Re: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread John A. English, n/OEF
I get Soujourners, St Anthony Messenger, America,the Catholic Herald and
Radical Grace.  My favorite is Radical Grace.

Pax et bonum,

John A. English, n/OEF

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 8:05 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

> John Redelfs:
> I subscribe to several magazines, and plan to subscribe to
> a couple more.  I was curious about what magazines, if any,
> the rest of you value enough to subscribe to.
> ___
> The Ensign, New Era, and Friend.  We will let our Friend
> subscription lapse next summer because we will no longer
> have a child in Primary (unless one of us gets called to
> serve in that organization).
> The Church News.
> National Geographic.  I have been a life member since
> 1977.  It's for the photography, of course, although it has
> come in handy for a school project or three.
> That's it, except for the daily paper, which comes in handy
> for painting projects, extra packaging material, and as
> Ben Franklin suggested (if I owned a bird), the bottom of
> the birdcage.
> Larry Jackson
> The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
> Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
> Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!

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RE: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread larry . jackson
John Redelfs:

I subscribe to several magazines, and plan to subscribe to 
a couple more.  I was curious about what magazines, if any, 
the rest of you value enough to subscribe to.


The Ensign, New Era, and Friend.  We will let our Friend 
subscription lapse next summer because we will no longer 
have a child in Primary (unless one of us gets called to 
serve in that organization).

The Church News.

National Geographic.  I have been a life member since 
1977.  It's for the photography, of course, although it has 
come in handy for a school project or three.

That's it, except for the daily paper, which comes in handy 
for painting projects, extra packaging material, and as 
Ben Franklin suggested (if I owned a bird), the bottom of 
the birdcage.

Larry Jackson

The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!

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Re: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread Chet Cox
*Alter-Ego* was the fanzine which created comics fandom, back in 1960. 
There had been a few 'zines before -- one as far back as the 1930s -- but
Dr. Jerry Bails & Roy Thomas (mainly Jerry) really got the ball rolling
with A/E.  Jerry & Roy were instrumental in the revival of the Justice
Society (called Justice League in the new version) and Roy even ended up
"going pro" -- first working for DC (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman,
etc.), then for Marvel for almost 20 years, then DC for a short time,
then freelance -- and now he's a farmer.

AND an editor, because he revived *Alter Ego* (this time, without a
hyphen) a few years back.  John Morrow publishes it for Roy
( and it is, IMHO, better
than ever.  And you're hearing from someone who used to get copies of it
in the 1960s!

The two latest issues include a heart-warming tribute to Jerry Bails
(Which was difficult to keep secret from Jerry) and, most currently, a
big ol' interview with Joe Sinnott and a deep interview with Irwin
Donefield, whose father "re-started" DC (National Publications) in 1936
or 1937; Irwin himself became the head of National and of magazine
distributor Independent News until sometime around 1968.  These were in
the days when comics which sold fewer than 200,000 copies each issue -
were cancelled.

Most of the contributors to A/E are professionals now (Michael Gilbert,
Jim Amash, Mark Evanier, to name three) but it still retains that fannish
feeling.  'smatter of fact, Roy liked one spoof that I did for the
Alter-Ego Fans list ( that
he's planning to run it in a (very) future A/E.  (It's a spoof of issue
#50, so it will be years yet.)

 "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:41:54 -0800 "John W. Redelfs"

> What is this Alter-Ego that you speak of, another comic book?  It 
> sounds 
> interesting.  My son and I have a small comic collection from a 
> phase we 
> went through some years ago, but we haven't continued to collect 
> them and 
> have no idea what our collection is worth.
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> "There is no place in this work for those who believe only
> in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
> news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread John W. Redelfs
Chet Cox wrote:
We used to subscribe to *US News & World Report* but the 'net has taken 
the place of our news source(s).  Currently, we subscribe to nothing, 
because we've moved four times this year and will move at least twice more 
before the year's over.  Our *Ensign* and *Comics Buyers' Guide* were 
unable to catch up to us.  Fortunately, church magazines are available on 
the 'net, and I download them to my PDA every month.  (This month, the 
Palm version of *Ensign* is STILL not available for July's issue.)  IF we 
had a stable life, we'd subscribe to the magazines which we ensure we get 
each month:  *Ensign* and *Alter-Ego*.  Well, *Amazing Spider-Man* too, 
but only while J. Michael Mxyzptlk (the creator of Babylon 5, whose name I 
will never learn to spell) is writing it.
What is this Alter-Ego that you speak of, another comic book?  It sounds 
interesting.  My son and I have a small comic collection from a phase we 
went through some years ago, but we haven't continued to collect them and 
have no idea what our collection is worth.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"There is no place in this work for those who believe only
in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread Chet Cox
We used to subscribe to *US News & World Report* but the 'net has taken
the place of our news source(s).  Currently, we subscribe to nothing,
because we've moved four times this year and will move at least twice
more before the year's over.  Our *Ensign* and *Comics Buyers' Guide*
were unable to catch up to us.  Fortunately, church magazines are
available on the 'net, and I download them to my PDA every month.  (This
month, the Palm version of *Ensign* is STILL not available for July's
issue.)  IF we had a stable life, we'd subscribe to the magazines which
we ensure we get each month:  *Ensign* and *Alter-Ego*.  Well, *Amazing
Spider-Man* too, but only while J. Michael Mxyzptlk (the creator of
Babylon 5, whose name I will never learn to spell) is writing it.

 "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:23:51 -0800 "John W. Redelfs"
> I subscribe to several magazines, and plan to subscribe to a couple 
> more.  I was curious about what magazines, if any, the rest of you 
> value 
> enough to subscribe to.
> My subscriptions:
> 1) Ensign
> 2) Popular Photography
> 3) Petersen's Photographic
> 4) PC Magazine
> I plan to subscribe to:
> 1) National Geographic (to study the photography)
> 2) PC World
> 3) Outdoor Photography
> Because I prefer to read my news and opinion on the Internet, I do 
> not 
> subscribe to a news magazine.  But if I find a good enough source, I 
> may 
> change my mind on this.
> What magazines do you all subscribe to?
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> "There is no place in this work for those who believe only
> in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
> news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
> ===

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