Re: [ZION] Breaking Promises

2003-09-07 Thread Jon Spencer
JWR wrote:
> Occasionally we hear inactive members suggest they can be "good people"
> without being active in the Church.  They are confused.  Whatever they
> suppose, they are willfully breaking promises made to God.

Well, John, I suppose you are right.  I don't know what the relationship is
between being a good person and breaking covenants.  Let's look at a person
who has not been baptized by one with the proper authority.

never steals
obeys the law of the land
helps the windows and motherless
is faithful to his wife
votes non-RINO Republican :-)
is an Eagle Scout and an active scouter
drinks moderately

I'd say this person is a good person.

Now, let's take those same traits and add to them that he has been baptized
by one with the proper authority.

Is he no longer a good person?  I don't know, but I do say that he is in big
heap trouble.  Assuming that he understood exactly what he was agreeing to,
then he indeed entered into a covenant, and he broke it.  He is indeed held
to a higher standard.  His only hope is to repent.

So let's go find all those less active and help them to regain their eternal
future (2 of my three HT families fall into this category).


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Re: [ZION] Breaking Promises

2003-09-07 Thread Stacy Smith
I haven't willfully tried to break promises to God.  My bishop knows this.


At 09:46 AM 09/04/2003 -0800, you wrote:

The way I use the language, all Mormons are baptized members of the Church 
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  And every baptized member of this 
Church has made two promises to the Lord when he or she was baptized:

1) I promise to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ.

2) I promise to keep his commandments, whatever they may be.

Perhaps some members do not remember making these two promises to the 
Savior, but they can jog their memories every time they take the Sacrament 
on Sunday.

What does this mean?  It means that every member that does not make an 
honest effort to attend his meetings and keep the other commandments is 
breaking promises he has made to God.  He is a covenant breaker.

Occasionally we hear inactive members suggest they can be "good people" 
without being active in the Church.  They are confused.  Whatever they 
suppose, they are willfully breaking promises made to God.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"There is no place in this work for those who believe only
in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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