Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage and over growing database.

2013-11-14 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Jens W. Klein wrote:

> Thanks Martijn for the hint, but we are using a history free database, so
> growing does only happen by deleted objects in our case.

Right, that is an important distinction.

> When in history free mode, is it possible to detect deleted objects at
> store-time? This way we could add the zoid at store time to a
> objects_deleted table in order to clean them up later.

No, because multiple references to an object might exist. There is no
reference counting in a ZODB, hence the intensive manual tree traversal job
when garbage collecting.

>  Another way to speed up graph traversal would be to store the
> object-references in a field of object_state. At the moment we have to read
> the pickle in order to get the referenced zoids. Storing additional -
> redundant - information might be not perfect, but it would allow to pack/gc
> the database without any knowledge about the state objects structure, i.e.
> using a stored procedure.

That sounds like a feasible idea, at least to me.

> I would like to know what the relstorage experts think about this ideas.

You may want to contact Shane directly, he *may* not be reading this list

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage and over growing database.

2013-11-12 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Daniel Widerin  wrote:

> Anyone experienced similar problems packing large relstorage databases?
> The graph traversal takes a really long time. maybe we can improve that
> by storing additional information in the relational database?

You should (at least initially) pack *without* GC (set pack-gc true to
false); I packed a humongous RelStorage-backed database before, and packed
to earlier dates in the past first to minimize the amount of data removed
in a single transaction.

Only when we were down to a reasonable size database did we enable garbage

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] [announce] NEO 1.0 - scalable and redundant storage for ZODB

2012-08-28 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Vincent Pelletier  wrote:
> NEO aims at being a replacement for use-cases where ZEO is used, but
> with better scalability (by allowing data of a single database to be
> distributed over several machines, and by removing database-level
> locking), with failure resilience (by mirroring database content among
> machines). Under the hood, it relies on simple features of SQL
> databases (safe on-disk data structure, efficient memory usage,
> efficient indexes).

How does NEO compare to RelStorage? NEO appears to implement the
storage roughly in the same way; store pickles in tables in a SQL

Some differences that I can see from reading your email:

* NEO takes care of replication itself; RelStorage pushes that
responsibility to the database used.
* NEO supports MySQL and sqlite, RelStorage MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
* RelStorage can act as a BlobStorage, NEO can not.

Anything else different? Did you make any performance comparisons
between RelStorage and NEO?

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] PosKeyError in DateRangeIndex with RelStorage

2012-08-03 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Maurits van Rees
> Earlier this week I encountered a PosKeyError.  This is in a Plone site with
> RelStorage (postgres).  The traceback pointed to a DateRangeIndex.  In the
> end I solved it by removing this index (the effectiveRange index) and
> recreating and indexing it.
> So: problem solved, but I wonder if it is likely to happen again.  Has
> anyone seen this problem specifically in a DateRangeIndex?

Nope, the RelStorage site on Oracle I maintain has not shown any such
problems. It does run on Plone 4.1 these days though (upgraded from
3.x last year).

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Solved!!! Re: unable to import ZODB: class ConflictError, AttributeError

2012-06-14 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Ralf Hauenschild
> Unfortunately, my aim using ZODB was, to store dictionaries of a size of
> ~3GB memory size to the hard drive, after the data has been read from there.
> Of course, this makes only sense, if retrieving the dictionaries from ZODB
> back to the RAM goes faster than parsing the original files via readline()
> again.
> This could not be accomplished:
> The transaction.commit() alone took over an our for a dictionary, which was
> initially parsed from a file in 5 Minutes!
> So i guess, using ZODB for large files is not recommended. But in the case
> of small files, my RAM is big enough anyway, so unfortunately ZODB should
> have no use for me at the moment, or should it?

Do not store large items as persistent objects, no. Your options:

* Store as a ZODB blob, if this is one chunk of data.

* Store as a tree of persistent objects if parts need changing over
time. Future commits would be a lot smaller that way. I'd parse out
the original large dictionary in a separate process, perhaps chunk the
commits (so build up the structure over several commits).

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Solved!!! Re: unable to import ZODB: class ConflictError, AttributeError

2012-06-14 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Paul Winkler  wrote:
> That's backwards, I'm sure you just made a typo but I don't want Ralf
> to get confused :)

Yeah, my mistake. *with*, not *without*. Sorry!

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Solved!!! Re: unable to import ZODB: class ConflictError, AttributeError

2012-06-14 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Ralf Hauenschild
> Thank you very much for your help! It finally worked!
> I just deleted the package folders of "transaction" in the dist-packages
> folder of Python. Then I reinstalled the latest version of transaction and
> it was done :)
> I can now successfully import ZODB.

You probably broke another software package on your system.

The dist-packages directory contains, at least on Debian systems (and
Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu). You may want to repair that!

Instead, use a virtualenv *without* the --no-site-packages switch;
this makes sure your environment does not try to import
globally-installed packages.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] server stops handling requests - nowhere near 100% CPU or Memory used

2012-04-19 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 18:22, Claudiu Saftoiu  wrote:
> Are there locks that could possibly be used for the 'is_alive' function?
> Here is the
> definition in its entirety.
> In 'configure.zcml':
>        view=".views.is_alive"
>     name="is_alive"
>     renderer="json"
>     />
> in '':
>     def is_alive(request):
>         return True
> Whatever the problem is, it causes 'is_alive' to take forever, and the CPU
> is not
> spinning at 100%, and memory usage is not high. Could this be a lock
> problem?

I have no idea; all you told is that you use the ZODB, not what server
framework you use to register your views. Is this Grok, Bluebream,
Repoze.BFG, Zope 2 or something else?

I don't think that is_alive would be the cause of this, it looks like
a simple enough view. But if your server uses a thread pool, and all
the other threads are now occupied by something that got locked up,
then it could be that the server is not answering your is_alive
request at all because it is waiting for a thread to free up first.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] server stops handling requests - nowhere near 100% CPU or Memory used

2012-04-19 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 17:20, Claudiu Saftoiu  wrote:
> My question is: what could possibly be causing the server to 'lock up', even
> on a
> simple view like 'is_alive', without using any memory or CPU? Is there some
> resource that might be getting gradually exhausted because I'm not handling
> it properly?

I don't know, anything could lock up your site if something is waiting
for a lock, for example.

Use to figure out
what the threads are doing at this time. Preferably, trigger the
dump_threads() method of that module on SIGUSR1, like the Zope
signalstack product does (see
for the exact code to bind the signal handler). That'll tell you
exactly what each thread is busy with when you send the signal.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Migrating from Plone 4.1.4 ZEO data.fs and blobs to Relstorage

2012-04-16 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 02:25, Sam Wilson  wrote:
> I have configured zodbconvert to import the data.fs however I cannot
> for the life of me find doco on how to migrate the blob (bushy layout)
> into RelStorage.

Note that I cannot recommend putting ZODB blobs into any relstorage
database apart from Oracle. PostgreSQL doesn't handle large blobs very
well (storing them internally as a series of chunks in a dedicated
table), while MySQL doesn't really support blobs at all.

We have one customer on RelStorage on a Oracle cluster (RelStorage was
commissioned for them, in fact) where all ZODB blobs also live in the
same database. Performance is quite decent but the customer doesn't
try to store more than a few MBs per file.

Better keep them in a NFS setup for most cases.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] zeopack error

2012-01-31 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 14:20, Kaweh Kazemi  wrote:
> I did the change and here we go:

Right, that's a ZEO bug report right there then; my change should go
into ZEO trunk. Jim, did you catch it?

> I have one assumption - seeing this traceback - but I can't prove if it's 
> correct: one "old" object (which is candidate to be removed) in the users 
> storage is referencing an object in a different storage (we are using 
> multiple databases) which has been packed away previously. Generally that 
> shouldn't happen, but maybe we have wrongly deleted objects from the second 
> storage and packed it previously.

I think the assumption is incorrect; the method referencesf has the
following docstring:

"""Return a list of object ids found in a pickle

A list may be passed in, in which case, information is
appended to it.

Only ordinary internal references are included.
Weak and multi-database references are not included.

Note that weak and multi-database refs are ignored here.

A unhashable type error generally means you are trying to use a list
(a mutable, thus unhashable type) as a key in a dictionary. So, in
this case it is trying to load a pickle record that shouldn't be
physically possible in Python; one where a list is used as a key in a

I am a little at a loss on how to continue from here. You could rig
the .unload() calls in referencesf (in ZODB/serialize) with a try:
except TypeError handler:

u.persistent_load = refs
except TypeError:

That'll result in a shorter references list, and thus the risk that
too many records will be garbage collected. If you are lucky, the type
error is at the end of the pickle and thus not many references will be
missed, and/or the missed references point to objects that are about
to be packed away anyway.

Alternatively, you could dump the pickle in question (variable p) to a
file instead of passing:

except TypeError:
open('/tmp/b0rkenpickle', 'wb').write(p)

Then upload that pickle somewhere for people on this list to analyze.
I cannot promise anyone will, of course, but if someone could and the
pickle is shown to only contain primitive data types (no references at
all) then the pass is certainly going to solve your problem.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] zeopack error

2012-01-31 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:23, Kaweh Kazemi  wrote:
> [ERROR] 2012-01-31T09:20:25: (22455) Error raised in delayed method
> None

Ugh, a quick look at the code reveals that this must've been raised by
a SlowMethodThread handler, and it indeed doesn't provide the
exception info in the log because that's already been cleared.

However, the method that does the logging does get passed the
exception info (it is after all, partially passed back to the packing
script). Could you open ZEO/zrpc/ and edit line 54, the
context looks like this:

def error(self, exc_info):
self.sent = 'error'
log("Error raised in delayed method", logging.ERROR, exc_info=True)
self.conn.return_error(self.msgid, *exc_info[:2])

If you do not know where that file is located, search for the ZODB3
egg path in your bin/zeo file, that's the directory where you'll find
the ZEO code. Change "exc_info=True" to "exc_info=exc_info", so the
error method looks like this:

def error(self, exc_info):
self.sent = 'error'
log("Error raised in delayed method", logging.ERROR, exc_info=exc_info)
self.conn.return_error(self.msgid, *exc_info[:2])

Restart your ZEO server and attempt to pack again. Now it should log
the exception instead of None.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] zeopack error

2012-01-30 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 14:15, Kaweh Kazemi  wrote:
> I believe my output is confusing, because I additionally  redirected the 
> zeopack output into my zeo.log.

Could you not do that? Redirecting the output to a logfile opened by
two processes can lead to unpredictable results. Tell zeo to reopen
the log file by running "bin/zeo logreopen" and run zeopack without
redirecting the log, then see what's in the logs.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] zeopack error

2012-01-30 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 13:41, Kaweh Kazemi  wrote:
> Unfortunately I'm not seeing anything useful, which is my problem:

That's because that's not the ZEO server log output, but the output
from zeopack. Your ZEO server keeps logs too, Jim is asking for the
information you'll find there.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Cached object error while upgrading Plone

2011-11-22 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 14:50, Alexandru Plugaru
> Actually for DirectoryViewSurrogate (see the second paste) that is not
> the case since it subclasses OFS.Folder.Folder  - which is persistent.

Yes, it reuses Folder, but it is not intended to be persisted.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Cached object error while upgrading Plone

2011-11-21 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 18:40, Alexandru Plugaru
> I've got this error ( ) while upgrading from
> plone3 to plone4. The context in which that error happens is this:

DirectoryViews are part of the CMF skin machinery and are not meant to
be persisted. Something that is persistent is referring to the
DirectoryView (or perhaps a contained skin item) where it should not.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Debugging RelStorage hang-ups

2011-10-20 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 15:41, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> - Is Oracle running out of space somewhere, such as the undo/redo logs?

I'll ask, could be.

> - Do rollbacks in Oracle acquire some kind of lock?

No idea.

> - Could RAC be the culprit?  (Synchronous replication always has weird
> edge cases.)

The test rig is not using RAC. In fact, the production environment no
longer uses RAC either.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

[ZODB-Dev] Debugging RelStorage hang-ups

2011-10-20 Thread Martijn Pieters
On a test server with a Plone 4.1 upgrade of a client setup, we are
experience regular lock-ups of the 2 instances we run. After a
restart, after a few hours at least one of the instances will be
waiting on Oracle to roll back:

  File "/srv/test-plone4/eggs/RelStorage-1.5.0-py2.6.egg/relstorage/",
line 1228, in poll_invalidations
changes, new_polled_tid = self._restart_load_and_poll()
  File "/srv/test-plone4/eggs/RelStorage-1.5.0-py2.6.egg/relstorage/",
line 1202, in _restart_load_and_poll
self._adapter.poller.poll_invalidations, prev, ignore_tid)
  File "/srv/test-plone4/eggs/RelStorage-1.5.0-py2.6.egg/relstorage/",
line 254, in _restart_load_and_call
self._load_conn, self._load_cursor)
line 322, in restart_load

I am a bit at a loss at where to start debugging this. Any hints from anyone?

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage breaks History tab

2011-09-02 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 22:56, Chris Withers  wrote:
> I see the resulting transactions in both the root Undo tab and the Undo
> tab of the page template, but not in the History tab of the page template.

Without looking, I'd say the history tab relies on the internal
structure of the stock FileStorage implementation, not on public ZODB
APIs. I haven't touched the archetypes History code in 5 years at
least though, so I am not sure about this.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Bug during pack with Relstorage 1.5.0

2011-08-31 Thread Martijn Pieters
2011/8/30 Sylvain Viollon :
>   We already tried that (there was a similar problem in the mail archives, 
> pre 1.5.0).
>   But the error stays the same.
>   Should we disable gc ?

I guess; disabling GC would avoid touching those tables.

Let's see if Shane can chime in on your particular problem though.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Bug during pack with Relstorage 1.5.0

2011-08-30 Thread Martijn Pieters
2011/8/30 Sylvain Viollon :
>  He tried to cleanup the tables object_refs_added and object_refs but the 
> error persist and seems to stay the same.
>  Before 1.5.0 they had 1.4.1 (the database have been created using that 
> version), and when this problem appear, I recommended as 1.5.0 contains 
> various fixes for pack on large database.
>  Do you have any ideas on how to fix this pack ?

You can truncate the object_refs_added and object_ref  tables and
they'll be re-filled the next time you do a GC-enabled pack.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-15 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 21:40, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Cool!  I'll apply your migration script to my buildbots and report back.
>  Right now (before migrating) all the bots fail. ;-)

Whoops! :-) I tested the migrations on some test data, so they should
work on your databases without issue.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-15 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 16:23, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
>> Last but not least I'll need to write a migration script for those
>> users of RelStorage 1.5.0b2 already in production.
> I have figured out how to do this (see
> I
> won't try to consolidate the blob_chunks, so you'll end up with 1MB
> oid blobs but that's fine as the download code can handle those
> perfectly.
> The query just needs to be written and tested.

All done, branch merged into trunk.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-15 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 22:22, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I am considering altering the ON COMMIT behaviour of the
> temp_blob_chunk table to TRUNCATE to extend this behaviour to all
> remaining blob rows on commit. However, such events should be rare
> enough, and there is a `vacuumlo` command that can find orphaned blob
> objects in the pg_largeobjects table and clean these out.

I've now made this change. This means that the temp_blob_chunk table
is dropped when a storage is opened, not on commit, and instead it's
contents are truncated on commit and any oids left in there that
didn't make it to blob_chunk are unlinked.

> I'm also writing a unittest that'll exercise the blob storage a little
> more, by creating a file larger than the maximum storable in one
> chunk, then upload, commit and re-download to see if the data survived
> intact. This'll be set to test level 2 to not clog up the normal test
> cycle as generating a 4GB+ random file can take a little while! :-)


The tests run at test level 2, meaning that they do not run by
default. You need to either set the test level to 2 (-a 2) or use the
--all switch to run all levels regardless. The PostgreSQL version
(2GB+ blob size) takes a healthy quarter of an hour on my laptop to
complete one such test.

> Last but not least I'll need to write a migration script for those
> users of RelStorage 1.5.0b2 already in production.

I have figured out how to do this (see I
won't try to consolidate the blob_chunks, so you'll end up with 1MB
oid blobs but that's fine as the download code can handle those

The query just needs to be written and tested.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-14 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:16, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
>> WRT using PostgreSQL OIDs for blobs: the extra burden of deleting unused
>> OIDs doesn't seem worth the extra effort to me.  I would be happy to
>> hear that you found a reasonably simple way to do it.  My guess is that
>> an on-delete trigger will be the best way.
> Already solved with a trigger, see
> :-)
> The trigger is really really simple; the example I first found had to
> deal with UPDATE too, making things a little more complicated, but
> RelStorage never does that; it's either INSERT or DELETE.

In the end the trigger had to be slightly more complicated, but it was
worth it. Now, when you undo a transaction and thus copy a (zoid, tid)
-> blob oid forward to the current transaction, you still keep only
*one* copy of the blob data. The oid is the same, and the deletion
trigger takes this into account. Only when there are no more
references left to the oid is the underlying data removed.

This also applies to the temp_blob_chunk table, where blobs are first
uploaded during the first phase of the two-phase transaction commit.
If the transaction never finishes (second phase), these oids are later
harvested if the zoid is re-used.

I am considering altering the ON COMMIT behaviour of the
temp_blob_chunk table to TRUNCATE to extend this behaviour to all
remaining blob rows on commit. However, such events should be rare
enough, and there is a `vacuumlo` command that can find orphaned blob
objects in the pg_largeobjects table and clean these out.

I'm also writing a unittest that'll exercise the blob storage a little
more, by creating a file larger than the maximum storable in one
chunk, then upload, commit and re-download to see if the data survived
intact. This'll be set to test level 2 to not clog up the normal test
cycle as generating a 4GB+ random file can take a little while! :-)

Last but not least I'll need to write a migration script for those
users of RelStorage 1.5.0b2 already in production.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-13 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:47, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> I am kind of wondering as to why a base64 encoding is needed at all.
>> The psycopg supports the required encoding / decoding steps natively
>> for both escape formats, and will do so transparently. See:
>> Not encoding ZODB pickles for the object_state table from and to
>> base64 would save a lot of space (base64 encoding expands data to 133%
>> it's original size, leading to up to 1/3rd more space required to
>> store a Zope ZODB in PostgreSQL than in other databases.
> No, the base 64 encoding is only used for database communication.  In
> all databases RelStorage supports, objects are stored in binary form
> with no encoding.
> Early on in the project I found out by measurement that the standard
> binary encoding used by psycopg was a lot slower than base64 encoding.
> I was trying to get PostgreSQL to match the MySQL numbers I was seeing.
>  I didn't quite accomplish that, but base64 brought it closer.

Right, that's an excellent reason to keep the base64 encoding then!
Perhaps this should be documented in the package, or is there a design
decisions doc somewhere else that we can add to (or where I should
have looked and missed this)? :-)

> WRT using PostgreSQL OIDs for blobs: the extra burden of deleting unused
> OIDs doesn't seem worth the extra effort to me.  I would be happy to
> hear that you found a reasonably simple way to do it.  My guess is that
> an on-delete trigger will be the best way.

Already solved with a trigger, see


The trigger is really really simple; the example I first found had to
deal with UPDATE too, making things a little more complicated, but
RelStorage never does that; it's either INSERT or DELETE.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-12 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 16:40, Hanno Schlichting  wrote:
> Looking at the most recent docs for the bytea type [1] there's two
> encoding schemes. The new default in 9.0+ is called hex and doesn't
> suffer from the same problems as the old "escape" format, which
> couldn't represent some data - which in turn prompted Shane to do the
> base64 encoding.

I am kind of wondering as to why a base64 encoding is needed at all.
The psycopg supports the required encoding / decoding steps natively
for both escape formats, and will do so transparently. See:

Not encoding ZODB pickles for the object_state table from and to
base64 would save a lot of space (base64 encoding expands data to 133%
it's original size, leading to up to 1/3rd more space required to
store a Zope ZODB in PostgreSQL than in other databases.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-12 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 16:40, Hanno Schlichting  wrote:
> It looks like the pg_largeobject table actually uses a bytea column
> itself. This is on a 9.0 database. But if that's true on pre-9.0
> databases as well, the same restrictions of the "escape" format should
> apply here unless the largeobject C code handles things for you.

The largeobject C-code handles this for you.

In the end this comes down to a performance difference, and there are
clearly speed advantages of using the oid type over the bytea type.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-12 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 17:46, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> In testing I ran into some limitations of cx_Oracle; it uses the older
> (pre 10.1) OCI APIs that only allow offsets and sizes of up to 4GB
> (e.g. using 32-bit unsigned integers). Moreover, it's naive use of
> signed integers instead of unsigned ones means that on 32-bit
> platforms the largest *LOB write and read offsets it can handle is 2GB
> - 1 byte (sys.maxint). I've seen that the author is already aware that
> there is a newer API that upgrades the offset and size types to 64-bit
> unsigned integers, and I've asked him what the status is of cx_Oracle
> supporting that.

This morning it hit me that if we support multi-chunk ZODB blobs
anyway, we may as well store ZODB blobs over the maximum size
supported by cx_Oracle as mulitple chunks anyway! I've updated the
oracle blob upload handler to now chunk blob uploads if the ZODB blob
size would exceed the maximum size cx_Oracle can deal with.

> Next I'll look into adding PostgreSQL support too; it has a nicer API
> still in that it let's you specify files directly to upload from or
> download to.

Unfortunately, the blob_chunk schema in PostgreSQL is using the
`bytea` type to store ZODB blobs. Was there any particular reason you
choose this for blob storage and not the `oid` type? All the
benchmarks I have seen (like [1], [2]) bytea handling is much, much
slower than oid LOB handling. Moreover, oid's do not have the overhead
of the base64 encode/decode steps.

The only drawback to using oid's that I can see is that you have to
explicitely clean them up; just deleting rows from a table with an oid
column does not remove the actual data, so you have to either access
these in psycopg and call `.unlink()` on them or use a stored proc on
the postgreSQL side to do this for you. Not that big a deal really, as
this only has to happen at packing time.

How big a userbase is there for 1.5.0b2 on PostgreSQL? I know schema
changes are painful, but in this case we'd only have people on the
bleeding edge using a beta version to switch. I think we can come up
with a little script that would move these people over to a blob_chunk
table with oid columns.

In any case, I'll work on a version that, like the Oracle blob story,
stores ZODB blobs in chunks up to 2GB in PostgreSQL oid blobs instead.

To be clear: I do not intend to touch the OBJECT_STATE table, that
table can continue to use bytea as far as I am concerned.

Martijn Pieters

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-10 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 07:17, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> I see your thinking now.  RelStorage will download multiple chunks from
> Oracle but will now only upload one chunk per blob to Oracle.  If others
> want to do the same for PostgreSQL or MySQL, you've set the example of
> how to do it without disruption.
> Thank you for not changing the schema.  I get a lot of complaints these
> days anytime the schema changes.  I ask just one favor: please run some
> manual tests with multi-gigabyte blobs that don't fit in RAM.

I've committed my refactor now.

In testing I ran into some limitations of cx_Oracle; it uses the older
(pre 10.1) OCI APIs that only allow offsets and sizes of up to 4GB
(e.g. using 32-bit unsigned integers). Moreover, it's naive use of
signed integers instead of unsigned ones means that on 32-bit
platforms the largest *LOB write and read offsets it can handle is 2GB
- 1 byte (sys.maxint). I've seen that the author is already aware that
there is a newer API that upgrades the offset and size types to 64-bit
unsigned integers, and I've asked him what the status is of cx_Oracle
supporting that.

In the meantime, to answer your request for a favour: Uploading and
downloading blobs within these limits worked great and memory usage
wasn't impacted at all.

For us these limits are absolutely not a problem. Although our Oracle
setup is performing very nicely when it comes to BLOB reading and
writing (multiple MBs per second), pulling a BLOB of several GB to a
file in your local non-shared blob cache before serving is going to
take too long anyway, and you really want to use a shared blob storage
for that instead.

I've only tested the Oracle blob upload and download methods in the
mover, since that's what changed in this commit. I didn't run the full
test suite as I lacked the required SYS access on the oracle cluster
and didn't have time to set up a local Oracle database. If you could
run the test suite against your Oracle setup that'd be great. :-)

Next I'll look into adding PostgreSQL support too; it has a nicer API
still in that it let's you specify files directly to upload from or
download to.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-09 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 22:03, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I'm retaining the schema; there is a chance people have updated to
> 1.5b2 already and are using blobs in production. My refactor maintains
> compatibility with the chunked blob storage.

I've attached my patch for review, if you like. I'll be testing it
tomorrow against Oracle before committing.

Martijn Pieters

Description: Binary data
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-09 Thread Martijn Pieters
(Re-send since blocked my email because my ISP smarthost has
been blacklisted because someone else has left their mail server relay
wide open and forwarded spam to a honeypot)

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 19:09, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Well, the ZODB blob interfaces make it impossible to actually stream
> blobs from the database.  The entire blob has to be read into cache
> before the client can get it, so I'm not sure what you will gain.

I'm not interested in streaming the blob info straight over Zope; just
streaming it to the local blob cache. Yes, we'll still need to read
the whole blob, but streaming from Oracle to the filesystem is going
to be faster if we follow best practices for how Oracle handles these.
This means less load on the Oracle cluster, and requests involving
ZODB blobs not in the cache completing faster.

>> I'll be refactoring the blob support currently found in RelStorage
>> 1.5b2 to just store one blob in one row, using the cx_Oracle
>> and .write() methods, which let you read and write to blobs
>> in chunks to avoid memory overload, and I'll reuse the blob chunk size
>> to determine how much we read / write per iteration.
>> I am currently leaning towards dropping the chunk column in the Oracle
>> schema altogether; it certainly won't hold any other value than
>> integer "0" after my refactor. Any reason to keep it, other than that
>> others whom already are using 1.5b2 on an Oracle database will now
>> have to drop that column again (or set it to a default value of "0" on
>> insert)? Should the code support reading blob chunks still?
> No, please don't change the schema.  I know all of the supported
> databases support a form of streaming, but they are all wildly
> different.  I suggest that chunking is much simpler and has little
> overhead compared with streaming.

I'm retaining the schema; there is a chance people have updated to
1.5b2 already and are using blobs in production. My refactor maintains
compatibility with the chunked blob storage.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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[ZODB-Dev] Relstorage Blob support and Oracle

2011-06-09 Thread Martijn Pieters

We've looked over the RelsStorage ZODB Blob storage implementation and
came to the conclusion that the current use of blob chunks is
unnecessary in Oracle when using the cx_Oracle database connector. Not
splitting ZODB Blobs into chunks may have performance benefits on the
Oracle side (especially on 11g) as Oracle can then use read-ahead more
efficiently for the larger BLOBs while streaming these back to the

I'll be refactoring the blob support currently found in RelStorage
1.5b2 to just store one blob in one row, using the cx_Oracle and .write() methods, which let you read and write to blobs
in chunks to avoid memory overload, and I'll reuse the blob chunk size
to determine how much we read / write per iteration.

I am currently leaning towards dropping the chunk column in the Oracle
schema altogether; it certainly won't hold any other value than
integer "0" after my refactor. Any reason to keep it, other than that
others whom already are using 1.5b2 on an Oracle database will now
have to drop that column again (or set it to a default value of "0" on
insert)? Should the code support reading blob chunks still?

Martijn Pieters
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[ZODB-Dev] RelStorage: Pack no longer holding the commit lock for prolonged periods

2011-05-23 Thread Martijn Pieters
I've cleared the last area where RelStorage packing could hold the
transaction lock for long periods of time, during empty transaction

During a large pack, this section could potentially hold the
transaction lock for a long period of time and thus block an entire
RelStorage Zope cluster. It now deletes transactions is batches of
1000 and releases the lock in between.

Shane, I have only tested this against PostgreSQL and Oracle, but I am
pretty confident the MySQL SQL syntax is correct. This has been run on
the live Elkjøp Oracle cluster without problems.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] python path problem: ImportError when calling zodbconvert (FreeBSD 8.1)

2011-04-26 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 19:47, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Did you add RelStorage to your buildout.cfg?  Once you did that, did you
> get a "zodbconvert" command built for you in /usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin?

The same question was also asked and answered on StackOverflow:

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Pack complete: 80% of a 425GB database packed

2011-03-01 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 22:12, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> And unless I am missing something, we don't
>> need to worry about the transactions table either. The rest of
>> RelStorage ignores transactions where the packed flag has been set to
>> TRUE, so deleting the packed and empty transactions from the table
>> will never lead to deadlocks, right?
> It might lead to deadlocks, actually.  Deadlocks occur when concurrent
> clients try to acquire locks in different orders.  SQL databases handle
> deadlocks of that type by returning an error to all but one of the
> deadlocking clients, similar to the way ZODB deals with conflict errors.
> Also, in SQL, even reading a table usually acquires a lock, so it's
> really hard to prevent deadlocks without something like a commit lock.
>> Or am I missing something about
>> how RelStorage implements polling and caching? In any case, the
>> history-free version doesn't need to lock at all, because it only ever
>> touches the pack-specific tables in the pack cleanup.
> True.
>> If the
>> transaction table needs no lock protection either, we can get rid of
>> the lock during cleanup altogether. I'd like to hear confirmation on
>> this though.
> I wouldn't do that.  Too risky.  (Many database architects say that
> deadlocks are normal and should be handled in application code, but in
> my experience, deadlocks kill applications under load and I prefer to
> put in the effort to avoid them entirely if possible.)

Okidoki, I'll happily defer to you on that. With our database now much
much smaller I fear that commit lock during pack clean-up less and

>> On a side note: I see that the history-preserving object_ref and
>> object_refs_added deletion SQL statements have been optimized for
>> MySQL, but not for the history-free version. Wouldn't those statements
>> not also benefit from using a JOIN?
> Perhaps, but I prefer not to optimize until I see what happens in
> practice.  Mis-optimized MySQL statements frequently turn out to have
> something like O(n^3) performance.

I don't really care about that edge-case, I just noticed that the
MySQL statements were optimized in one version but not the other. I'll
leave tinkering with that to people that actually run RelStorage on
MySQL in the first place, I'll focus on the Oracle side.

I've added a switch to disable updating the schema during RelStorage
start-up, btw. The auto-update of the PL/SQL package bit me at some
point, disabling our cluster. Luckily a swift restart of one of the
clients reinstated the 1.4 version quickly. :-) We are not quite ready
for a full 1.5.0 upgrade just yet.. ;-)

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] blobs missing with relstorage and small blob cache dir

2011-02-28 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 17:09, Maurits van Rees
> That works: the blobs stay.  But then it looks like the blob cache size
> is only checked once when starting up the zope instance.  For example
> with a blob cache size of 100,000 bytes and two images of about 65K and
> one of about 1MB, I don't see any blobs getting removed from the cache
> while visiting those images or pages that show them.

There is a cache cleanup run during transaction vote as well, but it
looks like that only is applied when there are blob changes to commit.

But we've now at least established that the cache cleanup in
RelStorage is to blame here, so we can focus on
_check_blob_cache_size, specifically on line 490 and further.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] blobs missing with relstorage and small blob cache dir

2011-02-28 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 16:22, Hanno Schlichting  wrote:
> Blobs are considered experimental in ZODB 3.8. Especially the entire
> blob cache changed completely for ZODB 3.9.
> I think you might want to upgrade to Plone 4 and ZODB 3.9 to get a
> stable environment. Or you'll likely run into more problems.

Actually, RelStorage has it's own cache cleanup code for the
database-stored blobs scenario. And by the looks of it, it does
trigger a blob cache cleanup (in a separate thread) during blob load.

Maurits, see, BlobHelper.download_blob calls
BlobCacheChecker.loaded with check=True (the default). Try calling it
with check=False instead.

Martijn Pieters
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[ZODB-Dev] Pack complete: 80% of a 425GB database packed

2011-02-28 Thread Martijn Pieters
Early this morning, after packing through the weekend, our somewhat
overweight Oracle RelStorage ZODB pack was completed. I am still
waiting for the final size from the customer DBAs, but before the pack
this beast was occupying 425GB. The pack removed 80% of the
object_state rows, so hopefully this is now reduced to a more
manageable 85GB or so.

The nowait locking strategy worked very well. We did have a few
transactions that covered a huge amount of object states, and these
managed to lock the database up for 10-15 minutes at a time, forcing
me to abort the pack at some point on Saturday to prevent the Zope
cluster from being unresponsive. These transactions would have locked
up the database like this wether we used the nowait strategy or the
duty-cycle, I am not sure what we could have done about this problem
short of not letting the ZODB and transaction sizes get out of hand in
the first place.

I've created a spreadsheet with the data from the pack log info, to
visualize for ourselves what the database looked like in terms of
object states per transaction and such. Note that the timestamps up
until row 368 reflect already packed transactions (that's how far we
got before aborting on Saturday), after that the times reflect how
long it took to remove object states for around 4000 transactions at a
time. See:

The final pack cleanup took 2.5 hours (4:40: cleaning up, 07:08:
finished successfully). I've been looking a bit closer at stage and am
wondering if that stage really needs to hold the commit lock. Holding
the commit lock for such a long time (at least for the bulk of those
2.5 hours) is a Really Bad Idea, and I was lucky the pack completed
within the maintenance window. One hour later and the cluster would
have been affected hugely.

I think we can remove holding the commit lock during the pack cleanup
altogether. For starters, the object_ref and object_refs_added tables
are only ever used during packing, so the packing lock is more than
enough to protect these. And unless I am missing something, we don't
need to worry about the transactions table either. The rest of
RelStorage ignores transactions where the packed flag has been set to
TRUE, so deleting the packed and empty transactions from the table
will never lead to deadlocks, right? Or am I missing something about
how RelStorage implements polling and caching? In any case, the
history-free version doesn't need to lock at all, because it only ever
touches the pack-specific tables in the pack cleanup.

I'll move the commit lock down to the section where empty transactions
are deleted, and remove it from the history-free version. If the
transaction table needs no lock protection either, we can get rid of
the lock during cleanup altogether. I'd like to hear confirmation on
this though.

On a side note: I see that the history-preserving object_ref and
object_refs_added deletion SQL statements have been optimized for
MySQL, but not for the history-free version. Wouldn't those statements
not also benefit from using a JOIN?

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-28 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 20:16, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> My Buildbot is reporting success with all 3 databases on several
> platforms, so it's looking good.  It's having trouble on Windows, but I
> suspect that's a build bug, not a software bug.  RelStorage supports
> MySQL 5.1, but not 5.5 yet.

The nowait locking strategy worked beautifully on our mammoth pack, so
I've committed it to RelStorage trunk. I didn't get a chance to test
it against MySQL 5.1 though, but the MySQL changes were minimal and
mirrored those for the Oracle version.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-25 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 16:56, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I see a lot of transaction aborted errors on the ZODB multi-thread
> tests with this patch in place, so I'll have to investigate more.
> Thread debugging joy!

In the end it was a simple mistake in the PostgreSQL version of the
commit lock method signature; a True instead of  False made the NOWAIT
variant the default. Oops!

The tests now pass against PostgreSQL. I haven't been able to get the
tests working against a MySQL 5.5 server on my laptop though (OS X
10.6), but the tests fail without the patch too. It looks like the
concurrent tests are not closing database connections or something. If
someone with a working MySQL test setup can report if the patch works,
that'd be much appreciated. See:

In the meantime, I'll bite the bullet and try this out on the production server!

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-25 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:48, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Do your best and I'll take a look after you've committed the patches to
> the trunk. :-)

The pack progress and two-phase pack patches have been committed.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Large ZODB packing and progress

2011-02-25 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:49, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> I don't know about relstorage, but for FileStorage, commit locks are
> only held in the very last stage of packing after the vast majority of
> the work is done.  Even then, the commit lock is released periodically
> to let new transactions proceed.

RelStorage does the same; it holds the commit lock for a batch of
work, then releases it according to a configurable duty cycle.

I am working on a change that'll only hold the commit lock if it is
not already taken by something else, then release it after every batch
and re-attempt to lock. It'll only pause with packing if the lock is
already taken. That way packing will go faster when there are no other
transactions occurring anyway.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Large ZODB packing and progress

2011-02-25 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:34, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Out of curiosity, how long did the pre-pack take?

>From the zodbpack output:

2011-02-24 21:15:37,654 [zodbpack] INFO Opening storage (RelStorageFactory)...
2011-02-24 21:15:37,857 [zodbpack] INFO Packing storage (RelStorageFactory).
2011-02-24 21:15:53,578 [relstorage] INFO pack: beginning pre-pack
2011-02-24 21:15:53,578 [relstorage] INFO pack: analyzing transactions
committed Sun Dec 26 21:15:08 2010 or before
2011-02-24 21:15:53,613 [relstorage.adapters.packundo] INFO pre_pack:
start without gc
2011-02-24 21:27:01,767 [relstorage.adapters.packundo] INFO pre_pack:
enumerating states to pack
2011-02-24 22:53:06,053 [relstorage.adapters.packundo] INFO pre_pack:
enumerating transactions to pack
2011-02-24 23:04:01,513 [relstorage.adapters.packundo] INFO pre_pack:
will remove 41664713 object state(s)
2011-02-24 23:04:01,513 [relstorage.adapters.packundo] INFO pre_pack:
finished successfully
2011-02-24 23:04:01,531 [relstorage] INFO pack: pre-pack complete
2011-02-24 23:04:01,539 [zodbpack] INFO Packed storage (RelStorageFactory).

so it took under 2 hours.
Martijn Pieters
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[ZODB-Dev] Large ZODB packing and progress

2011-02-25 Thread Martijn Pieters
Last night we used our two-phase pack to start packing the largest
Oracle RelStorage ZODB we run. Some statistics first:

* Never packed before in it's 2 year existence.
* Has more than 4.5 million transactions, 52 million object states.
* Packing to 60 days ago means we'll loose 4 million transactions, and
41.5 million states.

Packing ran through the night, but I had to abort the pack this
morning as I am still skittish about holding commit locks for packing
during normal operations. I'm confident we can resume the pack though,
as we can skip the analysis phase, and just have the pack run re-do
the already packed transactions quickly (all DELETE sql statements
will operate on already deleted rows, should be fast).

In the 8 hours that we actually packed, almost 300k transactions were
processed. That's only 7 percent of the whole, so I may want to tune
the duty cycle to a more aggressive setting. Some 8 million object
states were deleted though, because the earliest transactions in this
database comprised of massive imports of data from the system we

We encountered only 2 problems: The Oracle cluster is set up to create
redo logs for transactions to be backed up from a staging area. We
generated 35 GB (estimated) of such logs, so you need to make sure
there is enough space allocated for these files. My initial analysis
runs from a day earlier managed to overrun this space and Oracle
ground to a screeching halt. The limits were lifted and we kept a
close eye on the Oracle v$recovery_file_dest view after that.

The other problem is that the packing process offers no progress
information between the "will pack" and "cleaning up" lines. You could
turn up the log level to 'debug' at which point you'll get lines for
*every* transaction to be packed, and at 4 million such transactions
that's a bit too much for me. I've added INFO level logging that
provides progress feedback instead, at most every .1% of the total
number of transactions. See:

I think I'll commit that progress patch to RelStorage SVN after we
tried it on for size, in the next few days.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-24 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 14:26, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I've made progress on the patch this afternoon. Next up are tests for
> both patches. The above patch now uses the nowait locking strategy to
> run pack batches. It has been renamed though, and now lives at:

I see a lot of transaction aborted errors on the ZODB multi-thread
tests with this patch in place, so I'll have to investigate more.
Thread debugging joy!

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-24 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 14:41, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I've moved this patch to bitbucket at
> and updated the README a little more to document the options to
> zodbpack.

The two-phase pack patch has been updated again:

I've now updated the tests, and ironed out a flaw the tests revealed.
I now consider this patch mergable into RelStorage.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-24 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 15:08, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I've started a optimistic locking strategy patch in my patch queue,
> contains this locking strategy change only for now:

I've made progress on the patch this afternoon. Next up are tests for
both patches. The above patch now uses the nowait locking strategy to
run pack batches. It has been renamed though, and now lives at:

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-23 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 21:41, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> I'll look into working the locking idea into a patch too,
> but I'll need help with supporting Postgres and MySQL as I don't know
> their locking semantics.

Both MySQL and Oracle support lock timeouts and already use a timeout
for the commit lock. Postgresql has a 'NOWAIT' parameter for locking.

All that is needed then is a nowait=False keyword parameter for the
hold_commit_lock method. For Oracle and MySQL nowait=True simply means
that the timeout is set to 0, for Postgresql NOWAIT is added to the
LOCK TABLE statement.

In all cases, when nowait is True, I guess the method should return a
boolean flag to indicate a successful lock, not throw an exception.
Exceptions would work too but a boolean would make more sense here.

I've started a optimistic locking strategy patch in my patch queue,
contains this locking strategy change only for now:

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-23 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:55, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> Updated patch attached; added the options changes to component.xml and
> README.txt.

I've moved this patch to bitbucket at
and updated the README a little more to document the options to

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-23 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 21:41, Martijn Pieters  wrote:
> BTW, should I just commit the patch, or do you want to integrate it
> yourself?

Updated patch attached; added the options changes to component.xml and

Martijn Pieters

Description: Binary data
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-23 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 22:51, Maurits van Rees
> I wonder it it may help to set pack-gc to false during the first pack.
> According to the docs this is faster, though it of course leaves more
> unused objects behind.  Set pack-gc to the default true value for
> subsequent packs.  Theoretically this should make sure that the first
> pack will finish on time and leave an already smaller database; after
> the second pack the database is at its smallest.

That would be a good idea indeed.

Without GC enabled, it won't analyse object references. As a result,
the number of queries run during a non-GC pre-pack is far lower too,
so it's a lot easier on the database. Pre-pack becomes 5 queries,
essentially (3 inserts, 2 truncates), as opposed to 17 + batched
reference updates + batched pack state updates.

And with the 'easy' records cleared out with a non-GC run, presumably
queries during a GC run should be easier on the database as there is
less data to scan through.

Martijn Pieters
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Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-22 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 19:12, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> On 02/22/2011 09:25 AM, Martijn Pieters wrote:
>> I haven't yet actually run this code, but the change isn't big. I
>> didn't find any relevant tests to update. Anyone want to venture some
>> feedback?
> Both ideas are excellent.  The new options even open the possibility of
> running the pre-pack on a copy of the database, then copying the pack
> tables to the main database for a final run.

BTW, should I just commit the patch, or do you want to integrate it
yourself? I'll look into working the locking idea into a patch too,
but I'll need help with supporting Postgres and MySQL as I don't know
their locking semantics.

Another advantage of allowing re-use of the pack tables: You can abort
a pack run and resume it at a later time without having to go through
pre-pack. The process would race through the already removed
transactions (the DELETEs and UPDATE are noops.

We could perhaps short-circuit the history-aware pack by detecting
that removed_objects and removed_states are both 0.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

ZODB-Dev mailing list  -

Re: [ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-22 Thread Martijn Pieters
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 19:12, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
> Both ideas are excellent.  The new options even open the possibility of
> running the pre-pack on a copy of the database, then copying the pack
> tables to the main database for a final run.

For this project, we have a mirrorred test cluster high on our
wishlist, but having the database packed first would make that easier
given the size of the database now. In the future however, copying
back the prepared pack tables is an excellent prospect.

Martijn Pieters
For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

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[ZODB-Dev] RelStorage 1.5.0b1 dry-run > two phase pack, better pack lock behaviour

2011-02-22 Thread Martijn Pieters

I was already investigating the possibility to split the RelStorage
packing process up into smaller chunks.

Due to the expected load on the Oracle cluster during a pack, we'll
have to run the pack at night and want to be absolutely certain that
database is ready for normal site operations again the next day. With
a 40+GB database (hasn't been packed for it's entire run, more than 2
years now) we are not confident packing will be done in one night.

To at least get a handle on how much work the packing is going to be,
and to have a nice stopping point, I looked at splitting pre-pack and
pack operations out into two separate steps. To my delight I saw that
the 1.5.0 beta already implements basically running only the pre-pack
phase (the --dry-run option). From there I created the attached patch,
one that renames the dry-run op into a 'prepack only' option, and adds
another option to skip the pre-pack and just use whatever is present
in the pack tables.

I haven't yet actually run this code, but the change isn't big. I
didn't find any relevant tests to update. Anyone want to venture some

Helge Tesdal and I also looked into the pack operation itself, and how
it uses a duty cycle to give other transactions a chance to commit
during pack. We think there might be a better pattern to handle the

Currently, with the default values, the pack operation will hold the
commit lock for 5 seconds, pack, then release the lock for 5 more
seconds, repeating until done. With various options you can alter
these timings, but the basic principle is the same. For Oracle, where
the commit lock has a time-out, this means that packing can fail
because the commit lock times out. For all backends, Oracle or
otherwise, commits elsewhere on a site cluster will have to wait long
periods of time before they can proceed, leading to severe delays on a
heavily trafficked website.

With the variable time-out for requesting a commit lock on Oracle
however, there is a different option. I do not know if MySQL and
Postgres can support this too, I haven't looked into their lock
acquisition options, but the following relies on lock acquisition

Consider the following packing algorithm:

 * Use a short timeout (say 1 second) to request the commit lock.
 * If it doesn't time out:
* run one batch update cycle (up to 100 transactions processed).
* optionally clean out associated blobs
* unlock
* loop back up
 * If it does time out:
* commit lock is busy, so back off by sleeping a bit
* loop back up

By timing out the lock request quickly, you give commits from
non-packing zope transactions right of way. Packing truly becomes a
non-intrusive background operation. Is this a viable scenario?

Martijn Pieters

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