https://tinyurl.com/y4mld4hx

.International Liberation Front (227 members, Education):

.Youth and Union CU (221 members, African Revolutionary Writers):


On these groups you will receive regular course postings, as indicated,
starting in January, 2020. Additional CU services that are available in
Telegram will be advertised.








































You are subscribed. This footer can help you.
Please POST your comments to yclsa-eom-fo...@googlegroups.com or reply to this 
You can visit the group WEB SITE at 
http://groups.google.com/group/yclsa-eom-forum for different delivery options, 
pages, files and membership.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, please email yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com . You 
don't have to put anything in the "Subject:" field. You don't have to put 
anything in the message part. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to this 
address (repeat): yclsa-eom-forum-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Youth and Unions CU" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to youth-and-unions+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web, visit 

  1   2   3   >